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What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

F15guy  1 | 160  
1 Apr 2008 /  #121
Very easy for a politian to put his foot in his mouth or the phone in his ear. Obviously, Hillary's complaint that he's not the one to handle that 3 a.m. call.

  • That 3 a.m. call
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
4 Apr 2008 /  #122
Don't need nukes to clean a toilet...just turn Zbigniew Bzezinski upside down, and give him a 'swirly', lol. ;)
Crow  154 | 9568  
4 Apr 2008 /  #123
i now changed my mind (in case my previous suggestion here) and i have another idea

Poles should support Serbians by boycott of USA ellections. Poles! Don`t be part of false democratic mechanism!

Poles of Polish diaspora! Escape from slavery! Go back to Poland! Save Poland! Save Christ in yourself!
F15guy  1 | 160  
4 Apr 2008 /  #124
Crow: Escape from slavery! Go back to Poland!

America's last Polish slave was released from slavery in 1865 during the American Civil War. He chose not to return to Poland because Poles were held there in slavery by Russia, Germany and Austria.
Crow  154 | 9568  
5 Apr 2008 /  #125
He chose not to return to Poland because Poles were held there in slavery by Russia, Germany and Austria.

when you mentioned

back in time, Russian princes who were traitors of Slavdom, contributed a lot of to Slavic disaster exporting many Slavic slaves on the markets of western parts Europe, togather with Teutons.

But today, there is no more Russian princes who turning Slavs into slaves but it is USA, Germany, Britain, France and complete NATO- who never stooped to transform Slavs into slaves.
F15guy  1 | 160  
5 Apr 2008 /  #126
Crow: NATO- who never stopped to transform Slavs into slaves.

I think a poll of Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, etc. would 99% disagree with you and credit NATO with a major thanks for helping to free them from Russia's domination.

Crow: there is no more Russian princes who turning Slavs into slaves

Let's see how Putin turns out to determine the truth of that statement.
F15guy  1 | 160  
8 Apr 2008 /  #127
Pick your candidate, Obama, Mcain or Clinton:

  • Pick One of Three
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
8 Apr 2008 /  #128
John Edwards can always pop in for one last chance. He's only suspended his campaign.
Crow  154 | 9568  
9 Apr 2008 /  #129
Let's see how Putin turns out to determine the truth of that statement

let`s see.

But, if he failed, he must go down. It`s obvious. Destine of Slavdom shouldn`t depend on any politician

I think a poll of Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, etc. would 99% disagree with you and credit NATO with a major thanks for helping to free them from Russia's domination.

and, so? 100% of Serbs would tell you that they does not wish Russian domination bit some form of Slavic Union or Alliance.

Serbians gave biggest resistance on Soviet domination (just we never confuse Soviets with Russians).

I would underline again to you. NATO wouldn`t lose position among Slavs (in public of Slavic countries) because of Russians but, because of open attack on Serbs and because of collaboration even with worse mujaheedines and terrorists in hunt on us.
F15guy  1 | 160  
9 Apr 2008 /  #130
crow: because of open attack on Serbs and because of collaboration even with worse mujaheedines and terrorists in hunt on us.

Seems to me the Serbs were the ones who first went on the attack, hunting non-Serbs neighbors such as fellow Slavs and Bosnians and Albanians. Or have I missed something?
Crnogorac  3 | 111  
9 Apr 2008 /  #131

Let's just say you are a victim who suffers from a severe lobotomy as a result of brainwashing inflicted by the Jewish owned mass media, publishing, hollywood in the US which has been spreading Serbophobia as a branch of Rusophobia and have been led astray by your Zionist controlled corrupted leaders.
F15guy  1 | 160  
10 Apr 2008 /  #132
Crnogorac: you are a victim who suffers from a severe lobotomy as a result of brainwashing inflicted by the Jewish owned mass media, publishing, hollywood in the US which has been spreading Serbophobia as a branch of Rusophobia and have been led astray by your Zionist controlled corrupted leaders.

Thanks. I had no idea I was that far gone.
Dice  15 | 452  
19 Apr 2008 /  #133
Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - Umbrella

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
19 Apr 2008 /  #134
Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - Umbrella

thats awesome, what a post, i had a good laugh, thnx :)
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Apr 2008 /  #135
Barack Obama Hillary Clinton - Umbrella

Good one :) Caused a few chuckles... ;)
expatriot  1 | 23  
20 Apr 2008 /  #136
Obama all the way ! I will go to US embassy to vote for him !
celinski  31 | 1258  
22 Apr 2008 /  #137
I thought this artical had alot of truth. See the link for food for thought.

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
22 Apr 2008 /  #138
an insightful article Carol, thanks for posting it.

an obvious interpretation is that of a disenfranchised section of society, bitter at the neglect their adopted country has shown them in favour of those who are pro-active in demanding recognition

an alternate interpretation is that of a section of society which has failed to integrate and suceed, despite being in america for generations, hard working, educated and white
celinski  31 | 1258  
22 Apr 2008 /  #139
an alternate interpretation is that of a section of society which has failed to integrate and suceed, despite being in america for generations, hard working, educated and white

Youe welcome, I did quite well as did the rest of my family. We work for what we have and I love the USA.

Failing to integrate has nothing to do with it. When my family came to the US they did not start a Polish speaking channel and you had to prove you had a job and a home. It's not the same as today. Today we give them cars, homes, food time to establish themself. Many live here and don't even speak English.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
22 Apr 2008 /  #140
That article is despicable. That rant of racist filth is an insult to Slavs, Blacks, and all immigrants. How blind are some whites that they can't see their own priviledge?It makes me feel very ill, indeed. This faction of people that seem to think that Barack Obama is "lucky" in his position, or that Blacks in America are being handed wealth and opportunity would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. My God, how delusional is that woman? I don't care who you vote for, but to fall into that line of thinking is truly madness.
Mali  - | 300  
22 Apr 2008 /  #141
Excellent post. No one is going to be 'handed' anything. Whether its Clinton or Obama, the poorer working class people are not going to suddenly become richer because a lot of capitalism depends on cheap labour. I had a prof last semester that used to work for the Cdn. govt and he said that when Ontario provincially elected a left-leaning party (NDP), the day after the elections the premier was flown to the IMF offices in New York where he had to ensure a group of chairmen and officials that he wouldn't make any drastic changes that would effect the capitalist economy in such a way that it would appear socialist. It'll be the same thing in the States. Tons of promises will be made about increasing social benefits but it'll either be completely forgotten by the inauguration day, or it'll be partially implemented over a long period of time.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
22 Apr 2008 /  #142
Youe welcome, I did quite well as did the rest of my family. We work for what we have and I love the USA.

i am glad to hear that.

but from the little i know of you, you and your family could quite easily fall into the group that Grabar claims to speak for.

what is it that has allowed you to succeed where others feel they have failed?

why are you content with your lot while others feel so bitter?
celinski  31 | 1258  
22 Apr 2008 /  #143
why are you content with your lot while others feel so bitter?

I measure my life in the family, friends and knowing at the end of each day I did something to improve my standard of living.

but to fall into that line of thinking is truly madness.

I take it you are voting for Obama? What do you feel was the purpose of the statements made by him?

I'm sorry if it offends you, have you seen the house being built for Obama's pastor? Comments made by Obama did nothing to satify me that he does not hold the same belief system. In fact,statements he made in defense of the church were "understanding" what "Blacks in America" feel, yet others do not hold this right?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
22 Apr 2008 /  #144
I measure my life in the family, friends and knowing at the end of each day I did something to improve my standard of living.

so youre saying that these others are unable to do this, that prefer to wallow in their victimhood and moan about how hard done by they are, and how everybody else has it better than them?

would you also say this is a common characteristic of this particular segment of society?
celinski  31 | 1258  
22 Apr 2008 /  #145
so youre saying that these others are unable to do this,

No, I think anyone can be as happy as they choose to be. I think in the USA we put people at a disadvantage and keep them down by giving to much. I am happy when I do it on my own and yet our system tells to many people they can't and so they are scared to try. Or by trying they risk losing what they have for. It's like with our children, give them everything for free and they don't appreciate. Let them work for it and it's gold.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
22 Apr 2008 /  #146
No, I think anyone can be as happy as they choose to be

then it would seem that Grabar is writing about a segment of immigrant society in america that chooses not to be happy
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
22 Apr 2008 /  #147
I take it you are voting for Obama? What do you feel was the purpose of the statements made by him?

I'm sorry if it offends you, have you seen the house being built for Obama's pastor? Comments made by Obama did nothing to satify me that he does not hold the same belief system. In fact,statements he made in defense of the church were "understanding" what "Blacks in America" feel, yet others do not hold this right?

That article would offend me regardless of how I'm voting. The purpose of his statements, to my ears anyhow, was to reflect that the world is not black and white, as Ms. Grabar presents it. That sometimes people we like say things we don't agree with, that to him, friendship and loyalty have precendence over political gain. As I said before, I don't care who anyone votes for, but to assert that white immigrants "have it worse" than "lucky Black Americans" is ludicrous. If you want to disown Obama for the thoughts of his preacher, I can't tell you not to, but I can alert you to some quotes from people John McCain has called his spiritual leaders:

– Reverend John Hagee has called the Catholic Church the "Great *****." He has said that the Anti-Christ will rise out of the European Union (of course, the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish). He has said all Muslims are trained to kill and will be part of the devil’s army when Armageddon comes (which he hopes is soon). John McCain continues to say he is proud of Reverend Hagee’s endorsement.

– Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. Since this is such an outlandish claim, I have to add for the record, that he is not kidding. Reverend Parsley says Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" brought down from a "demon spirit." Of course, we are in a war against all Muslims, including presumably Muslim-Americans. Buts since Parsley believes this is a Christian nation and that it should be run as a theocracy, he is not very concerned what Muslim-Americans think. John McCain says Reverend Rod Parsley is his "spiritual guide."

– Jerry Falwell said America had 9/11 coming because we tolerated gays, feminists and liberals. It was our fault. Our chickens had come home to roost, if you will. John McCain proudly received his support and even spoke at his university’s commencement.

I'm not telling anyone to not vote for John McCain, either. These people aren't on McCain's payroll, they don't speak for McCain, neither did Obama's preacher so I don't hold any of these qoutes (including the outlandish one's by Obama's preacher) against the candidates. My point is, before you start thinking about how lucky Black men are, especially in politics, ask yourself why Obama's preacher was all over the news and none of these qoutes have seen the light of day.
F15guy  1 | 160  
22 Apr 2008 /  #148
BubbaWoo: Have you seen the house being built for Obama's pastor?

Obama's pastor is not alone. We have a hotshot evangelist living in this area in a compound of six or so muliti-million dollars houses, occupied by her and her family. The archbishop of your city is likely living a palace of sorts (unless he had sell it to pay for sex crimes) and every in vogue big tv evangelist is living in a mansion and driving a luxury auto. So don't throw stones at Obama because his pastor has made big bucks and living la dolce vita rather than following the example of Christ.

celinski: Mary Grabar's article

Mary Grabar reminds me of many whinny people I have met who blame others for their lack of success. My immigrant grandfather came to US with little except the strength of his hands, his intelligence and a desire to get ahead.

White college students in California have been know to switch classes if they see a lot of orientals in a class because they fear the orientals will raise the curve. Orientals are not more intelligent, they're just willing to work harder. The white students who drop out would be bettered served if they decided to work harder and be the curve raiser.
celinski  31 | 1258  
22 Apr 2008 /  #149
segment of immigrant society in america

I sure hope so. I don't see Polish people as outspoken. In fact they are rather quiet. I don't like to sterotype so I'll say my family from Poland are rather quiet. They don't complain much, in fact with all my father lived through he opted to not speak about his past. Even when questioned, his take was what good would it do to talk about it. My take is it sets history in truth.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
22 Apr 2008 /  #150
So don't throw stones at Obama

if youre going to tell people not to throw stones make sure you dont misquote them

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