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What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
28 Aug 2009 /  #61
but you do not see this happening do you.

As the question was about what would be needed to form an alliance between Poland and Russia I don't see somalian pirates or HIV enter the math...sorry...must be my fault!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Aug 2009 /  #62
as my answer was as external danger to two counties will unite them
as if you will have some eminent danger to force people to unite
Poles and Russians have too much hate between too much history to have alliance
you could ask what need to happen to unite Poland and Germans my answer to that one would be if hell will freeze over then maybe
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
28 Aug 2009 /  #63
Well the first thing is that, the rest of the world should not be involved, it is totally down to the Russians and the Poles.

If they would just set aside their differences then maybe some sort of friendship could begin to emerge, unless current and past issues are dealt with or forgotten i can't see any end to the spicy relationship between the two.

As i said at the top of the post, i don't think the rest of the world should be involved at all, maybe as some sort of mediator if needed but apart from that, leave it to the two parties involved. I guess it would be a type of marriage counselling :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
28 Aug 2009 /  #64
you could ask what need to happen to unite Poland and Germans my answer to that one would be if hell will freeze over then maybe

I don't know where you live but in this world Poland and Germany are both members of the same economical and even military organizations.

They are allies without real borders anymore between them!

Maybe the hell is frozen??? :):):)
Salomon  2 | 436  
28 Aug 2009 /  #65
I am allmos packed before my travel to Mocow ... I'll see this country ...

see ya in October
Eurola  4 | 1898  
28 Aug 2009 /  #66
Have fun in Moscow.
До Свиданя.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Aug 2009 /  #67
Bratwurst Boy you are naive Poland is member on NATO and EU and Germany is member but that does not constitute theme being allies and why Germany want to go back to 1939 border.

In my opinion if occasion will raise Germany will gladly turn on Poland.
and I grew up in Poland lived there thought solidarity movement and marshal law by old gen. Jaruzelski, I demonstrated on streets during the time. Now I live in U.S. I lived in Germany for two years.

let me ask you Bratwurst where you live and how old are you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
28 Aug 2009 /  #68
Bratwurst Boy you are naive Poland is member on NATO and EU and Germany is member but that does not constitute theme being allies

How would you call that then?

In my opinion if occasion will raise Germany will gladly turn on Poland.

What for?

let me ask you Bratwurst where you live and how old are you?

Berlin (and I'm old enough for my helmet).

OP Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Aug 2009 /  #69
Well the first thing is that, the rest of the world should not be involved, it is totally down to the Russians and the Poles.

o, that gives me an idea

maybe, i should start thread- English destine in case of Polish-Russian alliance?

ahahah hahah haha hahahahahah

muahah muahhah hahaha ahahaha
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
28 Aug 2009 /  #70
maybe, i should start thread- English destine in case of Polish-Russian alliance?

do what you like :) what i said was THE WHOLE WORLD should stay out of it, let them sort it out
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Aug 2009 /  #71
what for they turn on Poland for centuries land for the breading space
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
28 Aug 2009 /  #72
Again...what for?
Populations are shrinking, Germans have space in a Europe without borders. When they want they can go everywhere (as can Poles)....Germany gained more influence and wealth through peaceful trading than any war.

A war would destroy all that. There is no sense in what you say.

Germany and Poland are with each other and with the other EU- and NATO members in a supportive coalition, economical and (should the need be) militarily as well, they even take part together in governing these organizations...that's how it is.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Aug 2009 /  #73
what for they turn on Poland for centuries land for the breading space

actualy, Russia could do it

just imagine scandal

Populations are shrinking

so, Arabs would help? Is that German and Franch lesson to Poles?
lesser  4 | 1311  
29 Aug 2009 /  #74
Polish and Russian people need to stop taking opium for the masses and get rid of religion then they will become human beings and become equal then they can be alliance for one common good but now they are divided by religion labels as religion is poison
how is this for golden thought ?

There is no religion conflict between Poles and Russians. You are simply obsessed person who blame religions for everything.

and partly trust only the small satellite nations around US: Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Estonians.

These states search for external protection of some important players. Poland need to become great economic power and military power to attract their attention. Anyway, as far as international relations are concentrated those who run Poland should not trust anybody. Trust and politics never get along, if we talk about serious states.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
30 Aug 2009 /  #75
What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?

i need answer on this question, please

Can't happen any time soon...Both nations pigheaded, so Khazars rule....What needs to happen?...It has already happened: WWI, WWII, Bolshevism...To move forward, one must learn from history, and avoid same errors...Neither nation seems capable of this...The notion of Slavic Unity is a noble one, and one that would have great positive results...But, this unity would require what is called a 'paradigm shift', a changed worldview...Both nations still caught up in past dreams of greatness; vision for the future is sorely lacking...There is also a spiritual aspect to this...In this, the current spirit is sorely lacking.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
31 Aug 2009 /  #76
Slavic civilzation still waits to consolidate but, we are on the road. Even Hitler foresaw it and even protagonists of new world order.

We are a class by ourselves and we only know how much we worth. So let them compare themselves to ourselves, not otherwise.

Let Germans be Germans, Franch be Franch, and us be ourselves and we will see a womankind from which group will start to pray for a husband form the other group first. There will be a wild scream for us there, but we will though as a Rock, that will hot them even more.

I sow, on numerous examples- in talks, at work, in my travels, we a little differ form Franch, British and Germans and it is a fantastic difference, extremely sophisticated distinctions, cause it proves that we have in ourselves extraordinary features, especially intuitive mind and instincts of higher intelligence, which elsewhere rarely occurs.

We were on the top already and we faced downfall. Only the best can arise again, remember that.

We will find the Scent. HEADS UP

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Aug 2009 /  #77
What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?

Nothing, because it will not happen. Not only because of apparant historic reasons, but also because Poland is now part of the EU and simply cannot form an alliance with Russia, at least as far as I now.

Maybe the role and importance of Poland or the Slavic entity is a bit overrated. Poland, Serbia and the rest (excluding Russia here) are small, marginal countries who basically have no role of importance on the global theatre (anymore). We are not living in the first half of the 20th century anymore and I think nowadays the focus has a bit shifted to the Arabic ppl of the world. So IF it would happen, who in the Western world would lay awake of it?

M-G (likes Serbian girls though)

Let Germans be Germans, Franch be Franch, and us be ourselves and we will see a womankind from which group will start to pray for a husband form the other group first. There will be a wild scream for us there, but we will though as a Rock, that will hot them even more.

Ehm, maybe you should've taken your tablets this morning? I have no idea what exactly you meant with this phrase.

Edit: make that your entire entry - I really have no clue what you are talking about, besides that it may be your usual Slavia über alles babbel. But we have passed that now, crow, do we?

M-G (?)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
31 Aug 2009 /  #78
Poland, Serbia and the rest (excluding Russia here) are small, marginal countries

If so then don't you think the alliance would be able to fix this

who basically have no role of importance on the global theatre (anymore)

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Aug 2009 /  #79
No, I don't think that an alliance would fix this. Why should Poland do this? They are part of what has been called the biggest alliance in the World: the EU. There is no need at all to form an alliance with Russia. What good would it do, except bringing destabilisation to a (currently) stable area?


No, but you name me the importance of Slavic countries (except Russia) in nowaday's politics or world theatre, without mentioning some ancient issue, not relevant for today's state of things?

M-G (no issues)
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
31 Aug 2009 /  #80
likes Serbian girls though

yes, they are qute little angels, bird like by apperance (as Southern nicely noticed and mentioned here) but, they are true little piranas ;)

well, all woman are a little bit Witches, aren`t they
mvefa  5 | 591  
31 Aug 2009 /  #81
but, they are true little piranas ;)

hahahahaha good one!!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
31 Aug 2009 /  #82
Crow, what do you think about the latest letter from Putin and the praise of Tusk? A step closer to your utopiated Polish-Russian alliance?
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
31 Aug 2009 /  #83
what do you think

right now, nothing. For me, both of them- Putin and Tusk are Slavic traitors. Just, from the different angle

A step closer to your utopiated Polish-Russian alliance?

actualy, i don`t propose Polish-Russian alliance. You didn`t understand

But now, don`t get me wrong. Poland and Russia should have better relations as possible. We are all part of great Slavic civilization. All of us should mobilize part of our resources in order to strenghten Slavic culture and to secure prosperity of our kind.

So, i am all for that but, i don`t suggest Polish-Russian alliance. It would be maybe necesery (i am sure) that Poland and Russia form alliance in some near or distant future, to deal with some urgent issues and threats outside of Slavic world. And, if it prove to be alliance which can evolve in sustain confederation (whatever), i would be first who shall salute that.

So, question was- ``What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?`` It was clear question

But, Polish-Russian alliance isn`t what i suggest.

when you ask.... What would i suggest is Polish-Ukrainian-Serbian (as a core) alliance that could eventualy evolve in vast Slavic confederation that can found continuity with Great Moravia (early middle age Slavic Kingdom) and/or Sarmatia Europae (conglomerate of tribes).
CacyUlcia  2 | 46  
31 Aug 2009 /  #84
Russia is a fine Christian country, but Poland will not ally with Russians who are at fault with the following consequences:

-Russians don't fancy the Polish culture, and make no effort in learning their language, where as Polaki had learned to speak Russian.

-It's bad enough that other countries give Poland hard time because they are placed next to this Russia, with so much PRIDE to dominate other countries, including Poland.

-It would too challenging for the Polish to ally with Russians who don't shower daily but WEEKLY.

- Poland fears that their Polish old fathers will raise from the dead and hunt them with emphasis on religion: "They are Christians not Catholics!"
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Aug 2009 /  #85
-Russians don't fancy the Polish culture

I doubt if the average Russian believes there is any difference between russian and polish culture.And majority of Russians about 90% have never been outside Russia.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
1 Sep 2009 /  #86
-Russians don't fancy the Polish culture, and make no effort in learning their language, where as Polaki had learned to speak Russian.

What do you mean? Learning Polish in schools? They do... in some specialized schools though. just being interesting in Polish culture? Again there're loads of groups dedicated to Poland, its people, language, art, literature.

-It's bad enough that other countries give Poland hard time because they are placed next to this Russia


-It would too challenging for the Polish to ally with Russians who don't shower daily but WEEKLY.

What?! o_O Which planet are you now on?

"They are Christians not Catholics!"

Catholics and Orthodox are both Christians.

And majority of Russians about 90% have never been outside Russia.

10% of Russians were only abroad in 2008. If those were the only Russians who had been abroad then your theory is plausible. :)))
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Sep 2009 /  #87
-It would too challenging for the Polish to ally with Russians who don't shower daily but WEEKLY.

Besides the fact that I know Russians who in fact shower twice a day, I am sure you were joking when you wrote down this thread, did you? I mean, you cannot be serious with this.

M-G (is against a union between PL and RUS for other reasons)
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
1 Sep 2009 /  #88
- Poland fears that their Polish old fathers will raise from the dead and hunt them with emphasis on religion


Poland is in the EU and NATO. Polish old fathers will arise from the dead anyway.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Sep 2009 /  #89
What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance?

Anna Semenovich should come to Poland and Doda to Russia.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Sep 2009 /  #90
Poland is in the EU and NATO. Polish old fathers will arise from the dead anyway.

Don't worry...soon Russia will be in the EU, too :)

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