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Posts by DomPolski  

Joined: 13 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Aug 2010
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 33 / In This Archive: 5
From: Melbourne, Australia
Speaks Polish?: Yes.
Interests: Bodybuilding

Displayed posts: 8
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1 Dec 2009

Those Europhiles, globalists and sundry one-worlders claim are fucks.

Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna!!!
30 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Indian? Gypsy? Turk? [41]

Rofl no you are Polish.

@AussieShiela no there is not really. There are a lot of racists in Poland but I don't think they are racist to other Slavs.

On the idea that all Polish are blonde blue eyes it is absolute ********. most poles have brown hair, dark brown, many I know who most idiots would pass as as a Grek or a turk but do not realise Polska has many like this too.

And being Polish living in Australia where I have dark hair, eyes and olive skin we also get a hard time in Australia with Slavs being apart of what you call a wog (Southern and Eastern European)
11 Jul 2008
Life / Cyganski Music [10]

Ok Thanks for the answers. Is it a true statement to say that Polish music, culture has cygan influence? Searching through youtube I see a lot of Poles singing this music
11 Jul 2008
Life / Cyganski Music [10]

Theres something I'm a little confused about, the term cygan means someone of Roma origin or something along those lines doesn't it? Well the other day I was searching through some Polish folk and in particular Goral music and looking at videos like these,

People are saying that these are cygan music, why so? It's traditional Goral polish folk.

Is there something I'm not getting that could be explained.
5 May 2008
Life / Cool Polish names [133]

I like these names:
Blazej, Radoslaw, Kasia, Jagoda
10 Dec 2007
News / Polish/Croatian Relations [70]

How are Polish/Croatian relations? Is there any negativity between the 2 nations? My general idea is that we are good and that they are our most prominent? ally in southern europe with us trying to add them to European Union. Also I see more language similarities between us and them more than other balkan nations ALSO that we are both roman catholic predominant.

10 Dec 2007
History / Roman Catholic Poland, how did this happen - why not Orthodox? [19]

I haven't read much of the Polish/Slavic history buts it's starting to interest me now at 15 and was wondering why we are one of the only Slavic Nations that took up Roman Catholicism when most nations are Orthodox? How did this happen etc.?
