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When is the law changing to allow foreigners to buy land in Poland?

izzy 4 | 8  
10 Sep 2007 /  #1
2 questions:

1) When is the law changing to allow foreigners to buy land in Poland?

2) When will Poland get the euro?

I can answer part 2 myself: Poland will probably adopt the Euro as a currency in 2012.
hello 22 | 890  
10 Sep 2007 /  #2
1) When is the law changing to allow foreigners to buy land in Poland?

2016 (unless the land was continually leased before May 1, 2004 - then 3 or 7 years - depending on the province). Why?
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #3
2 answers
1)hopefuly never
2)hopefuly never
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #4
i can understand not wanting the euro but why not part 1??
hello 22 | 890  
10 Sep 2007 /  #5
I think I have to agree with Ronek, but there's nothing Poland can do now (since all the documents and treaties have been signed when joining the EU). The reason against point #1 is speculation.
gavin79 3 | 72  
10 Sep 2007 /  #6
So I have no chance then when i move to poland with my polish girlfriend lol
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #7

Well First of all allowing foreigners buy land will make the martket prices go higher then they are already, and I dont think a typical Pole would be happy with that if he's trying to get a house or pay the rent.

Second of all right now when foreigners get land in poland they either need to use look holes in the law system or work on it... if we opened the market for all of em... I can forsee it right now... the mass influx of western culture comming here. I'm fed up as it is with McDonalds starring at me on Market Square, Pizza Hut round the corrner it realy ruins my view.

I know for a fact that we're delaying the first one as much as we can, I tend to vote on parties based on that cryteria.
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #8
I know for a fact that we're delaying the first one as much as we can, I tend to vote on parties based on that cryteria.

but i could buy land if i was married to a Polish girl, yes??
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #9
unfortunately yes, thats what brits do nowadays...
hello 22 | 890  
10 Sep 2007 /  #10
I tend to vote on parties based on that cryteria.

OK, but I don't really think any delay is possible. The parties may claim otherwise, but I think nothing can be really done to postpone these laws any further...
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #11
oh we're in Poland.
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #12
unfortunately yes, thats what brits do nowadays...

thats the thing, the laws are in place but weak because there are easy ways round them
gavin79 3 | 72  
10 Sep 2007 /  #13
unfortunately yes, thats what brits do nowadays...

Why is it such a bad thing that if a man loves a woman and they marry to buy land and build there perfect home ??
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #14
Oh god bless 'em and please let them do.

I'm more concerned about thousand more who just come here and trash our culture with the western rubish.
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #15
western rubish.

wow hang on a second, just because its western does not mean its rubbish!!! It can't be that bad as we seem to do ok on the 'western rubbish' and the 'eastern people' want to come here
Ronek 1 | 261  
10 Sep 2007 /  #16
I ment mcdonalds, kfc, pizza hut on every corner. And big colorful meaningless posters on historical buldings.
There are also good things as well I know, But such are the costs of glabalisation I guess.
But is it wrong that I want the process to go slower?
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
10 Sep 2007 /  #17
But is it wrong that I want the process to go slower?

no mate nothing wrong with that at all, it menas that Poland stays as Poland for a longer time
ogorek - | 165  
10 Sep 2007 /  #18
wow hang on a second, just because its western does not mean its rubbish!!! It can't be that bad as we seem to do ok on the 'western rubbish' and the 'eastern people' want to come here

Born in the UK I have seen the streets become crowded, poluted, noise polution, nanny state, health and safety out of control, the food poisened, people getting fatter, social degradation, lack of repect, kids out of control, parents/teachers/police powerless, chavs rule, ladish behaviour fri/sat nite, crap schools, your child can't go out alone, or it will probably turn into a chav, crap health care, everything in shops a rip-off, noone can afford a house anymore, debts out of control, noone talks to their neighbours, everything is taxed, no more seasons (damp constant autumn) it's all about money- you earn lots but blow it on cost of living, east europeans come here for the money only, they work like dogs and live like dogs - eventually they go home because they get tired. That's not what life is about.
Daisy 3 | 1,224  
11 Sep 2007 /  #19
I agree with all of that, with one tiny exception. You can't blame them for the weather
11 Sep 2007 /  #20
Totally agree with Ogorek but in answer to Izzy, you can buy in Poland. Either an apartment, house with land not exceeding 0.5 hectares or building land for a house, again not exceeding 0.5 hectares. You are not allowed to buy agriculural or forestry land except, with permission from the interior minister. The price you pay for any of these will be the price dictated by the Polish seller, whether you are Polish or foriegn, so you will not be driving up the price for anyone.
Cosmo 5 | 18  
11 Sep 2007 /  #21
I thought the rule regulation foreigners buying land were only in place for the first 4 years after Poland joined the EU? So jan 1st 2008 it should be free and open no??

For Ronek--> Why you opposed of others buying Polish house (land)? YOU can buy anything you like as well in any european country, right?

Part of the deal when PL joined the Euro zone.
Ronek 1 | 261  
11 Sep 2007 /  #22
Part of the deal when PL joined the Euro zone.

Poland is not part of euro zone.

Second thing, since when PL should make it easier for foreigners to buy land when foreign countries delay in fullfilling other part of the deal as well. And I mean investments, job offers and many other points of so called european market cooperation.
Cosmo 5 | 18  
11 Sep 2007 /  #23
Euro zone, European know what I mean.
If both parties delay their promises than were stuck in a vicious circle aren't we?
"I wont do this until he does that and vice versa"

At the end of the day Poland shouldn't have to worry of foreigners buying "everything", like for example at the French/Spanish/Turkish coasts where the living for (wealthy, older) foreigners is better. At most the number of foreigners per year buying property here is somewhere in the 100's, hardly a drop in the ocean.

And of those 100's or so 80% is likely to have a very good reason to do so as in a family, partner etc.

What do you think?
tornado2007 11 | 2,270  
11 Sep 2007 /  #24
fair one then why not close the borders throw the s*it out of Britain and then start the clean up :). Not all things that happen in Britain is the fault of the British i think we all know that :). Yes we are responsible for a lot of what goes on but not all. If we could empty the country out of all the rubbish that has come here over the past 30-40 years then maybe we could have a go at sorting our own people out.

I would like to clarifty that 'rubbish' has been used above to describe people who come to the UK and take part in criminal gangs and acts. Also those people who do nothing for the British economy and those who do not integrate or accept British culture. Further more i would like to add we intake a lot of immigrants who do wonders for themselves and the UK.
ogorek - | 165  
15 Sep 2007 /  #25
Not all things that happen in Britain is the fault of the British i think we all know that

No of course it's not the fault of the British people it's just the way the country is run. approx 70% of my friends here are immigrants from various countries and they all came here for the money. Not one of them is happy with their quality of life. It seems like the only way you can make lots of money here is to buy houses, do them up as cheaply as possible and sell them for profit - and even this is contributing to the coutries decline. Now they want to go to Poland to do the same. (phew back on topic)
osiol 55 | 3,921  
15 Sep 2007 /  #26
throw the s*it out of Britain

Calm down. If the sh*t was thrown out, who might that be? What constitutes sh*t?

come here over the past 30-40 years

2nd generation? 3rd?

people who do nothing for the British economy

Could be from any background.

who do not integrate

I moved from one town to another. I don't speak to many of my neighbours. Am I not integrating?

accept British culture

Are you going to join my as I sit at the old Joanna, tinkling the ivories to some bawdy music hall ditties?

Further more i would like to add we intake a lot of immigrants who do wonders for themselves and the UK.

So how do you decide who is good or who is bad. Following the law?
I see, one law for some, another law for the rest.

Do you realise when a foreign company buys a British company, Britain still has bigger investments in foreign companies in Europe and America.

When the Polish economy is in a better state, they might be able to make more of these kinds of investments in other countries. You might think Britain is being shafted. Well it's not. It is quite possible that when Poland continues to open up with its EU membership, the same thing will happen there.
Daisy 3 | 1,224  
16 Sep 2007 /  #27
Quoting: tornado2007
throw the s*it out of Britain

Calm down. If the sh*t was thrown out, who might that be? What constitutes sh*t?

Christ, we wouldn't have a Government left if we did that!
truebrit 3 | 196  
16 Sep 2007 /  #28
Born in the UK I have seen the streets become crowded, poluted, noise polution, nanny state, health and safety out of control, the food poisened, people getting fatter, social degradation, lack of repect, kids out of control, parents/teachers/police powerless, chavs rule, ladish behaviour fri/sat nite, crap schools, your child can't go out alone, or it will probably turn into a chav, crap health care, everything in shops a rip-off, noone can afford a house anymore, debts out of control, noone talks to their neighbours, everything is taxed, no more seasons (damp constant autumn) it's all about money- you earn lots but blow it on cost of living, east europeans come here for the money only, they work like dogs and live like dogs - eventually they go home because they get tired. That's not what life is about.

This is typical Brit whinging.You can find many negatives in every country to whinge about.Some of those above are not even accurate-of course children in many areas can still go out alone but parents are more fearful(partly because of the hysterical crime reporting these days).Everything is taxed in most decent countries-go to a country with low tax and see what sort of life it is for the average person.Health and safety has resulted in fewer accidental deaths than ever before and chavs are not as bad as the equivalents in the past (eg skinheads).Its true people are getting fatter-in every wealthier society.

No of course it's not the fault of the British people it's just the way the country is run. approx 70% of my friends here are immigrants from various countries and they all came here for the money. Not one of them is happy with their quality of life. It seems like the only way you can make lots of money here is to buy houses, do them up as cheaply as possible and sell them for profit - and even this is contributing to the coutries decline. Now they want to go to Poland to do the same. (phew back on topic)

I too know many immigrants and most are happy with life in the UK.Those who are unhappy either came here with unrealistic expectations or intend to just save money and are not interested in having a life here.You mention "make lots of money".Those who strive to "make lots of money" rather than enjoy life are usually the least happy of all.
Ramsey 1 | 12  
17 Sep 2007 /  #29
Poland is a beautiful Country. I've only been to four or five cities for a three month summer visit, so I don't know everything about the culture. As nations go, the families are strong. Work ethics are not up to western standards, though I wouldn't call that a bad thing.

Polish people are so proud. My girlfriend of four years calls me her 'Favorite American'. I will always be an outsider to Poles I guess. Hopefully Poland will become a wealthy nation. There is a trend that will not go away. I'll try to explain it here.

Humanity is changing and growing at an exponential rate. We're not going to be able to stop the mass obesity, debt, polution, corruption of the world. It is coming everywhere. Read any of Ryszard Kapuscinski's books and you will see how it's the same everywhere. Some nations grow wealthy enough to allow individuals to escape the tradgedy of civilization.

I think the best we can do is build communities of 'like-minded' families. Some crisis are not National matters, but idiological instead. I don't have a clue about the property ownership laws in Poland, but I can tell you that in the USA, our Banks have overstepped lending and it's possible that the wave of resession could come through Poland in the next few years. Hopefully nothing lasting.

ogorek - | 165  
17 Sep 2007 /  #30
This is typical Brit whinging.You can find many negatives in every country to whinge about.Some of those above are not even accurate-of course children in many areas can still go out alone but parents are more fearful(partly because of the hysterical crime reporting these days).Everything is taxed in most decent countries-go to a country with low tax and see what sort of life it is for the average person.Health and safety has resulted in fewer accidental deaths than ever before and chavs are not as bad as the equivalents in the past (eg skinheads).Its true people are getting fatter-in every wealthier society.

You can have tax which is good, but you can have too much tax - my gripe.

Health and safety is good ie building sites - but why can't kids play conkers. It's RIDICULOUS! In some countires if you spill hot McDonalds coffee on yourself - it's your own damn fault for being so stupid. All the stuff we did as kids that is now banned. People don't do anything anymore for fear of being sued or punished.

Correct - Chavs were not as bad as Skinheads. Skins were a very well defined subculture and did not blend with society. They kept themselves separate. Yes they faught, stabbed etc but they had some dignity - however chavs are blending in with our children, taking over the schools, bars, streets - subtle but rotten to the core.

I don't mean if your kid goes out they will get jacked - more like your kid will end up falling under the wrong influence, get invloved with bad apples and become chavs themselves. I've seen it happen to other kids. Some of the best schools have been infiltrated by scum.

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