Polish Language Pronunciation - Example Words and Phrases
i have 3 seperate 3's through the number. Would have a telephone number with loads of the hardest one to say.
Pronounce them as single numbers. It will be OK
Pronounce them as single numbers
Thats the problem i cant pronounce the word i'm really struggling with it.
I've got it on my i pod and i listen to it over and over but i can't get it. >:-(
yeden, dwa, t-shi, ch-stairy, pea-en-ch, sh-es-ch, she-ed-em, osh-em, dz-ev-inch, dz-esh-inch.
3 = you have to put 't' from tug in front of 'shi' from ship.
yeden, dwa, t-shi, ch-stairy, pea-en-ch, sh-es-ch, she-ed-em, osh-em, dz-ev-inch, dz-esh-inch.
3 = you have to put 't' from tug in front of 'shi' from ship.
easier done then said lol
i can do the rest with no probs it's just the 3
thanks wroclaw
i can do the rest with no probs it's just the 3
thanks wroclaw
some people pronounce it same like "czy" word...if that could help, it sound funny though :)
i just say chi as in tai chi and people tend to understand if i also hold up 3 fingers at the same time... some times if i am feeling confident i add a t sound at the front... and hold up 3 fingers... it always seems to work... especially if i am ordering beer and have two friends next to me...
hope this helps
hope this helps
I have been trying for 3(trzy) years people understand but always laugh when I say that and czesc! you know "hello" I don't know if I spelt it right. Its maddening because to me I am saying it right.
29 Jun 2007 / #130
Wojtek i would use as a pet name to a close friend or child, although my family pronounce the name voj-chek, i have also heard both???? good point dude
Merged: Pronounce Się
I pretty much get the point/meaning of się but I am still somewhat confused. I know it's used with some verbs, I am wondering does it just modify the verb or change the meaning totally?(ex ludzic, ludzic sie)
Also besides using it with verbs, where else would it be appropriate?
I pretty much get the point/meaning of się but I am still somewhat confused. I know it's used with some verbs, I am wondering does it just modify the verb or change the meaning totally?(ex ludzic, ludzic sie)
Also besides using it with verbs, where else would it be appropriate?
(ex ludzic, ludzic sie)
In this case without się It doesn't make much sense.
czy ktos z forum zna odpowiedz na moje pytanie?
It's a bit like myself/yourself etc. in English, but somehow more often used in Polish.
"się" in polish language kept a rule like "onself"
myself (ja się) pomyliłe/m się
youself (ty się) pomyliłe/ś się
himself (on się) pomylił się
herself (ona się) pomylił/a się
itself (ono się) pomylił/o się
ourselves (my się) pomylili/śmy się
Yourselves (wy się) pomylili/ście się
themselves (oni się) pomylili się
............. (one się) pomyli(ły) się
simple form always "SIĘ"
też mialem z tym problem kiedyś (i was problem with that in past)
myself (ja się) pomyliłe/m się
youself (ty się) pomyliłe/ś się
himself (on się) pomylił się
herself (ona się) pomylił/a się
itself (ono się) pomylił/o się
ourselves (my się) pomylili/śmy się
Yourselves (wy się) pomylili/ście się
themselves (oni się) pomylili się
............. (one się) pomyli(ły) się
simple form always "SIĘ"
też mialem z tym problem kiedyś (i was problem with that in past)
It is hard to translate się into "oneself" literally because it doesnt always portray the true meaning.
I've always just pronounced it Voy - check, bit wrong I suppose lol.
It comes from the reflexive pronoun siebie, which comes from the Russian siebja. Ja mowie do siebie-I am talking to myself for example. Sometimes though, verbs in Polish must be reflexive even though they are not in English. For example, ja zastanawiam sie, I am wondering...
17 Jul 2007 / #140
Merged: some help with pronounce c z cz dz sz....
i want to learn polish and so i started listening to polish songs...so i read the lyrics, but for me as just someone who learned all the things from speaking them, its difficult to find out how to pronounce those letters( c, cz, dz, z, s, sz, a, e). the e and the a with this thing under them...:) i would be very happy if someone could help with this problem and tell me how to say it...
thank you
i want to learn polish and so i started listening to polish songs...so i read the lyrics, but for me as just someone who learned all the things from speaking them, its difficult to find out how to pronounce those letters( c, cz, dz, z, s, sz, a, e). the e and the a with this thing under them...:) i would be very happy if someone could help with this problem and tell me how to say it...
thank you
17 Jul 2007 / #141
If u have got skype i can tell u how it sounds. Haha, i already ask u about it.
17 Jul 2007 / #142
im sorry i dont have skype...couldnt you just kind of write it?
17 Jul 2007 / #143
I dont know how:D
I can record it for u and send via email if u want. But right now im not at home. I think i should be back this week, if not, around 10 August. If u wont find any help since that day, just write me ;)
I can record it for u and send via email if u want. But right now im not at home. I think i should be back this week, if not, around 10 August. If u wont find any help since that day, just write me ;)
Maybe this will help: members.fortunecity.com/john_deere/Polish2.html
17 Jul 2007 / #145
thank you that looks like something that helps:)
you are so great thankssssss alot:)
you are so great thankssssss alot:)
No problem. You'll find a lot of tips here in this Grammar & Pronunciation area. Enjoy!!
I would have thought that a local library would be able to lend you a book of the sounds and basics of Polish. There is a free download service to I think that it is called byte.com or something similar. Type in basic free Polish Language courses on line and it is bound to come up. Learning songs seems to be too difficult a way of learning a language from scratch, especially if you do not know even the basics.
17 Jul 2007 / #148
i also learned turkish by talkin to my friends and listening to songs:) and it works pretty well. but you're right it shouldn't be the only thing you do to learn a language and so i read a lot and talk with my friends.so don't worry:D
German, Polish and Turkish are phonetic languages, to an extent, and I would have thought that the printed page would be of help. How did you get on with Turkish? The words seem so easy in their dictionary form but the grammar of verbs is not so simple adding bits in the middle, rather like German.
17 Jul 2007 / #150
Im teaching polish over skype;)
I have even some praepared exercises and so on:D
Haha, im not joking!
And all is free ^^
I have even some praepared exercises and so on:D
Haha, im not joking!
And all is free ^^