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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 536
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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26 Feb 2009
Love / Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Especially In Another Language! [46]

Hey, Cardno85, she will understand Asik's translation, and feelings and thought that you put into your text will be there I assure you. There are just some minor mistakes from time to time, and bits of text that don't sound naturally. Go for it.

As for your relationship - it happens, sometimes people are not adult enough to form a long lasting one. You shouldn't feel guilty, it happens all around the world. Sometimes some people have to go through lots of different relationships to finally understand what they are longing for, what they are expecting from their partners. Each relationship is a valuable lesson that enriches you..
26 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

try and find some usage of Linux in scientific research

There's matlab for Linux ; )

time saving

Well.. I wouldn't be so sure about this one, most of open source software is created by home programmers - do-it-yourself people. They don't have a gui specialist - their application can be free but really hard to approach, so it's not so time effiecent.. there's a smaller amount of testers so there's a bigger chance to encounter a bug. It also might be hard to find a real gem in all the rubbish that fills sourceforge and other open source portals..
26 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

Microsoft releases free beta versions for a reason too, I'm talking about real testing by professionals. Using apropriate tools they can find bugs that would go unnoticed by your average user.

The thing is that open source projects don't have the same amount of money - and it will always be a problem and compromising certain aspects. Of course there are big projects with big budgets, but I don't think that they are "that open".

And open source.. there's a lot of open source for windows too, there's bloodshed gcc, you don't have to buy Visual Studio to create good applications for Windows pc or mobile. Lots and lots of free libraries... Don't make Windows sounds like Symbian.

Linux would be probably much more popular if it supported more games that it actually supports. Its only youth "attractor" right now is the 'haxy' envelope - you wanna be a hacker use linux.. luckily most of them gets discouraged by the installation process.
26 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

Again, GIMP is easy to use as well.

Yeah, tell that to all these people who wasted time on it. Its gui ain't really straightforward at all. Not everyone have enough time to plough through all the controls placed - sometimes - in really unapropriate places. It's not taken from thin air, I actually heard that from a lot of people. I actually like GIMP and use it as an enhanced paint.. for game textures and such, you can create bump-maps with it and tiled textures pretty easily.. I can see its cons and pros. It's not the best choice for people with bad time management ;)


It depends really, I remember that there are types of packet flood attacks that can end as a DoS that only Linux is prone to - because Windows doesn't answer to them ( some types of packets ) and on Linux you need to know how to configure your firewall which ain't easy for a beginner. Besides, it's pretty easy to find lots of articles on the internet that will tell you that linux is less secure then windows - and we can probably spend hour talking about how much MS spent on those ;) I think it's fifty fifty, truth is always somewhere in between. More users, more software - a bigger possibilty to find a bug or a software incompatibility.

About the installation, sorry if I was wrong, when I was using Linux it was always cli installation.. ;)
26 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

You are saying, Linux/Unix and Open Source represents "one computer program"?

Well..to be more precise there's only one linux kernel; )
26 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

uses the Linux Kernel to function.

not "kernels", one Linux kernel, ONE LINUX KERNEL, one linux kernel to find them and in the darkness bind them, in the land of Torvalds where open source apps lie..

what was incorrect about my statement?
27 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]


Sweet mother of god.. Ok, here it goes, as for a first grader.
I said: There is one kernel.
You said: Incorrect, there are many distributions using linux kernel (one kernel).
I said: You are contradicting yourself saying "INCORRECT, THERE IS ONE LINUX KERNEL."
You said: Where am I contradicting bla bla"
I said: Not "kernels" but one kernel.

By saying incorrect to my first sentance you therefore through it stated that there are many kernels ( not actually stated mkey?). That's why I said what I said.

Sorry but if that's not clear enough then, well let's forget about it, sorry if you feel insulted by the "You are contradicting yourself" part. I'm too tired to drag this any longer. :)

there's only one windows,

Hey Elssha it wasn't a part of any argument, common, it was just a comment on ukpolska
comment on Ela's comment ;D
"ukpolska: Here you go again getting wound up over a computer program"
you guys are just making a downward spiral from what was probably a slight irony by ukpolska at the beginning ;) so I don't see the point in adding this "windows is" statement there..

Later you quoted my matlab for linux.. in a way as I was stating against Linux.. I said it because ukpolska said there's not many scientific apps for linux, so I actually mentioned this great piece of code, well known around the world in favour of linux.

Actually, according to my friend (gamer + programmer by profession, with siblings working in MS and HP), the only reason MS is still afloat (for the most part) is that the graphics libraries used by most high-end comp games aren't available on linux and because on a whole Apple sux for serious games. If all three sys had the same games MS would have nothing to offer.

Yeah, I mostly think in the same way, that good graphic libraries or an updated directx library for linux would probably attract lots of people. But I still think there very good apps for Windows available.

Linux doesn't open any file automatically. (...)

Of course Linux is a really safe system, it has it's pros, but still it has it's flaws. People tend to think that Windows is full of bugs (which after 3 sp's isn't that much of a problem now) and Linux is a stronghold, which actually isn't true. That's why I brought that example - that there are situations and security aspects in which Windows will prevail ;) and Linux won't.
27 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

John: There is one apple.

Jane: Incorrect.

John: So there are many apples?

Jane: No.

John: Aha! Got you! If you said incorrect to one apple, then there are probably many apples? Or no apples? In the same time you state incorrect that there is one apples and that there ain't many apples... so you are contradicting yourself...

Jane: No!

<John stabs himself with a keyboard>

you speak cplusplusish and I'm speaking csharpish.. we need a parser and a translator..
27 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

Ok I think I might know where's the problem, you changed your post!!! :D
It was:
Incorrect. Smth smth many distributions such as OpenSuse, Fedora, Ubuntu, Gentoo, etc. uses the Linux Kernel to function. On top of the actual distribution.

You said INCORRECT to that quotation of my post!
You are messing with my brain:/
I hope it was not your intention, to forget what you typed there before :)
27 Feb 2009
Law / Linux, Unix, and Open Source in Poland [119]

Yeah that's why I said twice..

what was incorrect about my statement?

I don't care how much knowledge you have in that subject. Besides what you just said is irrelevant to the little chit chat we just had. What dragging law and finance has in common with the topic? The thing is, that editing your post and playing dumb later is just faulplay. It's not about linux anymore, just courtesy and the lack of it.

Sorry PolskaDoll, we kind of got carried away.. I've wasted my time answering somebody who was just teasing me. You can delete all of my posts on this page..
27 Feb 2009
Feedback / Editing time [10]

It would be nice if by editing you could just append more text to your previous post, without the possibility to change it completely.
2 Mar 2009
Food / Menu suggestions for a Polish/Scottish night. [89]

Well... (golabki bigos, and any other kind of kapusta dish) cabbage and stomach don't get along, so it might be tricky - too much at a party.. especially if you add some % to it. I don't want to sound like a boor but really, a group farting ain't the best thing to happen at a party.
2 Mar 2009
Life / Confirmation / Bierzmowanie - tradition in Poland [9]

I wouldn't go as far as to say that no-one

Kinda late answer but anyways, I wasn't referring to "no-one", I think about it more like - even if somebody is fe 25 so he is not a kid, if he was indoctrinated into one religion values we can't say he has got a spiritual understanding, you need to have a far deeper understanding about all religions and ethics. But that only happens in societies that are on the fringe. I agree with the children aspect - it's everywhere like that, you've got a "young protestant" or a "little catholic" even before they can actually understand what it means to be one. On the other hand in some societies it might be very hard to explain to a kid why he ain't attending with ALL the other kids to f.e. catholic religion lessons, or ceremonies - he might get isolated by other kids because he is different.
2 Mar 2009
Food / Menu suggestions for a Polish/Scottish night. [89]

I know it's a christmas eve dish but maybe you should try Barszcz z Uszkami? Chleb ze smalcem is a nice addition if you have a lot of drinking planned - people won't get pissed that quickly while eating some good old chleb ze smalcem ;) of course with beer..
3 Mar 2009
Language / English slang but potential Polish slang too! [5]


You probably mean "jeb" word that comes from "jebać" ( there was one thread about "jebać" already" ;) ) it can mean smth like "damn" generally some negative or positive amazament.. it can also be an onomatopeic "boom" or actually any other sound that reflects two objects colliding..
5 Mar 2009
Life / How to become a Part of Polish culture or environment? [10]

Well probably it'd best to meet some polish ppl, first on forum like FP and then go with them to a pub, or people from work... I don't think it's such an easy task to just befriend random people going alone to pubs and talking to random lads but maybe it's just me beeing introvertive ;). You can try to offer language exchange on a site like mylanguageexchange.com or other panpal sites like that to people from Klodzko.. and then try to meet them in rl.. good luck
6 Mar 2009
Love / Do Poles ignore domestic abuse? [54]

I think it's like everywhere else there are circles mainly pathological.. where it will go without a notice, I had some arguments with my gf and I've seen some couples arguing and other people reacted trying to calm down everyone.. on the other hand it was never anything serious, just an average quarrel, difference in opinion or a overreaction, it was never domestic abuse. But still you can hear about it in the news or tv shows, and it happens everywhere. The source which is partially alcohol can indicate that can be a bigger problem with poles because there are many drinkers in out nations.. at least while going with stereotypes.. further east and worse it gets..

Good advice from Justysia, and remember that in such families it usually gets worse.. especially if there's alcohol included.. sometimes it's better to admit mistake and try to come back to your family
29 Mar 2009
Law / Need help with registration and buying from the Polish auction website (allegro) [2]

From what I know you just need to have a valid home address..

Registration form: allegro.pl/new_user.php

here you've got:

Imię Name
Nazwisko Surname
Firma Company
Adres Address
ulica, street
nr domu house number,
mieszkania flat number
example np.: Allegrowa Street 25/10
Kod pocztowy postal code
i.e..: 00-950
Miejscowość city
Województwo province/county
Kraj country
i.e.: anna@serwerpocztowy.pl *
We will send a registration confirmation e-mail - you will need it to complete the registration. Pay attention to type in a valid e-mail address.

Powtórz adres e-mail - repeat your e-mail address
Telefon z numerem kierunkowym - phone number with an area code
i.e.: (22)9999999,
tel. kom.: (600)000000 - mobile phone example
Drugi telefon - second phone number

Użytkownikiem Allegro może być tylko osoba pełnoletnia.
Oświadczam, że jestem pełnoletni (ukończyłem 18 lat) i akceptuję regulamin

Only an adult may be an Allgro user. I state that I am an adult ( 18 years old ) and I accept the regulations.

Przesyłając nam ten formularz wyrażasz zgodę na gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i wykorzystywanie przez QXL Poland Twoich danych, teraz i w przyszłości, zgodnie z polskim prawem, w szczególności Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych. Masz prawo wglądu do Twoich danych oraz ich poprawienia lub usunięcia.

By sending this form you state your acceptance to gathering, proccessing and using your personal data, according to Polish law especially the protection of personal data law, now and in the future, by QXL Poland. You've got the right to access, correcting and deleting your data.

Minimality, you should also be aware of that not all of allegro traders ship to other countries then Poland, it should usually be stated in their profiles or/and in their auctions.

You should also somehow translate and read those regulations ; )

I just remember that before you can use your account they also send you a snail mail with some information about activating your account and stuff like that. That is also to ensure that the address data that you have used are valid..
2 Apr 2009
Life / Shower versus Bath in Polish home - which is preferred? [5]

And I'd say it's completely otherwise, showers are gaining on popularity right now.. but earlier bathtubs were more popular because you could wash entire family in the same water ;) you could also make your loundry in a bathtub...