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sledz  23 | 2247  
17 Oct 2009 /  #31
Its funny how there are all these skinheads with Baseball Bats in Poland

I bet not one of those idiots even know what its really used for

Why would they sell Baseball bats, since nobody would be able to understand the rules anyway?
Babinich  1 | 453  
17 Oct 2009 /  #32
Poland is capable of defending itself and should build their own defense systems. After all, why on God's green earth would you trust this administration with your safety when it has people like this in its midst: powerlineblog.com/archives/2009/10/024720.php

I bet not one of those idiots even know what its really used for

Are you talking about Poles or a certain Chicago north side baseball club? :')
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #33
Poland is capable of defending itself and should build their own defense systems.

And integrate then with Ukraine and Germany and EU at large.

would you trust this administration

I'm pretty sure most of us dont trust USA.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #34
Poland is capable of defending themselves from whom, Stonethrowers R Us? Defence against what, Iranian missiles which can only reach the Romanian/Ukrainian border? LOL

Oh, Kalingrad you meant? Well, defence systems take quite some time to install. 2012 was the likely completion date of the signed deal. Plenty of time for Russia to expose the weakness of the case for the shield.

Sokrates, you are a favourite of the Us Vs Them globalists who want to unite as big an area as possible. Why pull Ukraine into harm's way when they are neither an EU nor NATO member? What do they care about Iran?
Babinich  1 | 453  
17 Oct 2009 /  #35
Poland has the ability to build a missile defense system.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #36
AND?? Well, they clearly see a threat (LOL) so why aren't they building one? No time like the present, right?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #37
Poland is capable of defending themselves from whom,

Belarus and Russia are the potential enemies right now, with proper distribution of funds we're capable of developing a conventional military that can effectively defend our interests against those.

Sokrates, you are a favourite of the Us Vs Them globalists who want to unite as big an area as possible.

Sean while i agree with some of your conspiration theories we live in a certain reality that dictates our actions and decisions.

Why pull Ukraine into harm's way when they are neither an EU nor NATO member?

Ukraine is already in the harms way bordering Russia.

What do they care about Iran?

I dont care much about the shield or Iran, for me its an American ploy.

Poland has the ability to build a missile defense system.

No we dont, not an effective strategic shield anyway, tactical protection of the crucial regions yes, but for that in turn we dont have the money.

However US shield was never meant as protection from anything, it was a political move to draw Russia into an anti-Iranian party.
sledz  23 | 2247  
17 Oct 2009 /  #38
So are you saying the Bush Admin had this planned all along?
I think you give Georgie too much credit, now you can blame it all on Obama...lol

Poles or a certain Chicago north side baseball club

both of them:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #39
Belarus and Russia? Sorry, that's just Polish paranoia right there.

Conspiracy theories? That sentence was one big platitude. When I assert sth, I back it up and don't leave it as a blanket statement. That's what university teaches you, to use sources and come to a rational conclusion. If you disagree with any of my contentions/assertions, feel free to say why.

Expecting a Russian invasion of Ukraine, are we? That'll only be caused by EU and US meddling and using Ukraine as a pawn.

An American ploy that Poland signed to. Stare decisis and all that.

An anti-Iranian party? Ahmedinejad and Putin are quite close. Putin warned Bush very clearly, far from anti-Iranian. Iran is a good business partner for Russia.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #40
Belarus and Russia? Sorry, that's just Polish paranoia right there.

Was it paranoia in Georgia? Oh wait Georgia had no right to put its rogue provinces in line, they were lucky that noble Russians invaded them... err saved them.

Now lets transfer the situation to Ukraine, Russia has every "rational" reason to invade them given the ports on the Crimean coast and the minority there, how long before Poland makes a move that emboldened Russia just wont accept?

That sentence was one big platitude. When I assert sth, I back it up

Yes, and typically it means that your immidiate argument is correct but then based on that you make conclusions that more sometimes far fetched.

Expecting a Russian invasion of Ukraine, are we?

To be specific i except Russia agitating a break up of Ukraine, if they fail or if Ukraine attempts (which it will) to prevent a break up via military action they will most definitely invade.

That'll only be caused by EU and US meddling and using Ukraine as a pawn.

Partially, that will mainly be caused by Russia not willing to let a country become sovereign, Russian goal is to dominate and exploit in a fashion that makes EU and US look like puppies.

An American ploy that Poland signed to. Stare decisis and all that.

Absolutely, i always underlined how i disagree with us holding on to US which is basically a hostile state since its interests are in stark contradiction to Polish national interest and at a larger scope to the European interests.

An anti-Iranian party? Ahmedinejad and Putin are quite close.

Again to be specific, Russia was bought so she doesnt meddle that much, in the end if US/Israel invade or bomb Iran Russia will meddle anyway, there's too much capital in there but US bought itself breathing room with the shield stunt.

Personally i believe they will bomb/invade Iran but they had to placate Russia untill the better time comes within the coming months when jews and yanks will be ready to strike hoping for relatively small backlash from China and Russia.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #41
Sokrates, diplomacy needs to take place and for agreements to be reached. Talk AND action but not instantly jumping to war options. I remind you that the lease for that port (Sebastopol??) expires in 2017. Chill, put the guns down ;) ;)

You talk as if Poland can stand up to Russia. Trust me, it definitely can't in any significant way.

Abkhazians didn't want to be part of Georgia and Saakashvili then got ahead of himself. Russia restored peace.

Far fetched? For example??

Hypotheticals are always fun :)

They won the second Chechen War so they'll still be celebrating that. It is not Russia that is spearheading the dissolution of sovereignty, Sokrates, far from it.

The principle is the same, Sokrates, hands off of Iran. The goalposts may fractionally have changed but the question will be how they will respond, not if.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #42
Sokrates, diplomacy needs to take place and for agreements to be reached.

For agreement to be reached both sides have to be able to reach a common field that benefits both of them, at present there exists no such long term field between Europe and Russia.

You talk as if Poland can stand up to Russia.

In a defensive war or operation in the Ukraine? It most likely can.

Trust me, it definitely can't in any significant way.

In this case i prefer to trust the military spending, the way Russia performed in Georgia and the potential of both countries, respective Russian units have 1/10th funding of the Polish units, this practically guarantees poor performance across the board by the Red Army as well as the fact that the amount of active equipment is only a small fraction of what they actually have.

Not long ago General Petrov something made a controversial statement that Russia is capable of fielding a fighting force of a quarter of a million, at most, any Russian force is unlikely to outnumber Poles more then 2 to 1 across the board and with our military being orderd of magnitude better prepared.

Abkhazians didn't want to be part of Georgia

And that gave Russians a right to interfere into what was basically an internal struggle of a country?

Russia restored peace.

Yes, it also restored peace in 1939 when it invaded Poland, you sure you're not related to Chamberlain Sean? I'm sure the Sudeten Germans would just love you as their spokesman.

Far fetched? For example??

Oh please dont make me dig through oddles of topics, i'll catch you in the Khazar or whatever thread.

It is not Russia that is spearheading the dissolution of sovereignty, Sokrates, far from it.

So taking away the Sovereignty of Baltic Republics and limited the capacity for independent governance of half of Europe for over four decades was what? Bringing the light of democracy?

You suffer the same blindsight as most Westerners, whats harsh realism is for you "Polish Russophobia".
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Oct 2009 /  #43
Was he? Last i checked Stalin had no formal or informal plans to genocide the Germans, what are you basing that claim on?

Ohhh here we go Mr. History. What a moronic turd you are. Ask anyone. Stalin even flat out told Churchill , Roosevelt.. he wanted to kill all German officers and break the country up. Had you resisted he would have just killed Europeans. The would have had nukes as well right??? Europe is a small continent and easy to control. Napoleon did it, Hitler did it.. why not Stalin?

What's more, most of your population is unarmed and pacifist. Only the Germans would have posed a threat to Stalin.

Sokrates, just because you jump up and down and pout.. boasting how smart you are doesn't actually mean you are. You just proved it here with that post. You insult me left and right but offer nothing of substance. YOU don't know anything history. You're also a typical native Pole, criticize and crticize other nations who've done things your nation never will do . Your nation can't even take care of it's own that's why its people have to emigrate all the time. BTW: What did you get a master's in? Cheap insults?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Oct 2009 /  #44
Europe is a small continent and easy to control. Napoleon did it, Hitler did it.. why not Stalin?

History has proven otherwise. Europe is impossible to control!
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Oct 2009 /  #45
Uhhh??? ... The Nazis kind of proved you wrong , sweet pea. Had they kept their agreement with Molotov-Ribbentrop they would have owned the continent right out.

You know, maybe we should think a little about things before we type.. Hey I've got an idea, go find the Michael Jackson thread again!!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Oct 2009 /  #46
I don't believe Europe can be conquered for long by anyone. It never has been. It never will be. There's too many strong willed people living in a small space and they are all somewhat different, have their own languages and varying ways of life (culture). You never see them happy unless each has their own nation and they can do things their own way. European history has many examples of people trying to conquer only to lose while the people they tried to conquer become even more united in their culture and language. The conclusion being Europe cannot be conquered and controlled by one entity. Not entirely.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #47
Ask anyone.

I'm asking you, got any source?

Stalin even flat out told Churchill , Roosevelt.. he wanted to kill all German officers and break the country up.

Thats not what you claimed, you claimed he wanted to kill all Germans, as for officers and breaking up the country, thats what he historically did so whats your point? But where did he said all that?:)

Had you resisted he would have just killed Europeans.

And then turned pink, initiate the fusion engine in his ass and fly to Mars to colonize it with his clones because Scrappleton said so, how about you stop writing your own version of history, Stalin never demonstrated, implied or in any way gave a hint of readiness for wholesale European genocide.

The would have had nukes as well right???

4 years after the war, wholesale genocide via nuclear weapons would require peppering Europe with so many nuclear bombs that the fallout would mess up Russia as well, not to mention Stalin or Russia were just not prepared to do something like that, ever.

What's more, most of your population is unarmed and pacifist.

Are you an idiot? No wait of course you are but saying that most of population of a continent that just endured a world war is pacifist is well... fvcking stupid, saying that most of the population is unarmed is also bloody stupid for the above reason, not to mention most Russian soldiers were just not prepared to wage such war, if they were then Chechenya would get depopulated by now, its not.

boasting how smart you are doesn't actually mean you are.

Its not boasting, its about facts, you can disagree with me about the interpretation of facts, the problem is you dont know anything about anything as far as European history (and i suspect American one) and run on your own merry conclusions based on your own world view with zero reference to real life or history.

who've done things your nation never will do .

Given that we built palaces paved roads and were a major cultural contributor in Europe centuries before you even started living in houses built of wood and mud thats a pretty wild statement to make from an American.

Your nation can't even take care of it's own

Given then for a better part of a thousand years everyone immigrated to Poland rather then from it i beg to differ:)

Cheap insults?

Reading doesnt hurt, go read, when you have even the basic facts right return to discuss, dont expect any respect or recognition if you come here with a hillbilly version of worlds history and start selling your moronic views to people, if you're a clown people will laugh, thats how it works.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #48
Well, the present is 2009. If you see the potential repercussions of a coming together in 2017, I suggest that action is taken in the near future. Timoshenko is closer to Russia than Yushenko was. Don't you know that thorny issues are dragged on so people can make money off of them? I suggest you listen to Ocean Colour Scene's song, Profit in Peace (there is none, they say). Still, there will likely be no head-on collision with Russian-friendly leaders like Tusk and Timoshenko.

A defensive war? What, one where you constantly take missile blasts and live in fear of a nuke blast? This just shows how romantically deluded some Poles are. Be practical, Russia will not do that and only intransigence and a cantankerous approach from Poland could provoke that. Don't live in the past!

I can't believe the arrogance here. There are those that believe that the EU would struggle in a future war with Russia. This with 2 nuclear powers and many armies (27 or more). You naively think Poland could take on Russia alone? Come on man.

Poland is part of NATO, a body which has done immeasurable damage in the Balkans. If American troops can go across to Iraq and Afghanistan, Russians can take an interest in its neighbouring territory? You are stirring up nonsense against Belarus. What business do you have there? I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but principle is principle.

Yes, but again you are harping back to the past. Do you see Germany ready to unleash fury in Europe? LOL Do you see Putin ready to lash out at all and sundry? ;) Appeasement was more applicable in WWII and the build up. Now it's more about political maneuvering. I can see what's happening in the world and there is no grave threat from your erstwhile foes.

Ah, the good old Khazar threads where I have little input as I don't know much about them, you mean those ones? Oh, the 9/11 one I hear you say? Oh, well allow me to retort. I am saying to Joe that I don't believe that the Khazars had a major role. There is the possibility but my eyes didn't see those things. There are always possibilities, right? Oh, the Israel ones, right? Ah, well I don't like it when 1300 innocent people die, do you? Or 4500 get badly wounded.

I was talking about the dissolution of sovereignty, NOW. Again, NOW. They want Abkhazia and Ossetia to have sovereignty and autonomous rule. There was the CIS, remember? Now what I see is many Poles being able to go to the 3 Baltic States and using Russian to communicate. I saw it widely when I was there. Communication is a bad thing now, is it?

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those idealist Slavic dreamers like Crow (no offence to him, he has his visions and that's fine). I know what Russia is capable of and would be cautious too. However, I don't go to paranoid lengths about it.

Again, NOW Sokrates. Many have emigrated from Poland. Are you a space traveller? ;) ;)
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Oct 2009 /  #49
dont expect any respect or recognition if you come here with a hillbilly version of worlds history and start selling your moronic views to people, if you're a clown people will laugh, thats how it works.

Blah, blah, blah, blahpibitty, blahhhh.. Americans are stupid , Americans are moronic. If somebody offered you a house and job in America you'd be the first MF'er on the plane. We're such clowns we literally have to hunt down Poles who have over stayed their visas.

..And those hillbillies, Sok.. more or less created you, baby. There's no EU without them, no way , no day. I don't need a PHd in International Relations to know.

ONCE AGAIN.. the US has to help out amazing Europe. We have to babysit so you don't kill each other. You are hardly that advanced. Even Mexico doesn't do that.

Now, run along and find some more nice shiny pictures of "barely used" Polish weapons for us all to peruse.

because basically.. at the end of the day.. you're just a sad, little.. fu.cking .. LOSER.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
17 Oct 2009 /  #50
does softball count - cause I played it once - and imagine I actually was able to hit the ball and make one base for a start the other Pole who hit the next ball allowed me to go to the home base :P - sledz there was an amateur baseball league in Poland - true it didn't turn popular - now for Polish conditions this was pretty expensive sport (all of the gear had to be imported) - and I don't think baseball bats became popular because of the league :P
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #51
Americans are moronic.

I know quite a few smart ones, you however are pretty stupid yeah.

There's no EU without them

You continue to make up stuff and lie and ignore facts, how did USA contribute to the creation of European Union?:)

ONCE AGAIN.. the US has to help out amazing Europe.


You are hardly that advanced.

Given that Poles advanced computer science, Germans advanced Atomics and rocketry and most of the science you use today is based on European advances (you used Russian rockets to propell your satelites into space:) ) thats another rather rash statement you made.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #52
How did the USA contribute to the creation of the EU? Ever heard of the NWO and the globalist agenda? OK, it wasn't necessarily carried out by all Americans but America had a hand in its creation. WWII, what a perfect excuse to reshape the world.

Scrappy, on this point I agree with Sokrates. Poland is pretty darned advanced when it comes to IT and computing science. The stats and achievements will back that up.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #53
Ever heard of the NWO and the globalist agenda? OK, it wasn't necessarily carried out by all Americans but America had a hand in its creation

If we're going by NWO then according to most theories it existed centuries before United States was even conceived, so its the other way around, the globalists contributed both to the creation of EU and USA though i have my doubts.
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Oct 2009 /  #54

Yawn.. Marshall Plan.. keeping the Soviets out of W. Europe (which is the real money and heart of the EU.. of course you a Polack knows as yours are always trying to sponge off them).. What else? Actually we eventually bankrupted the Soviets.

Last but not least.. keeping the amazing, super-intelligent.. omnipotent European from killing himself LONG enough to even conceive of the EU.

That's how, Professor.

Given that Poles advanced computer science, Germans advanced Atomics and rocketry and most of the science you use today is based on European advances (you used Russian rockets to propell your satelites into space:) ) thats another rather rash statement you made.

... and yet Americans don't try and kill each other a couple of times a century. (Well the white ones don't anyway). This kind of ruins all your fancy tech advances, no? You see Professor, smart people don't constantly make war on themselves and kill themselves. Millions and millions of people died in WWI and WWII basically for the sole purpose of the European ego. This is not the hallmark of smart people. European just had problems again in the 90's. You will always want to kill each other.

It's laughable in the extreme.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #55
Not at all, Sok. youtube.com/watch?v=_CWBTL33MpA, listen to the first 10 seconds. Is he from centuries ago?? LOL
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #56
... and yet Americans don't try and kill each other

So you didnt fight a civil war? You never had racial riots in which thousands died?

people don't constantly make war on themselves and kill themselves.

Greeks who were the most refined civiliasion and the pinnacle of intelectual achievement for millenia were constantly making war on themselves? Are you saying the greatest civilisations on this planet were dumb?:)

Not at all, Sok. listen to the first 10 seconds. Is he from centuries ago?? LOL

That proves intent, not time of conception when said intent was born.
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Oct 2009 /  #57

another Euro genius. Hey man, explain to me some more of your "theories". How two jumbo jets didn't really fly into towers into New York. Even though, I have friends who witnessed it. C'mon you're the grand European, you tell me how the world works, yes?? God be thanked for you and your amazing intellect.. so amazing it couldn't be used in your native Scotland.

LOL... :- )))))
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #58
threeworldwars.com/nwo-timeline1.htm. You may have a point as international bankers were meddling long before the creation of the Fed in 1913. However, in order to prove you are right you need to:

1) Define the NWO

2) Show how bankers and politicians conceptualised it to meet that definition.

Scrappy, thanks for the compliment :) Those planes did fly into the WTC towers, I never said otherwise.

It could be used in my native Scotland. I just chose to travel and I think I've made that point to you before.

You are funny, man. Sokrates isn't fuelling you enough so you turn to me. Ah well, enjoy!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Oct 2009 /  #59
1) Define the NWO

International organisation with an intention to introduce a supranational political and social order.

2) Show how bankers and politicians conceptualised it to meet that definition.

You mean how they financed several of the Crusaders for example? Some of the largest French contributors get some pretty favourable loans.

As for you Scrappleton you're hopeless, i'm done with you permanently, you're either someones sock account here to stip it up or you're really that stupid, either way i'm not going to reply to you anymore.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2009 /  #60
So the NWO is a concept or a concrete organisation?

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