I am foreigner in Poland and being told that I should set up Spółka komandytowa (lmited partership company) instead of spolka z.o.o ( limited liability company). I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages between this two in term of business scope, personal and corporate tax, social security tax ( ZUS), ease of setting up, risk and liability.
There is no diference in taxes, ZUS, easy of setting up etc.
Only risk is diferent in both cases. It is based on the same principles as the English or American law.
In limited liability company (sp. z o.o.) the owners are responsible only up to share value, in limited partnership company (sp. kamandytowa) one of the partners is responsible with all his own possesions. Thats the diference.
Spólka komadytowa is much less popular because is quite difficult to understand all the responsabilities.
In general this kind of company is most suitable for two partners in case one of them have money oand other has nothing.
Sp zo.o. is more common and probably most popular.
Cost of creation is similar and requirements are almost the same.
If you will have future questions please contact me skony1971(at)wp.pl