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A thought on Poland!

Tran Anh  2 | 72  
23 Jun 2007 /  #1
First I must state clearly about myself. I am Tran Anh, a musician (in the tradition of European 19th century music) from Viet Nam. I myself have never been in Poland (though to be there is my fondest wish!). I have just begun my self-teaching Polish course. And I myself do not really like the way Poland is following the American policy too closely right now, NOR do I like the somewhat overly-nationalistic approach of Polish twin leaders, the Kaczynskis. And if you think I somehow I like Poland because of Chopin, then you are rather mistaken, as I would prefer (at least during daytime!) the beautiful grandiosity of Germanic symphonies like those of Schumann, Brahm and especially Bruckner.

Anyway, after all those necessary antithesis, I now go straight to the point: Yes, I love Poland very much--Bardzo kocham Polska! To me, in the past 5 years learning about Polish culture, Polish history and Polish personal experience has been truly a revelation. The country is of course very far from perfect and the Polish people (from the common Poles to the very distinguished ones) is even more so. But Polish people's experience is one of the greatest lesson ever told and latent in Poland itself is the IDEAL that will be incredibly useful in healing the world. A country once among the great powers, arrogant, free and oppressive at the same time, Poland has been mercilessly trambled during the last 3 centuries to the point it CAN NEVER BE a great power in the traditional way (in the combination of wealth, population, resource and size). But that is Polish true blessing, so that in the dark times, generations of Polish revolutionaries and rebels only dreamed and fought ALONE in order to gain back their Freedom and their sense of Equality with the rest of the world, NO MORE, NO LESS. Also at the time, Poland was extraordinarily blessed with artistic prophets who breathed nobility into the Polish cause by exhorting all fighting Poles not only to fight for their freedom and equality but also for all others of the same misery. EMPATHY was a common characteristic of all true Polish patriots in the 19th century. I myself think Polish Romanticism in the 19th century which emphasizes Freedom for All, Equality for All, Nobility of All and Fearlessness, the amazing Fearlessness that never subsists and submits, no matter how impossible is the fight and no matter how lonely you are IS among one of the most inspirational contributions to mankind (as many as possible should have learnt and appreciate the Ideal and the examples as to learn about French Philosophies or German musical ideas).

It has been such a tragedy that upon the blood and lost lives of so many idealist Polish patriots, every new Polish government, just fresh from foreign domination, immediately set path to be great power in a traditional sense, which necessitated violence, bullying and extreme nationalism that were the trademarks of their former oppressors. That is NEITHER PRACTICAL NOR ROMANTIC!!!

A Great Poland is not about great military force or extreme wealth. It is about the great Ideals and about generations of people who share the same Ideals. True, the French could offer a certain kind of Liberte, Equalite et Fratenite and there are hundreds of other nations who have suffered tremendously. Nevertheless I believe there is no people in the world that have expressed the most humane Ideals so beautifully both in arts, in conscience and in prolonged suffering as Poland and Polish people did. That of course DOES NOT make Poles superior to other people, NO, but it can make most of them the better vehicles to carry the message. Like the paragon of Polish virtues, Karol Jozef Wojtila once did.

As a side note, the recent event in Brussels can shed a fascinating light on the current Polish psyche. The Kaczynskis are overly-nationalistic, undiplomatic and very uncharismatic. They had acted more on Polish national interest than for the benefit of other medium and small countries. But their aim has been just. Power can easily corrupt. Very powerful nation-state like Germany need to be limited in influence before it is out of control. In contrast to every Western commentator, the 'double majority' (65% of population, 55% of countries, hm why not the contrary?) does benefit Germany a lot. If we count on Germany's money as well, the power she will wield in the EU will be nigh irresitible, which stands in stark constrast to EU and basic human ideal of Equality for all. The agression of a very influential Germany in EU will be of course thousands time softer than in the 2nd WW, but it is aggression all the same and there will always be a nagging sense of Inequality in Europe. The end is just, and I can see beside nationalists, significant portions of idealist Poles supported the Kaczynskis' fight. With recent EU talk about capping the population count at 60 millions, the Kaczynskis had unwittingly contributed greatly for the cause of Equality in European Union. Pity though, now Poland itself and her people, no matter how pragmatic or Romantic, will become the fondest target of abuses from Western 'intellectual', an amazing portion of whom style themselves "IDEALISTS"!!!

So brace for another lonely fight again, Polska.
My best wishes.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
24 Jun 2007 /  #2
You could have a second carear as a writer Tran!
24 Jun 2007 /  #3
what a lot of MERDE !!!!!!!!!
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
24 Jun 2007 /  #4
What's 'a merde' ?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
24 Jun 2007 /  #5
it's French for sh*t
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
24 Jun 2007 /  #6
Thank ye, good woman.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
24 Jun 2007 /  #7
my pleasure
Drunkenshad  2 | 16  
24 Jun 2007 /  #8
When you get to Poland, Tran, stop by Warsaw so I can buy you a drink.
most  - | 27  
24 Jun 2007 /  #9
Jesus Tran Anh, I like Brahms but apart from that I never read such a pile of crap in my life.

Its 2007

The War has finished 63 years ago. Germany started it and then lost. Since then they built some new factories, set up a democracy and quietly got on with making themselves rich. To stop fighting with their neigbours they decided to form the EU.

Is it really so complicated for a seemingly intelligent person to understand.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 Jun 2007 /  #10
germany is a great country full of good people... if only others could get over their hang-ups...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #11
including germany too. its a two way street bubba :)))

I like Germans, and Germany, nothing against them.. many helped during the wars
and died along side the Jewish and Polish who were in hiding. at least i like those
who represent true human beings.. :)))
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 Jun 2007 /  #12
its a two way street bubba

of course it is P... i did some training last week with some german execs and broke the cardinal rule... dont mention ze war...
OP Tran Anh  2 | 72  
24 Jun 2007 /  #13
what a lot of MERDE !!!!!!!!!

Zion, please just call a spade a spade, why did you need to spice in some Frenchy Romanticism!

Jesus Tran Anh, I like Brahms but apart from that I never read such a pile of crap in my life.

Its 2007

The War has finished 63 years ago. Germany started it and then lost. Since then they built some new factories, set up a democracy and quietly got on with making themselves rich. To stop fighting with their neigbours they decided to form the EU.

Is it really so complicated for a seemingly intelligent person to understand.

At least there is some German directness here;). I believe many Poles and Czechs would appreciate if what you wrote is EXACTLY what you think and what you wrote is what your government and the great majority of Germans think.


Being honest PeterCpt, have you even in your parochial existance noticed some roads and some airports being built ? noticed some shiny new computers in your town hall ? noticed some nice new pavements ?
Have you noticed they started building them in 2004 ?
Who do you think is paying for it ?

I think this is EXACTLY what typical Germans would think and would like to think: They are the [only] benefactor of New Europe, so newcomers to the EU must shut their mouth and follow German leadership, which is utterly natural thanks to the extraordinary quality of German people, to the profundity of their thoughts and to the cosmic spirit of their music!!! Germany (any every other megalomaniac nation, even Poland itself) had suffered for this shallow thought again and again in the past and it seems that the future is bound to repeat if you are going to flirt with it again. And the point is that it is ALWAYS the common Germans like you who would suffer the most for the mad ambition of your leaders while all that you get is just a short-lived and unnecessary overweening pride!

The only possible solution for the deadlock between the German relationship with Poland and the New Europe (only in EU sense) is that Germany, as a more prosperous nation, must initiate a policy of cordiality towards them first. I believe all the Polish anti-German come from the frustration of being relentlessly disdained and ignored for just being poor even though normal Polish people would really appreciate some good influence from Germany. Just about 5 years of constant kindness from German government, German press and German people as a whole will easily melt away even the most hardcore Niemciphobia among the Poles. That is to ask a lot but what is the point of giving them money while at the same time turn them into your most fierce enemy???

When you get to Poland, Tran, stop by Warsaw so I can buy you a drink.

Djenkuje, I will remember it!

You could have a second carear as a writer Tran!

The problem is writing can only change the mind, which changes nothing while music can change the heart, which change everything. And Music is the great gift of my life, how can I ever comtemplate divert just a little bit attention from it?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #14
broke the cardinal rule... dont mention ze war...

So what happened? did it get all quiet?? they were not mad were they?

I am sure to them they want to forget. as to those who have questions cant let go.
its not a topic of light conversation .. as we have all seen in here.

long long healing process..
TheKruk  3 | 308  
24 Jun 2007 /  #15
The problem is writing can only change the mind, which changes nothing while music can change the heart, which change everything. And Music is the great gift of my life, how can I ever comtemplate divert just a little bit attention from it?

Also anyone can write, the words don't always reach the soul, the soul must be open to it. But I also think the same of music anyone can play but those who can write and play to reach the sould are the true geniuses of this world.

And by far the easiest thing to be in this world is a critic, to say something is sh*t takes no talent.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11863  
24 Jun 2007 /  #16
The only possible solution for the deadlock between the German relationship with Poland and the New Europe (only in EU sense) is that Germany, as a more prosperous nation, must initiate a policy of cordiality towards them first. I believe all the Polish anti-German come from the frustration of being relentlessly disdained and ignored for just being poor even though normal Polish people would really appreciate some good influence from Germany.

We are doing it since more than 5 years Tran...(I think)...it was the german gov under Helmut Kohl which paved the way for a polish entry in the EU.

Since then it's a constant way of support and money from Germany to Poland...actually many Germans are frustrated that all this doesn't get appreciated at all...

What else do you expect from the Germans they should do?

I am sure to them they want to forget. as to those who have questions cant let go.
its not a topic of light conversation .. as we have all seen in here.

Actually those who mention this "rule" are often the same who start to talk about the war!

But often enough those talks are more a manly "my dick is/was longer than yours"...and they don't like it at all when Germans say their "dick" was the longest of all all and they could only beat them as they put all their "dicks" together....

Really....I can't count those discussions I had anymore....:)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #17
...actually many Germans are frustrated that all this doesn't get appreciated at all...

in what way should they show their appreciation?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #19
ahhhhh as I have said before, its a two way street.. I think people butt heads because
of this.. no one lets their guards down.. but I seen last night different people. so
everyone is capable of being nice.. even you brat :)

But often enough those talks are more a manly "my dick is/was longer than yours"...

its a manly thing even if no ones talking about the war.. men like to show the
other guy hes better for some reason, even joking around, you guys try to be
the alpha male in everything you do!!

yes I generalized.. now tell me no man says that he has the bigger one!!
ogorek  - | 165  
24 Jun 2007 /  #20
NOR do I like the somewhat overly-nationalistic approach of Polish twin leaders, the Kaczynskis.

...so you also think that the meek shall inherit the earth? Bollocks.
They will get nothing in todays world.

Human nature showns that the strong will survive - and the weak will suffer.

Standing up for yourself - and your country is not nationalistic. Just a necessity.
Don't be so naive.

The Kaczynskis are not perfect - but their actions are defensive. They comment when provoked and are not afraid to say it how it is - even if it offends. They will not take any s**t from anyone. They are looking for respect.

Respect is gained through honour, courage and integrity.

So brace for another lonely fight again, Polska.

...if you want to get something done - you've got to do it yourself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11863  
24 Jun 2007 /  #21
ahhhhh as I have said before, its a two way street..

Of course it its....I agree...but right now it's only Germany who is being nice...
Poland is only taking and still rude!

but I seen last night different people. so
everyone is capable of being nice

Hmmm....maybe it's really not "the people" but only some in the government...

.. even you brat :)


you guys try to be
the alpha male in everything you do!!

Oooooh yeeeeeees! :)

....but it's all the fault of you girls...only going with the one with the biggest...since the days in the cave...

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #22
so you also think that the meek shall inherit the earth?

these are the ones that go ape sh*t after being pushed so far.. yeah, they could
get riled up is my guess.. so stay on their good side :)))
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 Jun 2007 /  #23
Hmmm....maybe it's really not "the people" but only some in the government...

That's better! Noticing a Separation of "people" from their "government" is very astute!
Unless there was some kind of landslide election where 95% of voters chose one candidate (and how often does that happen)!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11863  
24 Jun 2007 /  #24
That's better! Noticing a Separation of "people" from their "government" is very astute!

Not only unbelievable attractive with my manly model looks (see avatar) but also smart and astute...that's me...your very own Bratwurst Boy! :)

*waves to Shopgirl*
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 Jun 2007 /  #25
*waves to Shopgirl*

Hi Alpha Brat :)

What were saying about Poland again?

see avatar

Can't believe you did that! ha ha ha ha :D
Youv'e been into the peroxide, haven't ya? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11863  
24 Jun 2007 /  #26
But seriously....I really would want to know what Germany should do else?

I mean...Germany IS one of the biggest countries in Europe...Germany IS one of the wealthiest in Europe....Germany IS one with the biggest and most successfull economy...Germany HAS one of the biggest armies in Europe....

So what?

Will Poland ALWAYS feel defensive, slighted and put down by the Germans because of that??


Should we part our country in many smaller ones? Should we become poor again that you don't feel threatened by us? Tran Anh???

We are being civil and helpful...WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT???

*rant over*

....I could need a coffee...:(
ogorek  - | 165  
24 Jun 2007 /  #27
Germans are frustrated that all this doesn't get appreciated at all...

...a big guy creeps up behind a smaller guy and beats the crap out of him -
leaving him for dead - and steals his belongings.

After a long painful recovery the smaller guy bumps into the big guy
in a bar. The people in the bar talk to the big guy and finally persuade
him to return the small guys belongings. Reluctantly the big guy hands
over the smaller guys things.

" There you go " says the big guy " Now say thank you... "
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11863  
24 Jun 2007 /  #28
Erm...just a little question...it's neither the original big guy nor the original smaller guy but rather their grandsons....how long does the grandson of the smaller guy still want to pout ?
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 Jun 2007 /  #29
Quoting Ogorek from another thread: "There is no reason why Russia and Poland should not get along. However - for them to do so - they have to forgive and forget the bad history. Too much hidden hatred still exists e.g. Katyn - the war in 1920 etc. They should all sit around a table - get drunk - and it'll all come out in a flood of tears...

then it will be ok..."

This drinking at the table.....is it for Russia only, or can others come to the party?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2007 /  #30
but it's all the fault of you girls...only going with the one with the biggest...since the days in the cave...

Biggest cave :))) LOL and all the stoneware we want.. and new clubs in case the
alpha male gets out of line... lol

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