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Joined: 25 Oct 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 May 2008
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
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15 Sep 2008
News / Missiles in Poland: reasons and reactions [13]

Poland has no choice. They owe America big-time for helping get rid of the communists. Much of this was helped along by pumping in millions of dollars to all sorts of "anti-govt" groups (including some really dubious ones) during the 80's. Now Poland has to do everything the Americans say! Simple really. The shield, the secret CIA cells, mysterious flights and holding pens are probably only the tip of the iceberg. The Polish Govt (in whatever form) will be kissin' yankee butt for generations to come!
10 Sep 2008
News / Polish incest-family case 'like Fritzl' [52]

Wasn't there a thread posted a while ago along the lines off "Fritzl, Austrians are sick, this would never happen in Poland!"

Last night there was a psychologist on Polish tv saying that this is actually more common in the countryside and tiny villages here than one might imagine. Once you get into the really out of the way places here it really is like a Bosch painting sometimes! (or 'Deliverance' if you prefer a movie reference!)
3 Sep 2008
Life / Who has moved to Poland in the last year? Swap stories. [115]

they were taking light fittings, light switches, unscrewing the sliding doors, built in cupboards the whole lot. My understanding of furniture is movable items.

I had a Polish friend in the UK who was given council accomodation. When she was moving out she took everything, light fittings, bulbs, toilet roll holder, door stoppers, handles etc. The council found her and got everything back! I think that was an extreme case (as it was a property belonging to the town) but it is normal practice in Poland to leave a sold property "naked".
2 Sep 2008
USA, Canada / How to ship pierogi from Poland to USA (not frozen)? [15]

This may sound a bit dumb but why don't you just make 'em yourself or employ a few Polish Babcias to make 'em! The logistics of shipping fresh pierogi to the States would be nigh on impossible ( I would have thought)
2 Sep 2008
News / Poland's Future Includes Fewer Poles, More Foreigners [324]

Of course, if the Polish schoolyard bully keeps on poking the big nasty Russian bear with sharp pencils, name calling, mooning over the fence etc. then I think the title of this thread will be pretty accurate
2 Sep 2008
Travel / Central Wings cancel certain flights to Poland [38]

I read on their website that flights between 14th- 30th Sept will still be flying but passengers will be taken by LOT (CW's papa company). If they have actually told you it's cancelled then it sounds bad. They once cancelled a flight I was booked on and then sent a follow up message saying it was a mistake and the flight was going after all. No mention at all of what will happen to people who bought tickets for after September though.

Trying to get through on the phone to them is almost impossible, last time I needed to change a ticket I finally got through after 4 days (including trying in the middle of the night)and 4hours before the flight, and forget e-mails, they NEVER reply!

I used them often and regularily had to put up with the sh!t associated with their circus antics. Financial constraints meant that I had to use them. I think it all comes down to that old question of customer service. I'm sorry to say that they really were PISH!
1 Sep 2008
Life / Customer Service in Poland, what are your experiences? [106]

Apparently you are entitled to tell them to F@#K off. I learned this from a Polish news programme which was a report about security guys stripping girls to their underwear, either looking to find stolen goods or, more to the point, trying to drool over semi-naked girls. The law states they are not Policemen therefore you can refuse to co-operate and if they won't let you go you can ask them to call the police. If the police find nothing the security are in trouble for wasting police time. Lovely!
1 Sep 2008
Life / Customer Service in Poland, what are your experiences? [106]

This is one of my major probs with Poland. I can understand (slightly) facking greedy little Polish companies like Barlinek treating people like **** to rake in their groszy to save enough money to buy an English football team BUT when you get civilised European companies who treat you like GOD in other European countries and treat you like **** in Poland then that is even worse. Yet again I managed to set off the alarm while leaving a shop today, Zara on Marszalkowska. Immediately was pounced upon and asked to empty my bag at the till while the sexy young people of Warsaw looked on with open mouths as to the spectacle unfolding before then. 1 piece of ham, a CD and a 39pln pair of jeans ( yes, believe it or not, PAID FOR). After asking whether the shop was an airport and whether the pretty but 'pain in the ass girl 'was a customs officer, she apologised. I happened to mention "That's ok, I'm used to the fact that every Pole is assumed to be a criminal by other Poles, she was not too happy. Why does this continue to happen on a massive scale here? I think everyone should stop buying from these stores after it happens to them! It's a f***ing disgrace
22 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish Pubs in Scotland. [22]

pub culture is dying out

Please don't say that. It makes me feel all wobbly!
22 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish Pubs in Scotland. [22]

He was merely trying to say that Im a bit of a scuzzer who drinks in lowly dregs bars!

Actually I was probably trying to say the opposite of that. That's the thing about UK old bars, they are the ones where you can meet ALL kinds of people. That is another point about Polish bars, they are very discriminating, students go to A, businessman go to B, medallion man goes to C, baldie guy with a pit bull goes to D, white handbag girl goes to E (or possibly C where medallion man goes) etc.

In the UK everyone goes to the PUB, a truly democratic institution!
You're probably right though I don't think I'd go to a place called Panacea or Diarrhoea or Enema etc.

There used to be one called Pivow in Edinburgh

PIVO still exists. It's a Czech bar, they used to have a once a month Polish Club night though
22 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish Pubs in Scotland. [22]

but bars in Poland are decorated no differently than the ones in the UK

I believe you may be wrong! Have you ever seen anything comparable to a stunning Victorian British Alehouse in Poland? Or do you just hang around in Weatherspoon's?
22 Aug 2008
Life / Customer Service in Poland, what are your experiences? [106]

I went to coffe bar asking for coffe- ( about £2) clumsy girl pass it to mee spill lots on the soucer- and taht is it.

I think there is an 85% chance she may have been Polish! Not because she spilt the coffee but simly because it was a Coffee bar in the UK!
22 Aug 2008
Life / "K*rwa"-why do young Poles find this word so cool ? [67]

Was in a pub in a wee toon in Scotland the other day and from the guys at the bar every second word was F##K and from the guys sitting at the back of the bar every second word was K***A! Along with my Guinness pure multi-cultural bliss!
22 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish Pubs in Scotland. [22]

'Pani Solinska' on Broughton Street in Edinburgh. Bit of a weird mix of restaurant, deli, bar etc. (not quite sure what it wants to be) but possible to sit and guzzle Polish beers. Polish musicians living in Edinburgh play on Monday nights at the 'Beer and Bigos' night!

Was one in Aberdeen called McPolski Pub, down by the docks and up a flight of stairs (closed on the two occasions I tried to visit). I think many Polish nights are in venues which are rented for a one night a week. There were two pubs on Reform Street, Dundee that hosted weekly Polish nights but they fizzled out. As one of the landlords put it "It wisnae worth botherin'!"

Few dirty little, unfriendly places on Leith Walk in Edinburgh. I recall the one on the left as you head down towards Leith was called 'Krakow Bar' and there was one on the right hand side whose name I can't remember (all I remember of that one was 2 fat, track-suited, shaven headed guys sitting in the window leaning over big steaming bowls of bigos). Unfortunately I think a lot of the early attempts at opening Polish pubs have failed in Scotland. Hope that was all amazingly helpful! :)
20 Aug 2008
Life / Present for Polish friends ~ is anything hard to get any more? [57]

Present for a Polish friend Hmmmmm let me think now, how about a big shield that will make your Polish friends feel big and important while making the BIG angry bear livid, hence threatening to wipe Polska off the face of the planet! On the plus side the Yanks get what they want (pay-back for financing getting rid of communism) and the rest of Europe can feel a little more safe (I think not). Maybe the creme egg was a better idea after all.
7 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish is suing because she cannot speak english!!! [45]

But didn't you leave Poland in April anyway?

Yes I did leave but can't I sue them retrospectively from the UK and I'll skip the ZTM ticket, pick up the crate of Tyskie from Tescos and get the 250zl from the unpleasant little 'Cheques cashed etc.' shop on the High Street, they do a nice line in Polish posters in the window, offering such things as super loans to Poles and selling/buying zlotys at silly rates!
6 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish is suing because she cannot speak english!!! [45]

Great! Does this mean that I can now go ahead and sue the Polish Govt. for discriminating against my job opps in Warsaw because I'm a foreigner and therefore a d***f***? I'll settle for 250zl, a case of Tyskie and a 30 day ZTM travel pass as compensation, ta very much!
31 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / Nominations wanted for the Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards 2008 [40]

Oceanic, you are either a bullshi##er or you are testing some kind of market. If you are not govt based then who are you working for? At the end of the day you are not interested in Poland, you are interested in your own paypacket and are using this forum for your own financial benefits! I smell a rat...............but as Bob Dylan said "I might be wrong about that!"
31 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / Nominations wanted for the Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards 2008 [40]

If you are a final nominee you will be asked to attend the awards (free tickets) there is a buffet on the night... followed by desert.

How racist! Does that mean you believe the 'ethnic minority' winner will be sent back home OR did you mean DESSERT?
Why not a prize for which former East European community in Scotland is giving birth to the most kids, hence increasing the future potential of Scotland. The birth rate story was pretty big in last weeks papers. Mind you, that sounds a bit like something Hitler might have come up with for German mothers during the war! By the way, Poles were singled out as having the highest birth rate among 'new communities' in Scotland. AAHHHH! the joys of Catholic birth control methods!
25 May 2008
Travel / FUSH! A story from Poland [6]

Thanks for your comments. It's always helpful. I agree that the forums probably aren't the best place for long posts but you guys prove that at least a few folks do take the time. Ta!
21 May 2008
Love / Is sex with Polish guys different to sex with English guys? [173]

Yep, let's talk about those big Polish guys with the IQ of a tadpole and 20kg of ham for a head who can't get it up 'cos he's on illegal muscle building sh!t. I suspect that's what you ladies are on about. Or how about a pale spotty beer bellied English daftie who can't get it up 'cos he's full of ale!
19 May 2008
Love / Confused English man: is she stringing me along or is she confused? [62]

Wavey man! Come onnnnn! This situation is nuts. For all the crud topics about all the beautiful Polish girls, one still has to realise that there really are a lot of scheming, devious, messed up girls here! Obviously not all, but the kind of stories that I hear from ex-pats here are truly mental. Guys who are strung along endlessly, a couple of guys who lost everything (including property), guys who, as it turned out, were going out with girls who were living with boyfriends and were taking cash off them to fund their own life with their boyfriends etc. This sounds like one of those classic f#cked up situations. Get out of it NOW,go do something else for the eight weeks that you are here and just stop getting in touch with her!

The sun is out, beer is cold...just go out and play! Who knows, you may meet someone normal?
6 May 2008
Love / I just met a Polish lady & we like each other, but its complicated. [26]

You sound like a good, decent guy. These situations are always complex and very difficult but unfortunately we all have to go through them. I wouldn't count too much on a Polish girl who is lonely, has lost her 'dowod osobisty' (card) etc. On the other hand if your relationship is on the slide then sometimes it takes someone else to 'set closure' and I don't mean someone to f### but someone outside of your circle to talk to. It can put things into perspective. I know all about the 'being dumped rather than doing the dumping' scenario ALWAYS happens to me! I think it's fear of breaking up and a misguided belief that things can be salvaged which then leads to a period of time holding onto something which is long gone and then everyone is unhappy until one day your GF will be the one to have the strength to end the relationship (in reality that's a courageous action and eventually leads to everyones happiness and one day you will thank her for that!) I suggest ignoring JustysiaS comment, that just sounds like bitterness, anger at men and designed to hurt. Listen to PolskaDoll, 'the voice of reason'. From what you have written you genuinely sound like you don't know what to do but are unhappy with your own situation. Lots of men would probably act like total sh!ts in such a situation. Hope you do the right thing and it all works out for you mate.
5 May 2008
Life / How to deal with rude rich Polish people? [65]

This is all an old-new money thing. I know some old money folks in the UK and they are seriously some of the funniest, most eccentric, generous people I know. They will quite happily sit and have a drink with a lord or a yob and they certainly do not flaunt their wealth. When Billy Connolly was criticised for mixing with the upper crust in Britain his response was that they are as nuts and funny as anyone he knows.

In Poland there is no old money (unless anyone knows otherwise?) All of it is very new money which, as anywhere, is simply vulgar.