29 Jan 2009
Genealogy / Grandchildren of Polish Immigrants [26]
Firstly, you are not American and cannot know what it is like to have been brought up in a country that is made up of "foreigners". You have no knowledge of that which you speak, so why do you bother to criticize. If you are happy, I am happy for you, but mind your own business. There are those of us who know nothing, and I mean nothing of our heritage. I had four Polish grandparents and didn't even know what my real surname was until five years ago.
I will not bother you with further explanation, as you obviously just want to criticize; so, let us be and enjoy our new found "Heritage".
Quick RUN, there is nothing more irritating than a yanky root seekers who has just discovered their "heritage".
Firstly, you are not American and cannot know what it is like to have been brought up in a country that is made up of "foreigners". You have no knowledge of that which you speak, so why do you bother to criticize. If you are happy, I am happy for you, but mind your own business. There are those of us who know nothing, and I mean nothing of our heritage. I had four Polish grandparents and didn't even know what my real surname was until five years ago.
I will not bother you with further explanation, as you obviously just want to criticize; so, let us be and enjoy our new found "Heritage".