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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

lesser 4 | 1,311  
29 Apr 2009 /  #811
This is not question of race, this is question of culture...
SamenessLove 1 | 33  
30 Apr 2009 /  #812
Sameness are you white nationalist?

Would depend on your definition of white nationalist. There are alot of interpretations of this and other stances so I try not to really give myself any labels. I could even be called pro-diversity since I am for diversity on a world wide scale. And to preserve this diversity you have to have fairly uni-racial/ethnic and uni-cultural nations.

What's really disconcerting is that individuals who are pro multiculturism/diversity already are living in a diversity paradise. Only 250 years ago there were around 750 million humans on the whole planet. Now there are 6.5 billion. An increase of over 800%. If that isn't diversity, then what the hell is?

This is not question of race, this is question of culture...

But isn't culture a manifestation of the organism? The genetics produce the culture.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
30 Apr 2009 /  #813
Would depend on your definition of white nationalist.

Participants in Castanea's local White Nationalist Meet-Up

My redneck wedding...

you jus might be a redneck if...

Auditioning for Springer:

Typical examples of White Nationalists in America. Notice they are all fat and ugly? That's because that's the type that joins such organizations here.
SamenessLove 1 | 33  
30 Apr 2009 /  #814
Typical examples of White Nationalists in America. Notice they are all fat and ugly? That's because that's the type that joins such organizations here.

I asked for a definition, not examples. But with your examples you've shown me some things about yourself:

1) You look down on individuals who are disfigured.
2) You look down on individuals who are fat and ugly.
3) You don't like blue overalls.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
30 Apr 2009 /  #815
Only if they join stupid groups =))

Otherwise they are cool by me, man!

eek!!! I just realized I typed "my redneck wedding" above the photo of the fat lady and skinny dude. Lol, that isn't "my" redneck wedding, it's "their" redneck wedding. Slight confusion there.
Castanea - | 75  
1 May 2009 /  #816
Many WN'sts just want to secure a future for our people. That is basically it. We resist multiculturalism because it is blatantly obvious that it is a damaging phenomena for eveyone.

We are losing jobs in Europe and the U.S. to a corrupt administration. White births are below replacement level, while 40% of the population in the world is asian, even African births are above replacement level. Frankly we are slowly dieing out.

Hateful you make yourself look less intelligent by the post. I'm not even sure if your statement is worth addressing. Many of us are well educated. There are notable WNs with Phds, David Duke, William Pierce, Don Black etc. I don't know if Don Black has a phd per se. But you get the picture.

David Duke just had a book tour in Hungary and the Czech Republic. Many of us in Europe are waking up. Hopefully it will not be too late.

If you have a shred of common sense, WN is the only sensible choice for any white person. If you are not WN, you are simply taking part in the destruction of our people by doing nothing. It is however an umbrella term as many of us have differing accessory beliefs, but in the core, we believe in preservation of our race, perhaps even preservation of diversity on a world wide scale. We know that we are entitled to our own lands. And we don't take part in miscegenation.

But isn't culture a manifestation of the organism? The genetics produce the culture.

This is true. Genetics has culture on a leash. Many biologists believe this. You can theorize about environment having a say in cultural formation also human interactions. But the question remains, who formed the first culture and how? Perhaps each are us are predisposed to act a certain way, intelligence, and social interactions because of our ancestral evolutionary paths.

Sameness I suggest you get in touch with some other WNs. I can help you. No personal information is needed. I don't give out my info either. I have yet to meet anyone else in person, but I plan on going to one of those big local meetings in the near future. I hear that they are cool, mostly cultural celebrations, a few lectures, etc.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
1 May 2009 /  #817
I don't really like the WNs in the US because most of them don't know anything and they don't like my Polish last name. It's the truth. In the past they have thought it was a jewish last name because they are ignorant people. I don't care what they want. Most of them are ugly, some of them are fat, and damn near all of them are extremely backward and ignorant. Only if you are a WASP would you fit in.

In fact, I heard from so many WASPs that Polish are mixed with Jewish that I didn't realize it wasn't true. When I came here I found a different story. I'm still not sure, exactly, where the truth lies but I can tell you in the US white nationalists are indeed stupid. If I was mixed with jewish I wouldn't because we are all caucasians anyway so what does it matter?
Castanea - | 75  
2 May 2009 /  #818
I am not a Wasp and I am WN. I know at least two WNs living in Poland. I know WNs from all over. We are not all stupid. I know that most Poles are not jews. Poland only has 3200 jews now. There are many polish american WNs.

Hateful I thought you were a liberal. Why the change of heart?
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
2 May 2009 /  #819

The reason I would never join such organizations or declare myself a nationalist is because, for one, I am moderate, not an extremist.
Another reason is, I have a much broader view of who "whites" are than many people in that movement.
Even more, I think many in that movement are what I would call "lumpenproletariat" in other words, low lifes who have nothing going for them so they join such organizations. A vast array of ignormamusses meeting up to see who can be the most ignorant of all.

Loud, obnoxious, not too bright.
Besides most whites don't get along or see each other as equals anyway. They are always fighting with one another. There are others who I would call white who think they are better than me and even more whom I think I am better than. Why would I want to be in their movement? Just because someone is white doesn't automatically mean I like them even if I am the same race. They have to be more than just "white".

I don't have much in common with the southerner David Duke. He is a WASP and I'm not. Yes I am white like him, but that's all we have in common. The 'anglo saxon protestant' part...I did go to protestant churches because of my mother but have I ever really been one? Not likely. Not in their eyes anyway.

Whites tend to not be prejudiced against the same people anyway. Some whites hate blacks and like Asians while some hate everyone who is a different race. They can't decide who, exactly, it is they hate.

I have no interest in such organizations in the US. They are mostly made up of people who's great great great great great grandpappies fought in the civil war and have been here way longer than most of my family.

So you see, there really isn't much reason for me to join people who tend to be a bit simple minded, rhetorical, and feel they are superior because one of their great great great great grandmas stowed away in the hold of the Mayflower or something. I am not a Puritan.
Warsaw8 4 | 126  
2 May 2009 /  #820
Participants in Castanea's local White Nationalist Meet-Up

Its ok that your wrong, because your a left wing Liberal, but aswell its always ok for a true White Nationalist like myself to set you straight.

This is just ONE of Americas white nationalist groups. The only fat people I see are the ones with 400 lbs. of muscle, and you dont have what it takes to confront any one of those guys in person like the way you talk on here, but hey, coward @ss Antifacist's like yourself have to feel "big" somehow right....

And that is a worldwide group. Berlin has over 600 members alone...
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
2 May 2009 /  #821
For one thing I'm not a "liberal" whatever that means. I am not much of a follower so I don't have a party affiliation.

As for those people in your video, like with anyone else, if they annoyed me I would tell them where to go.

btw they would look better with hair ;)
Warsaw8 4 | 126  
2 May 2009 /  #822
If you dont know what "liberal" means, then how do you know your not?

You would tell them where to go huh? Im sure you will, with a comment on youtube, lol.

Are we still looking for the meaning of a White Nationalist? Well let me tell you. Its very simple.

-Someone who is white, and stands for race and land. And supports his or her ideals through politics, not crime. No more, no less. Its even on wiki, the left wing scum sites of all, which is open to editation, but ill use it anyways.
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
2 May 2009 /  #823
Are we still looking for the meaning of a White Nationalist?

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a white nation, only a bunch of grouchy old racists.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #824

Nuts! The US has hundreds of cultures,all under one flag.

Anyone with common sense can see that whites do not benefit at all from diversity

Oh really,lets see,some Scots were sent over to the US pre 1776 as indentured labour(basicaly slaves),there descendents became slave overseers.On the plantations Scots culture was practised which included Highland plainsong Hymm singing .The black slaves,slowly converting to christianity overheard this style of call and answer singing,developed gospel,blues sprang from that,then rock and role then the music that fills millions of white folks ears everyday.......Tell you what mate,Im as lily white as they come and i'll take Robert Johnson,Jimi Hendrix et al over some folks warbling amazing grace in gealic anyday.

England is a shining example of the weakness of multiculturalism. The destruction of cities, the increase in crimes, social problems, and destruction of freedoms.

Oh shut up you muppet,twasnt the blacks who "destroyed" any british cities,it was either the f ing Lufftwaffe or maggie in the 80s.........crimes have not increased,but the reporting of crime has and also the number of acts which are now blackman wants to take any of my freedoms fella,last time I looked most of the boss man types here were ,well,white.......

Many WN'sts just want to secure a future for our people.

Are you and other neo nazis really members of such a weak race and culture that rubbing shoulders with others will make you lose your sense of identity? Really? God,what "white race/culture" do you belong to,coz it isnt the same as mine,my "white culture" or self identification is strong enough for me to still consider myself white despite,shock horror,having gone to school with a black girl and indian boy!!!! I neither identify as female or Hindu,maybe you would ,I dont know,they do say the weakest minds are the easiest to change....... I can sit and watch Zula and happily cheer as Micheal Caine shoots a few dozen black guys without any feeling of white mans guilt,I know in those times,the 1870s Id have probably been marching around some far off land wearing a red coat and being beastly to the natives but seeing as its 2009 Id rather take a wander into town and for lunch have the choice of rice and pee's,maybe some jerked goat,or heck,some fish n chips.......
aphrodisiac 11 | 2,437  
2 May 2009 /  #825
Not a nation but individuals should resist to multicultural utopia and they should retain moral standing in their own eyes.

what does moral standing have to do with multicultural utopia? Sounds like a far fetched connection, which I frankly cannot see;).
How can anybody in their right mind associate morals with the race/colour of the skin.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #826
Nuts! The US has hundreds of cultures,all under one flag.

This is true. I have lived in America all of my life, and I can attest to the fact that this is a melting pot. I have lived amongst Jews, Bohemians,, Greeks,Italians, Irish, Poles, Russians,Slavs etc.We intermarried and have lived in perfect harmomy for as long as I can remember. We share in each others cultures. WE CAUCASIANS have never had any problem.

Besides most whites don't get along or see each other as equals anyway. They are always fighting with one another

What a bunch of crap HB. Just tell me one time in America where there was a CACAUSIAN culture war. We CAUCASIANS do not travel in packs preying on innocent people. We have no drive by shootings.

Get your facts straight Kid, you are making an ass out of yourself.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #827
Just tell me one time in America where there was a CACAUSIAN culture war.

er,do the years 1861-1865 mean anything to you?
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #828
ER, The American civil war was a political war.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #829
It was a war stated to preserve the "unique culture of the South" ,ie the rights of states to set their own moral and legal agendas.....
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #830
Exactly like I said. The North tried to dictate how the South should live. It was POLITICAL. If the South choose to keep slaves, then that was their business. We are still fighting that war with the Northern Liberals. They sit in their ivory towers telling everybody else how to live.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #831
Aw bless,the lousy limey's having to teach the redneck his own history.Hey,Cleatus,if southern and northern "culture" had been compatible there would never have been the need for the divergent politics and war that followed ie,it was a clash of cultures.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #832
Hey SLIMEY, If Scotland and Ireland would be compatible. Then there would be no need for the IRA. Every body wants to suceed from England. What you guys need are more Immigrants. YA'LL deserve each other.

Get your own house in order before you stick your nose into Americas business. Britania rules the waves.. Bull SH**, you guys lost all of your colonies. You guys are no more than a FISH and CHIP Republic. Your glory days are gone.
Wroclaw Boy  
2 May 2009 /  #833
Britania rules the waves.. Bull SH**, you guys lost all of your colonies.

There not really lost we let them go. you cant convice somebody to do something they dont want too.

Your glory days are gone.

What goes around comes around, history proves this. In the big picture of things I wonder how America will shape in comparison to past and future super powers.

what do you think?
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #834
I dont know the answer to that question. But I am willing o agree that it is just a matter of time before America crashes, probably sooner than later. It has been said that America will be destroyed from within.. I see things happening now that I never saw in my life time. People are arming themselves like never before. Maybe our glory days are over too.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
2 May 2009 /  #835
Nunczka, be objective and look at reality. Have white people fought against other whites over concepts like ideology and religion, not to mention money and material objects? It takes more than just skin color for people to get along.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #836
Oh come on gurl; We are talking about culture. Hell my wife and I fight about money all the time. I want you to tell me at least one instance where Caucasians in America fought over culture? How many Oktoberfests have you attended and did the chicken dance or Polka with another Caucasian.. Same is true with Greek festivals,and Mexican festivals. The Mexicans and Chinese are of different color, but you never hear about any trouble about them. The problem lies with the uncivilized scum. They cant even get along with each other.

I am disappointed in you. I suppose that this is nothing more than a generation gap. I just hope that you young people know what you are doing. You guy's are going to be the ones to pay if you are wrong.

Another JONESTOWN in the making.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694  
2 May 2009 /  #837
If Scotland and Ireland would be compatible. Then there would be no need for the IRA.

eh? wtf are you talking 'bout willis? Looky here folks,we got the brainbox of alabama here to tell us the straight story,sit back an listen people,the old fellas got a point,shame it seems to be lodged in his frontal lobes......

Every body wants to suceed from England.

Im Scots/Irish fella,Im quite happy living here in England and the locals seem quite happy with me.....most of the time...

you stick your nose into Americas business.

Sorry old bean,twas more a case of helping to educate you about your own history,something you seem to have real problems with,so a tip,dont try and tell other folks their history,you'll just end up looking more silly thatn you already do....

Your glory days are gone.

Aye,so what? S'funny,but the only time I ever seem to hear any mention of "Britains glorious/imperial/golden age" it seems to be from chippy sceptics who seem to constantly harp on about those times,day to day here in Britain weve got rather more constructive things to do than constantly refer to "yay,how great we are,leaders of the free world blah blah blah" a far more commen trait on you former colonials.

just hope that you young people

oh good,an old git,it'll be dead soon and maybe its barmy ideas about some mythical white harmony....ya dumb fcuk,you cant even see that its white folks fighting over this issue can you?
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
2 May 2009 /  #838
The Mexicans and Chinese

Mexicans have gangs, so do some Asians. We've had Asian gang shootings here, not sure if they were chinese. They could have been from Vietnam or Thailand. A thug is a thug regardless of what they look like on the outside.
nunczka 8 | 458  
2 May 2009 /  #839
oh good,an old git,it'll be dead soon and maybe its barmy ideas about some mythical white harmony....ya dumb fcuk,you cant even see that its white folks fighting over this issue can you

How old were you before you realized that you were not like other normal people?

Why do you SLIMEYS revert to vulgar language.. Does that give you some sense of power?

Mexicans have gangs, so do some Asians. We've had Asian gang shootings here, not sure if they were chinese. They could have been from Vietnam or Thailand. A thug is a thug regardless of what they look like on the outside.


HB A lot of nations have gangs. look at the Irish. They are damn near the lowest form of life that you can find. They talk about rednecks, but they are a perfect example of WHITE TRASH, a bunch of low life MICKS
Castanea - | 75  
2 May 2009 /  #840
You have your low lifes . But that is everywhere. David Duke embraces all whites. He said himself that perhaps no other people resisted Bolsheviks and special interests than the Hungarians. A people that have no connection with WASPs. Many of us embrace all whites.

You need to stop have preconceptions of us. I get into little fights sometimes with some stupid so called WNs, but that is rare. You should not have a problem because you are from central europe. Italians and Spaniards sometimes have it hard, even if their skin is white as snow. Like I said only a few idiots make an issue. Most are educated and not ignorant.

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