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Poland among the greatest enemies of Russia

Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #31
NATO was guaranteed security in the eyes of the Poles, Crow. How can you blame them for that?

thanks to NATO Poland attacking Serbians. I don`t see it as defence of Polish national interests

Crow, in the eyes of Poles, Russia and the Soviets are one and the same.

Polish perception should be changed. Too much British, Franch and USA influence

Why do you think they are asking Russia for compensation?

its ok to ask Russia for compensations. Crime was done by Soviets but some ethnic Russians were involved, isn`t it?

One more thing, can't you separate the people from the government?

sometimes people deserve its own governmant, sometimes people is oppresed by its own governmant

Eurabia and NATO would be the last things on your mind when dancing with a pretty Polish chick.

dance with a pretty Polish girl can make that i forget to think

NATO would then mean Need Action Tonight Ok

i don`t boost on NATO
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
17 Jul 2009 /  #32
Maybe the Poles should tell Russia that will perform nuclear weapons tests on April Fools' Day. ;-)
OP Torq  
17 Jul 2009 /  #33
to turn Poland into semitic paradise? fu*** dominion of Eurabia???

How can it be both semitic paradise and Eurabia dominion? Make up your mind, Crow.

today`s Poland, part of Eurabia

Erm... actually, Serbia has waaay more muslims than Poland does.
Muslims stole the heart of your country from you without a single
shot being fired after they declare indpendence, and outbred you
in your own lands. So, if any country is a part of Eurabia, it's Serbia
not Poland.
Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #34
How can it be both semitic paradise and Eurabia dominion? Make up your mind, Crow.

EU is semitic creation. Its not for Slavs. no, not because of racial reasons, don`t take me that vulgar. Simple, Slavs has their own civilization and we should develop it and not accept assimilation in some mixed ethnic `soup`

Erm... actually, Serbia has waaay more muslims than Poland does.

difference is that Serbia strongly resist because recognized what is EU. Serbia is practicaly conquored by EU (read Eurabia), while official Poland took part in raid on Serbia.

Muslims stole the heart of your country

official Poland helped them. Think about it

without a single
shot being fired after they declare indpendence

among else, because Serbians didn`t want to confront and shot at Polish soldiers on terain

and outbred you
in your own lands

Serbs were very tolerant. Learn on our example, Poles. Before we were awaken, they pledge to create Muslim state on our soil. Unfortunately, as i said and as you know, Poland helped them.

So, if any country is a part of Eurabia, it's Serbia
not Poland.

Be serious. Poland is part of Eurabia, not Serbia. Its official

Maybe the Poles should tell Russia that will perform nuclear weapons tests on April Fools' Day. ;-)

Germany could be very happy. Germans likes jokes on the account of Poles
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2009 /  #35
Well, it comes as no surprise as KaczyƄski virtually orchestrated that anti-Russian demonstration last year, built on lies and opportunism. Still, Tusk and Putin get on ok.
OP Torq  
17 Jul 2009 /  #36
Simple, Slavs has their own civilization

As much as I would like to, I don't think that there is one, universal Slavic
civilization. There are of course, many similarities, and when I travel to
a Slavic country I feel almost like I'm at home, but there is a lot of historical,
cultural or religious differences between Slavic nations and they should not
be taken lightly.

difference is that Serbia strongly resist because recognized what is EU

Actually, your government wants Serbia to join the EU, so we will be there together
one day - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and in the future if
all goes well, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Ukraine.
It's as close to Slavic Union as we can realistically get, Crow.

Before we were awaken, they pledge to create Muslim state on our soil. Unfortunately, as i said and as you know, Poland helped them.

Poland helped muslims to breed on your territory? WTF???

It was your women having 1-2 babies and their women having 6-7. Nothing to do
with Poland here, Crow.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2009 /  #37
Crow seems to forget about the Croats. Why not focus on their nice ways rather than the Ustashe as he tends to?

Torq is right, the EU will be a Slavic Union of sorts. Also, the Poles had nothing to do with Mujas, that should be clear.
Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #38
Still, Tusk and Putin get on ok.

yes. Both are Slavic traitors. Finaly Poland and Russia agree in something and that is- German interests on the first place. All other topics are on the distant secund and so on places.

Actually, your government wants Serbia to join the EU

Serbian governmant is instaled by German, British and Franch ambasadores in Serbia. Everybody in Serbia are aware of it. Serbian governmant isn `t just Serbian.

It's as close to Slavic Union as we can realistically get, Crow.

its not Slavic union. Its Eurabia and Slavs there represent spice in soup that is on menu.

Poland helped muslims to breed on your territory?

read carefuly what i wrote. Poland didn`t help that Muslims breed but to separate part of Serbian territory. Part of official Poland resist to that situation, part is against (Kachinski). Currently, pro-Muslim wing in Polish governmant (Tusk) is stronger.

Torq is right, the EU will be a Slavic Union of sorts.

only if some dramatic situation occur

Also, the Poles had nothing to do with Mujas, that should be clear.

of course not. Only Polish governmant
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Jul 2009 /  #39
If that thing in the desert works Poland will become free of oil and gas too! YAY!:)

What exactly are the Africans getting in return? I've heard mixed reports about this.

That's the natural way to go between neighbours...

Well, it would be beneficial for both parties thats for sure. For the whole world, in the end.
Replacing old coal plants with fresh new solar/wind generators would be a beautiful thing.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11868  
17 Jul 2009 /  #40
What exactly are the Africans getting in return? I've heard mixed reports about this.

Jobs and clear drinkwater!

Well, it would be beneficial for both parties thats for sure. For the whole world, in the end.
Replacing old coal plants with fresh new solar/wind generators would be a beautiful thing.

I'm really glad the german big industry decided to take the lead at last (with the government behind them).
They sat on the fence for much to long....now it should only be a question of time!
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Jul 2009 /  #41
Jobs and clear drinkwater!

More than enough ;)
Very interesting graphic there. I can't even imagine how many solar panels would go into that ;)

Can you imagine the security they would have to invest in? What if some crazy Arab terrorist crashed his plane into this place? :)

They sat on the fence for much to long

Well, you're definitely leading the way in the world in that right now.
I watched a program a while ago about it. There was a Canadian man who had been trying to sell his design for solar power panels to his govermnent for years. They would not listen, and he was close to being bankrupt, when the Germans came knocking at his door and bought his engineering for millions of Euro's. His work is now very valuable there, with millions of his panels being produced, rather than in his home country. You would think Canada of all countries would be a bit more aware than that! They havn't even produced one of these panels for use. Rather, they are only being used privately I believe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11868  
17 Jul 2009 /  #42
Can you imagine the security they would have to invest in? What if some crazy Arab terrorist crashed his plane into this place? :)

Well...it's not oil...they can't kill the sun or stop her from shining.
Solar panels can be replaced easily. And we will build up an energy saving for such cases in the mean time.
But that's another good reason to make the natives profit from that too.
The sympathy for would-be-terrorists would not be very great.
There are also countries who are friendly and not hostile from the outlet. We are talking with those.
And at last there will be surely military and intelligence cooperation on all sides of this project...

But it won't be worse than what we have now with our dependance on oil and gas!

It would be great if Canada and Poland would join the Desertec project!
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jul 2009 /  #43
Why was the Pravda article thread removed? It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

I liked this:

Poland also invaded Lithuania capturing and holding its capital city, Tallinn.

OP Torq  
17 Jul 2009 /  #44
It would be great if Canada and Poland would join the Desertec project!

Agreed! It's time we stopped fattening those Arab sheiks (and not only them)!
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Jul 2009 /  #45

Crow  154 | 9463  
17 Jul 2009 /  #46
minute of silence in remembrance of democracy

i am sad when see mutilation of threads. Those NATO hackers are so cruel
OP Torq  
17 Jul 2009 /  #47
Why was the Pravda article thread removed?

It's here:

Lotnik767  3 | 145  
20 Jul 2009 /  #48
Russians are still holding a grudge ageist’s us because Poland beat them in 1920 and also is probably the only country that’s not scared of Russia and their propaganda! Russians are also mad because Poland is the only country they are not able to control!
lesser  4 | 1311  
24 Jul 2009 /  #49
Yeah, Russians do nothing else but think about mighty Poland.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
24 Jul 2009 /  #50

Please don't be so foolish.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
24 Jul 2009 /  #51
Yeah, Russians do nothing else but think about mighty Poland.

I can just see it infront of me

Russians the most polonophobic people in the world
Sasha  2 | 1083  
25 Jul 2009 /  #52
Russians the most polonophobic people in the world

Did I miss the poll on that?
Crow  154 | 9463  
25 Jul 2009 /  #53
Russians the most polonophobic people in the world

don`t believe in that Poles. Look at me, i don`t believe
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Jul 2009 /  #54
Look at me, i don`t believe

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Jul 2009 /  #55
Russians the most polonophobic people in the world

Actually Russians as such are not polonophobic, the problem here is indoctrination, they buy everything their goverment tells them.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jul 2009 /  #56
the problem here is indoctrination, they buy everything their goverment tells them.

Pretty much as everywhere else.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Jul 2009 /  #57
You have no idea buddy, the extent to which it goes in Russia is terryfying, these people believe Russia is poor because it helped Eastern Europe and have been conditioned by media to a point that they claim their country is not corrupted and everything you say is "western propaganda".
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jul 2009 /  #58
the extent to which it goes in Russia is terryfying

I've never been to Russia, so I can't tell. It's kind of hard to believe though that the majority over there is still "indoctrinated" after 20 years. Are you sure it's not just a few die-hards who cannot get over the fall of the USSR?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Jul 2009 /  #59
It's kind of hard to believe though that the majority over there is still "indoctrinated" after 20 years

Nothing has changed in Russia over 20 years, not a single thing, administratively, economically and socially its exactly the same country it was, the only difference is the official names for the administration have changed and the economy is in far worse shape since they're unable to drain neighbouring coutries.

Go to pravda forums and read them, i've noticed you implied how Poles are bigoted about their history, you want to see indoctrination and bigotry check them out, or forums of Russia.com

For example when Ikea withdrew from Russia because of corruption the most common reply of the Russian forumers was "There's no corruption, Ikea is anti-Russian and Nazi".
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jul 2009 /  #60
Go to pravda forums and read them

I'll check them out, thanks.

i've noticed you implied how Poles...

Yep ... and a few disagreed ... ;-)

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