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Do some folks have no shame? Krakow experience.

12 Sep 2008 /  #1
I have just returned from a visit to Kraków (though i am back there again next weekend) and whilst i was there; there is a park area near to Galeria Krakówska and in clear light of day this polish bird (female) aged about i would say mid to late 40s poss. early 50s was in the park cream coloured trousers round her ankles taking a sh1t and even used tissues to help it along ... i wouldnt mind but you visiable saw her push the turd out and land on the floor ...... they were others nearby who could see this as well ...

does it get that bad that they cant pay 1zloty to go to the public toilets nearby but use a public park in full view of the general public of Kraków ....

I was with my daughter at the time and was really actually shocked ive never seen anything like that in my life by someone of the older generation of any nationality ... some diginity doesnt go a miss?

This is not intended to be offensive as many of you know i dont say a bad word about polish people .... just posting what i observed ... on one particular day
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #2
homeless, romanian gipsie, british tourist - pick the answer ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Sep 2008 /  #3
this polish bird (female)

How'd you know she was Polish?

Maybe she was a performance artist, they are full of ....

there is a park area near to Galeria Krakówska

I am trying to think of a park near there?, where abouts?
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #4
this polish bird (female) aged about i would say mid to late 40s poss. early 50s was in the park cream coloured trousers round her ankles taking a sh1t and even used tissues to help it along ...

Polish women are spontaneous.But cream colored trousers?Bliah...no sense of fashion.
12 Sep 2008 /  #5
nooo she was Polish cus we all do shyt in public places, our tradition haha :) gross lol
OP telefonitika  
12 Sep 2008 /  #6
How'd you know she was Polish?

maybe she wasnt my bloody bad .... i was pointing out an observation ....

Maybe she was a performance artist, they are full of ....

definitely not but couldve been

I am trying to think of a park near there?, where abouts?

There is a subway bit at the end to lead you up to the Galeria
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #7
She helped the flowers grow in the park.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Sep 2008 /  #8
they were others nearby who could see this as well

What was their reaction like? that might be a stupid question as I do not expect them to throw there arms up in the air and scream but they might have looked away?

maybe she wasnt

Yeah, i thought it would have been difficult to tell and I doubted if you engaged her in conversation.

definitely not but couldve been

So I will take that as a definite maybe then.

There is a subway bit at the end to lead you up to the Galeria

I know it,
Oh on the concrete slabs? I thought park I thought grass?
sausage  19 | 775  
12 Sep 2008 /  #9
What was their reaction like?

Nobody gave a sh1t by the sounds of it
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #10
What was their reaction like?

Maybe they handed her some toilet paper.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #11
krakow is full of homeless, romanian gipsies and fakked up weirdos
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #12
Or she was an undercover british hooligan.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2008 /  #13
from what i've seen they don't hide their identity
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #14
actually shocked ive never seen anything like that in my life by someone of the older generation of any nationality ...

It must have been the communist way to sh1t.
Hueg  - | 319  
12 Sep 2008 /  #15
use a public park in full view of the general public of Kraków

Until i've got proof that Paula Radcliffe was in England I'm not ruling out a Marathon or Snickers. It's the nuts apparently. :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #16
I have just returned from a visit to Kraków (though i am back there again next weekend) and whilst i was there; there is a park area near to Galeria Krakówska and in clear light of day this polish bird (female) aged about i would say mid to late 40s poss. early 50s was in the park cream coloured trousers round her ankles taking a sh1t and even used tissues to help it along ... i wouldnt mind but you visiable saw her push the turd out and land on the floor ...... they were others nearby who could see this as well ...

ow man that is crazy, are you telling the truth or is this a wind up?? lol

does it get that bad that they cant pay 1zloty to go to the public toilets nearby but use a public park in full view of the general public of Kraków ....

well i guess it creates a few more jobs :) i mean a pooper scooper is required i'm sure if people are doing this on the regular :):).

I was with my daughter at the time and was really actually shocked ive never seen anything like that in my life by someone of the older generation of any nationality ... some diginity doesnt go a miss?

not a great thing for a child to see, i totally agree.

This is not intended to be offensive as many of you know i dont say a bad word about polish people .... just posting what i observed ... on one particular day

i don't think anybody will take it as such, if they do it means they have misunderstood your post.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Sep 2008 /  #17
homeless, romanian gipsie, british tourist - pick the answer ;)

pawian  224 | 27129  
12 Sep 2008 /  #18
there is a park area near to Galeria Krakowska
I am trying to think of a park near there?, where abouts?

The park is probably Planty which encompass the Old Town from all sides. Yes, shitting in public could have happened there as it is a place known to be frequented by drug addicts, the homeless, bums, drunks, etc. The police and city guards are helpless.

Look at pics which I have taken in Planty:

This one looked like a British stag party tourist to me...

but these guys were definitely Polish

But there are normal guys too
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Sep 2008 /  #19

yeah, i thought she meant the other side.

Just out of curiosity why do you take photos of drunks on benches?

Planty is great, most of the time, didn't it used to be a mote?.
OP telefonitika  
12 Sep 2008 /  #20

yeah thats the one as it was down the way from the barbican walking towards the galeria .... and yes i saw loads of people sleeping on the benches as well ....


are you telling the truth or is this a wind up??

truth seriously no wind up mate
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #21
truth seriously no wind up mate

wow, well its something i've never seen before, Although i'm sure plenty of homeless take a dump in the park. There is a big homeless population in Exeter where i live, they do all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Lately they have even been attacking the general public.

I would assume that the person you saw was homeless, i'm not going with the eastern european gypsie idea, lol, thats there version of racism :) but it would surprise me very much if it was MRS Joe Bloggs who lives accross the road from you :)
pawian  224 | 27129  
12 Sep 2008 /  #22
I would assume that the person you saw was homeless, i'm not going with the eastern european gypsie idea, lol, thats there version of racism :) but it would surprise me very much if it was MRS Joe Bloggs who lives accross the road from you :)

Probably not. I forgot to add that there are also old prostitutes willing to make your day for a can of beer. Sad but true. One of my friends was approached by a woman and he almost gave up after the explicit proposition of having sex with her.

Just out of curiosity why do you take photos of drunks on benches?

I take photos of everything and everybody not only in Krakow but also throughout Poland.

Planty is great, most of the time, didn't it used to be a mote?.

Hmmm.... if you mean moat, yes, that`s right.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #23
Probably not. I forgot to add that there are also old prostitutes willing to make your day for a can of beer. Sad but true. One of my friends was approached by a woman and he almost gave up after the explicit proposition of having sex with her.

ow yuk yuk i'm sorry a 50 year old woman, no thank you, been on the street for about 5 years, who the hell is going to touch that??? I'm not a snob but that i just too much, honestly i was almost sick when i read that!!!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Sep 2008 /  #24
I take photos of everything and everybody not only in Krakow but also throughout Poland.

Show more, i love pictures.
I just got a new camera and i love to take photos too.

if you mean moat,

that's the one.
pawian  224 | 27129  
12 Sep 2008 /  #25
I'm not a snob but that i just too much, honestly i was almost sick when i read that!!!

So was I when my friend related his story. But I saw those women and know it was true.

One more pic showing a few bums from higher class
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Sep 2008 /  #26
So was I when my friend related his story. But I saw those women and know it was true.

OMG don't show them too me, please please please, i don't think i would return to the forums!!!!!
12 Sep 2008 /  #27
I take photos of everything and everybody not only in Krakow but also throughout Poland.

and I appreciate it a lot. Some journalistic approach is welcomed.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Sep 2008 /  #28
but you visiable saw her push the turd out and land on the floor ......

I have to visit Krakow.
OP telefonitika  
12 Sep 2008 /  #29
Im back there again next weekend for a while and it aint putting me off .... but left a mental scar hahaha
pawian  224 | 27129  
12 Sep 2008 /  #30
I have to visit Krakow.

Definitely. It is a city full of historical monuments

with thriving culture...

stunning art

and first of all, very very friendly helpful people

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