The Polish National Archive website has pages in English.
TY Wroclaw.. Wills.. thats something that would be interesting..
property records.. I wonder if they have examples of those like they do births
deaths and marriages.. online.. hmmm..
Thanks :)))) hey what about military?? I am so curious.. because alot of
history recorded did have to do with uprisings ( one of our family was involved)
and I wonder if they have books on this and where.. oops i mean with peoples
names in them of all those who were sent to siberia etc..
Look what I found Wroclaw!! :))))
the confessions part ought to be a good source.. not wanting to dig out
the skeltons, but this is really actually a good source of information.. it helps
alot even if its not what we want to find.
converts (konwertyci), Familienbuch (księga rodzin), marriages (małżeństwa), mixed (mieszane), divorces (rozwody), confessions (spowiadający się), births (urodzenia), change of creed (wstąpienia do obrządku), change of creed (wystąpienia z obrządku), banns (zapowiedzi), deaths (zgony), dates border ...