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First Racial Attack for me in Poland

29 Aug 2008 /  #61
But You being as uneducated as you are, jump to a conclusion that YOU would love to see, but didint happen like that, sorry, you lose again...

I love this bit; a guy who clearly cannot spell with atrocious grammar sprouting off about education.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
29 Aug 2008 /  #62
didnt we establish that he is an ignorant with a stupidity disorder?
29 Aug 2008 /  #63
Sorry master Bubba, just got back from my hols with my head in the clouds....didn't read all of the post :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
29 Aug 2008 /  #64
thats ok, we have espana to thank, he spotted it first. i was a bit slow too although i had my suspicions
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Aug 2008 /  #65
Walking with my girlfriend last night we were approached by a guy who then tried to punch me for no reason other than i was speaking english.

I am saddened by this, as its my first taste of this, and i have ended up with a broken hand. Anyone else suffered from this?

And yes i know poles get the same in england, so don't get defensive, just wondered if its only happened to me

I would say mate this is something that could happen anywhere, if you take out the fact your English in Poland. Exactly the same situation could rise anywhere in the world. Some people are just idiots and are looking for fights, i think you should count yourself lucky though considering in certain parts of Kingston, Jamaica you potentially are shot for being white by the local hoolies :).

It really can happen anywhere Griff. I have been told in recent weeks to ****-off back home by a guy on a bus. He'd been offering me a seat but I didn't realise he was talking to me so I didn't answer. So the next thing he's barged past me and said 'why don't you ****-off back home'. This is strange because I was born here and it is my home...I suppose sometimes people also judge on appearance only and people think I look very Polish.

That's just unlucky, to be honest if i offered somebody a seat and they did not answer, i would probably call them ignorant or something like that. I agree there is not need for 'fcuk of home' there never is. Have you experienced anymore situations like this in the UK??? or is this just a one off?

I'm sorry. Carry the knife and kill next time.

lol, clean the streets of the scum, why not :)

Or the clothes.

no that is sad, giving somebody a jaw breaker just because of the clothes they wear!!! I men really some people have nothing else to do with their lives do they!!

or the Queen

why don't the Polish like the Queen??

It happened to me too in Krakow.I was with some friends. A group of idiots stopped us and one took a knife out , for no aparant reason!! I feel sorry to say that majority of poles seem to be rascists!! Please don't take offence, as I know a few poles that are very good people!But majority seems to be hating other language,country and race!!Since Poland was admitted to Europe , it seems to have gone to their heads.You would see lots of poles bragging about their superior status as Europeans..on this forum..Only few years ago , nobody wanted Poland as part of Europe!!I think these people should be lot more humble!!

this sort of situation where they may be looking ro rob people is simple, a foreigner in a country they are not used to, plus the fact that tourists often carry large amounts of cash around with them.

Maybe it wasn't an act of bigotry but simply a random act of hooliganism and violence?

good point, brainless scum don't need a reason to do anything.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
29 Aug 2008 /  #66
some british do not like polish people , they think they are like the mexicans in your ****** country (U.S).
you should have respect for the british in this site who love poland. and dont say nothing bad about them

I do, if you could read correctly, you will see in my post, its say a SELECT FEW BRITS...

USA,,,,,,,,for me you are not polish , polish people not are like you.

And thats a fact? You have met every person on earth with polish decent? Hold on, let me find the quote of Tornado2007 saying Poland has Way too many neo Nazi's/Polish nationalist's...

no way, britain have history and glamour , usa not.
you can bully irak afghanistan , puerto rico etc but you cant bully any states in europe.

Sure in your opinion, and everyone is entitled to one, even a duma$$ like yourself. As dumb as you may seem, I still dont deny you a right to an opinion. And you could work on your grammer skills some, instead of tyring to call me out on something, maybe you should up your grammer skills instead...
Equator  - | 33  
29 Aug 2008 /  #67

i think you should count yourself lucky though considering in certain parts of Kingston, Jamaica you potentially are shot for being white by the local hoolies :).

I'm black and they could shoot me for a whole variety of reasons, where did you get that snippet of info from?

Down Town Kingston can be rough for everyone, just like you I would stick out, my skin colour would not camouflage me enough, they know instantly that I am from Britain! Plus I really think that colour on its own would not be the seminal factor for an attack…..
29 Aug 2008 /  #68
The example here was a random act as it is in most cases, a few beers, and suddenly we have the biggest ego and penis to match.

My wife I was racially attacked some years ago in Poland by a group of skinheads, but it was an isolated incident and I promise you I have had much worse in the UK.

The thing is with racism on any level, it is only perpetuated by the media and influential people, who agitate the individuals into a flock of non-opinionated morons.

One sad side of this I witnessed in London when I lived there back in the 1990s.
There was this drug dealer called Kevin, and he held perfectly respectable day job as an reinsurance underwriter for Lloyds, and he was telling me that almost 90% of his drug dealing business was with coloured guys, which he thought was the dogs Bol*oKs because he was creaming the money in.

This was in total contrast to weekend his weekend pursuits...see Kevin was a west ham 'supporter', and was part of the "Inter City Firm", and used to take great delight in finding as many coloured guys as he could and putting them in hospital.

I asked him one day why he did it and he thought and tried to find an answer, and only after a long 10 secs he said, "it's fun and my mates do it".

Needless to say, I didn't have much time for Kevin after this and didn't even visit him when he was put in hospital by a group his fellow drug dealers.

It's a sad and lonely life being a racist, because they are trying to be elitists, when all the world recognises them as minorities….....take note Warsaw8 !!

And you could work on your grammer skills some, instead of tyring to call me out on something, maybe you should up your grammer skills instead...

"The Pot Calling The Kettle Black", I think you should work on your own grammar and spelling skills before you criticize and a foreign speaker of English; at least he has an excuse!!
espana  17 | 951  
29 Aug 2008 /  #69
It's a sad and lonely life being a racist, because they are trying to be elitists, when all the world recognises them as minorities….....take note Warsaw8 !!

he is just a kid and he really doesn't know what is a real nazi .
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
30 Aug 2008 /  #70
"The Pot Calling The Kettle Black", I think you should work on your own grammar and spelling skills before you criticize and a foreign speaker of English; at least he has an excuse!!

Yea grammer and spelling are 2 different things, I could use touch up on a few words I havent had to spell since highschool, but bad grammer is a whole other thing!

he is just a kid and he really doesn't know what is a real nazi .

Really? You mean the German,dane,aust,dutch,norvegian soldiers of who fought under National Socialism in WW2...
Kilkline  1 | 682  
30 Aug 2008 /  #71
Really? You mean the German,dane,aust,dutch,norvegian soldiers of who fought under National Socialism in WW2...

No Poles? So that would make you a quarter untermensch then wouldnt it.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
30 Aug 2008 /  #72
Well, im not jewish or of Bolshevik decent, so no, I would not be considered "sub human" as all the propaganda lies tell. Those were the people deemed untermensch...

Aside from that, everytime I see your screen name I think im reading the words "kike line". My eyes decive me sometimes, dont think anything of it though.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
30 Aug 2008 /  #73
Well, im not jewish or of Bolshevik decent, so no, I would not be considered "sub human" as all the propaganda lies tell. Those were the people deemed untermensch...

Are you saying Slavs werent considered untermensch? I can provide a hundred links to prove you're wrong if you'd like. Can you provide even one?

Aside from that, everytime I see your screen name I think im reading the words "kike line". My eyes decive me sometimes, dont think anything of it though.

I imagine its not just your eyes that deceive you. Most things seem to.
Dice  15 | 452  
30 Aug 2008 /  #74
The only time I've been told to "speak polish", was by one of three Police officers when he was giving us a mandate for being drunk at midnight, singing and walking home. I apologiesed in English, and tried to speak some Polish. He repied in Polish " you are in Poland, speak Polish".

And you didn't sue them for abuse of power and embarking on your personal rights? I would, why not? I would have the police officers fired and the whole police department retrained. I would go to the papers, news organizations, etc. I wouldn't let it die till I got what I want.
30 Aug 2008 /  #75
your eyes that deceive you. Most things seem to.

Well I'm sure you will come to the rescue, Milkline.

Another simpering Brit illuminating the mysteries of the world for us all.
Dice  15 | 452  
30 Aug 2008 /  #76
Well, im not jewish or of Bolshevik decent, so no, I would not be considered "sub human"

Oh yes you would.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
30 Aug 2008 /  #77
Well I'm sure you will come to the rescue, Milkline.

Another simpering Brit illuminating the mysteries of the world for us all.

Well your not going to do it are you Wally. Get back to polishing grandad's medals why dont ya. You'll need them for your next trip away.
30 Aug 2008 /  #78
Get back to polishing grandad's medals why dont ya. You'll need them for your next trip away.

Perhaps when you're in the rear (away from the fighting).. you can polish them for me. Ask the queen's permission; I'm sure she'll grant it, after all if it weren't for me and my fat brethren there would be no crown at all.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
30 Aug 2008 /  #79
Ahh yeah. Thanks for that fatty, the cheques in the post.
tomek  - | 134  
30 Aug 2008 /  #80
british people are superior western europeans

you are the result of generations of inbreeding only lessened by the fresh blood your aristocraty recived from saxony some centuries ago - your women are blueleged alcoholics and males are worth to work 20 years underground only - mr bean is the most atractive englishman around
osiol  55 | 3921  
30 Aug 2008 /  #81
mr bean is the most atractive englishman around

Why did so many women in Poland take a liking to me then?
Okay, so maybe not just Poland!
30 Aug 2008 /  #82
Are you saying Slavs werent considered untermensch? I can provide a hundred links to prove you're wrong if you'd like. Can you provide even one?

The slavs were considered by hitler to be a subserviant under race. The germans DID in fact consider all slavs to be "untermench" this is historical fact. why do you think poles were gassed in concentration camps.

Infact I was watching the history channel the other day and the topic of poles being considered untermench by nazis was on the tv.
tomek  - | 134  
30 Aug 2008 /  #83
Hitlers grandma was jewish - stop arguing with Hitler, no decent nationalist I know values Hitler. (dot)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Aug 2008 /  #84
Yes, but many Slavs matched the Aryan criteria. Blond hair, physically strong with blue eyes. Hitler was hardly the model Aryan either.

Who cares what the Nazis thought, they were purists without any concept of diversification and acceptance.
30 Aug 2008 /  #85
Hitler was hardly the model Aryan either.

Yeah.. that's the thing I could never figure out. Here's this little nerd singing about blonde beauty all the time.. ??
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
30 Aug 2008 /  #86
People tend to mix the National socialism which was an idea like Democracy, Communism or Capitalism and all that racial stuff pushed by Himmler and Co.

There were already to Hitler's time at least 4 accepted forms of Germanics...from blond, blue eyed, slim in the north to more stocky and dark haired in the south.

Then there were the racial bruhaha about the superiority of the Germanic people to all others. People got catalogized in belonging to this people or not...

That doesn't mean that a Nazi (As in national socialist) HAS to be blond and blue eyed!
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
31 Aug 2008 /  #87
Then there were the racial bruhaha about the superiority of the Germanic people to all others.

And we would even believe in this if it wasn't for Modern Talking and Falco! ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
31 Aug 2008 /  #88
Heeeey....Falco rocks (rocked that is)! :)
31 Aug 2008 /  #89
Haven't heard that name in awhile. "Rock Me Amadeus" good tune.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
31 Aug 2008 /  #90
Are you saying Slavs werent considered untermensch? I can provide a hundred links to prove you're wrong if you'd like. Can you provide even one?

Ok start posting all 100 of them, but 1st, find out if your links are historical facts from jews. That makes the world of difference right there...And if they are, I disreguard anything from those people that they call facts.

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