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Peres: Poland one of Israel's greatest EU allies

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Apr 2008 /  #1
peres and kaczynski

When mentioning the Holocaust, Peres said that the greatest tragedy occurred in Poland due to the largest concentration of Jews there; hence the focus of the Jewish pain has been directed at Poland, even though Germany bears and should bear the responsibility.

Regarding the ties between Israel and Poland, Peres said, "We can maintain a positive relationship with the new Poland, and together seek a future of peace, justice and friendship. The new Poland is one of Israel's best allies in the EU."

lesser  4 | 1311  
23 Apr 2008 /  #2
Yes but do we really need to invade Iran to hold this status? :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
23 Apr 2008 /  #3
we don't need that status either. i am good with out it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
23 Apr 2008 /  #4
But to whom do they come for money...u-boats...high-tech...:(
plk123  8 | 4119  
23 Apr 2008 /  #5
not russia. :)
Peter  3 | 248  
23 Apr 2008 /  #6
And Poland benefits from this how?????
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Apr 2008 /  #7
Hmm... maybe they are going to call us antisemites not so often... ?
Peter  3 | 248  
23 Apr 2008 /  #8
Look at the Middle East.............the Jews are behaving like the Nazi's did.............and I know someone will take offense with that too.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
24 Apr 2008 /  #9
Nice project of Polish Jew architect Limbeskind (survivor of £ódz getto)

This new building have just started to be build in Warszawa. It will symbolise Polish eagels wing. Polish eagel fighting in Warszawa against Nazi Germans ...

I have longer version of article I have posted at the begining.


"I came from the new Israel to the new, unoccupied and democratic Poland - from Israel, which is as old as the Ten Commandments and as new as the Internet," Peres said at the conclusion of his four-day state visit.

The Iranian nuclear threat, the terrorism of Hamas, the economic opportunities of "Peace Valley" and other subjects that Peres usually discusses did not surface.

This was his first visit to Poland as president of the State of Israel, whose founders were largely born on Polish soil, he said. Peres - who was also born in Poland - spoke more as a Jew than as an Israeli.

Poland had the world's largest concentration of Jews, with close to 3.5 million on the eve of World War II, Peres said, and it was there that the Jewish press came into being. "In Poland they spoke Yiddish, studied in Hebrew and prayed to be 'next year in Jerusalem,'" Peres recalled.

Though the whole of Europe was affected by the Holocaust," Peres said, the greatest tragedy of the Holocaust took place in Poland, which was why Jewish memory and Jewish pain are directed at Poland even though it was the Germans - who also inflicted great suffering on Poles - who were to blame.

Most of the Zionist political movements were founded in Poland, said Peres. In the first Knesset that was elected during the War of Independence, 61 of 120 members were of Polish origin, and in the first interim government headed by Ben-Gurion, six of 13 ministers were of Polish birth.

polishcanuck  7 | 461  
24 Apr 2008 /  #10
And Poland benefits from this how?????

It's just good to be friends with the jews. Afterall, they hold many prominent and powerful positions all over the globe. Maybe this friendship will result in more economic investments from israel and help the overall ecomomic situation in poland. And yes, as previously stated, they will no longer label Poles as anti-semetic. :)

Most of the Zionist political movements were founded in Poland, said Peres. In the first Knesset that was elected during the War of Independence, 61 of 120 members were of Polish origin, and in the first interim government headed by Ben-Gurion, six of 13 ministers were of Polish birth.

Yes and the most common language (maybe even official) in parliament was Polish. Sorry no sources; i remember reading it in a book sometime ago.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
24 Apr 2008 /  #11
It's just good to be friends with the jews. (...)

no comment. Most of Polish people don't see it in this way. Of couse you are Canada citizen ...

Yes and the most common language (maybe even official) in parliament was Polish. Sorry no sources; i remember reading it in a book sometime ago.

300 000 Israelis speak Polish.

I have great website about Polish year in Israel


szuszu.art.pl/chanut (nice website)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Apr 2008 /  #12
Most of the Zionist political movements were founded in Poland, said Peres. In the first Knesset that was elected during the War of Independence, 61 of 120 members were of Polish origin, and in the first interim government headed by Ben-Gurion, six of 13 ministers were of Polish birth.

From reading all this information, it seems as if Israel is willing to grant Poland a relatively favorable position as a vassal state in the JWO (Jewish World Order)...only, all crucifixes and crosses will have to be removed from sight when top Israeli commisars make periodic visits...maybe I am too cynical.
celinski  31 | 1258  
24 Apr 2008 /  #13
only, all crucifixes and crosses will have to be removed from sight

I don't feel Poland should hide a thing. As long as they don't feel they can change or should I say become another country within Poland. Poland belongs to Polish and religion is not a state within itself.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Apr 2008 /  #14
Celinski, you always make good and heartfelt posts...I am more cynical, to my own
sorrow sometimes...I made the remark about the crosses because of the outrageous
noisemaking of some Jewish groups about the display of Crosses by the Carmelite nuns after Pope John Paul II said his Mass...Hitler, of course was not a Christian, although he did maintain relations with the Catholic Church for political purposes, and because of his fear of the reaction of German Catholics...now Stalin, interestingly enough, was once an Orthodox seminary student, until the priest in charge of the seminary expelled him...but, in another curiosity, Stalin protected this priest throughout his time of rule, and made sure the priest had a place to live and a pension.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
24 Apr 2008 /  #15



firstly dear americans who don't even speak Polish ;)
than you for your opinions :o)

today I have been thinking about Poland and Israel and I have decided to write poem.

Is it butterfly?
Is it dancing queen?
Dancing together
On fields of love

Is it spring fog?
Is it olive tree?
Touching each other
At the morning

It is Poland and Israel
Two endless lovers


celinski  31 | 1258  
25 Apr 2008 /  #16
who don't even speak Polish

And this should be a factor?
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
25 Apr 2008 /  #17
Celinski do you like my poem ?

And this should be a factor?

in some way it is factor ;)
you have different perspective and point of view.
talila  3 | 11  
25 Apr 2008 /  #18
Poland does not need to be "cleaned" by Peres.

As I wrote in one of your forums a few days ago -
Poland and many Polish people have been good for Jews, which explains why so many Jews settled there for so many centuries. I wish to stress that many thousands - if not ten thousands - of Poles behaved in a saintly way during WW2 when they endangered themselves to save Jews. Its a pity that this side of Poland doesn't get the gratitude that it more than deserves.

My family who came to Israel in 1935, have lived for generations in Poland, had Polish friends and loved Poland.

(A Jewish Polophil, Tel Aviv, Israel)
celinski  31 | 1258  
25 Apr 2008 /  #19
you have different perspective and point of view.

This IMO comes from life experiances, family history and lifes lessons.

Very nice poem.

Its a pity that this side of Poland doesn't get the gratitude that it more than deserves.

Well said, Thank you.
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
25 Apr 2008 /  #20
I really apreciate your post Talila.

Celinski I have posted this all articles to show that everything is going in right direction.

I will quote Peres :

"Poland had the world's largest concentration of Jews, with close to 3.5 million on the eve of World War II, Peres said, and it was there that the Jewish press came into being. "In Poland they spoke Yiddish, studied in Hebrew and prayed to be 'next year in Jerusalem,'" Peres recalled."

as Telila have noticed:

"Poland and many Polish people have been good for Jews, which explains why so many Jews settled there for so many centuries."

Now when Poland is free we started to have positive dialogue and there are some achievments.

I have checked Talia profile and she speaks some Polish even she hasn't been born in Poland.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Apr 2008 /  #21
Gruba ryba problem jest ów dużo Polacy jesteście wieprz - mający głowę i don't zobaczyć ten wielki obraz!...rosumiec?...and actually, I am all for cultural exchange between nations...art and culture foster peace, not war.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
25 Apr 2008 /  #22
Most of Polish people don't see it in this way.

I know very well that most poles don't think this way. Fortunately the government doesn't have the same medieval mentality.

Of couse you are Canada citizen ...

I am! However, I also have Polish citizenship:)
Although I don't live in Poland, I do have family there whom I keep in touch with and visit often, so I have a pretty good idea of what poles think.
lesser  4 | 1311  
27 Apr 2008 /  #23
I know very well that most poles don't think this way. Fortunately the government doesn't have the same medieval mentality.

Actually during medieval period plenty of Jews settled in Polish kingdom. Not without reason I suppose.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 May 2008 /  #24
Was he speaking for himself or the Israeli state as a whole? It must be borne in mind that Peres was born in Poland, so a little biased.
Wildstein  - | 5  
12 Jun 2008 /  #25
It is very reasonable move. Some Poles and Israelis don't like each other but both can calcuate.

We should play in one team.
janekb  - | 57  
12 Jun 2008 /  #26
Regarding the ties between Israel and Poland, Peres said, “We can maintain a positive relationship with the new Poland, and together seek a future of peace, justice and friendship. The new Poland is one of Israel’s best allies in the EU.”

Regard the comment about "friendship" as a gesture of politeness toward the host. Instead we should wait for a substance. Polish military is doing Israels bidding by being one of the occupiers of Iraq and Afganistan (itself revolting for a country which suffered so much in hands of foreign occupiers). While the civilized world is against Israels apartheid in the Palestine, Jewish state scraping a barrel for supporters. Whenever I had any talk with Jewish people, while they personally were nonoffensive, they did not hide hostility toward Poles in general. It has tremendous effect on Poles personal lifes in countries where Jews hold positions of power or/and significnt influence. Presently Poland finds itself in the position when Jewish state needs our support (now and in the foreseable future) before rushing into friendship I would like to see what the other party can offer. I would not take an answer that Israel has no influence on Jews living in countries outside Israel.
13 Jun 2008 /  #27
Presently Poland finds itself in the position when Jewish state needs our support (now and in the foreseable future) before rushing into friendship I would like to see what the other party can offer. I would not take an answer that Israel has no influence on Jews living in countries outside Israel.

WAKEUP JANEK!!!! Israel does not need Poland (or any other state), but it wants Poland in order to get back to its real roots. 90% of the world Jewry is of European descent and Poland (and Germany for that matter) was the most hospitable host nation for the european jews.

That is why Poland is destined to be Israel's greatest EU ally. You will not get a chance to see what they offer as they swiftly take back control.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
17 Jun 2008 /  #28
That is why Poland is destined to be Israel's greatest EU ally. You will not get a chance to see what they offer as they swiftly take back control.

Jews have deep roots in 'Greater Poland'...and they prospered in a larger measure than they did in Czarist Russia, or so they would claim...but consider this angle: although evryone seems to think that the state of Israel is 'here to stay' by some 'act of God', there might just come a day of reckoning for the Zionist state, as it has so alienated and abused it's neighbors in the Middle East...where would the Jews go if Israel somehow ceased to exist?...maybe just another diaspora, maybe this time to warmer climes such as Australia or South America...or maybe, back to where this diaspora's most recent home base was located: Poland...also, remember that Jews in nearby Russia are wealthy and wield power, so maybe they would aid their brethren in a 'new diaspora', therby causing more problems between Poland and Russia...far-fetched?...maybe, maybe not.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jun 2008 /  #29
Bring back Gierek
Bohdan  - | 2  
21 Jun 2008 /  #30
Polish Year in Israel 2008-2009 PROMO short version

Polish Year in Israel. "The Table" by the Karbido group

Polish Year in Israel / Rok Polski w Izraelu 2008-2009

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Peres: Poland one of Israel's greatest EU alliesArchived