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Posts by Matowy  

Joined: 4 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 294 / In This Archive: 65
From: United Kingdom.
Speaks Polish?: Only a little. Maybe 2% or so.
Interests: Few and far between.

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1 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Scotland encouraging immigration. [90]

I heard talk once of germany offering people money for each child they had, that sounds a much better idea of boosting the population.

Don't we pretty much have that already? You can get benefits for just about anything these days. A single teenage mother working a part-time job can easily pay all her bills and still have enough left over to pollute her lungs with an endless supply of fags and go out every weekend to get pissed. If anything, this country is rather soft.
3 Aug 2009
Language / Learning to speak Polish options. [17]

I don't think an audio CD is the best way. They tend to speak very strangely on those CD's, and doesn't really prepare someone for a down-to-earth pronunciation. The best way is probably to correspond with any Polish persons through Skype or MSN and ask them for pronunciations (much cheaper and more effective than a CD). It helped me quite a lot.
4 Aug 2009
News / Madonna to Visit Oswiecim [15]

They're too little to understand anything from going there.

That's my first thought about this too. 8, 4 and 3? Those kids aren't going to understand a thing.
9 Aug 2009
Travel / Driving from the UK to Krakow [11]

Why would you drive from UK to Kraków anyway? Isn't it more expensive/more hassle?
10 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Brits Are 'Dangerously Lazy And Idle' [53]

British people happen to be both dangerously lazy and dangerously lucky. Our government hands us whatever we need before we even realise we need it.
11 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

But try to envision Europe in 2050 when an average of 20 percent of the Europeans will be muslims for example.

You'd have to be clairvoyant to predict such a thing.

Its being done for decades now and it failed, by now its pretty obvious we're simply too different to live peacefully side by side.

Why not? What exactly is occurring that makes it impossible to live side-by-side? I don't see anything of major importance. Exaggerating the facts to make your fear-mongering appear more valid does not equate to a valid reason for being so paranoid.
11 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

Murders, rapes, forced conversions and religious unrests, there's nothing paranoid about it all.

None of that stuff happens so often that we can declare it even remotely an epidemic. At the most it's an unfortunate incident that occurs every once in a while.

Murderers and rapists go to jail.

Forced conversions... I have honestly never heard of that. I can only assume those being converted are too weak-minded and worthless to even care about.

Religious unrest - I see little to none. Elaborate?
11 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

I don't deny there's an issue. I don't particularly have a fondness of Muslims myself. However, they segregate themselves to such a degree that it's entirely more than possible for everyone to get on with their lives without having to get in eachothers way. There's nowhere near enough of a problem for there to be so much fear-mongering.
12 Aug 2009
Language / Polish Language Pronunciation - Example Words and Phrases [178]

You need to spell them properly. "Lodz" is completely incorrect, and sounds completely different to "£ódź".

Ę - Intensely difficult to describe via text. If you say it as "en" you will be understood, though it's apparently less correct. The correct form is like saying "en", but without letting your tongue touch the top of your mouth on the "n" sound. Note: if you say it "en" (which most do), you pronounce it as a normal "e" if it's at the end of a word. Like so: Będę = "Bende".

Ó - As in "U". "Dunno".

Ą - English O, like "Dunno".

£ - English "W".

Ż - Hard to say. Kind of like the "g" in "Beige", but MUCH lighter.

- - Impossible to say via text. It is similar to "Ż", but Polish people find the difference huge, so you need to learn from a Polish person how to say it.

Ń - Honestly, this letter is used so rarely that it doesn't even matter. It sounds the same as a normal "N" to me, so that's how I say it.
12 Aug 2009
Feedback / Thread Leader [9]

I think it's a bad idea.
12 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

Like most liberals you're full of shyt and lying to justify these fanatics, France has an estimated 6-10% Muslim pop, at this point im starting to think we could dump you guys on the same ship with the pakis, if you enjoy honor murders so much go live with them in their countries.

He didn't say anything about honour murders at all. Looks like you're getting a tad hysterical.

In a 2003 poll 41% of the respondents said that the existence of God was "excluded" or "unlikely". 33% declared that "atheist" described them rather or very well, and 51% for "Christian". When questioned about their religion, 62% answered Roman Catholic, 6% Muslim, 2% Protestant, 1% Jewish, 2% "other religions" (except for Orthodox or Buddhist, which were negligible), 26% "no religion" and 1% declined to answer. The discrepancy between the number of "atheists" (33%) and the number of with "no religion" (26%) may be attributed to people who feel culturally close to a religion, follow its moral values and traditions, but do not believe in God.

A January 2007 poll found that 51% of the French population describe themselves as Catholics (and only half of those said they believed in God), 31% as atheists, 4% as Muslims, 3% as Protestants and 1% as Jews.

Not only is it that religion is on the decline in general, but the Muslim population of France has actually gone down from 2003-2007.
12 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

M-G get the f*ck out, seriously make a new topic "i'm a jew starving attention you killed jewz in Kielce!!!!" or something, just dont turn this board into another circus, i'm still not sure how jews are different from Pakis, your religion is similar, you're just as fanatical.

Wow. I was just about to draw parallels between your Islam paranoia and pre-WWII German sentiment towards Jews. Looks like I needn't bother.
12 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Why Americans think that nobody likes them? [185]

I don't dislike Americans, but some of them have serious issues. I find their whole artficial and self-glorification culture to be gross.
12 Aug 2009
News / French and Poles [146]

I'm not comparing Muslims to Jews, I'm comparing YOUR attitude to Muslims as being pretty much identical to that of 20'th Century anti-Semitism. "They're growing in numbers!!! By X date they'll outumber us!!!! They're trying to take over our politics!!! They're eating away at our culture from the inside!!!! They're devious, insidious parasites, hell-bent on the destruction and assimilation of everything that isn't already theirs!!!" - THIS is what you sound like. You don't sound like a voice of reason, nor a saviour of the European people. You just sound like a typical moronic bigot with more emotion than brains. I pity people like you who find no purpose in life unless they have something to hate.
12 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Why Americans think that nobody likes them? [185]

when you get hit, you get the sympathy but don't you dare to defend yourself, everyone is turning against you.

That's a stupid simplification, and one of the reasons the American perspective is so disliked.
13 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Why Americans think that nobody likes them? [185]

Which ones are you talking about? There haven't been that many.

There have been uncountable dozens, possibly hundreds, of them. They continue to occur even today. Compare that to the one that happened in the U.S. 3000 people is actually not that many on a grand scale. Relatively shortly after 9/11, there was a Tsunami of god-like proportions in Asia. 200,000 people killed, last I heard. The world moved on, as have all the countries affected by the Tsunami. Americans continue to whine about 9/11 even today.

When I hear Americans talk of 9/11, they speak of it with huge emotional investment, like it was some earth-shattering moment for the Universe. What they fail to realise is that it was no such thing. Terrorism is nothing new to the world, and just because it was new to the U.S doesn't mean they can do whatever the hell they want just because they are ignorant of the reality of the world.
13 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Why Americans think that nobody likes them? [185]

Americans whine, LMAO. Look at yourself, I've never met anyone else who's whining more than you guys. You whine just about anything and all the time.

Powerful, compelling argument.
13 Aug 2009
USA, Canada / Why Americans think that nobody likes them? [185]

I've never met him personally and as far as this forum, just look what kind of bull**it we have to face here. This is not about whining, it's about responding to all kinds of stupid accusations and insults. What will you do if someone will constantly talk crap about the Netherlands? I mean I can take reasonable criticism but this on and on crap is just disgusting.

Yet ANOTHER reason why people dislike Americans. You take your country way too seriously. When will you people realize that a country is just a country? Why do you choose to identify yourself with it so much? So what if someone insults it? The fact that you feel the need to get upset when someone directs criticism at a country is pathetic.
14 Aug 2009
Love / Why are more Polish girls marrying Americans? [77]

Stop referring to it like it's some breathtaking phenomenon. You may want to sit down for this news, but apparently people can marry people of other nationalities. It happens. What's the big deal?
15 Aug 2009
Travel / Is this the Warsaw you know? [6]

Why would one even consider Warsaw? Everyone knows Kraków is more suitable for tourism.
15 Aug 2009
Love / Why are more Polish girls marrying Americans? [77]

that a man should take care of a woman because she's weak and delicate...? ;)

I don't think that's true (that men must take care of women), but I do think it's true that women are often more delicate than men. Women resort to senseless emotional responses all too easily. Discussing anything of worth with a woman when she's in one of her emotional fits is near-impossible.