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Poland among the greatest enemies of Russia

22 Jun 2009 /  #1
According to the poll conducted by Moscow "Lewada Center" (?), Poland
is one of the greatest Russian political enemies. 62% of Russians consider
Georgia to be their greatest enemy.

After Georgia there are USA, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and finally - Poland.

The poll checked the opinion of 1600 Russians in 46 regions of the country.

Source: wiadomosci.onet.pl/1994040,12,item.html

That's ridiculous! We got the 7th place behind Estonia? Not fair!
We should at least have taken the third place behind US.

I demand a recount!!!

pgtx  29 | 3094  
22 Jun 2009 /  #2
yeah... i've read about it...
so is it going to be one more 30-page thread about how much Russians don't like Poles?

OP Torq  
22 Jun 2009 /  #3
so is it going to be one more 30-page thread about how much Russians don't like Poles?

Hopefully :)

I will also want to hear some explanations about that 7th place. Seeing as liberation
of Moscow from Polish occupation is one of the most important holidays in Russia,
I fail to understand how could Estonia be higher in the enemy ranking than Poland.

That's another insult to Poland. After our war effort was snubbed by the French,
our anti-Russian efforts are being snubbed by the Russians themselves.

pgtx  29 | 3094  
22 Jun 2009 /  #4
Hopefully :)

oh no... :(
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 Jun 2009 /  #5
actually russia is its own worst enemy.
scrappleton  - | 829  
22 Jun 2009 /  #6
fail to understand how could Estonia be higher in the enemy ranking than Poland

I read that Estonians dug up Soviet graves from WWII and defamed them. Maybe it was Nazis, not sure (or both). Well, hey at least you made the list. Lol.
OP Torq  
22 Jun 2009 /  #7
I read that Estonians dug up Soviet graves from WWII and defamed them.

Did they? Still, it doesn't explain their 6th place in the ranking.

I mean, come on - all the wars, occupation of Moscow, Battle of Warsaw,
Solidarity, Kaczynski twins etc. etc. and the Estonians just go and dig up
some graves and it's enough to push us to the 7th place. Not fair :(
scrappleton  - | 829  
22 Jun 2009 /  #8
mean, come on - all the wars, occupation of Moscow, Battle of Warsaw,
Solidarity, Kaczynski twins etc. etc.

Yeah good list, plus Doestevsky was always slamming Poland. ;-U .. Maybe Sasha can shed some light on it.
OP Torq  
22 Jun 2009 /  #9
Maybe Sasha can shed some light on it.

Yes, let's wait for Sasha - he will have a lot of explaining to do for
his fellow compatriots who took part in that infamous poll.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2009 /  #10
This is nonsense, those 1,600 could have been handpicked to say that and stir up trouble. Besides, what's 1,600 relative to the population of Russia? Russia has about 142 million people. Let's look at those figures together. 1,600 and 141,961,600.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
22 Jun 2009 /  #11
Hey, guys!
Firstly I have to mention that I've always been very skeptical about any kind of official polls especially about those with the overall participants of 1600 for such huge country as Russia. Particularly "Lewada centr" is notorious for that sort of polls. The less people they have, the larger area they cover the more room for forging on figures.

However I still believe these figures are close to what people may tell you. I'll explain... The average Iwan from the village Iwanowka has at best on his mind the household, at worst - where to get another bottle of samogon (home-brew) to survive the day. He's highly unlikely to ever go further the closest city, to say nothing about going abroad or specifically to Poland. Hence he can only get the info from TV set or radio which broadcast solely the governmental views; that in its turn defines his own views.

The result of such polls are often so unexpected that might be called ridiculous. For instance Germany has ranked two years in a row second in a list of Russians' "enfant cheri" (right after Belorussia). Not that I have anything against Germans, but I'd never believe in that Russians in average could place them second before other Slavic nations. Btw I think Belorussians will lose their leading position considering the recent conflicts in interest of Russian oligarchs and Belorussian batka (tov. Lukashenko).

If you want to get a real picture, you may go to some Russian forums about Poland. Really few of those Russians who've ever lived in Poland or been interested in country/language cherish hostile feelings towards Poland/Poles, even though many of them had to pay for the Soviet atrocities, experiencing cold attitude from locals or sometimes open discrimination for the only fact of being Russian.

actually russia is its own worst enemy.

Oh yeah. 110%. I've just come back home from the US. I manage to hate and love my country at the very same time, I ask myself "are we doomed to live this way?"... :( Well... maybe it's just a cultural shock + jetlag...

Nevermind guys... it's just a cry from the depths I wanted to share with you. :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
22 Jun 2009 /  #12
This is nonsense

I agree, 7th place is just ridiculous, we deserve the first 3!
Piorun  - | 655  
22 Jun 2009 /  #13
After Georgia there are USA, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and finally - Poland.

Georgia and US are obvious as for the rest it's priority, the way they would like to incorporate those lands back into the fold of the collective.

However I still believe these figures are close to what people may tell you.

Agreed, although I think it has more to do with the Russian mentality overall and their mindset rather than what Iwan from Iwanowka might think. He will only tell you what he thinks you want to hear.

If you want to get a real picture, you may go to some Russian forums about Poland.

Forums are not really a good representation, It's way more interesting to read the opinions and comments to the published articles. There at least you will find what the overall mindset is, (from the horses mouth) people who care about the subject. It's not a pretty picture.

Oh yeah. 110%. I've just come back home from the US. I manage to hate and love my country at the very same time, I ask myself "are we doomed to live this way?"...

I see progress and hope here :-)

As for the 7th place, it's an insult.
mets2redsox0  - | 40  
22 Jun 2009 /  #14
is one of the greatest Russian political enemies. 62% of Russians consider

that would be "Comrade Putin??"
Nathan  18 | 1349  
22 Jun 2009 /  #15
I agree, 7th place is just ridiculous, we deserve the first 3!

Poor Socrates, we beated you again ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
22 Jun 2009 /  #16
Thats your second victory over us in your history then :))))
Nathan  18 | 1349  
22 Jun 2009 /  #17
Right, one - on battlefields and the second - being more belligerent towards your idols ;)
SRK85  - | 72  
23 Jun 2009 /  #18
And Russia is one of the greatest enemies of Poland. Why does Russia hate Poland so much?
23 Jun 2009 /  #19
Why does Russia hate Poland so much?

Russia belongs to the Byzantine East and Poland to the Latin West. Plus Russia sees herself not as a mere country but as an empire. Empire that makes rules themselves. So we should be very impressed and behave.
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jun 2009 /  #20
I manage to hate and love my country at the very same time,

I feel the same way about the US right now. Kind of hard to keep singing about how great we are when we owe the Chinese all that money. Current events are frankly very embarrasing and there's no real end in site.
1jola  14 | 1875  
23 Jun 2009 /  #21
Kind of hard to keep singing about how great we are when we owe the Chinese all that money.

They will eventually anex US and call it the Far Eastern Province. Kind of a repo job.

When is that Independence from Poland holiday? I don't want to miss it this year.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
23 Jun 2009 /  #22
When is that Independence from Poland holiday?

I guess it's 4th of November. Official name is "den edinenija i solidarnosti" (the day of unity and solidarity).
4november.ru/history.html you may learn more if you can read Cyrillic.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
23 Jun 2009 /  #23
Did you know about this?:
According to Rossija TV, Poland wanted to attack Russia (uh.. sorry, USSR) together with Hitler. But thanks to (brave and outstanding) Molotow Poland didn't... :-)

Ok guys, it is no coincidence, first this crazy colonel, now this. I have a few (not very revealing) hypothesis:

1. Economy in Russia sinks (like everywhere), so they are looking for outside enemy to channel mob anger,
2. North Stream project has big problems with Baltic area countries, so according to Russia Poland should be seen in EU as "not pragmatic and russophobic". Luckily it is much harder with current goverment to play such foolish games..

3. Putin will visit Poland in autumn, recent history shows that Russians like to raise tensions before meetings with political leaders

Conclusion: 1. Global economy will sink more in next few months, 2. North Stream will have the same problems, 3. there is still a few months to Putin's visit, so this is just warm-up.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn in the next few months that Poland actually invade Russia (uh, sorry USSR) with Hitler in 1941...
And why not: that good Stalin had evil alter ego. Good Stalin had Russian ancestors, but his evil alter ego ancestors were evil georgian grandfather and more evil polish grandmother. And this polish grandmother were my aunt from my mother side :-)

Interesting but sad: nybooks.com/articles/22875

"Exaggerated Russian claims about numbers of deaths treat Belarus and Ukraine as Russia, and Jews, Belarusians, and Ukrainians as Russians: this amounts to an imperialism of martyrdom, implicitly claiming territory by explicitly claiming victims. This will likely be the line propounded by the new historical committee appointed by President Dmitri Medvedev to prevent "falsifications" of the Russian past. Under legislation currently debated in Russia, statements such as those contained in this paragraph would be a criminal offense."
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
16 Jul 2009 /  #24
Disgrace I tell you!

I will get some bullies and reck down the red army monument in Warsaw ;(
Crow  154 | 9463  
16 Jul 2009 /  #25
Poland among the greatest enemies of Russia

i don`t think so
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jul 2009 /  #26
Crow, how can you say that? Many Poles have been killed at the hands of Russians. People become enemies for far less. Many there still have imperialistic ambitions and see Poland as sth like a fly.

Time to drop the Slavic romanticism and get in touch with reality.
Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #27
Crow, how can you say that?

just look at me

Many Poles have been killed at the hands of Russians.

true. As you can see, Russians didn`t escape with it. They are black sheep of Slavdom and their behavior would be corrected. Slavic world have potentials to deal with inter-Slavic problems.

People become enemies for far less.

Poland is currently in alliance with Germany and Turkey. Are those THOSE better then Russians or worse. Worse, of course.

Many there still have imperialistic ambitions and see Poland as sth like a fly.

So what?? My grandmother has some political ambitions but i regularly convince her to stay cool and go to teatre or in some club for ladies

Time to drop the Slavic romanticism and get in touch with reality.

what is reality,...to turn Poland into semitic paradise? fu*** dominion of Eurabia???

you Scotts can choose to stay under English oppresion but Poles are my people. I would suggest some other alternatives to them
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2009 /  #28
Didn't escape with it???? Eh, Katyn? They are a constant enemy, Crow.

Crow, being in with Germany and Turkey is incidental. How many bilateral treaties do you know of between them?

Well, good for your grandmother, I'm sure you are proud ;)

Oppression? Hardly! We may get a vote on independence in 2010. Why don't you come and live in Poland, Crowie?
Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #29
Why don't you come and live in Poland, Crowie?

are you joking?

i love Poland and Poles but, you must understand me. Many Serbs died (even many Poles died) in order to liberate Serbian lands from Islamic oppresion and Tukish rule... so no, hardly that today`s Poland, part of Eurabia and NATO terrorist organization can be interesting for Serbians.

Didn't escape with it???? Eh, Katyn?

no, Russia can`t escape from its responsibilities, no matter that Katyn was done by communists (Soviets)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2009 /  #30
NATO was guaranteed security in the eyes of the Poles, Crow. How can you blame them for that?

Crow, in the eyes of Poles, Russia and the Soviets are one and the same. Why do you think they are asking Russia for compensation?

One more thing, can't you separate the people from the government? Eurabia and NATO would be the last things on your mind when dancing with a pretty Polish chick. NATO would then mean Need Action Tonight Ok

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