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What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion?

krysia 23 | 3058  
4 Aug 2009 /  #31
But yeah, girls and boys, use condoms, dont screw up!

Just don't have sex untill your married.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
4 Aug 2009 /  #32
Like that will ever happen!!
Polonius3 980 | 12277  
4 Aug 2009 /  #33
Seems too many people of the 21st century have their brains between their legs!
lesser 4 | 1311  
4 Aug 2009 /  #34
The right of abortion is left to the mother alone, it is a life choice, not religious ( like the CC ever knew something about family values). It is a decision to be taken by the parent. For me it isnt to be forced on someone. People make mistakes sometimes... 25 weeks is enough time to make the decision.

So when you already presented your beliefs, please answer to my non-religious arguments. I promise to comment tomorrow.

Yes, please do.

You cannot answer yourself?
moonlight 6 | 103  
4 Aug 2009 /  #35

Married couples also choose abortion.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
4 Aug 2009 /  #36
Abortion is forbidden except some rare cases. What is so difficult to understand about it?

I never said that I have a difficulty with understanding it. Please change your tone when you are speaking to adults/and or children because it is really getting annoying Lesser.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
4 Aug 2009 /  #37
So when you already presented your beliefs, please answer to my non-religious arguments. I promise to comment tomorrow.

Take ur time mate, id love for u to challenge what is considered world wide practised medical knowledge.
My beliefs are based on the faxt ive seen many kids die, turn to crime, or even kill themselves cos they didnt have families there....ur experience is going to come from a book published 2000 years ago which has less facts than the lord of the rings yes?
moonlight 6 | 103  
4 Aug 2009 /  #38
demand government (via other taxpayers) to finance this barbarity.

But if they become single mothers the state will also have to support them and over a longer period of time.....maybe this suits government?
tj123 - | 85  
4 Aug 2009 /  #39
For Birth Control I am the case of rape, severely damaged/ill fetus that wouldnt survive, or the safety of the mother I am for it.

I oppose making it universally illegal.
FredChopin - | 61  
4 Aug 2009 /  #40
You cannot answer yourself?

I already did. See Post #19.

If a woman's personal belief is that abortion is not right for her, according to her religious or moral convictions, she should find another way to deal with her situation. I would hope adopting it out would be a serious consideration, but if she feels abortion is her answer, I would support that decision as well. It is not up to men to make the decision for women. Women are fully competent and are able to make up their own minds.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
4 Aug 2009 /  #41
Just don't have sex untill your married.

Way to many people undergo abortion. We should try to decrease this number by making people use protection. But if people think they can make the people of the world wait with sex until married, they have lost their battle very long time ago. It's time to realize that.

It's important to reduce the number of abortions. And the best way to do it is to make people use contraception.

Why is it not better to ask people to wait with sex until marriage?
Because your compliance number will be lower than low.

But some people are not being realistic. Let's be realistic and try to reduce number of abortions in a realistic way. Some people use abortion as a method of contraception, and that's horrible.
LAGirl 9 | 496  
5 Aug 2009 /  #42
Agreed big time with you Szwedpolsce. you make the most sense either be on birth control or dont have sex very easy to figure out now.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
5 Aug 2009 /  #43
Thanks! Sometimes you write great things too. But sometimes when I read things you write they seem to be written by someone who doesn't think so much. You don't write here when you're drunk, do you? :)
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2009 /  #44
It's important to reduce the number of abortions. And the best way to do it is to make people use contraception

thats all well and good, the thing is though, how do you do that?? many governments have tried and failed to get the kids to bag up before they go in. In the ideal world what you have written is correct, however we don't live in that world, saying it is one thing implementing it is another.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
5 Aug 2009 /  #45
What I was saying is that; it's more likely to work if you try to make ppl use protection than try to make them wait with sex until married.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2009 /  #46
i'm not trying to put you down in anyway but i think that is obvious to anybody who is not brainwashed by religious rubbish. Sex along with war are the two most natural acts to the human race, you really think they want to stick around till their mid 20's before they have sex, yeah right :):)

The promotion of protection is much more effective, especially if you couple the teenage pregnancy with STI/STD's.
LAGirl 9 | 496  
5 Aug 2009 /  #47
No Swedzpolsce I am not drunk I have arthritis in my hands sometimes its hard to write.
z_darius 14 | 3960  
5 Aug 2009 /  #48
More TV channels and higher internet bandwidth are the best means to limit the amount of sex people have.
krysia 23 | 3058  
5 Aug 2009 /  #49
But if people think they can make the people of the world wait with sex until married, they have lost their battle very long time ago. It's time to realize that.

No it's not. I didn't do it untill I was married. But everyone will do what they want with their life.
A woman has rights to her unborn child but once it's born then the father suddenly gets rights to it which is unfair, because she gave birth to it and she should still have more rights to the baby than a man, because men can't breast feed, etc. But In the US more and more rights are given to men, who have no clue about raising children yet were given split custody. These children often grow up without nursing the mother because the courts ordered that the father should also raise the child.

Then they wonder why so many misbehaved kids running around.
Polonius3 980 | 12277  
5 Aug 2009 /  #50
Except for those females who can legally prove immacualte conception, abortion should be permtited only with the written consent of both partners. If she can't find the guy who dunnit, then it's her tough luck for running round with irresponsible, footloose dorks.
mvefa 5 | 591  
5 Aug 2009 /  #51
because she gave birth to it and she should still have more rights to the baby than a man

What a load of crap, both have equal rights, they BOTH made the baby, unless offcourse the woman is an hermaphrodite...
irishdeano 5 | 304  
5 Aug 2009 /  #52
the father suddenly gets rights to it which is unfair, because she gave birth to it and she should still have more rights to the baby than a man

How should they have more rights? Its also the mans child. The man also created it. The child has right to be with his father, Now my uncles who were with there Girlfriend for example she had the baby and then she f8cked away of to America then came back when the child was 5 and tried to go take the child and never let him see his son again. Do never say the mother has more rights. He was the one who brought that child up. He won the rights to the child at the court. Now next uncle with a different girl she was to busy to out than look after her child she has no time for the child. I hate people who think women have more rights, just because they carry it for 9 months does not mean they deserve more rights than the father.

Im highly against Abortion.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1593  
5 Aug 2009 /  #53
A woman has rights to her unborn child but once it's born then the father suddenly gets rights to it which is unfair, because she gave birth to it and she should still have more rights to the baby than a man, because men can't breast feed, etc. But In the US more and more rights are given to men, who have no clue about raising children yet were given split custody. These children often grow up without nursing the mother because the courts ordered that the father should also raise the child.

Jesus, you can't be serious? Maybe you should take a look at what has been proven scientifically.

An increased amount of father-child involvement has also proven to increase a child's social stability, educational achievement, and even their potential to have a solid marriage as an adult. The children are also more curious about the world around them and develop greater problem solving skills [1].

[1]. "The Effects of Father Involvement: A Summary of the Research Evidence," Father Involvement Initiative Ontario Network, 2002.

niejestemcapita 2 | 561  
5 Aug 2009 /  #54
Then they wonder why so many misbehaved kids running around.

those are usually the ones without fathers around.
scrappleton - | 829  
5 Aug 2009 /  #55
But In the US more and more rights are given to men, who have no clue about raising children yet were given split custody.

You might be right, my dumbass dad fixed my 2 year old nephew chilli once.
moonlight 6 | 103  
5 Aug 2009 /  #56
Abortion is not just about being married or not, I know of married couples who have had abortions.

Having a child requires a person to be responsible and to be able to provide an adequate life for that child - where there is support and security for that child.

Making abortion illegal will not make it go away, it will just push desperate people to do desperate things. Since when has forbidding anything meant it doesn't happen?

I am not against abortion. I believe it is a personal choice but it should not be abused.
lesser 4 | 1311  
6 Aug 2009 /  #57
I never said that I have a difficulty with understanding it. Please change your tone when you are speaking to adults/and or children because it is really getting annoying Lesser.

Neither I wrote that you have a difficulty with understanding it.

What is really annoying? Uneducated people who are willing to target innocent life? People who use language from feminist handbooks? People who suggest somebody else supposed intellectual limitations being nothing special themselves? I guess this is matter of individual preferences.

Take ur time mate, id love for u to challenge what is considered world wide practised medical knowledge.
My beliefs are based on the faxt ive seen many kids die, turn to crime, or even kill themselves cos they didnt have families there....ur experience is going to come from a book published 2000 years ago which has less facts than the lord of the rings yes?

Yes medical knowledge about this issue stand unchanged since Hippocrates wrote his oath. Nothing strange because it belong to "more than obvious" sort of knowledge. You need rather think why your belief are sooooooo backward.

You have wrote about your emotions. Sorry but people ruled by emotions (like you) or by dirty cash (abortion business) should not be allowed to decide who have a chances to become successful and who does not. Nobody should be allowed! I'm sure that many from this targeted group could become smarter than for example you. Anyway poverty is not any reason to kill, poor people are needed as well. Every employer would tell you this!

But if they become single mothers the state will also have to support them and over a longer period of time.....maybe this suits government?

Current western statehood, this is nothing else than pathology which create many pathological situations. Of course more and more people depend from the state, more and more such situation suit to political establishment. No doubt about it. Still people should think about their own family first and reject state interventionism.

While lonely mother should simply find a new men. Most of them should also use their brain this time... This is again century's old knowledge. :)

I already did. See Post #19.

I criticized this approach and you did not reply. I understand because you have no proper arguments.

Finally I want to know, whether a men have a right to reject a child without any consequences? After all you claim that a baby is supposed to be women body. Flawed logic applied leads to many pathologies. If all feminist demands would be applied then life of average women would become very miserable.
adibjaber - | 17  
6 Aug 2009 /  #58
it is no good :(
why kill baby? baby is baby :( ... you kill egyptian-polish baby too?
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
6 Aug 2009 /  #59
you kill egyptian-polish baby too?

what you got one on the way?
adibjaber - | 17  
6 Aug 2009 /  #60
@JustysiaS: stick to discussion ! no , still not married.
why you so angry?
what i did?

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / What are your views (or Polish views) on abortion?Archived