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What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?

Babinich  1 | 453  
20 Sep 2009 /  #241
Some melons are tougher than others and Russia wouldn't fare too well against the entirety of the EU.

What do you mean by "fare too well"? Economically, militarily, politically,...?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #242
Militarily, primarily.
Babinich  1 | 453  
20 Sep 2009 /  #243

Would the EU have the will to take on Russia?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #244
No, I was talking hypothetically. In reality, there is too much business going on for any fractious disputes to escalate into anything significant.
Babinich  1 | 453  
20 Sep 2009 /  #245
Yep, I agree. I wonder if they'll ever be major conflagrations in the future. I see 'wars' being fought by proxy.

Great quote from 'Godfather III' - "Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger."
Arien  2 | 710  
20 Sep 2009 /  #246
Few dead soldiers and you are ready to flee leaving all to the mercy of fate.

No, it's simply because we're fighting for all the wrong reasons. I think most of us have no desire to support a war for oil and resources.

Here I absolutely agree with Americans, european nations are totally incapable and you need somebody to protect you.

Oh really? It seems you've already forgotten how the American government failed to protect its own citizens, in its own country. With our forces combined, and with our type of intel, I'd say we're capable enough.

EU is like melon, kick it and it will come apart.

Empty words.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
20 Sep 2009 /  #247
Well Crow, Poles have closer links to Croatians, both in religion and in ancestry.

no matter, Croats weren`t/aren`t spiritualy important for Poles but Serbians were/are decisive. One can be Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant and same way face personal downfall or reached highest human/Christian values. But loyalty that Serbs and Poles have for each others can be explained only as some divine act of almighty God. God, that is above all little human stupidities

Polish-Serbian historic relationship represent beacon of light and hope for all the Slavs, for all the Christians. Catholic-Orthodox antagonisms never poisoned our communication. On the contrary, we always did our best to prove that we are above Christian divisions. That made us better Christians and good Slavs.

Truth is,... deep inside of their beings, Poles and Serbs are aware that they are one and same ethos,... falsely divided Sarmatians.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #248
But on the surface? ;)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Sep 2009 /  #249
EU is like melon, kick it and it will come apart.
Empty words.

Really? Then say me please, are you ready to fight in Poland in case of Russian agression?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #250
'Me please' :) If we have to, yes :)
Arien  2 | 710  
20 Sep 2009 /  #251
Really? Then say me please, are you ready to fight in Poland in case of Russian agression?

Hell yeah. Just like they were ready to fight for us back in the days..

OP Crow  154 | 9561  
20 Sep 2009 /  #252
But on the surface? ;)

on a surface?

give chance to Croatia and expect them to mutilate Polish children in the first opportunity when Germany invade Poland. All depend on Germany,... how far Germany wants to go with use of pro-German Croatian fanatics
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #253
Crow, you live with Yugoslav War thinking. You are like a Vet who has never fully recovered from the brutality of war. Germany invades Poland??? Geez, 70 years too late Crowie.

The Ustashe is a force we rarely hear of in the 21st century, Crow. Normal Croats get on just fine with Poles.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
20 Sep 2009 /  #254
how far Germany wants to go with use of pro-German Croatian fanatics

We would be quite happy if they would let us win at football now and then....seriously...after all we did for them...ungrateful bunch!
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Sep 2009 /  #255
european nations are totally incapable and you need somebody to protect you.

In this case we are sth like North Ossetia.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
20 Sep 2009 /  #256
Bratwurst Boy

A German like you dont help the picture of Germany in any way. Just put another line of scar.

Germany perhaps is alot better now. It is nearer and can be considered as a friend aswell.

As for you ... you belong to a bunch that belongs to no nation and race...just the mob of CHAOS.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Sep 2009 /  #257
european nations are totally incapable and you need somebody to protect you.
In this case we are sth like North Ossetia.

You got it right my dear Greek friend! Don't you actually want to bite of your heritadiary lands from Turkey? I think you do! Another question, do you have enough strength to do it by yourself? I think you don't! Certainly you need care and assistance!
scrappleton  - | 829  
20 Sep 2009 /  #258
Another question, do you have enough strength to do it by yourself? I think you don't! Certainly you need care and assistance!

Of course he doesn't. He is the Grand European. Sitting around with the Grand Critique. He will be there to provide brains but never valor.
rock  - | 428  
20 Sep 2009 /  #259
Don't you actually want to bite of your heritadiary lands from Turkey?

No, they don't :)
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Sep 2009 /  #260
Don't you actually want to bite of your heritadiary lands from Turkey?
No, they don't :)

Believe me, they do! They still hate you so much....

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Do you know who said this?
rock  - | 428  
20 Sep 2009 /  #261
Believe me, they do! They still hate you so much....

World is changing. Greece is in EU and they almost catch the life standards of Europe.
You have no common things with Greece other than religion and we are not in the middle ages.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
20 Sep 2009 /  #262
Ha-ha-ha! Something similar europeans had said before WWII - "we are not in the dark ages..."

Listen me boy....the times are always the same, nothing changes....
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
20 Sep 2009 /  #263
The Ustashe is a force we rarely hear of in the 21st century

but ustashe killed and mutilated more then 1.000.000 Serbians in WWII. Today`s Croatia live in continuity with those ustashe from WWII, profit from their evil deeds

today`s Croatia declaring Serbian language and cultural heritage as Croatian, Catholic Serbs as Croats, Orthodox Serbs as Croats. Croatia was in alliance with mujaheedines against Serbs

You didn`t hear for this? EU and NATO didn`t tell you that?

you want to know what happenings to Serbs? i would tell you... Its all German punishment for Serbian resistance to German domination over Slavs. Its Islamic punishment to Serbs because Serbs resist to islamization of Slavs.

and i fu** THEM, all of THEM and plus their Jewish friends

european nations are totally incapable and you need somebody to protect you.

well, i am on the half way to start to believe that Russia needs to bring us freedom and democracy.

yes, Russia should spread democracy a little. Start from Lusatia and Kosovo, please
rock  - | 428  
20 Sep 2009 /  #264
Ha-ha-ha! Something similar europeans had said before WWII - "we are not in the dark ages..."

Listen me boy....the times are always the same, nothing changes....

So, you believe that with the help of Russia, Greek will attempt to take back Anatolia from Turkey. You made me laugh funny boy.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Sep 2009 /  #265
Crow, we've had many discussions on this topic. The Ustashe were every bit as bad as the Nazis in their attitude. Soros, the Germans and the EU/NATO. They had no business tampering with the Balkans. I just wish that Arkan could have caught some of them.

You should know by now that I hate what they did in the Balkans.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
20 Sep 2009 /  #266
Greek will attempt to take back Anatolia from Turkey.

Greaks and Serbs would make a little deal, few territorial compensations and, Turkey would be past. Russia would provide vodka for the party

You should know by now that I hate what they did in the Balkans.

yes. They reduced Serbian manuverable space, to say,.. they reduces Serbian space in general

Now, its not comfortable to Serbs and real sex didn`t even started. To avoid sex, EU, NATO and Islamic powers would retreat from the region and let Poland and Russia to re-establish their spheres of influences on the Balkan

and who shall guarantee balance between Polish and Russian intersts here? Serbs, of course
rock  - | 428  
21 Sep 2009 /  #267
Greaks and Serbs would make a little deal, few territorial compensations and, Turkey would be past. Russia would provide vodka for the party

Greek and Serbia try to have good relations with Turkey which we appreciate.
It is good for you, believe me.
mephias  10 | 296  
21 Sep 2009 /  #268
Greaks and Serbs would make a little deal, few territorial compensations and, Turkey would be past. Russia would provide vodka for the party

You are really funny Crow. I give you an advantage, add three more countries you like to your deal and try whatever you were imagining, result will be failure for you again.

european nations are totally incapable and you need somebody to protect you.
well, i am on the half way to start to believe that Russia needs to bring us freedom and democracy.

yes, Russia should spread democracy a little. Start from Lusatia and Kosovo, please

Russia and democracy, this two words should not be used in same sentence yet. If you are not strong as they are, you can only be a puppet of Russia not a partner.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Sep 2009 /  #269
You are really funny Crow.

giving my best

I give you an advantage, add three more countries you like to your deal and try whatever you were imagining, result will be failure for you again.


i`ll add: Poland, Russia and Ukraine. With them in the game, on the behalf of Serbian and Greak agreament, Tukey would finish as Christmas turkey
szczeciniak  4 | 92  
21 Sep 2009 /  #270
leave us alone, let us live and prosper and accept ukraine as free and independent state.
let them live and prosper(Ukrainians)

ow no i sound like spock(long live and prosper)

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