10 May 2007 / #1
hi. I am english and have just split up with my Polish boyfriend because of cultral differences. He seems to be very attached to his ex girlfriend still, whom lives in the UK as well as him. Everything between us was great until his ex keeps butting in to our lives. She rings him every day and they meet often, but this upsets me because i love him and i have two children and want to get on with my life with him as a family. This cannot happen with the ex keep interfering in our lives. He says i'm jealous, but i just really don't see the need for her to be in his life constantly. I asked him if he could at least cut down the contact a bit because it hurts. I feel she is more important than me, especially because he was willing to split up with me rather than let her friendship go. And they speak Polish on the phone together and i have no idea what they are talking about. I feel like they take the **** out of me. What do you Poles think?