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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
2 May 2009 /  #841
David Duke

NO. There is no way I would ever put myself in the same genre as David Duke. He is a southern hick for one thing. NO way! I don't put myself in the same catagory as those. I consider myself to be better than David Duke, Castanea. I don't care who he embraces. If he tried to hug me I'd duck and squirm away so he couldn't do it. He's one of those old timey Southern Comfort sipping hicks. It's, like, not really my scene. Dig?
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #842
revert to vulgar language.. Does that give you some sense of power?

Nope,Im just making full use of the language of my ancestors ta very much

HB A lot of nations have gangs. look at the Irish. They are damn near the lowest form of life that you can find. They talk about rednecks, but they are a perfect example of WHITE TRASH, a bunch of low life MICKS

Sorry,is this an example of you spreading your fabled white harmony?
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #843
revert to vulgar language.. Does that give you some sense of power?
Nope,Im just making full use of the language of my ancestors ta very much

This is what America thought of your forefathers before we cross breeded you with good old Slav Genes.

After 1860 the Irish sang songs (see illustration) about signs reading "HELP WANTED - NO IRISH NEED APPLY", which were also referred to as "the NINA signs." The song may have had a deep impact on the Irish sense of discrimination, and these "Nina" signs continue to be referred to today (2009). LOL! White Trash
Wroclaw Boy  
2 May 2009 /  #844
look at the Irish. They are damn near the lowest form of life that you can find. They talk about rednecks, but they are a perfect example of WHITE TRASH, a bunch of low life MICKS

That statement is so god damn ignorant. Youre stuck in a time warp mate.

Wheres the Irish around here today?
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #845
That statement is so god damn ignorant.

Wheres the Irish around here today

They are probably out ganging up on some defenseless person.
scrappleton - | 829  
2 May 2009 /  #846
After 1860 the Irish sang songs (see illustration) about signs reading "HELP WANTED - NO IRISH NEED APPLY",

That was a long time ago. The Irish literally built New York, Boston.. Chicago.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #847


Tell me oh wise one,how many Presidents have been Slavic,Id say Polish but lets not narrow down the field ...and then lets compare that to sons of errin in the big white house in DC.

Oh beggorah, I see Im talking to a well balanced person here,ie someone with a chip on both shoulders.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #848
Oh beggorah, I see Im talking to a well balanced person here,ie someone with a chip on both shoulders.

LOL! Nunczka has managed to hit a nerve in the MICK. Call me some more vulgar names. You are very good at that.

No Polish presidents. But Eisenhower was a Jew. Does that count?
After all, he along with a lot of Yanks saved your useless ass in WW2.
You freaks couldnt beat your way out of a paper bag.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #849
hit a nerve in the MICK

not particularly IVAN,when your part Irish,part Scottish and part Welsh,living in England I dont think a few silly names from some redneck nazi wannabe is going to pentrate my shell,sorry bout that,or maybe if your also actually a former imperialist aggressor you'll understand,xin loi ma boy,USA No 10. We rive in caves an eat rats but stiw kick uncle sams buts off our roofs in 75......
2 May 2009 /  #850
look at the Irish. They are damn near the lowest form of life that you can find (...)
but they are a perfect example of WHITE TRASH, a bunch of low life MICKS

WTF? What a load of bullsh1t!

Irish are the most kind-hearted, easygoing, funny and lovable people
one could ever hope to meet. I spent 3 years working in Ireland and
I was absolutely charmed by the country and its people. I will never
forget their great wit and hospitality.

White trash? Low life Micks? How about all those great writers they had?
Sure, everyone heard about Wilde, Yeats, Shaw or Beckett but there's
many more less known, like for example John B. Keane (he was a feckin
genius, my favourite Irish writer by far!).

They are a great nation, they went through a lot of hard times in their
history and they deserve respect, not insults from some village idiot.

Éirinn go Brách!!!

Now fook off before I hit you with me hurl LOL
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #851
not particularly IVAN,when your part Irish,part Scottish and part Welsh,living in England I dont think a few silly names from some redneck nazi wannabe is going to pentrate my shell,sorry bout that,or maybe if your also actually a former imperialist aggressor you'll understand,xin loi ma boy,USA No 10. We rive in caves an eat rats but stiw kick uncle sams buts off our roofs in 75......

How on the hell can I compete with you.. I have no idea what you are saying.. What language are you talking?
scrappleton - | 829  
2 May 2009 /  #852
We rive in caves an eat rats but stiw kick uncle sams buts off our roofs in 75......

Speaking of rats, at least we weren't hiding in subway tunnels.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #853
How on the hell can I compete with you..

You cant,so slip back to your plantation massa boss man and whip a couple a nigra boys before tea ya heah..

I have no idea what you are saying

Not really surprising,has nurse ratchet not brought your meds yet?

What language are you talking?

The last bit was Vietnamese ,of course why would anyone in America understand that,after all aggressive forgien policies didnt result in 2 million dead civilians did it. I love some of you guys across the pond,on the one hand damming the British for an imperial past but on the other speaking of the US manifest destiny as leader of the free world. The romans had the legions,we had the redcoats,youve got fizzy drinks and hamburgers colonising the known world,lets wait 50-100 years and compare legacies shall we.

Call me some more vulgar names.

Why fiddly dee,and I do declare,does my rough hewn language upset your delicate southern delicacies ma'am?Frankly my dear,I dont give a damm,Im sure it wont cause you to spill your mint julip or make you late for a good ole cross burnin necktie party,whose on the menu as strange fruit tonight,sorrytonite? Is it a jew boy or a papist or just a nigra?....

at least we weren't hiding in subway tunnels.

eh?who,what,er,left field random post alert!!! Who hid in subway tunnels?Are you talking about the Blitz? Women and children escaping nightly bombing raids by terror bombings. God yes,those bloody cowards,should have been out in the streets throwing stones at the nazi bombers........6 civilians were killed in the states during the war by enemy air assualt,and that was a classifed secret for decades because your government thought it would spread mass panic. Think about it.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #854
Why fiddly dee,and I do declare,does my rough hewn language upset your delicate southern delicacies ma'am?Frankly my dear,I dont give a damm,Im sure it wont cause you to spill your mint julip or make you late for a good ole cross burnin necktie party,whose on the menu as strange fruit tonight,sorrytonite? Is it a jew boy or a papist or just a nigra?....

We have great plans to abduct a low life Irishman. We are planing a BBQ, and want to try some white meat for a change. We already have our White Lightning and a keg of BUD beer.There will be a great time in the boondocks tonight.We are all armed just in case the revenuers come. Tonight is special.. The Grand dragon will be here. YAHoooo, DIXIE LAND here we come.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #855

Good for you,have a great party,dont forget the banjos.
scrappleton - | 829  
2 May 2009 /  #856
I love some of you guys across the pond,on the one hand damming the British for an imperial past but on the other speaking of the US manifest destiny as leader of the free world.

and I love the modern day British, one hand burning uncle sam in effigy the other hand blathering on and on about "some special relationship". Lets forget old grandpa limey came over here as a beggar, begging for help. That's exactly what that old drunk Churchill did. Let's forget you'd be wearing lederhosen if it wasn't for, "dumb ole' hillbilly yankee".

Viet Nam was triple canopy jungle not some Falkland goat trail. BTW: Thanks for leaving us in Iraq, shows your true colors. Go cuddle up to France, I'm sure that'll stand the test of time. LOL.. I read recently New Zealand has declared a quota on limey immigrants coming into the country. Translation: Nighty-night John Bull.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #857
I read recently New Zealand has declared a quota on limey immigrants coming into the country. Translation: Nighty-night John Bull.

LOL! Limey undesirables. Maybe Africa will accept them. NO, not really. The got thrown out of Rhodesia and are about to lose South Africa. All that they have left is the cesspool Islands.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #858
what that old drunk Churchill did

He got the drink problem from his mothers side of the family oh retarded one.

Viet Nam was triple canopy jungle

Not after you boys got through dumping Agent Orange and Napalm on it,civilians and your own conscripts,d'oh.

Thanks for leaving us in Iraq,

Your welcome,we were a bit tired of playing Romania to Nazi germany anyhow. No shame in pulling out from an illegal and ilogical war of agression and raw gread now is there buddy.

But lets see, UK TAOR secure and fully in local Iraqi hands,hows it going in your zone?

and are about to lose South Africa.

I knew you were a touch backwards old chap,is it your advancing years or too much moonshine? In case you hadnt noticed South Africa hasn't been "british" in over 100 years,and prior to that the territory today known as RSA was never fully under British domination.....

thrown out of Rhodesia

hhhmmm,yes,Dont you mean UDI was declared,by white rhodesians, get a grip,the more you bang on the more insane and well,dumb as a drunk tomatoe you look......maybe if you folks lost the habit of marrying your sisters the inteligence gene might have a chance of fruition,give it a go,breed outside the family....
scrappleton - | 829  
2 May 2009 /  #859
oh retarded one.

Your welcome

Did you mean, you're?? Don't mind me, I'm the retarded one. Nice job circumventing everything I said with cutesy remarks, standard of the British. You better pray to that God your arrogant asses no longer believe in that you never need the states again. Cut the bull sh/t you upped and left in Iraq, good thing we didn't do that at Normandy, huh mate? Blimey gov!

Viet Nam was bad sure so were the Boer Wars (pretty much over diamonds), Opium Wars. Nam wasn't exactly India or Burma either. C'mon limey sing to us how magnificient you are shooting cannon in to the guts of spear throwing zulus. How about giving Idi Amin power? What a hunitarian he was.

BTW.. since you're the historian, the Aussies and French were also in 'Nam. You kind of conveniently left that out.

Come on old boy, tut tut, do try and keep up. Bottom line you're a stupid hypocrite.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #860
maybe if you folks lost the habit of marrying your sisters the inteligence gene might have a chance of fruition,give it a go,breed outside the family....

So what country is known for inbreds? Did anyone ever tell you, that you have a way with words. A beautiful vocabulary. You are an asset to your country. If only I could understand what you say.

Lets recall your war record.
Retreat and abondining equiptment at Dunkirk

Decimating a lot of Canadians attempting a commando raid at Dieppe
Failing to close the Falaise pocket
Failing to support the 1st Polish Airborne at Mkt Garden

Geeze what a bunch of WIMPS
scrappleton - | 829  
2 May 2009 /  #861
Limey always singing about how stupid others are while he antes up money to keep that German queen in riches every year. Gives away half his country to the Muslim which will probably be slitting British throats someday. Brilliant!
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
3 May 2009 /  #862
David Duke embraces all whites.

David Duke has delusions that he is the Grand Dragon Nazi or something. He wore a Nazi uniform to a rally at Tulane University and he used to parade around in one while at the university. He doesn't embrace all whites, that's his own personal hogwash. He embraces waspy type whites, the kind neo Nazis embrace. He is a born again Nazi and he's just lying to the citizens of the Czech republic to increase his fan base because folks in the US think he's a dumb hick joke.

Don't be fooled. Besides, he was already arrested in the Czech Republic. They are smart enough to see through his act.
pauls - | 30  
3 May 2009 /  #863
The culprit of world integration is technology ... world wide web... air travel......until the day all these disapear together with this world, there would be no way of going back .... as much as some might want to try....
nunczka 8 | 458  
3 May 2009 /  #864
They are a great nation, they went through a lot of hard times in their
history and they deserve respect, not insults from some village idiot.

Until they start showing respect for Amercans, we will continue to wipe the floor with them.

Éirinn go Brách!!!

Long live the South. DIXIE LAND

O, I wish I was in Dixie!
Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away,
Away down south in Dixie!
3 May 2009 /  #865
Long live the South. DIXIE LAND

I don't mind Dixie :-) Actually when I watched the "Gettysburg" movie
I hoped for the South to win the battle (didn't happen though ;)).

What was the name of the southern general who led the infantry charge
of Virginian divisions? What a scene! "Virginiaaaans!!! Foooorwaaaard march!!!",
sent shivers down my spine. I bet he had Polish ancestors, that general.

God bless Dixie :-)
McCoy 27 | 1,268  
3 May 2009 /  #866
about 40 mln americans are of irish descent. the most important figures in American history such as George Washington, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and many more had irish blood. Many people moved to America because they had miserable life and low social status in the country of origin. dont shyt on your own hand nuczka.
nunczka 8 | 458  
3 May 2009 /  #867
God bless Dixie :-)

See cooler heads are prevailing.

I spent a lot of time in Gettysburg at the actual battle field. I can never get enough

The General that you refer to was General Pickett on his charge on Little Round Top.

The commanding General was Robert E Lee on the South

The North had General Elysses Grant and George Meade

I am not too sure that this wont happen again.. Although I dont advocate it, America is a devided country again.
3 May 2009 /  #868
The General that you refer to was General Pickett on his charge on Little Round Top.

Thanks for the info, Nunczka. He was a brave man that General Pickett of yours.
I think he was of Polish origin but changed his name from Piketowski to sound more
American ;-)
nunczka 8 | 458  
3 May 2009 /  #869
Many people moved to America because they had miserable life and low social status in the country of origin. dont shyt on your own hand nuczka.

People from many different countries came to America for the same reason. Many were poor, hungry and oppressed. My Parents came from Poland. They came here (Dla Chleba)

Regardless what you think,We all co exist together. I am speaking of CAUCASIANS. We have no problems. We have cross bred with each other and in my opinion, we have the most beautiful girls in the world. I just get pissed when the Europeans attack America.

you guy's should mind your own business.
grethomory 1 | 155  
3 May 2009 /  #870
David Duke embraces all whites.

That truly shows your ignorance quoting or stating anything David Dukes has said positively. I know what you are...and you know I know what you are...and who you are as well.

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