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How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland?

Czarnobog  - | 33  
6 Feb 2009 /  #121
yeah, czanobog cut your crap. if you have complexes because your wife is coloured and muslim its your fuckin problem.

Thanks McCoy. That makes a lot of sense. Why bring my wife into this? For the record I look darker than my wife and I'm Polish. Probably because I happen to have Gypsy and Jewish ancestors. But of course a racist like you could never fathom that.

Poland was never a pure white country -- it's a Slavic country. My race (race being a fiction anyways) is if anything Slavic, not white. Hitler understood this all too well. His treatment of western soldiers was a thousand times better than his treatment of eastern soldiers. Slavs were consider just a step above Jews. We were considered Caucasian (so are Iranians, and Indians), but we were never considered sufficiently white. Some of the research I'm doing on Slavic immigrants into Canada and US shows a similar perception -- there were the real whites, and the Slavs, Mediterraneans, Hebrews etc. It took some time for them to "prove" their whiteness, and some are still trying to prove it.

Besides, what does "white" mean anyways? Growing up in Poland nobody every told me "you're white" or anything like that. The main thing for Polish people is nationalism, not some racial affiliation based on the collective experience of colonialism by Western Europeans. That today some of you unenlightened peasants aspire to the limiting identity of "white" is ignoble.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2009 /  #122
I don't think that McCoy is a racist. I did find it surprising that it was him who cussed a bit but hey, don't we all?

Czarnobog, you are a good addition to this thread. You keep right on topic and have 'interesting' opinions. I don't necessarily agree with some of what you say but it's spicy nonetheless.

I agree that race is fictitious in parts, it's certainly elusive. It's weird that Hitler didn't see the merits in Slavs. It's not like they were Arabs who completely didn't fit the bill. That always confused me, Slavs have many endearing qualities.

Iranians are Persian, somewhat different from Caucasians. What is 'whiteness?' Surely by virtue of being white you have satisfied the criteria for whiteness. Does Eminem not come up to scratch because he sags his pants like the black dudes do? Oh, exactly, you posed the question, what is white??

Really, skin colour is hugely overstated :(
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Feb 2009 /  #123
Slavic, not white

Define "White".

Did you know that Arabs, Jews, Iranians, Afghani, Pakistani, Indians and ppl from Bangladesh, Turkmen and the rest are all defined as being part of the "white" or "Caucasian race"?

M-G (tsk, tsk, tsk)

*Edit: chips, I didn't read Seanus' comment. Which is basically the same as mine. Excusez Moi.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Feb 2009 /  #124
People will always try to blame the wrong people on the right problems.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Feb 2009 /  #125
Your edit is hilarious, M-G. You didn't read my comment but it's basically the same as yours?

The beer will help.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
7 Feb 2009 /  #126
I agree that race is fictitious in parts, it's certainly elusive. It's weird that Hitler didn't see the merits in Slavs. It's not like they were Arabs who completely didn't fit the bill. That always confused me, Slavs have many endearing qualities.

Because it wasn't really about qualities of Slavs, but more about their land. Lebensraum for his kin, where they would procreate, prosper and other sh!t ze Germans do. ;)

You see racism is basically a form of pushing a certain group of individuals down the ladder to a lower level in social hierarchy, so that one could take advantage of them, for example economically. It really wasn't about inferiority of Slavs, but about Greater Poland, Silesia, Pommeln, ect...

PS: I always found it odd that Mexicans aren't considered white. They look quite white to me.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Feb 2009 /  #127
Good analysis, Matty. I know that it was about lebensraum but he cheapened the Slavs way too much. A little logic would have told him he was erring/straying from decency.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
7 Feb 2009 /  #128
I don't think logic was a strong side of his. Quite an emotional character he was. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Feb 2009 /  #129
Yeah, being a snowsweeper and a reject of art school tore him up inside. Hitler was my secondary school history project. I have yet to read Mein Kampf tho.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
7 Feb 2009 /  #130
Well I heard that Mein Kampf lacks cohesion and looks like a enormous rambling of a mad man, but this is an opinion of a person that couldn't possibly be mistaken for his fan. I also haven't had the chance to read it.

Yeah, that is funny. My g/f (or ex-, don't know anymore) actually stated that Poland was part of Western Europe :)
They may have been the most Western country of the Warsaw-Pact, but they are still a Central European country at it's most Western. I don't think it's racist if somebody calls me a Western European, because that is what I am. So why would it be racist if I call somebody who is obviously from a country to the East of mine and I don't know which, "Eastern European"? Or Central European, for that matter.

I never thought that my country men and women feel so strong about this subject until I actually joined this very forum, and I must admit that after asking some of my friends in the real life they confirmed this sentiment that they do not wish to be labeled as Eastern European. They didn’t call themselves western, though.

The concept of central Europe sounds very artificial for my taste, but than again so does eastern Europe. It’s a very out-dated idea. After all, USSR collapsed almost 20 years ago and A8 countries are not your enemies anymore.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Feb 2009 /  #131
How about this Polish guy, naturally a Slav, coming back to Poland? Brzezinski, what a cretin and a creep. To me, he has no Polish blood. He is a neo-con hawk and loser.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
8 Feb 2009 /  #132
of course Jews and Gyspies are dark colored people because they origiante in the middle east but the real Poles the non Jews and Gypsies are white Biały.
Czarnobog  - | 33  
8 Feb 2009 /  #133
That is not true. There are pale Jews and Gypsies and dark Poles who have no Jewish or Gypsy ancestry. Zawisza Czarny, contrary to popular Polish myth, was not named that after his armor but after his appearance. The same can be said about the Sienkiewicz's fictional character Jan Skrzetuski (who was based on a historic figure), who is described as having a dark complexion. Skin pigmentation varies across all populations and Polish people have been and are varied. Perhaps, we are not so much white/Biały as we are biało-czerwoni/ white and red ;)

On a scientific note, there is more diversity within what you consider to be "racial groups" than between them. That is the position of a 1995 UNESCO statement on race. Race is in fact a fiction. There is no pure race. Poles, who belong to the Slavic group, have certainly many influences (from groups who themselves cannot be said to be pure).
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Feb 2009 /  #134
PS: I always found it odd that Mexicans aren't considered white. They look quite white to me.

This is mostly because plenty of American 'white Protestants' are obsessed about Mexican immigration and always tend to depreciate their culture. Some of them even claim that Catholic church conspire to let more Mexicans to the US. They are insane.

Yeah, that is funny. My g/f (or ex-, don't know anymore) actually stated that Poland was part of Western Europe :)

Either she miss the point or you don't understand her point. This is not about geographical location. Various civilization scientists often argue about affiliation of different nations to different civilizations. However all of them (all I know about) consider Poles to be part of western civilization.

Brzezinski, what a cretin and a creep. To me, he has no Polish blood. He is a neo-con hawk and loser.

If anything, he is a hawk of Democratic Party.

That is the position of a 1995 UNESCO statement on race.

They should ask children in primary schools (children of all races) whether they are able to distinguish people of different races.
9 Feb 2009 /  #135
"How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland?"

We hate everyone!! {except Aborigenes and Aleuts (don't ask me why)} ;-]
Gianna Fiorenza  
12 Feb 2009 /  #136
Are Polish people even considered White? I would think "White" means Arian, and Poles are Slaves, so non-White. Or am I wrong?
12 Feb 2009 /  #137
The poles are white and no racially differant from us culturally and economically superior western europeans.
12 Feb 2009 /  #138
Are you suggesting that Poles are culturally and economically inferior to other whites, or equal (in those aspects) to other whites?


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

No I'm migration?.

Check out the Random thread. I beat you to it.
12 Feb 2009 /  #139
Are you suggesting that Poles are culturally and economically inferior to other whites, or equal (in those aspects) to other whites?

compared to western europe, yes.
12 Feb 2009 /  #140
Thanks for clearing up your perception, NoImmi.

And refresh my memory as to why?
Gianna Fiorenza  
13 Feb 2009 /  #141
No, Polish are not White. They're Slavic. Slavics are somewhere between Gipsies and Whites. Pretty close, but not there.
13 Feb 2009 /  #142
No, Polish are not White

You post with an Italian name and talk about who is white enough?
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Feb 2009 /  #143
So Eastern Europe is suffering under all that “rich diversity” too, as we are here in the US.
Why is it that such people want to come to our lands but you never see great numbers of us going to their lands?
And when did it become “racist” to express a little national or ethnic identity pride when these others do so freely all the time? That’s a double standard.

Wake up, folks. Or you risk your culture being overrun. You’re being overrun by political correctness run amok and it will spell the end of your national and ethnic identity while the others maintain theirs. In some areas this is a calculated effort.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
14 Feb 2009 /  #144
So Eastern Europe is suffering under all that “rich diversity” too,

We're not suffering, home boy. I like being able to get a Vietnamese takeaway and go for shisha and Arabic tea. I like beng able to study kung fu with a proper Chinese sifu. I like being able to drink Italian wine and Russian vodka. No suffering here.

Wake up, folks. Or you risk your culture being overrun.

Yawn. If you want a sympathetic ear, go post on the klan's site
foxtrot1213  2 | 43  
14 Feb 2009 /  #145
So Eastern Europe is suffering under all that “rich diversity” too, as we are here in the US.

You don't need to worry about ex-commies. You can keep those thoughts within the borders of United States of Jesus Land.

Why is it that such people want to come to our lands but you never see great numbers of us going to their lands?

Isn't America founded on a land stolen from Native Americans?

And when did it become “racist” to express a little national or ethnic identity pride when these others do so freely all the time? That’s a double standard.

You mean bumper stickers like "God bless America" and "Proud to be American" :)

Wake up, folks. Or you risk your culture being overrun. You’re being overrun by political correctness run amok and it will spell the end of your national and ethnic identity while the others maintain theirs. In some areas this is a calculated effort.

Bla bla bla....I am worried while sitting infront of computer, and playing weekend warrior...bla bla bla
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
15 Feb 2009 /  #146
No, Polish are not White. They're Slavic. Slavics are somewhere between Gipsies and Whites. Pretty close, but not there.

Since we have such a "knowledgeable" person on PF tell us then, who was the wife of King Victor Emmanuel III, the last queen of Italy?

Pièko talijanska žabarska.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
15 Feb 2009 /  #147
No, Polish are not White. They're Slavic. Slavics are somewhere between Gipsies and Whites. Pretty close, but not there.

Poles are white! Slavs AND Germanics are white!

....gypsies my ass!
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Feb 2009 /  #148
See how the PC enforcers come out of the woodwork trying to stifle opposing views by making all sorts of shrill and angry accusations. Pay them no mind. This is nothing but a dishonest, coercive attempt to silence speech so that only their views get aired. Such Liberalism is a whole lot more offensive than anything I or others have posted here in a forum designed for free exchange of ideas. Such bullied political correctness will spell the end of society as it provides aid and comfort to enemies by enabling them.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Feb 2009 /  #149
How about this Polish guy, naturally a Slav, coming back to Poland? Brzezinski, what a cretin and a creep. To me, he has no Polish blood. He is a neo-con hawk and loser.

I thought you were going to outsmart, out fox me etc..

Common then where are you fella?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Feb 2009 /  #150
Yes, and? My views on Brzeżinski have nothing to do with that.

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