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What do Polish women look for in a relationship?

taurus boy  
11 Jan 2007 /  #1
There is this Polish girl I know who has had a crush on me for the last year but I had never asked her out on a date or anything because I was involved with somebody else.I am single now and I have always been interested in her but I have never told her even though we flirt outrageosly with each other all the time.By the way,she is well fit and I can't see how a girl this fit can still be single after all this time....should I just go for it?
blackpool_uk 8 | 19  
11 Jan 2007 /  #3
yes indeed mate, go for it. Thats what I did and ended up having a top time
Wayc00lio 2 | 57  
11 Jan 2007 /  #4
Definately go for it! You never know, it may turn into something wonderful!!!!!
OP taurus boy  
11 Jan 2007 /  #5
And what qualities do they look for in a guy?
Wayc00lio 2 | 57  
11 Jan 2007 /  #6
A penis that reaches the floor!

And that doesn't count when you are lying down, face down!!!!!!!!


No idea mate!
ogorek - | 165  
11 Jan 2007 /  #7
You'll have to ask her out at least twice before she says yes
OP taurus boy  
11 Jan 2007 /  #8
Twice???some sort of test to see if i'm really interested?....i'll see her at the weekend....keep you posted on this.Fingers crossed...wish me luck to go to bed now...zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wayc00lio 2 | 57  
11 Jan 2007 /  #9
Best of luck TB!!!!!
krysia 23 | 3058  
12 Jan 2007 /  #10
She wants somebody she can feel comfortable around, someone who won't be judging her but accepting her as she is, complimenting her, saying things like: "You're so cute when you make that face" or "I love the way you smile", finding the good points in her and letting it out in the open, making her feel like the most important person in the world. Be honest and don't force yourself on her, relax, have fun and treat her with respect, open the doors for her, hold hands. Act like a gentleman, be romantic, shower her with gifts, give her flowers, anything to show how much you care.

Girls go for that stuff... hahaha I'm one of them too.
But most of all, act natural, have fun and just go with the flow.
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
12 Jan 2007 /  #11
And what qualities do they look for in a guy?

The same I would imagine an English women would look for....see above post by Krysia
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
12 Jan 2007 /  #12
By the way,she is well fit and I can't see how a girl this fit can still be single after all this time.

Maybe she has been waiting for you. :)

If you don't ask, someone else will. Make your dreams come true.
Sparky - | 92  
19 Jan 2007 /  #13
The same I would imagine an English women would look for....

You mean all they want is money. :)

[quote=taurus boy, Post #5 ]And what qualities do they look for in a guy? [/quote

Taurus boy if you want to know what a polish woman or any women would want.
Then do exactly what this web site tells you.
It is a good site for any man.

I promise you won't be disapointed
shewolf 5 | 1077  
19 Jan 2007 /  #14
It is a good site for any man.

But you don't honestly believe all that stuff, do you? It sounds like a teen magazine.
Sparky - | 92  
19 Jan 2007 /  #15
Whats wrong shewolf you don't want men to do nice things.
I guess you would rather have him pull up in a Bently and show off all his bling bling.
That is how they do it in America. Show the women the money baby and they will come running:)
Ranj 21 | 947  
20 Jan 2007 /  #16
I guess you would rather have him pull up in a Bently and show off all his bling bling.
That is how they do it in America. Show the women the money baby and they will come running

What kind of women have you been hanging out with, Sparky? I know there are women like that all over the world, but I think for the most part, one can spot a goldigger (I know a few myself and they are pretty blatant about what it is they want.) Is that the usual type of woman you are attracted to?

I think the average woman (Polish, English, American, etc...) just wants someone who is responsible, hard working, good character, and loves her as much as she loves him.
Frank 23 | 1183  
20 Jan 2007 /  #17
Ranj...but you left out the money bit.....

Accuse us East of USA of being dreadfully fed endless propaganda by the international media.

But I have no doubt.......driving up in a Bentley Arnage...ticks more boxes, than a re-conditioned, freshly re-fibre glassed Trabbie......

Ask any of the girls on the board....:)
Ranj 21 | 947  
20 Jan 2007 /  #18
Ranj...but you left out the money bit.....

OMG, what was I thinking?---lol
Of course a man should have some money---no woman wants to work her a** off supporting a lazy bum. This kind of falls in line with hard working and responsible. I guess the average woman would like her man to have a job.

driving up in a Bentley Arnage...ticks more boxes, than a re-conditioned, freshly re-fibre glassed Trabbie......

Of course something flashy is going to draw more attention----there's nothing wrong with the guy having money---that's just a bonus for the average girl......but a necessity for the goldigger:)
20 Jan 2007 /  #19
Ask any of the girls on the board....

it depends on the guy Frank.
If he can support himself and is responsible, mature and giving, he doesn't have to be rich.
Besides, I wouldn't want to go out with somebody who is rich, it gets boring becaue mony is power and those guys usually try to overpower womwan who are not as afluent as they are.
Frank 23 | 1183  
20 Jan 2007 /  #20
he doesn't have to be rich.

who is rich

This is what you focussed on M....but not being able to provide to the level, the woman a large minus point...

Perhaps my Bentley/Trabbie analogy was off the mark.....
Sparky - | 92  
20 Jan 2007 /  #21
Of course something flashy is going to draw more attention----there's nothing wrong with the guy having money---that's just a bonus for the average girl......but a necessity for the goldigger

My point exactly.

I was trying to tell taurus boy about a site that I found would help him to have an idea of what women want. It was just a guide it doesn't mean that everything on there is going to work for every women. We all know that women change their minds with a drop of a hat. but I would guess 80% of this site women would like. That is all.

The other part is coming off the site that I am creating called Americanmarriage.
FISZ 24 | 2116  
20 Jan 2007 /  #22
I guess you would rather have him pull up in a Bently and show off all his bling bling.
That is how they do it in America.

Maybe if you're a rapper. The average guy doesn't need bling, just a good sense of humor and a job :)

You don't want the women that are attracted by these things anyway. It should be you that's loved most, not your ride.
Sparky - | 92  
20 Jan 2007 /  #23
This is what you focussed on M....but not being able to provide to the level, the woman a large minus point...

I agree with you frank

Maybe if you're a rapper. The average guy doesn't need bling, just a good sense of humor and a job

You don't want the women that are attracted by these things anyway. It should be you that's loved most, not your ride.

You most have never lived in Florida.
In Florida there are two kinds of people.
Pimps and Hoes
That is why I am moving away. I don't fit in
FISZ 24 | 2116  
20 Jan 2007 /  #24
Just northern FL. I've never been to this where you're talking about?
20 Jan 2007 /  #25
but not being able to provide to the level, the woman a large minus point...

I think that provinding on all levels would be ideal, however we all know that the reality of life is what it is.
All I know that if both sexes provide equaly on many levels, not only financialy, there is a better chance for a healthy relationship.
I also know that there are some men, who would never want to have an equal relationship with a women, because that's the way they think and function.

See: I am still not sure I have understood you correctly:)
Sparky - | 92  
20 Jan 2007 /  #26
If he can support himself and is responsible, mature and giving,

I am a giving person
I have good job
I am responsible

Dam** Why did you have to put that one in
I guess that leaves me out :)
Eurola 4 | 1898  
20 Jan 2007 /  #27
Fish, I totally agree with you. No money in the world would be the lone cause to make me fall in love in a man. It is his personality as well as his looks which make him attractive. And, if he has a good job record, it helps too. It doesn't have to be a high end job. That's just the responsibility trait.
Frank 23 | 1183  
20 Jan 2007 /  #28
No money in the world would be the lone

Thats you Eurola........but not everyone is the same........

You're talking about ...being in an ideal world etc.......lots of pps aren't!
krysia 23 | 3058  
20 Jan 2007 /  #29
A penis that reaches the floor!

shewolf 5 | 1077  
20 Jan 2007 /  #30
lol Sparky. Maybe people in Beverly Hills behave like that. That's the only place I've ever seen a Bentley.

I agree that the website has nice ideas for how to treat a woman but the writer makes it sound like that's all you need to do to impress a Polish woman. But women are not really impressed by that stuff. Look at all the men who have posted messages on this website about their Polish girlfriends. They've done all sorts of things to impress them and it didn't work. A woman will either like you or she won't. Just being yourself is enough for the right woman.

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