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My friends upset at Brits....

ArcticPaul 38 | 233  
28 Oct 2008 /  #1
I have a really good friend who takes things far more seriously than is good for him.
He says I am the only English person who has behaved to him how he expected Brits to behave.
He was raised to imagine Britain as a fair minded place with honest, decent people yet, since moving here 4 year ago he has had nothing but insults from strangers, unfair requests from bosses, employment agencies attempting to underpay him and anti-immigration (Polish) propoganda from our media...which is a disgrace.

The latest needle in his ribs was a story in a red top tabloid with the headline
"Polish Eat Swans".

I think they may have gone too far with this one because we both came close wetting ourselves with laughter whilst discussing the story on Sunday night over a botttle of Zubrowka.

Is anyone stupid enough to believe that some of the recent Polish immigrants to these lands are actually hunting swans to kill and cook for dinner?
Phil33101 4 | 26  
28 Oct 2008 /  #2
My understanding is that it is common practice across Eastern Europe to eat anything you catch, even fish that fishermens just throw back in the UK.

If the culprits where from a Very Rural part of a country then it is believable, as again that could possibly be the norm.

My local paper recently had a story about young English lads torturing swans for fun, and I know which is worse.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
28 Oct 2008 /  #3
Tabloids run the masses, unfortunately
28 Oct 2008 /  #4
Is anyone stupid enough to believe that some of the recent Polish immigrants to these lands are actually hunting swans to kill and cook for dinner?

Tabloids run the masses, unfortunately

Care to join the discussion in the propaganda thread?
osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Oct 2008 /  #5

When stories like this emerge, what you need to do is take a proper gander.
That looks more like something to do with geese rather than elephants.
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
28 Oct 2008 /  #6
proper gander.

Love it!!

Arctic Paul - does your mate realise that these Brits are kind of like the sub-human variant, and that some of us are actually quite lovely?
jonni 16 | 2475  
28 Oct 2008 /  #7
I wonder if this Polish swan-eating thing has ever been proved. I've never heard of a case coming to court and the only people I know who've caught and eaten a swan in UK were actually from Canada.

The swan tasted nice, rather like goose, but leaner meat......

As for

He was raised to imagine Britain as a fair minded place with honest, decent people yet, since moving here 4 year ago he has had nothing but insults from strangers, unfair requests from bosses, employment agencies attempting to underpay him and anti-immigration (Polish) propoganda from our media...which is a disgrace.

People can say the same anywhere. His experience, sadly, isn't unique. I hate it when people say it happens in UK. It shouldn't. And many immigrants to Poland would say it mirrors theirs. The 4 things mentioned have happened to me here in the past 10 years, insults from strangers, unfair requests from bosses, companies attempting to underpay me (ALWAYS get everything in writing here) and anti-immigration (British) propaganda in the media.

The fate of the immigrant everywhere. The only thing to do is to rise above it, to avoid just becoming cynical.
southern 73 | 7059  
28 Oct 2008 /  #8
It was widespread during communist times that people in Poland were constantly hugry and ate everything they found,so media like to reinforce this stereotype to satisfy the public which does not like their jobs taken by Poles.

It is complicated how it works.
28 Oct 2008 /  #9
not really, you are spreading rumors.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
28 Oct 2008 /  #10
People should realise tha newspapers are simply comics for adults...they should not be taken too seriously...most of what they write is total bollox....
Siegfried 1 | 100  
28 Oct 2008 /  #11
newspapers are simply comics for adults...

so what, comics are for children????

I LOVE SWANS! The bigger swan the better!

Kilkline 1 | 682  
29 Oct 2008 /  #12
The latest needle in his ribs was a story in a red top tabloid with the headline
"Polish Eat Swans".

Wasnt that a couple of years ago?

I'm not a fan of the red top tabloids but the truth is that they are quite pro-Polish. The Sun brought out a Polish version of there paper a few times, it even had a Polish page3 girl.:)

The Daily Mail on the other hand hates everyone. It really is nothing personal. At the moment they're probably writing articles slagging off bankers.
McCoy 27 | 1268  
29 Oct 2008 /  #13
I LOVE SWANS! The bigger swan the better!

szarlotka 8 | 2205  
29 Oct 2008 /  #14
I LOVE SWANS! The bigger swan the better!

Only HM the Queen has the right to kill swans over here. Mind you anglers used to kill loads of them before they banned lead weights.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Oct 2008 /  #15
Only HM the Queen has the right to kill swans over here.

England has some very funny laws, I mean why?
I can just see the queen waking up and thrashing a few swans before breakfast?
I was on the Shetland Island and there is some mad law about it being legal to shoot a Scot in a kilt on the beach on a Sunday with a crossbow, something along those lines, you will have to excuse me if it is not exact.

It sounded like some Lord did this and then made it law, therefore getting awa with it?

before they banned lead weights.

Were the lead weights really do poisonous that they contaminated the water and got into the swan's food?

Or did anglers just whak'em over the head with them?
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
29 Oct 2008 /  #16
Were the lead weights really do poisonous that they contaminated the water and got into the swan's food?

It was the small ones (lead shot) that the swans swept up when sifting through gravel and weedbeds for food. Cumulative effects of lead poisoning as the lead didn't pass through their digestive system very easily apparently.

Or did anglers just whak'em over the head with them?

They can be vicious devils so most of us didn't attack them LOl

England has some very funny laws, I mean why?

Dunno. I mean why are certian people allowed to graze sheep in towns or lead them through towns? It's just a part of our rich history. Not sure if any of us have the right to parade Seanus through Market Harborough though
isthatu2 4 | 2692  
29 Oct 2008 /  #17
Only HM the Queen has the right to kill swans over here.

MYTH. Its only one breed of Swan that old frau lizzie has domain over,the rest are "fair game",cept they are not due to wildlife protection laws and the fact that anyone hunting a Swan must be a sick retard......
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Oct 2008 /  #18
My workmates buy various tabloids except of Daily Mail (Scottish versions) and sometimes I browse through them trying to find something anti- pro- or just about Polish people and things but I can hardly ever spot anything. Apparently Scots don't have issues with Poles.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
29 Oct 2008 /  #19
England has some very funny laws, I mean why?

Some are very out-dated but can still be used our legal system has been around for quite a bit.

I was on the Shetland Island and there is some mad law about it being legal to shoot a Scot in a kilt on the beach on a Sunday with a crossbow, something along those lines, you will have to excuse me if it is not exact.
It sounded like some Lord did this and then made it law, therefore getting awa with it?

Shetland Isles are independent btw - not really Brit or Scot

szarlotka 8 | 2205  
29 Oct 2008 /  #20
Its only one breed of Swan that old frau lizzie has domain over

OK I suppose I should have said that mute swans that are unmarked in open water are owned by the Crown and that Lizzie only chooses to exercise her right to cull the bloody things on the Thames. But that would have involved a lot of typing and to be honest I don't suppose anybody really cares which begs the question as to why I mentioned it in the first place.

Isthatu2 is 100% correct and I aoplogise unreservedly for misleading you all.
Kilkline 1 | 682  
29 Oct 2008 /  #21
My workmates buy various tabloids except of Daily Mail (Scottish versions) and sometimes I browse through them trying to find something anti- pro- or just about Polish people and things but I can hardly ever spot anything. Apparently Scots don't have issues with Poles.

The surprising thing is that there is so little about Poles in Britain in the media. A couple of documentaries and a few articles about builders, not much more. Surpising when you consider the numbers. In the past other immigrants have had their own season of films and documentaries on channel 4 to 'celebrate' their arrival though normally this happens after a significant amount of time has passed.

I cant say I'm looking forward to a season of Polish films though. Or music.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Oct 2008 /  #22
:) I love this law

ShelelyS, nothing there.
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Oct 2008 /  #23
The less the better. It's somehow a good sign - that Poles perhaps are becoming a part of the community that doesn't (want to) stick out so significantly like some other minorities.
Kilkline 1 | 682  
29 Oct 2008 /  #24
Or its because you're white and therefore the media doesnt feel the need to celebrate your 'vibrancy' and tell everyone what a great contribution you're making. Its not as cool to say 'hey, some of my best friends are Polish and I luuurvve their food and music!'
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Oct 2008 /  #25
Good. I don't like too much attention. Just want to be perceived 'normal', not 'Polish', if you get my drift.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Oct 2008 /  #26
Its not as cool to say 'hey, some of my best friends are Polish and I luuurvve their food and music!'

Is you a Rasta mon, fram Kingston? I-reyyyyy....

You a Ploish pan from Varsava? Dobraaaa...
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
29 Oct 2008 /  #27
Is you a Rasta mon, fram Kingston? I-reyyyyy....

Don't be silly you only have to look at his avatar to see he's a gentleman from a diserning part of our great capital! deerrrrr! ;-)

Good. I don't like too much attention. Just want to be perceived 'normal', not 'Polish', if you get my drift.

Don't wear a backpack and you will be almost undetectable as a Polish person :)
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
29 Oct 2008 /  #28
Good. I don't like too much attention. Just want to be perceived 'normal', not 'Polish', if you get my drift.

Stop the pirate talk then LOL
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
29 Oct 2008 /  #29
Don't be silly you only have to look at his avatar to see he's a gentleman

That may be, I changed my post, i was just commenting on his idea, although i see how I did not quote the right bit.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Oct 2008 /  #30
Just want to be perceived 'normal'

mmmm...could be a problem living in Glasgow

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