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Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored?

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Jun 2009 /  #121
Are you saying that Census is a leftist organization? Census is census, stats data officially published by the government.

From what I understand cities always have a larger population on immigrants, so what you perceive as being a false data is probably not true:).

Not everybody can interpret stats properly and I think that you might fall into that category.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
24 Jun 2009 /  #122
It seems that some Brits imagine things which aren`t true.

there is my point, you have missed out the last 8 years, when the EU has expanded ten fold and immigrants have been coming to the UK because of numerous conflicts, wars around the world. I'm not willing to accept numbers from over 8 years ago.

The same doubts were expressed by some Brits in 2001 but they proved ungrounded.
Summary of a report for the Cabinet Office by Saggar and Drean, 2001 using information from national polls[full report]
The UK still possesses a significant proportion of people who express intolerant attitudes to migrants and ethnic minorities. Common majority sentiments identified in surveys are that "There are too many in Britain", that "They get too much help", that "Migration controls are insufficiently tight" and people polled "Fell less positive towards minority groups".

The British population has a highly erroneous impression concerning the number of ethnic minorities and migrants in the UK. In one poll, the average estimate of the size of the ethnic minority population in the UK was 26% of the population, despite the correct figure being closer to 10%. In another it was 20%.When asked to estimate the proportion of the population consisting of migrants and asylum seekers, the modal estimate was 51%despite the real situation being closer to 4%. The British Population also tends to confuse ethnic minorities, immigrants and asylum seekers as one group.

People are significantly more likely to be hostile to migrants and minorities if they(British people) are: · Older · Poorer · Less educated · Living in the North

Groups that are more likely to be intolerant are also likely to have erroneous views of the size of minority populations.
etc etc

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Jun 2009 /  #123
It seems that some Brits imagine things which aren`t true.

I was trying to be diplomatic here Pawian;)))))))))
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
24 Jun 2009 /  #124
Typical English self-control. :):):):):)

From King Rat by James Clavell, one of my fav books:
"No." The King would have continued but the eggs were done. He slipped the frypan off the stove and nodded to Peter Marlowe. "Plates're in back of you," he said. Then he added not a little proudly, "Lookee here!"

They were the best fried eggs Peter Marlowe had ever seen, so he paid the King the greatest compliment in the English world. "Not bad," he said flatly. "Not too bad, I suppose," and he looked up at the King and kept his face as impassive as his voice and thereby added to the compliment.

"What the hell are you talking about, you son of a *****?" the King said furiously. "They're the best goddam eggs you've seen in your life!"


How much of this traditional reserve have the English managed to preserve? Judging from the forum, not much? :):):):):)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Jun 2009 /  #125
maybe those coloured guys Polish women are fascinated with have got sth that Polish men don`t have????

In Greece no polish girl dates colored guys.And there are thousands of pakistanis and Blacks.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
24 Jun 2009 /  #126
let me guess Southern, your a Ruski or a backward Balkan state racist!!!! People think the UK has it bad with racists but they obviously haven't heard enough crap from those countries and yourself!! Why is it nearly everyone of your posts is some kind of slur of those with black skin or are from Pakistan etc etc
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
24 Jun 2009 /  #127
In Greece no polish girl dates colored guys

only cos she would be stoned to death in the agora..:)
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Jun 2009 /  #128
Pakis' guys sparkle when they look at white girls but they eat sh1t because I take them.
We don't allow that,I mean it is impossible in Greece that a girl goes for a paki or black,it is out of question.

Only the English have managed to lose white girls to colored men.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
25 Jun 2009 /  #129
your a greek?? i fail to believe that with that attitude!!!!
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
25 Jun 2009 /  #131
your telling me he is a greek?? I expect that from the places i mentioned above but not really in greece
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
25 Jun 2009 /  #132
but you did say "backward Balkan state"...I thought that's where you meant..:)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
25 Jun 2009 /  #133
ow i said that and i meant it, thats where i think he is from, either one of them or Russia. Don't get me wrong not everyone from a Balkan state is backwards, just those who still talk up the old beliefs
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
25 Jun 2009 /  #134
thats where i think he is from,

yeh ..."backward Balkan state" = Greece...:)
ragtime27  1 | 146  
25 Jun 2009 /  #135
In Greece no polish girl dates colored guys

only cos she would be stoned to death in the agora..:)

or send her to Lesbos and force her to Lesbianism :))
BackOfTheNet81  2 | 18  
25 Jun 2009 /  #136
It is claimed million Poles/people of Polish origin are now living in the UK, yet we are still lumped into some ridiculous group known as "White - Other".

Would it make you feel a bit more important if you were lumped into some equally ridiculous group known as "White-Polish"???

Polish people and culture ARE recognised, at least in Scotland & Ireland(I can't speak for England although I would be surprised if it was any different), and increasingly form an integral part of local communities. You obviously won't notice it in big cities but is that so surprising?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
25 Jun 2009 /  #137
Typical English self-control. :):):):):)

not really. Judging from his post I figured that he would be the one not t argue with when it comes to being opened to understand that he was wrong. It was rather an emotional post and not really based of data, but rather on observations and anti-immigration feeling, so I was not reserved but just tired to conserve my energy to the maximum.

I am Polish.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
25 Jun 2009 /  #138
I am Polish.

Oh, I see. Hello, compatriot. :):)

Poles to unveil Solidarity monument outside German parliament
Jun 16, 2009
Warsaw - Polish parliamentarians will begin a two-day visit to Berlin Tuesday, which will see them unveil a monument to Solidarity, the shipbuilders' union which helped topple communism, in front of the German parliament.

Solidarity helped bring Poland partly-free elections in 1989 and lead to changes across the Soviet bloc that later brought down the Iron Curtain.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Hoerst Keller will take part in the unveiling, Polish Radio said.
The monument contains a piece of a wall from the Gdansk shipyard where Walesa held massive protests in the 1980s. The fragment is meant as a reminder of Solidarity's role in toppling the Berlin Wall and uniting Germany.

Polish officials were also invited to events commemorating the 1953 uprising in then East Germany. The uprising by construction workers on June 17 was brutally suppressed after an intervention of Soviet troops.

johncardwell  3 | 110  
2 Jul 2009 /  #139
Excellent topic Pawian.
I noticed this inferiority complex in some of the Polish People outside Poland.
Usually someone feels inferior when they want to be more than they are.

Why would anyone want to be like the USA?

****** fat women.
Terrible Economy.
1 percent of it's population in prisons.
Too many lawyers.
Broken family structure.
High crime rate.
Rampant drug use.
Citizens killing each other.
Terrible politicians.
High taxes that go to waste.

Unfortunately the Poles bought into this crap.
When they should have been looking at the USA to see how not to be.

There is more to life than a high GDP/capita.

How about Chopin, a devoted wife, maybe some children.
And one of the best popes ever.

But people are stupid.
They want what they don't have.
They think the grass is greener and the only thing that is greener is their eyes.

I think Poland peaked around 10 years ago and the people haven't realized that they aready lost their best treasures.

I think Poland counted most when John Paul 2 was calling the shots.

Now it looks like Poland just becoming another ****** European Country.
2 Jul 2009 /  #140
Now it looks like Poland just becoming another ****** European Country.

well it's not and never was a ****ing African country now, was it?

Would it make you feel a bit more important if you were lumped into some equally ridiculous group known as "White-Polish"???

Well, if "White - Irish" or "Asian - Indian" is acceptable, I don't see why the hell not!
White, Polish, Slavic, and proud!

And if the PC Left don't like it - TOUGH!! ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2009 /  #141
C.S Lewis described pride as one of the worst traits that Christians can possess ;) ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
3 Jul 2009 /  #142
Why would anyone want to be like the USA?
1 percent of it's population in prisons.

Poland locks up most prisoners in EU
There are more prisoners in Poland's jails than in any other EU member state, shows a report by Eurostat. Between 2005 and 2007, there were on average 607,000 people in prison in the European Union, which is an equivalent to around 123 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants.

The highest average prisoner rates were recorded in Poland (228 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants) and the Baltic countries: Lithuania (232), Latvia (293) and Estonia (302).
The lowest rates were registered in Slovenia (60) and Scandinavian countries: Finland (68), Denmark (71) and Sweden (77).
Out of 607,000 prisoners in the European Union 90,200 are jailed in Poland, which is almost the same number as in Turkey (90,730 prisoners). Meanwhile, in Germany, which has twice the population of Poland`s, there are fewer prisoners (73,320). Worldwide the biggest amount of people held in prison is in the US (2,375,620).

johncardwell  3 | 110  
11 Jul 2009 /  #143
Poland locks up most prisoners in EU

I did not know this Pawian.
It is very bad news for me.
I wonder if the trend is positive or negative in terms or percentages.
Here in Czech Republic the trend is get more people out of prison and focus more on rehabilitation.
But I don't want to take your thread in another direction.

I was thinking of another similar question to yours.
If Poland is being ignored in Europe, should it care?
I say it should not care.
Because I think it is possible that Poland had a better culture and a more unique culture in many ways than other European Countries.
Maybe it is better that Poland should not care if it is being ignored.
Personally, I really liked what Poland stood for.
I can't stand to see it changing and losing its identity.
sadieann  2 | 205  
11 Jul 2009 /  #144
Dear John,
So glad you diverted your attention from women.

changing and losing its identity.

Poland never will lose it's identity. It overcame too much and has a will that can"t compete with other EU nations. It already has and will continue to be strong.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2009 /  #145
Ah well, it didn't have a clear one for so long. Women wearing fur jackets in communism, a symbol of Russia, just to show their wealth.

That's very sad!!

Still, there is a new-found identity!!
11 Jul 2009 /  #146
Women wearing fur jackets in communism, a symbol of Russia, just to show their wealth.

Women were wearing fur coats and jackets because it was feckin cold (and we
didn't have all those hi-tech polar winter jackets some people wear nowadays).

Good thing that winters are much milder now.

Still, there is a new-found identity!!

Say what?

There is nothing "new-found" in my identity as a Pole.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
11 Jul 2009 /  #147
Women wearing fur jackets in communism, a symbol of Russia, just to show their wealth.

I know I'm just barging in here, but since when is fur a symbol of Russia? I thought fur coats used to be coveted by women the world over till not so long ago? Also bear in mind that in a colder climate any type of fur covering is well-received during the winter ;-) And what has all that to do with a national identity anyways?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2009 /  #148
Torq, I meant that Poland is rapidly developing a nouveau-riche culture very quickly. So many have cashed in from capitalism and used options not available under communism.

Fur was used as a status symbol and it was even paradied as such in Polish programs. There were other options than fur, ortalion for example.

Clothes doesn't form any part of identity? That's BS! Cossack and fur were undeniably associated with Russia.
Babinich  1 | 453  
11 Jul 2009 /  #149
So many have cashed in from capitalism and used options not available under communism.


For the record you'd consider the triumph of capitalism over communism a good thing correct?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jul 2009 /  #150
For the record, no. I'm not a fan of either of the two and it doesn't make sense to talk of "triumph" here.

I teach and if I happen to do that within the framework of some political system, then so be it as it's merely coincidental.

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