Ive had relationships with guys in their early 20s when I was in my late 30s.. we knew they werent gonna last, but they sure were fun. I blame myself for starting this, but we seem to be trashing Irishgirls thread..
sapphire - no worries about trashing the thread......it did me good to see that many of you think there is nothing wrong with men dating older women!! I have a feeling that the guy I have my eye on might be a couple of years younger than me....
Update on asking gorgeous Polish man out........well I called into his shop yesterday only to find that once again he wasn't there!!!! Oh the disappointment......don't you hate that when you you have built yourself up for something and then it doesn't happen??!!Don't know what to do now....just play it cool and continue to call in once or twice a week in the hope that he hasn't gone off to a new job (or gone home to a wife or girlfriend??? ha ha ha.....THAT is always a possibility)
Or should I casually ask one of his Polish workmates, "hey, where's Peter these days?"
But that might embarrass him and I wouldn't like to do that....there is a lovely shyness about him.........