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Nominations wanted for the Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards 2008

Oceanic 1 | 8  
28 Jul 2008 /  #1
The Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards have been launched to recognise and reward the inspirational endeavours of Scotland’s minority ethnic youth. I’m on the hunt for nominations for the awards which are being held in the Scottish Parliament in September. There are nine categories covering everything from Science to the Spirit of Scotland (open to 14-26yr olds). If anyone is interested more info is available from me through the forum or on the website

Also any thoughts on the concept of the awards also welcomed (positive/negative I’d like feedback on whether you think it’s a good thing, bad thing, don’t give a rats thing!)
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
28 Jul 2008 /  #2
Whats an Ethnic minority ?
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
28 Jul 2008 /  #3
I hate to be negative, however these kind of things do have a habit of being a bit patronising, and I am sure that you'll find that my friends (whom you may class as "ethnic minorities" would agree).
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
28 Jul 2008 /  #4

Hey Oceanic - where is the Gaelic language version ?

Damn ! Being an ethnic minority person really sucks. I'm going to go back to my own country..........wait a minute........theres something wrong here !
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
29 Jul 2008 /  #5
The reasoning behind the awards is that youth achievements should be celebrated.

More often than not the accomplishments of Scotland’s minority ethnic youth go unsung.

These awards endeavour to change this trend for the better – recognising and rewarding youth achievement not only within their communities’ but in the public forum as well.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
29 Jul 2008 /  #6
minority ethnic

But we are white...
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
29 Jul 2008 /  #7
Ethnic can refer to various distinctive characteristics - sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
29 Jul 2008 /  #8
Scotland’s minority ethnic youth

Could you describe who isn't in an ethnic minority group.

sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

So with that definition - The Wee Frees ( Free Church of Scotland ) and Gaelic speakers will qualify ? If so, how are you reaching out to these people ? How will they be represented at the awards ?

My belief is this - if you are living in Scotland then you are part of the Scottish community, regardless of your culture, religion etc

Why have these divisive awards ?
If you are of that mindset then no matter who or what you are, you will always be in the minority.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Jul 2008 /  #9
My belief is this - if you are living in Scotland then you are part of the Scottish community, regardless of your culture, religion etc

Why have these divisive awards ?
If you are of that mindset then no matter who or what you are, you will always be in the minority.

Very true
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #10
The Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards have been launched to recognise and reward the inspirational endeavours of Scotland’s minority ethnic youth.

no offense mate but this is the sort of thing that needs to stop!!! If your going to recognise somebody recognise them for being Scottish, there is no need to draw attention to a certain type of scot. If your Scottish your Scottish, what does it matter if your mother is an Indian or your father is a Polak???

Sometimes i begin to wonder if the world is going PC crazy because this type of award is feeding those who get turned on by recognition of the 'ethnics'. Why do they deserve anymore or anyless recognition than anybody else???

If ethnic minorities want to fit in then this sort of thing needs to be stopped. Your silly racists etc jump all over this, ow there getting an award because their a black or an asian. no no no the award should be for 'Scottish people' ALL scottish people
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
29 Jul 2008 /  #11
Why do they deserve anymore or anyless recognition than anybody else???

True. This is racism.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #12
no no greg its not racism, its positive discrimination, it happens all around the world and especially in business. For example if a business advertises for an 'Asian woman' this could be considered positive discrimination.

The topic and the award itself is a clear example of that and should not be awarded in its current form
eagle - | 29  
29 Jul 2008 /  #13
If ethnic minorities want to fit in then this sort of thing needs to be stopped. Your silly racists etc jump all over this, ow there getting an award because their a black or an asian. no no no the award should be for 'Scottish people' ALL scottish people

Couldn't agree more. Promoting such stuff simply promotes segregation,people'd be treated the same and on merit regardless of their racial,religious,gender background. Period.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #14
yep thats my point, this sort of positive discrimination can only help to fuse argument or bad feeling amongst the general population.

Everybody needs to be treated the same if we are all the same. The government say that we should be treated equal but at the same time promote awards like this!!! Hang on a minute when are they going to make up their minds :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
29 Jul 2008 /  #15
The "positive" in "positive discrimination" is outweighed by the negativity of the descrimination it describes. In other words: it's not really positive, even for those who are supposed to be the beneficiaries.
eagle - | 29  
29 Jul 2008 /  #16
Hang on a minute when are they going to make up their minds :)

Anyone waiting for the government to make up their minds on anything meaningful can wait until doomsday. They're better at sending out mixed signals and then blaming the public for seeing them as such.
Del boy 20 | 254  
29 Jul 2008 /  #17

Are you recruiting or something?
Like PR Manager you should be more precise when choose thread category, why job offered?
There is definitely something wrong with too many people from Glasgow and I wonder why. Whole Europe open up for us ( a few exemption - Germans, but I understand their motives ) and you trying to tar us to that category? I may to be feel like minority but never ETHNIC minority.

Your definition of ethnic is...hmm how to put this in words...a bit not precise and blur
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #18
Anyone waiting for the government to make up their minds on anything meaningful can wait until doomsday. They're better at sending out mixed signals and then blaming the public for seeing them as such.

lol, its called spin and i completely agree with you, when was the last time the government made a serious decision and got it correct :)
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
30 Jul 2008 /  #19
Unfortunately Scotland’s youth are often cast in a negative light – based on the actions of a few frequent aspersions are cast, perhaps disproportionately on ethnic minorities. The media by its nature tends to play on the negative goings on rather than the positive. Furthermore, the award ceremonies that exist to date we feel under represent the ethnic minorities within Scotland. These awards look to emphasise the achievements of a demographic of society that tend to be under represented positively in the media and the public forum.

Look to the argument going on at the moment regarding the BBC – the BBC is being slated for under representing Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish interests – even English outside of London. The media is a powerful source of information that has a great deal to do with forming public opinion – if the BBC can recognise that it under-represents certain demographics then translate that down to what you read in Scotland’s papers...

We are not trying to promote minority ethnic groups above others, rather shift the skew that exists at the moment towards a balanced representation. We are trying to make a change by directly targeting under represented folk… has this forum ever seen a posting looking for nominations for youth awards before? If not consider the possibility that the awards that exist do not place an ‘inclusive’ emphasis on everyone. My role is to target the media to target the readership; I have contacted numerous media from Polish papers to the Traveller Times, with a whole bunch in between – if you don’t know its going on how can you participate?
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
30 Jul 2008 /  #20
We are not trying to promote minority ethnic groups above others

To me, it looks like you are.

if you don’t know its going on how can you participate?

So that leads me to ask this question again -

So with that definition - The Wee Frees ( Free Church of Scotland ) and Gaelic speakers will qualify ? If so, how are you reaching out to these people ? How will they be represented at the awards

And ask again -

Could you describe who isn't in an ethnic minority group.

For a PR company this should be easy.
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Jul 2008 /  #21
I vote William Wallace & son.
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
31 Jul 2008 /  #22
As I said ethnic can be defined as sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like – so yes, religion and language can be considered characteristics of an ethnic group.

In this instance those who consider themselves not members of an ethnic minority group would perhaps be those who consider themselves to be defined solely be their Nationality – in this instance Scottish. However, ethnic is a term which can be defined in a variety of ways – by nature this leaves it open to interpretation. You ask one body/organisation what their definition is and it will likely differ to that of an another body/organisation. Thus, we are happy to hear from anyone who feels they fall into an ethnic minority group in Scotland.

I have contacted a host of media and community groups – faith networks, forums, portals, youth networks across the board. Coverage of the awards has already featured in the Edinburgh Evening News – on the Scotsman website also – local Glasgow papers. Save the Children are working with us to promote the nominations. Thus, we have a broad spectrum covered – though any suggestions of contacts welcomed.

I have not seen a guest list for the awards nor have the nominees been released so I do not know who will be represented at the awards – as I said we are happy to hear from those who feel they fall into an ethnic minority group.

(Apologies for the incorrect forum I am new to this forum – I didn't realise till after I posted it and then couldn't work out how to change it - I even asked the administrator!... a clever person has however, sorted that out now, so thank you.)
ArcticPaul 38 | 233  
31 Jul 2008 /  #23
Can't they make inclusion even more exclusive by having
"Young Scottish Ethnic Gay/Lesbien Developmentally Disabled Bald Three Nippled Stammerer of the Year"?

Level playing field...
If your white, English speaking and straight you not even allowed on the field!
Del boy 20 | 254  
31 Jul 2008 /  #24
Coverage of the awards has already featured in the Edinburgh Evening News – on the Scotsman website also – local Glasgow papers.

Right, I will go for it if there are sweets provided
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
31 Jul 2008 /  #25
If you are a final nominee you will be asked to attend the awards (free tickets) there is a buffet on the night... followed by desert.
finT 12 | 167  
31 Jul 2008 /  #27
If you are a final nominee you will be asked to attend the awards (free tickets) there is a buffet on the night... followed by desert.

How racist! Does that mean you believe the 'ethnic minority' winner will be sent back home OR did you mean DESSERT?
Why not a prize for which former East European community in Scotland is giving birth to the most kids, hence increasing the future potential of Scotland. The birth rate story was pretty big in last weeks papers. Mind you, that sounds a bit like something Hitler might have come up with for German mothers during the war! By the way, Poles were singled out as having the highest birth rate among 'new communities' in Scotland. AAHHHH! the joys of Catholic birth control methods!
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
31 Jul 2008 /  #28
Apologies I meant dessert - long day in the office!
ArcticPaul 38 | 233  
31 Jul 2008 /  #29
long day in the office!

I dare say your salary comes from public funds.
I'm so happy that my taxes go towards something as useful as thinking up bogus awards for people who are considered unwelcome by the vast majority of the population. I'm speaking about non-EU citizens.

I have never worked with an African who was anything other than lazy. Really lazy!
And we only have to study how well the Asains have assimilated over the last 3 generations (suicide bombs and honour killing their daughters for smiling at a white man).

Take your government initiative, tax funded head fcuk award and cram it up your 'long day at the office' arse!
Patronising wnaker!
OP Oceanic 1 | 8  
31 Jul 2008 /  #30
MSP's are lending there support to the awards - however, Oceanic Consulting is a Scottish based company who are organising the awards not the government. None of your hard earned taxes pay me.

Personally I find your comments foul mouthed and ignorant.

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