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Posts by Cosmo  

Joined: 2 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 17
From: Gdansk
Speaks Polish?: Very little :(
Interests: Travel

Displayed posts: 22
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25 Jul 2009
Life / Polish and Dutch Satelite TV [3]

I agree with Sobieski, I have done the same with a set from Holland, dish and receiver and smartcard. Cheap and great quality and I enjoy all the dutch channels.

So 1 dish is enough unless you want also hotbird satellite, then a duo lnb or second dish.
24 Mar 2008
Travel / Boating on Polish lakes [4]

Hey all,
Are there any rules about sailing or using a (small) motorboat on the lakes?
Specially the lakes in the Pomorski area?

Are you allowed to use a motorboat at all? If so, what engine size?
Is renting a boat for the day possible at some places?
Thank for any info,
15 Mar 2008
Life / Good Garden Center in TriCity? [3]

Hey Cjj,

Thank you for the tip! We will check it out sometime next week :) Hopefully we'll have more spring weather soon, i look forward to going out again in the yard.

We have some sheltered area's but mostly wind swept, on a hill.....

I could use a few (fruit) tree's I think, but also I would like some small palms to be outside in the summer months. However they are hard to find here.

12 Mar 2008
Life / Good Garden Center in TriCity? [3]

Topic says it all....I'm looking for a proper garden center to get all sorts of plants, trees, flowers for my garden outside Gdansk. Sofar the OBI, Castorama etc have very limited choice :( Can anyone recommend a garden shop?


13 Nov 2007
Life / Shopping in Tri-City [46]

You are saying that you cannot find what you're looking for at Galeria Baltica??
11 Sep 2007
Real Estate / When is the law changing to allow foreigners to buy land in Poland? [32]

Euro zone, European Union....you know what I mean.
If both parties delay their promises than were stuck in a vicious circle aren't we?
"I wont do this until he does that and vice versa"

At the end of the day Poland shouldn't have to worry of foreigners buying "everything", like for example at the French/Spanish/Turkish coasts where the living for (wealthy, older) foreigners is better. At most the number of foreigners per year buying property here is somewhere in the 100's, hardly a drop in the ocean.

And of those 100's or so 80% is likely to have a very good reason to do so as in a family, partner etc.

What do you think?
11 Sep 2007
Real Estate / When is the law changing to allow foreigners to buy land in Poland? [32]

I thought the rule regulation foreigners buying land were only in place for the first 4 years after Poland joined the EU? So jan 1st 2008 it should be free and open no??

For Ronek--> Why you opposed of others buying Polish house (land)? YOU can buy anything you like as well in any european country, right?

Part of the deal when PL joined the Euro zone.
15 May 2007
Real Estate / Minister of Interior application for foreigner to purchase home [4]

You cannot get a permission/permit before you buy something. You get a permit to buy a specific house/plot. So you need to have a pre-notary agreement.

The sellers need to be ready to wait 3 months or more before a decision is received and before the final agreement can be signed.
Find a good lawyer in your area and he can the prepare application for you.
He knows which papers you would need, you need lots :(
7 May 2007
Real Estate / I'm not Polish - can I buy a house in Poland ? [49]

You cannot buy land (with or without property) unless you have a connection with Poland, like a job here, or family, or a Polish spouse (husband/wife). This is for eu citizens, and i'm sure the same for the rest of the world, if not even more restricted.



appartment is easier
6 May 2007
Travel / Sailing in Poland [7]

Who can tell me what are the regulations with regards to sailing/boating in Poland on the lakes and sea.
Can you have a sailing boat on all the lakes? Can you use a small motorboat on the lakes? If not, does it depend on the size of engine? Any info would be appreciated.

1 May 2007
Work / Becoming a Wizz flight steward (they hire in Warsaw) [6]

Zion, send me a mail.....
I can put you in the right direction.

Telefonitka...Wizz is an Hungarian Company, but there is a Wizz Air Poland and Wizz Air Bulgaria. However headoffice is in Budapest.
And true, the main market is obviously Poland.
28 Apr 2007
Real Estate / WHERE to get permit for property in Poland? [22]

For those who are interested. We have received our permit, it took about 11 weeks for it to come through. Now finally we have signed all the papers and the house is ours!

Happy days,

24 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

So what is your solution then Ola? How would you like to see future?

Poland member of EU yes or no, open borders yes or no?

BTW, I do agree the west should not have given poland up to the russians after the war. But that was half a century ago and lets move forward now and come up with some constructive discussion about this issue. Don't let emotions get in the way of this .....
24 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

This discussion will never end.....

Obviously some people fail to see the bigger picture and refuse to listen to other arguments.

I believe at the end of the day it's good for a country when prices/value of real estate increase....Would you prefer it if there was no interest at all in Poland from other european countries? Just think about all the foreign money being spend here.

The EU is spending millions and millions in an effort to get the country back on its feet. After decades where there was virtually no money spend on infrastructure and housing the west is picking up the bill for this. Poland wants the help from the EU, and gets all the help it needs...So being a full member of the EU your country is open to everyone to work and live.

You can't have one without the other.....
At the same time while other countries open their borders for millions of polish people, a few people do the opposite and decide to work and live in poland. Bringing and spending a lot of money and making the country better.

And still they seem to face a huge amount of negativity.

Ola and Hullo, believe me, for now it really is not easy to move here and buy property. The paperwork, regulations and rules required is beyond me.

Have a nice weekend all...
23 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

And another thing, prices don't rise because of foreigners, but by local demand, and shortage of appartments/houses.
My neighbour wanted to apply for an appartment, yet to be build, not far from here in Gdansk. In a new building where there will be 50 appartments, already more then 400 potential buyers signed up for the waiting list.

No wonder prices will rise.
23 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

At Ola123,

How come you are so worried about foreigners buying polish property? You think it's easy to buy a house or land??
The only way you will be allowed by the ministry of internal affairs is if you actually have a reason for living here. As in, working for a polish company, having family here, or married to a Polish citizen.

I'm already waiting for over 2 months for my permit to buy a small house with my polish wife. And for the record i do work here very happily, mainly because local ppl could not be found to do my job.

NB: these rules about buying property are in place for another 2 years, after this market will be open to anyone. Making every polish house owner rich.....
13 Feb 2007
Life / Health Insurance for Polish people [6]

What are the options for Polish people to get health insurance?

I have my private health insurance from Holland and this covers me worldwide.
Now my wife used to be insured with her parents, after getting married she now is supposed to be insured together with me.....(??) She doesn't work, does attend several courses where she pays some for some kind of health care.

Now I would like to get her properly insured for health care, but have a had time finding a comprehensive (private) health insurance in Poland. Does anyone have any experience with this, maybe can recommend a insurance company?

13 Feb 2007
Real Estate / WHERE to get permit for property in Poland? [22]

Hello guys,
So after a lot of research I did find a lawyer who's up to speed with all the rules and regulations. Now our application has been sent to the ministry in Warsaw and now we have to wait....hopefully in 6 weeks we should get a reply.

I'll keep you updated :)

3 Feb 2007
Real Estate / WHERE to get permit for property in Poland? [22]

Bubbawoo, thanks. Sounds great, but I can't send a pm yet (?) as I need to post more messages :(
Can you send me a pm? A lawyer would be a good to get things going with the authorities, he speaks english right?
2 Feb 2007
Real Estate / WHERE to get permit for property in Poland? [22]

Hello Frank,
Yea I know, I have been going thru all those pages. However what I'm looking for is detailed information about which agency governs these permits, I have one phone number, from ministry of internal affairs and I've been trying to call them for days now. Never any answer :(

Now as I see the law about these permits is that as a EU citizen buying my first and only house with my Polish wife we don't need a permit.....now the notary has a different view and I need some documents from Warsaw with the stamps (as u might know) and signatures before we can close the purchase.

Fine, but where do I go to exactly, and what do they need?

If I get anywhere I'll post it here of course....
2 Feb 2007
Real Estate / WHERE to get permit for property in Poland? [22]

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, but not new to Poland. Working here now for about 1,5 years and living in Gdansk since march. Me and my polish wife would like to buy small house outside of the city.

Now we have signed the pre-notary agreement with the sellers and paid a deposit.
The notary insists I get a permit to buy the property.......I'm a EU citizen and when I look at the rules I am NOT buying a 2nd house,it's my first and only house and therefor I don't need a permit......PLUS I''m married to a Polish wife.

Anyway, which office issues permits for property, anyone has experience with this?
I'm desperate for any information. I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!