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Joined: 13 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Jun 2008
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2 Oct 2008
Love / I'm a turkish guy who thinks that polish girls are slutty [113]

Why have so many people replied to this guy, he was obviously going out of his way to be insulting.

i totally agrre with you. yes i wonder why they replied to this idiot that much and still didn't delete this thread which is just pointless with insults to both poles and turks. maybe you guys like to talk in that way, like 13 years old adolescents. "-i f*cked your mother -no i f*cked your mother -i f*cked your girl -no you f*ck donkeys -you stink -i f*cked you..." etc.. lol

if anyone hated turks and started to insult our nation here because of the things this guy told, contunie to hate then i have no words to you, for your level. (plus maybe he's not even a turk)
11 May 2008
Polonia / German nation - degradation or just deviation? Your opinions? [66]

ok i see.
about population, actually it can be even more than 70 million now. we turks and kurds are like rabbits:p for example my father's parents made 8 children and mother's parents made 12 children. very large family, i have cousins who i don't even know. also think about our president(maniac) tells people make at least 3 children. but i don't think that it'll go in this way. people won't make that much, our economy is bad.
11 May 2008
Polonia / German nation - degradation or just deviation? Your opinions? [66]

what you expected? you know, you still hold what isn`t yours and inspite that it is you who are agressive. We didn`t finish, obviously

we still hold which is not ours? lands belong to nature not nations. whoever are stronger those ones live where they want to live. also you didn't finish what?
7 May 2008
Polonia / German nation - degradation or just deviation? Your opinions? [66]

The Turks violated the treaty of 1923 and pushed 200000 Istanbul Greeks out in 1954 in violent pogrom in 1954.

yeah it's a shame for us. i would liked greeks in turkey to stay and live with us but turkish politicians of that day were bastards. on the other hand noone can say greece, yugoslavia and bulgaria treated turks in their troops nicely as well. all countries in the region did their best to make minorities escape.
2 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

one time here they set him free for a short time, he claimed that he's the christ and got back to the earth. even his big brother said something like "my brother is the christ, vatican approved this too. he was writing a new bible etc.." :D so you guys should know that christ is back but we put him in prison you better save him like he says:p
9 Apr 2008
News / Polish - French relations [41]

Just watch Turkey....good relationship but they can scream till they get blue in the face but will never become members...

actually all people in turkey know that we will never be able to join eu. but we try cause, imagine, why an apartment in istanbul can cost a big money but not in tehran. because turkey is closer to global economy more than iran. and as long as we'll be in relations with west, our commerce will be better. which bazaar has richer people you sell your stuff there, simple commerce rule. even if we don't get in eu it's better to be in close relationships instead of getting away, cause you guys have the money. and here people are not in love about being "european" as you think.
31 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

As far as the birth rates, muslims tend to have more children bringing in more muslims into the world.....

yes that's true, i heard 1/3 of brussels is muslim already and if it contunies with these birth rates in 15-20 years muslims will be the majority there. also one of my friend's cousin lives in germany, they are so religious and making a child every year to increase muslim population in germany. lol when i think about it, it's so ridiculous and funny. but if i was a christian european like you guys, i think i wouldn't like this idea either. so if you are so disturbed better care about family planning of muslims or make more children than them. like hmm.. 10-15 :p
30 Mar 2008
Love / Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]

Big musilm society is problem.

turkey is mostly muslim and noone is allowed to marry with more than one wife, noone can marry in age of 12, there's no obligation for women to cover themselves and most of them don't, there's no any obligation for any turkish to be muslim, islam rules are not valid in turkish courts, and turkey is totally secular. so big muslim society is definitely not a problem.
3 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Races of white people... [99]

I thought the Turks were more Greek than Turkic.

i think you are right. noone here(maybe very few people) look like turks in middle asia.
it's already unsensible that old turks came and killed all people in byzantine empire. i think they just occupied the area and assimilated them.

we also look like arabs, persians, slavs, georgians, armenians etc.. mix of all, if you come turkey you'll see. all in all we are so ugly lol
1 Feb 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

how come this thread turned into a political/racist one?

because some people here want to make racist and stupid comments whenever they hear the word "Turkey".

I thought they got their asses kicked at Vienna and were chased back with their tails between their legs?
Since then begging on their knees to be allowed back but to no avail?
Do you mean these Turks?

PS: Turks and Arabs don't look like Europeans...so no enhancements for them! :)

1 Feb 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

You mean your "most beautiful country" is a dirtpoor of a country unable to feed their own so that they have to search for better luck in the "cold plains" of civilized countries?

i didn't expect you to understand already. do you mean we have to be an isolated country like north korea? we want to get in eu cause it's more profitable for us.

also yes, my country is beautiful you don't have to write this in quotation mark all the time.

Of course you can except the Turk comes from the western coach of Turkey where Greeks lived before the Turks occupied the place.So they normally look like Greeks because they have greek ancestry.

so there's no turks in turkey we are all greeks who suppose ourselves turkish :P
1 Feb 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

I wonder why the Turks don't run back into their "most beautiful country" and prefer to stay
in the "cold plains"...if they are wanted there or not!

1 Feb 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

i think they mean turks, who live in the most beautiful country right now instead of some boring cold plains and managed until vienna to egypt in the history like some nations couldn't even imagine. ha! :D
3 Jan 2008
History / Poland: we have an interesting history. [72]

the Ottomans "christian" warriors

actually they were not totally christian. ottomans were taking the healtiest sons of non-muslim families (if a family has only one son they were not taking him) and bring to istanbul. then they were giving them education about fighting, science and religion etc. clever and talented ones were going to be important men in empire management, strong ones to special jenissary units and others to other jobs in the palace. even there were ones between them who managed ottoman empire by being more effective than the ruler. but they were brought up as muslims since they were taken from their families so not christian warriors (of course we can't know how they feel inside, at least outer part muslim). it's said that they were shaving their heads but leaving some long hair on top, to make their heads carry easier to their graves if it cuts off from the body in the war :p
13 Dec 2007
Language / Does anyone know of real Polish translation tool on web [6]

though i don't know if it's good or not :D since my polish is still very poor :/

yes same thing is valid for me too, and i know this one
but it's not only polish
10 Dec 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

We waited almost 400 years to liberate Kosovo from Turks

how old are you, 600?, huh? why do you talk instead of your fathers, maybe they were contented about turks and slavs live together, i mean not racist like you. i know they were not cause, after ottoman-mongolian war in 1402, ottoman empire was without leader for 13 years, lost all of its influence with the nations under it. even some turkish communities in anatolia seperated from ottomans but none of balcan nations choosed freedom. it shows something i think.
10 Dec 2007
Language / ż ź dź dż sz cz ś ć - which give most problems to foreigners? [65]

well i can't understand the difference between ź, ż and rz. also the difference between ś and sz, ć and cz, dź and dż. one time someone tried explain me but when she was telling the difference between the letters it was coming me the same anyway :P so i think it needs to live in poland for sometime to understand this.
19 Nov 2007
History / Armenian Genocide 1915-1917 and Poland [22]

but I say this to Armenians: do not forget what happened

also tell them they killed turks more or equal than their loses. if you were turkish you would understand that your country is the side who suffered equally but everyone blames you while you are more innocent than everyone. also about cyprus and other things. yes there are forces at work behind the scenes, whoever strong it gives the news, and they make people believe to "unhappened genocide". it's a bad feeling to getting blamed unfairly. it was not genocide, it was a war with same sad loses from both side.
18 Nov 2007
History / Armenian Genocide 1915-1917 and Poland [22]

we still hold occupation in anatolia? man we are living here since more than 1000 years. sorry but you really don't know anything about history, especially about turkish history. we have never made any genocide to any nation. when we came to balcans we didn't kill civils nor tried to throw them out. we just started to live together, even they got more developed by our high culture at those times conditions. and what did they do to us when we are weak? for example my father was born in yugoslavia, but yugoslavians pressured on my father's family and they needed to escape turkey when he was 12 to save their lifes. think about the genocide happened to turks in balcans. and freedom for kurds? please, turks and kurds are brothers, we are like bones and flesh. we can't get seperated, most of kurds live in istanbul now. other countries want turkey to seperate like they did in balcans but this will never happen, we are tied each other strongly.

all in all for one minute work your logic, if ottomans made genocide and hard pressure to other nations, how could it live 700 years? this is only possible with fair and tolerance. noone can control noone with pressure so long like this.

lol again about "anatolia occupation", ok then imagine we are leaving anatolia, where will 60 million turk go? to mars? you know nothing and talk easily from your chair. "freedom to kurds!" it's easy to say this stupid thing but you don't know how many kurds and turks die for this unrealistic hope. it only serves to big countries who sell guns to kurds, and the countries who want unstability in middle east. turks=kurds brothers.
18 Nov 2007
History / Armenian Genocide 1915-1917 and Poland [22]

i know most of you will not agree but this "genocide" never happened. firstly in world war I armenians made agreement with russians and hit ottoman empire from back. they attacked turkish villages and killed many villager civils. then turks attacked armenians but this was absolutely not for genocide, only for revenge, it was under war conditions and not under control of "weak" ottoman administration control. after all, ottomans wanted to prevent this fight and decided to move armenians from dangerous war places to safer regions. only imagine, it's still going a war and early 1900s, thousand of people are moving to other places. if they were even going there to make picnic many of them would die on the way cause of sickness etc. plus some of them were attacked by kurdish gangs. also imagine, why would ottomans want to kill all armenians? there's no reason. they wanted to save their lifes and stop fight between turks and armenians. at that time turkey was attacked by england, france, russia, italy, greeks, arabs, even anzacs from australia... last thing turkey would do was armenian genocide at that time. today turkey is ready to open historical archieves to public but not armenians, why? cause they know that well too their lies will be obvious. if you make research now in that places you'll find bones of turks killed by armenians, and armenians claim these bones are theirselves. they just claim cause researches show they are turkish bones. but why armenia want world to agree tihs? simple, they want some cities of turkey and genocide compensation from us. they are such a little poor country. their only hope is to make this "never happened genocide" agreed by the world. if there was a genocide there, it was against we turks.
14 Sep 2007

well i'm not polish but, i think myslovitz is a great band that makes a kind of britpop. maybe you know the song "sound of solitude". but i don't know really, if they are too good for your concert.