USA, Canada /
The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]
Obviously, you're slightly retarded
I may be, I took an I.Q. test and did pretty good though.
Lastly, your last sentence doesn't make any sense.
I missed a comma but it is a comprehendable mix of words.
I pose this question to you though: would you want a slightly retarded man living next to you armed to the teeth?
I don't know how to prove I live in the USA though, my profile says Katowice but we moved in July. I ate at an In-N-Out Burger yesterday. I know the Branch davidians were not a militia per se but they were wackos from Waco with guns and many children were killed.
Let me guess though you support people like David Duke, don't you? I smell some white power cooties.How will you feel with a black president? I am against handguns mostly, and I am in favor of stricter rules. Guns Kill, I am against killing, If that is retarded then googly moogly blah brrrewahh thekruk drools on himself and wets pants and crawls off.