UK, Ireland /
My friends upset at Brits.... [51]
As soon as people are online and feel fairly anonymous, they let rip.
The Greater Internet F***wad Theory, from a Penny Arcade comic. Normal person + anonymity + audience = complete f***wad.
A lot of the hate you find in the UK is from people who like to blame anyone except themselves for the fact that they're too lazy to get jobs. I imagine you get wastes of space like that in every country. I remember walking to work with some Polish colleagues at the warehouse I used to work at, and we went past a wall some idiot had written "Polish go home" on - lost for what to say I managed "most of us aren't like that" which is true, and they'd been here long enough to realise that. There's just a minority of f***wits with nothing better to do than stir up trouble. Not helped by the gutter press, of course. I'd imagine the anti-British business in Poland comes into the same category - I've certainly never had any problems over there because of my nationality, even in places like Krakow where drunks give us a bad reputation.