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Posts by TheKruk  

Joined: 14 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jul 2009
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 308 / In This Archive: 267
From: Oceanside ca.
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Many

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20 Jun 2007
USA, Canada / Polish communities in Northern Utah? [12]

I have only been to Salt Lake city, But I drove through Utah it is beautiful. And anywhere can get boring if you let it. I guess the Mormons have powerful press, I don't really care if people are or not Mormon as long as they don't try to convert me or say I'll go to hell if i don't believe the same as them.
21 Jun 2007
USA, Canada / Gas prices in America [127]

I usually tell my friends in America when they complain about the price of fuel what they pay here and that shuts them up pretty quick. yeah it sucks but Americans need to drive smaller cars like in europe. Los Angeles is the worst there are millions of Sport utility Vehicles with one person in them, and they never go off-roading in them.

The States lags so far behind europe as far as conservation we can't even see the exhaust. There are a few who have converted to bio-diesel. And electris or hybrids are expensive and the waiting list for a new one is very long. Its obvious the oil industry controls America. its amazing how backward such a developed country can be.
21 Jun 2007
Life / The standard of living in Poland? [10]

Teachers in public schools ear between 700 and 1500 zloty a month.
So if they make 3000 and its probably less after taxes its very hard to live in Poland on that. You can but its survival not really living. They could make as little as 2000 before taxes whats that about 200 pounds. Teachers are screwed the world over.
21 Jun 2007
News / What can Poland do to maintain its Ethnic Integrity? [118]

i dont hink u can define god as part of the creation in this world..

I am simply saying since we have no idea what God really is imagine the shock and horror on the faces of racial purists upon entering heaven to be greeted by a black person. Basically I agree with your posts.
21 Jun 2007
News / Secret CIA Prisons in Poland [54]

I'm extremely tempted to respond to your "twang" statement

James(seeI'm being respectful) how can you say anything about the way I speak without ever hearing me?
21 Jun 2007
News / Secret CIA Prisons in Poland [54]

To be honest Mr.Kruk, I've come across quite a few American accents during my travels and business dealings and, I just don't know why, it just irritates the living daylights out of me.

Fair enough, I really hate a Southern California accent and Boston but probably because I am from New York. Althoughi like Boston and So. Cal.
22 Jun 2007
News / Secret CIA Prisons in Poland [54]

This is really a drag my good man; we appear to have stopped fighting..;-)

I think we are both bored with it, and while I don't hate America or Americans there is much that could be improved and I pray the next election will put us back into the civilised world.
23 Jun 2007
Life / Celebrities in Poland [27]

For some reason a lot of Poles love Sharon Stone I think because often they see her movies with Polski Lektor they can't tell she's a mediocre actress.
24 Jun 2007
News / A thought on Poland! [140]

You could have a second carear as a writer Tran!
24 Jun 2007
News / A thought on Poland! [140]

The problem is writing can only change the mind, which changes nothing while music can change the heart, which change everything. And Music is the great gift of my life, how can I ever comtemplate divert just a little bit attention from it?

Also anyone can write, the words don't always reach the soul, the soul must be open to it. But I also think the same of music anyone can play but those who can write and play to reach the sould are the true geniuses of this world.

And by far the easiest thing to be in this world is a critic, to say something is sh*t takes no talent.
25 Jun 2007
USA, Canada / Good Polish/American Restaurants in Chicago area [90]

I was in Hamtramck a few years ago the Polish community is shrinking but I ate at Polonia and Under the Eagle both were pretty good down home style not too expensive and the food was good. But if your there go to Campau Clothiers on Jos. Campau dr. its the main street you can get a real Zoot suit and eat out in style. My pra-babcia was from there.
26 Jun 2007
History / Jewish belongings [118]

Sure some Poles pillaged jewish and german homes. But it probably was a minority, The Russian soldiers were by all accounts the worst towards everyone in the newly occupied Polish(former german) territory although there were roving bands of Polish toughs too.

After every war there are those with no scruples who steal and swindle for personal gain it is not limited to any nationality.
And if you were a Pole kicked out of your home in the East how would you behave to the germans when you saw them in the west where you were relocated. Although there are tales of Polish families living in the homes of german families around Wroclaw waiting until the german family could leave.
16 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / The best POLISH FESTIVAL ever!! - San Diego Oct. 13-14 [36]

I went to this festival with my Polish wife and two kids, it was in a very small area and way too many people pushing around and the worst thing was the cops made me move from my comfy table to the crowded beer garden. I had a beer in a non-beer area. But I couldn't be with my family because my kids couldn't be in the beer garden. This would NEVER happen in Poland.Overall the festival was cool but still the Polish people were quite reserved and not overly welcomming. For example I said "hello one Polish plate please" and the woman simply growled back "$12!" and this was after some woman cut right in front of me in line, ahh felt just like Poland! Even after 3 years living in Poland and being Polish-American Poles are hard to figure out, some act like they are constantly smelling something terrible, while others are the greatest human beings I have ever met. I know you could probably say that about any group. But damn it was good to drink a cold Zywiec after 3 months without.
31 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / Americans who call themselves Polish - how do you feel about that? [112]

I am an American but all my ancestors hail from Poland and I take great pride in their tales and because of them I visited, then lived in Poland. I am Polish-American and nobody can tell me I am not, well you can but it won't change my mind I am proud of who I am and where my family came from. I even learned enough polish to have a conversation(I sound like a baby but I can converse). Whats the problem?
1 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / I want to ship Vodka back to the USA...What are the laws? [23]

I bought "Zubrowka" in California once and was so happy to find it i bought 3 big bottles for a large party. The bottle was beautiful the label was like the polish one, the grass was inside. But when i drank my first sip it was not the same the flavor was too strong like a Vanilla vodka and the color was more greenish than true zubrowka. My thought they use some sort of flavoring at polmos that gets around the legal aspects of shipping true Zubrowka. It was not real Zubrowka though I am certain, close but not the real stuff. I looked like an idiot though telling everyone how good it was and then it tasted like crap. What the hell is the problem ! we need our Zubrowka here in the US!

My wifes babcia is visiting an we went through the bottle she brought in one night.
9 Feb 2008
Life / Local Poles taking advantage of foreigners living in Poland [235]

Just want to add(maybe at my own peril) poles without question need to learn how to be courteous about waiting in line. which is odd as they certainly had enough practice didn't they? Try laughing hysterically when a Polish person cuts in front of you simply because you left the person in front of you a few inches of personal space. it freaks them out and they may leave or pop you one in the jaw.
10 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

We killed most of the Indians and the British don't want us back so why the need for a militia? This is one "right" that needs to be infringed.
10 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

Second of all, we need a militia as a countermeasure of a government with the potential to become too powerful.

The Government already is too powerful no Militia can stand up to the U.S. Military remember what happened in Waco to the branch Davidians?

The video camera is far more powerful than the gun,when fighting the government. if you
think a Militia of rednecks could hold their own go and try it I will light a candle for you. And if you think a group of people assemble armed with guns (constitutionally correct or not) and the police and National Guard etc. won't shoot you you are crazy or don't live in the America I do.
12 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

Obviously, you're slightly retarded

I may be, I took an I.Q. test and did pretty good though.

Lastly, your last sentence doesn't make any sense.

I missed a comma but it is a comprehendable mix of words.
I pose this question to you though: would you want a slightly retarded man living next to you armed to the teeth?
I don't know how to prove I live in the USA though, my profile says Katowice but we moved in July. I ate at an In-N-Out Burger yesterday. I know the Branch davidians were not a militia per se but they were wackos from Waco with guns and many children were killed.

Let me guess though you support people like David Duke, don't you? I smell some white power cooties.How will you feel with a black president? I am against handguns mostly, and I am in favor of stricter rules. Guns Kill, I am against killing, If that is retarded then googly moogly blah brrrewahh thekruk drools on himself and wets pants and crawls off.
12 Feb 2008
Travel / Spring Break '08 in Poland [23]

Wear a t-shirt with something that doesn't make sense written on it in english
"Team Good Racing" is perfect. and wear a N.Y. Yankees baseball hat and as many trademarks as you can all over your clothes and you will look Polish.

(please don't hate me but it is a little true especially for the younger generation)