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Poland: the 51st state of America

urszula  1 | 253  
4 Jul 2008 /  #31
America's refusal to get rid of entry visas for Poles, Bush's stupid remarks, and the Iraq invasion have started to turn many Poles against the US.

Who says the US has to get rid of visas? Poland thinks they are the greatest on Earth but they come here and complain about everything and don't abide by our rules. Before April 1991 Poland required visas for US citizens. They didn't complain, it was the Poles with US citizenship that complained the most about it.

There are enough Poles in the US, this is not Poland here. Too many Poles will make it look like Poland, full of corruption and lies. Everyone lives on bribes there. Walesa denies any corruption, but in his new book things point the other way. That's how many Poles operate: what is there for me.
Babinich  1 | 453  
4 Jul 2008 /  #32
American is an American citizen of Polish descent. There are an estimated 10 million Americans of Polish descent.

Too few... :')

they would greately strengten Polish economical and biological potential when they (or their children) one day return to Poland

I am glad my relatives stayed. I am an American proud to be of Polish descent; I am proud to be a Slav...
hello  22 | 891  
4 Jul 2008 /  #33
Who says the US has to get rid of visas? Poland thinks they are the greatest on Earth but they come here and complain about everything and don't abide by our rules.

Visas are the last populistic (among politicians) thing Poles would want from USA and that is why US try to keep this as their last carrot. But actually those who really want to go to US can go there now.

"Poles complain and don't abide by rules" - it's much worse if the society just follows the government agenda and prepared TV news like the Americans do. Then they allow to be terrored by their own government and kill thousands of their people like during 911.

"That's how many Poles operate: what is there for me." - give me a break, so americans are altruistic society that doesn't care about their own ass? If you are about to die, go to an american hospital, if you don't show them you have insurance or enough money to justify an expensive operation, you just die by the hospital door. Americans allow war in Iraq/Afganistan, and soon in Iran, they gladly pay to sponsor these wars and thousands of innocent casualties in the name of their bloody and populistic ******** democracy. Shame.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #34
We do not display the hate here in America as you all do in Europe.

Interesting....I just said the exact same thing a few days ago in another thread.

Maybe it is because we are used to it (trying to get along).........?


Okay...will come over to try your Sauerbraten! :)

Deal! :)
And if we get another Bush wannabe in office, can I come live over there?

Maybe you could send me an apartment guide....something near a good school? :)

As for Americans only caring about "their own asses"......what a crock of sh!t!

Global Impact was founded over 50 years ago. It raises money for international charities through employee giving campaigns. Since its beginning, Global Impact has raised more than $400 million and has supported over 50 leading international charities – including CARE, Project HOPE, Doctors Without Borders, AmeriCares and World Vision.

And that's just ONE example! Want more?
hello  22 | 891  
4 Jul 2008 /  #35
And that's just ONE example! Want more?

You probably watch too much FOX or CNN news which wash your brains on their own agenda. American politics is predatory politics. They live and prosper only during world conflicts, if there is peace USA go bankrupt. They provide armor to both sides of the fighting countries, even if politically they are connected with agreements with one of them. After attacking one country and spending 10 billion on military action, then they capitalize on it by getting 20 billion contracts to rebuild the attacked county. War is business for them, good business. Then rasing 0.4 billion in 50 years on something is nothing in compare to what they gain on just one miliatry conflict.

Microsoft, Google, and other monopolits also have their "charities" just because it is good Public Relation strategy that's all. It makes people like you who watch controlled media to believe thes companies are great and it's proud to call them "American companies."

It's the same with US government, it's BUSINESS sponsored by tax payers money. From time to time good PR campaign is needed to justify spending, to justify killing of thousands of innocent people. You should know better.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
4 Jul 2008 /  #36
Poland: the 51st state of America

Although Polish-Americans are among the most patriotic of all Americans, I can assure you that Washington politicos do not give a damn about Poland, unless it relates to Jewish claims on the Polish people...there is no 'Polish Lobby' in America...the US will also use Poland as a base against Russia: refer to the 'missile shield'...Actually, America has becaome the North American province of 'Eretz Yisrael' or Greater Israel.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jul 2008 /  #37
A good reason to put up some resistance as Mr Tusk has been doing. He is not going to give unconditional support.
hello  22 | 891  
4 Jul 2008 /  #38
Mr Tusk plays political game too. He wants to be perceived as a strong politican who fights until the last blood for Poland interest. But in fact the game is long over and the military base will be in Poland. Tusk has a lot to lose because if he fails to get "good deal" he lost chances to be a Polish president which is all he wants to be in his career.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #39
You should know better.

I do know better, thank you very much.
I know that the American people by and large and generous and hard working.

I mostly get my news from websites, like the BBC or Spiegel. So stop making assumptions in areas where you don't have a clue.

And you should know better than to tar this country's people with the same brush used for the government.

I guess you are not enough of an independent thinker to make that distinction. Pity.

And there are lots of charities in the US that are not profit based....like the Untied Way and the American Red Cross.

You really don't seem to know what you are talking about, so please sit down and shut up!
hello  22 | 891  
4 Jul 2008 /  #40
I know that the American people by and large and generous and hard working.

I know it to and as workers Polish people in Poland have a lot to learn from Americans. You are on a Polish forum because you know here people have independent views and you can learn from them. But 99% of Americans take an easy way and take what controlled media feeds them. That is pity, if Americans took more active action and don't rely on their "e-zy" remote controls or koolaid provided by media or their government, they would vote for people who can do something about this pitfall.

So I don't blame Americans as people, I know many of them and they are good and hard working people, but I blame that more of them don't stop and think a little out of the box and get rid of their remote controls just like you did by being on this forum.
Dublinjohn  - | 38  
4 Jul 2008 /  #41
Poland: the 51st state of America
Bleedin hell you people are bad at geography, first youz think that Poland is in the centre and now you think it is in America? Where next? probably Ireland and Britian.LOL
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
4 Jul 2008 /  #42
So I don't blame Americans as people, I know many of them and they are good and hard working people, but I blame that more of them don't stop and think a little out of the box and get rid of their remote controls just like you did by being on this forum.

You can't quite single out the Americans for that behaviour!
That's generally the same around the globe...

(And what about the half of the Americans who DID NOT VOTE for Bush?)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #43
Sorry Franek,this was what we limeys call an open goal;

We do not display the hate here in America as you all do in Europe..

Oh really,no hate in the USA.....hhhmmmm.

We co-exist with each other..

As in co exist meaning live seperate lives in ethnic ghettos never the twain shall meet,that sort of co existence? Or co existence like the LA riots,the K K K the Jena show trial.........
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #44
So I don't blame Americans as people, I know many of them and they are good and hard working people, but I blame that more of them don't stop and think a little out of the box and get rid of their remote controls just like you did by being on this forum.

Lets get out the magnifying glass and look at this closer, to see what may be behind some of this, shall we?

I have my own theories...and I'll throw them out here and you tell me what you think.

I'll start with my own personal experience as a single mom, with no child support, raising a child alone, away from any family.

My time is largely occupied with my work as a manager, with helping my child with homework, doing housework (cleaning & laundry), child related activities (play dates with friends, girl scouts, packing lunches, preparing for field trips..that stuff), taking care of my pets, the yard, the car, and I also serve on a board of directors that runs the local daycare. I try to go out an walk an hour each day (if possible) for my health and sanity.

I have very little time for tv of any kind. I don't trust most of the news networks out there. There is a lot of stuff happening in every corner of the world each day. It takes a lot of time and energy to ferret out reliable sources of information to protect against bias. I think there are a lot of Americans who are like me, who just don't have the time to pour over newspapers or websites (or they are exhausted when they get home, so they sit there fried in front of a tv, trying to wind down enough to sleep). I get my news in little quick blips here and there (from web or radio)....mostly late at night before I collapse into bed. I cannot be "up" on every development in the world all the time. I doubt if anyone can, unless you work for the media.

When I do hear/watch/read the news, most of it is so frustrating and depressing because I don't know what I can do about it....? I have always voted, try to be a good citizen, give back to my community, be ecologically sensitive.....I try to do what I CAN.

And I am personally offended by all the generic, thoughtless, vitriolic sh!t hurled at the US on this forum every day. I've just about had enough, do you understand me?
4 Jul 2008 /  #45
Global Impact was founded over 50 years ago. It raises money for international charities through employee giving campaigns. Since its beginning, Global Impact has raised more than $400 million and has supported over 50 leading international charities ? including CARE, Project HOPE, Doctors Without Borders, AmeriCares and World Vision.

see, this is what I don't understand. Are those organizations gonna clen up after US is finished with Iraq
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #46
Are those organizations gonna clen up after US is finished with Iraq

These are private citizens giving out of their own pockets.
I'm not talking about the government. I'm talking about regular people.

So I'll answer your question with another question: What do you think?

Isthatu2: What is wrong with you? Why do you talk so ugly to me? :(
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #47
Reverend Wright

A lunatic,but so would be the Grand Dragon of the KKK...sorry Franek,nut jobs and nasty folk in my experiance come in all colours .

Just hang on.. Your time is coming. The word is out.

Hey,I dont mind if enough W.A.V.E.S and BAMs are in the fleet :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #48
As in co exist meaning live seperate lives in ethnic ghettos never the twain shall meet,that sort of co existence? Or co existence like the LA riots,the K K K the Jena show trial.........

You mean like in Europe?

Europe's true dilemmas lie elsewhere. In the Netherlands, in Paris and Antwerp and other cities, antagonism and incomprehension between the indigenous local population and a fast-growing minority of Muslims (one million in the Netherlands, over five million in France, perhaps 13 million in the EU to date) has already moved on from graffiti and no-go zones to arson, assaults, and assassinations. Turks, Moroccans, Tunisians, Algerians, and others have been arriving in Western Europe since the 1960s. We are now seeing the emergence of a third generation: in large part unemployed, angry, alienated, and increasingly open to the communitarian appeal of radical Islam.[12]

For nearly four decades mainstream European politicians turned a blind eye to all this: to the impact of de facto segregated housing; isolated unintegrated communities; and the rising tide of fearful, resentful white voters convinced that the boat was "full." It has taken Jean-Marie Le Pen, the assassinated Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, and a flock of demagogic anti-immigrant parties from Norway to Italy to awaken Europeans to this crisis—and it augurs badly that the response of everyone from Tony Blair to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing has been to cry "Havoc!" and wind up the drawbridge.

Jeremy Rifkin, The European Dream

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #49
You mean like in Europe?

In case you hadnt noticed hunny,Europe is a continent,NOT a country.......
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #50
Oh honey, I DID notice.....that's why the excerpt of the book I posted names them individually! :)

What are you drinking today? Battery Acid?
You know....that stuff's not good for your tummy!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #51
what do the "severe criticisms" look like then?

You dont want to know,
If you take it as a personal insult that for all the Holier than thou lecturing you guys do to the rest of the world ,you get a teeny reminder that your sociaty is as feked up as pretty much anywhere on the planet..more than a lot of places. Hows the gun crime going? Had a female leader yet? Health care,great system you guys have,pay or die........

In short,people in glass houses should be carefull juggling stones....
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #52
Hmmm....I don't think I've done much lecturing....more like defending and trying to provide additional information! Yes, the whole world is a mess. It needs attention everywhere!

Look! Fireworks in Berlin! Woohoo!

Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
4 Jul 2008 /  #53
"Poland is the 51st state of America". How does it make you feel Polish people

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
4 Jul 2008 /  #54
Poland is the 51st state of America". How does it make you feel Polish people

well, alaska did belong to russia at one time and we took that away..Apparently
and russia
wanted it back but the people in Alaska said Heck NO we dont want to be part
of Russia again.. so there ya have it... so if Poland wants to be part of America
its ok with me.. just wait till we get our new president..

Now who can we make our 52nd and 53rd.. hmmmmmmmmmmm
4 Jul 2008 /  #55
So I'll answer your question with another question: What do you think?

you are talking about NGOs ingeneral.

I have some problems with them and I will tell you why. I am not saying that all of them are bad, some are good. However, I don;t see the reason for them to go to mosly third world countries and 'repair" what has been damaged by the same country government.

Another issue I find auite hypocritical is the fact that money donated to charities are a great tax right off. Correct?

World VIsion spends so much money on advvertising on TV that it would safe a lot of children in a meatime, since they are daying every number of minutes.

Also, people who are paying money to those charities are getting in a false feeling of doing something for the thirld world, so they can sleep at night, instead of trying to influance the US government to change their foreign politics towards those coutries, which BTW every citizen of US benefits from, either directly or indirectly. Correct?

There is more but I will stop for now, becasue I am downloading programs into my computer.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
4 Jul 2008 /  #56
Also, people who are paying money to those charities are getting in a false feeling of doing something for the thirld world, so they can sleep at night, instead of trying to influance the US government to change their foreign politics towards those coutries, which BTW every citizen of US benefits from, either directly or indirectly. Correct?

I don't think it is a false feeling. I think many charities really do help people. And I don't think it is fair to say that people are giving to assuage feelings of guilt. People give because they care.

If every US citizen is "benefiting" from the government's foreign policy...I think you must be defining benefits primarily as financial. I don't think that is the only effect, and I am not sure that it is beneficial, maybe in the short term, not not in the long range....I think the US foreign policy makers have set very dangerous wheels in motion, without thinking through the long term results. This has been going on since before I was even born. I feel that I have "inherited" this mess.

I have written to politicians in the past (one more than one occasion). So far I can't tell that it has made much impact. I do not feel very well represented by my government. Maybe you feel you have more control over yours?

I feel that a lot of posters here really oversimplify world affairs and the role played by the US into a handful of statements that very ineffectively address the complexity and scope of the issues....yet they applaud themselves for their astute summations. The US does not exist in a vacuum....it is part of the whole global mess. I see the current situation as a global web....you pull on one thread and it tugs on another part far away. The best we can do is try to keep some sort of balance (monumental task I know). But the US and Europe need each other and should really learn to communicate and work together. China is coming, and we may all end up kneeling at her feet.
4 Jul 2008 /  #57
I don't think it is a false feeling. I think many charities really do help people. And I don't think it is fair to say that people are giving to assuage feelings of guilt. People give because they care.

I really think that charities do help people, especially the ones we hear nothing about. There is a LOT of unditected help going on in many coutries. I understand that NGO in general were formed to counter act the government influance when the US was beening formed. I can elaborate on that some other time since I don't wan tto make a fool of myself or provide informations that are not correct.

If every US citizen is "benefiting" from the government's foreign policy...I think you must be defining benefits primarily as financial.

that but also the everpresent feeling ( I am not saying it is you in particular) that we are the best. I do undertsand th epower of positive thinking, being o go getter and riching for the stars and the American success but those 'ideologies: were created in order to survive and form a new countries. Now there is need for other ideologies in the US and I know that it is already happening. I would also never divide any country into its people and the government, which seems to be in style when dicussing problems. As you hav ementioned in your reply, things are not as black and white as they seem on the surface. There are people who live simply form themselves and get as little invilvement as possible because that is what they were fighting for and until today they have the strong need to have this freedom. There is a gorup of people who are involved and work for NGO annd volunteer, which I am aware of and I think that it is one of the best things about Americans.

I have written to politicians in the past (one more than one occasion). So far I can't tell that it has made much impact. I do not feel very well represented by my government. Maybe you feel you have more control over yours?

SO have I. Some were successful, some weren't. I haven;t really done a lot but every time I hear a complaint form somebody about the Canadian government I tell them to address it to the government.

However, people in general really have to be pushd to the brim to do someting about something. Most people wait until the situation gets really out of control and often it is too late to do anthing about it.

At times people are just too buzy, too tired to try to change anything. From my experiance it takes up a LOT of energy.

I actually admire some of the NGO. They do a lot of good work. The question is. Is it enough?

I feel that a lot of posters here really oversimplify world affairs and the role played by the US into a handful of statements that very ineffectively address the complexity and scope of the issues....yet they applaud themselves for their astute summations. The US does not exist in a vacuum....it is part of the whole global mess. I see the current situation as a global web....you pull on one thread and it tugs on another part far away. The best we can do is try to keep some sort of balance (monumental task I know). But the US and Europe need each other and should really learn to communicate and work together.


China is coming, and we may all end up kneeling at her feet.

well, I would not paint it in such dark colours. China is going to be a cometition for the West.
Wait. It has actually happened already here. I just took a tram to the Uni today and it was full of Chinese people.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #58
I feel that I have "inherited" this mess.

Aint that the truth. It doesnt matter which side of the Atlantic you are on we all feel pretty much the same way. We are all paying for the greed and hubiris of past powerfull men and the machinations of interest groups we will never be fully aware of.
4 Jul 2008 /  #59
Or co existence like the LA riots,the K K K the Jena show trial.........

you and the BBC fixate on these aberrations - they are not the norm. 300 million people, huge heterogenous society. There are complexites with American society that as a guy from Britain wouldn't understand, so he just goes "oh well they're stupid".. Honestly, I don't think the British understand German society that well either.

You can read and read , quote this guy and that but you don't live here.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #60
Honestly, I don't think the British understand German society that well either.

But of course,you oh sainted septic understand everyone and evrything yes?

but you don't live here.

and my dads bigger than yours...jeez,what a pathetic argument. Do you live omnipresantly in all parts of the US? If not,by your logic,how can you know anything about those parts you dont live in? D'oh! Fish in a barrel again Waly,do keep up old chap.

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