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muslim community in poland

rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #271
More people have died due to belief in one god or another than for any other reason...Strange when most religions are supposedly peacefull....

I agree.
To announce people believe other religion ( islam,christain etc.) as an enemy is wrong and very dangerous.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
14 Nov 2008 /  #272
Well soon it will be Christmas...i think i will invite a muslim to come for dinner...thats if i can find a muslim....and some dinner....?
rock  - | 428  
14 Nov 2008 /  #273
Good idea. Why not ?
OP ash786  
15 Nov 2008 /  #274
yeah right, you people do a great job of blowing yourselves up

go and ask the palestinians why they blow themselves up??you think muslims just come into this world to die a premature death???we love life more so probsbly than you people but we also ready to accept death anytime cos its a part of life..a first world armies invade your country with latest weapons n technology and limitless cash knowing full well that the country they about to invade is no competition how then are you going to fight the occupation????BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY..america or any western country has never gone to war with another nation with equal power and might and when they have they have got the sh8t kicked out of em..they cowards..they think everything is hollywood but when the get in the battle ground they find a totally different ball game.look isreal,most powerful and the only nuclear power in middle east got kicked to f8ck by a gorrilla group hamas.LOL and then just started blowing up civilians and infrastructure..
wildrover  98 | 4430  
15 Nov 2008 /  #275
gorrilla group

Anti social apes...a new danger to world peace.....?
asmaani  - | 28  
16 Nov 2008 /  #276
I admit anti-social apes is a good one lol :) congrats on this one.

anyway there are wackos everywhere but if a wacko happened to be born in a muslim country he would be always recognized by Western media as a muslim wacko and his actions will be always connected with islam although there is no such connection at all. whereas wacko born in Christian country is never associated with Christianity, which of course is good.

remember 2 Polish catholic mothers who killed their babies right after the delivery and kept their bodies home? one in Lublin /4 tiny bodies, in the fridge, amongst packages with frozen broccoli!/ the other in Lodz. not even one paper or magazine called them 'catholic' even though they were catholic. anyway did anybody stand up for these babies the time they were murdered?

does anybody call Polish people savages because of such tragedies?
how many babies die in Poland because of being beaten to death?
we hear and see it in the news too often.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
16 Nov 2008 /  #277

yeah right, you people do a great job of blowing yourselves up

go and ask the palestinians why they blow themselves up??

This is what happens when your country is invaded and everything you have is taken away. When your livelihood and home are gone, your family are suffering and your basic right to protest is taken away, you are left with only one voice. It's a tragedy that even schoolgirls in the Middle East have been reduced to killing themselves to try and make themselves heard.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2008 /  #278
we love life

Who the hell are "we" ? Muslems world wide ? If you identify yourself with them, then f. out to Arabia, Pakistan. There's your place.

they cowards


gorrilla group

lol !
mafketis  38 | 11137  
16 Nov 2008 /  #279
anyway there are wackos everywhere but if a wacko happened to be born in a muslim country he would be always recognized by Western media as a muslim wacko

I'm neither Christian nor Muslim and feel free to criticize all wackos regardless of religion.

One crucial difference, with your example. The crazy people that killed their babies and froze them were not claiming to act on Christian principles and when crazy Christians (like Fred Phelps) do crazy things, there's no shortage of Christians publicly denouncing them. Too many terrorists claim to be acting on Islamic principles as do too many purveyors of other social ills (like honor killings). But too many Muslims (who are good people) are too hestitant to criticize crazy Muslims in public.

This is maybe partly because this is because Islam stresses a private conscience, micromanaging the adherents daily behavior, while not acting against social ills that cannot be addressed through purely religious principles.

It also might be partly because Islamic practice doesn't recognize social groupings beyond the family AFAIK. There is the individual, the family and the only social division recognized in Islam is between Muslims and Kufar.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2008 /  #280
let all racists form a circle

What does anything here to do with racism ?
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Nov 2008 /  #281
social division recognized in Islam is between Muslims and Kufar.

Whos are these Kufar?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Nov 2008 /  #282
The moslems in the forum do to their level best to make the islamic nation look uglier than all possibilities of defining them in bad light. The ugliest of the ugly!... most ugly in whichever form and factor.
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Nov 2008 /  #283
the islamic nation

What is that?

look uglier

You really don't have to make much effort to achieve this.
I think we need more Kufar.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
16 Nov 2008 /  #284
Whos are these Kufar?

oops that should be Khuffar, the plural of khaffir or non-Muslim.
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Nov 2008 /  #285
the plural of khaffir or non-Muslim.

To be khaffir or goy?this is the question.
rock  - | 428  
16 Nov 2008 /  #286
islamic nation

Is there categories like islamic nation, christain nation ?

We can say it maybe for Jews only.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Nov 2008 /  #287
We can say it maybe for Jews only.


By Islamic nation I meant the people of Islam. According to your Holy Scriptures you were supposed to be brothers... all one nation. Moslems...before being turkish or pakestani.

Jewism is a religion...and yes....the jew nation are those who identify themselves with Jewism.

The Christian nation are those who identify themselves with the Christians.
rock  - | 428  
16 Nov 2008 /  #288
Being muslim brothers does not mean to unit in one nation. Being a nation is totaly different. Muslims can not unit in one nation because everyone has his/her own culture, language, way of government, approach to islam, land etc.

For example, Turks are muslims but they are far different than Arabs.

I think this is same for christains.

You can change the word '' nation'' with ''community'' for all religions.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Nov 2008 /  #289
You can change the word '' nation'' with ''community'' for all religions.

yea..I can do that. Community then.
rock  - | 428  
16 Nov 2008 /  #290
I did not want to bore you for just one word. But it is important. :)
yehudi  1 | 433  
16 Nov 2008 /  #291
On paper the Muslim religion looks reasonable: One God, no idols, submitting to God's will - that all makes sense. But in practice, Islam is being taken over by insane evil people who excuse the most barbaric practices in the name of this religion. It's not individuals who do this but religious leaders and Muslim governments. The Palestinian movement also allowed itself to be taken over by Hamas, which is a "religious" terror group. Until mainstream Muslims oppose these thugs, I have to assume they are in agreement with them.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Nov 2008 /  #292
Until mainstream Muslims oppose these thugs, I have to assume they are in agreement with them.

Its a good point.

The mainstream muslims must work on this issue within themselves...
IronsE11  2 | 441  
16 Nov 2008 /  #293
Jewism is a religion

No it isn't.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
16 Nov 2008 /  #295

Jewism is a religion

No it isn't.


No it isn't.

it is.

IronsE11  2 | 441  
16 Nov 2008 /  #296
it is.

No it isn't.


koziolek  2 | 31  
16 Nov 2008 /  #298
The are the same, except for one crucial difference:

There is no such thing as Jewism.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Nov 2008 /  #299
Judaism and Jewism are same.

Jewism is a bigger thing... All Judaists are Jews but not all Jews are Judaists.
OP ash786  
17 Nov 2008 /  #300
The Palestinian movement also allowed itself to be taken over by Hamas, which is a "religious" terror group.
why is it that anybody who stands up aggression or occupation gets labelled as a terrorist or terror group???the west just want to go into a country and everybody just roll over like dogs and say yes master...not muslims...NEVER...some people in earlier threads have stated they hope turkey never joins the EU cos they want europe to remain christian so i ask you what the f8ck is israel doing in the middle east and dont forget it was uk,france,us germany,belgium who helped israel set up shop in the middle east and then helped it build nuclear weapons and are still helping it,and please dont come out with some sh8t like it belong to the jews from biblical times cos earlier i said spain belonged to the muslims at one point and they would reclaim it soon and everybody went ballistic..not only are the jews ungrateful they fu8kin greedy m8therf8ckers..they crying holocaust for 70 years and you would think after all that suffering they would be more than friendly with their neighbours but no,they themselves have become same if not worse than fu8kin hitler..and the west just keeps on defending them but its no surprise,they running the west and pretty soon they gonna fu8k the west so hard they will leave a hole bigger than the black one in space..

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