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I'm pregnant by my Polish boyfriend but he wants me to abort it!

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Apr 2009 /  #121
LA Girl, please read all of my post before you make assumptions.. i DID USE CONTRACEPTION!! It obviously didn't work. As i've said before no Contraception is 100% effective and i am proof of that.

Well , I hope you are ok, its very sad that your BF wont be a part of it , that makes
it hard.. MY best friend had an abortion, she was to young at the time , thats what
her grandmother told her. it was true, but at the same time , now shes feeling all
those feelings every mother does.. what if I didnt. what if I had that baby, and she
regrets it every day.

raising a baby isnt easy, but everyone of my friends and people I have met , coming
across someone whos had a planned pregnancy is few and far between.. todays
society , theres more single parents then married.. so its not considered bad like when
my parents grew up and having a baby required being married and the husband working a good job and having a home.. its not like that anymore ,even though deep down this

is what we want, and anyone can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a dad.

my husband grew up around his grandparents and his mom without his father who
was on drugs and alcohol and just a bad influence all the way around, in some instances not having the father around is a blessing ( like his) because he was influenced

by his grandfather who worked and stuck by his family.

my mother was upset at first when I was pregnant with my older daughter, but
rather then fight with him all the time, I wanted her to be raised around positive
family and she turned out to be a great kid, doing the normal 16 year old things, but
shes doing excellent in school. shes going to join health careers next semester and
has excelled in alot of her studies.. by far, having a child outside of marriage and
raising them isnt impossible..

and I would do it all over again , Sacrafice and love, trust me its all worth it because
you do get loved back. and where would I be without them now.. I am sure
all of us parents on here agree with that.. I couldnt imagine life without them now.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Apr 2009 /  #122
I'm pregnant by my Polish boyfriend but he wants me to abort it!

Life usually works out equal in most respects regardless of ones situation. You never know whats around the corner.

Can you live with an abortion?
SamenessLove  1 | 33  
24 Apr 2009 /  #123
Abortion is not a murder, that's it !!!

Never said it was murder, but the link you gave actually makes the case that an egg (fertilized or not) is human life. But then again you didn't read it, did you?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
24 Apr 2009 /  #124
Can you live with an abortion?

Oh come on, they're not going to kill her, they're just going to cut her baby into pieces with a wire saw and pull it out of her vagina bit by dead and bloodied bit, they're probably going to give her an anasthetic so she doesnt feel it wiggling when they cut of its head, its no big deal.
PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
24 Apr 2009 /  #125
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm traumatized from that imagery!!
moonlight  6 | 103  
25 Apr 2009 /  #126
they're just going to cut her baby into pieces with a wire saw

she is two months, its about the size of a fingernail. I dont think such a drastic procedure is required.

Everyone will have a very different opinion, some from personal reasons, some from an educated point of view and some from ignorance.....

Thearcher, my advice to you - stop reading comments here and take time to think. its not important how you got to this point, you are here now and a choice has to be made, its your life and your choice. What other people think about your decision only matters if that person is relevant to you.

You will know what to do.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Apr 2009 /  #127
she is two months, its about the size of a fingernail.

I'm sorry they're just going to scoop up a living fetus cutting off the umbilical cord and pull it out, wonder if it feels like dumping with your vagina? She might even ask them to put it in a jar, she'd label it "his name would have been Peter" and keep it in her closet.

Thearcher, my advice to you - stop reading comments here and take time to think

About how the friendly doctor will rummage in your vagina with metal tools cutting off flesh and scrubbing your insides clean from any bits and pieces that may fall off from the fetus.

Have fun!
Crow  154 | 9561  
25 Apr 2009 /  #128
I'm pregnant

how convinient

My congrats
moonlight  6 | 103  
25 Apr 2009 /  #129
I'm sorry they're just going to scoop up a living fetus cutting off the umbilical cord and pull it out, wonder if it feels like dumping with your vagina? She might even ask them to put it in a jar, she'd label it "his name would have been Peter" and keep it in her closet.

Do some research before you comment.

wonder if it feels like dumping with your vagina?

Really? you have some strange thoughts?

Why does it bother you so much?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
25 Apr 2009 /  #130
Abortion is not a murder, that's it !!

Aha, so it's just a removal of an item wich will never have any chances of growing up to a human beeing? Well if you put it that way...

For me as a catholic it holds with: It has a soul

This is a BIG issue wich everyone ignores in Norway
shopgirl  6 | 928  
25 Apr 2009 /  #131
For my beliefs, a fetus is like a suit of clothing for soul.
Soul enters the physical body just before, during or just after birth.
Up until that point of soul entering, the physical shell is just that...a shell, which may or may not be needed.

Also both souls, the mother and the child have an equal choice in the birth. One souls free will does not trump another souls free will.

The mother can change her mind and so can the soul who has agreed to be the child.

No harm, no foul.
But keep fighting over it anyway.......
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
25 Apr 2009 /  #132
For my beliefs

For my beliefs women have no soul, having beliefs is fun!

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