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ŁÓDZ..is it worth a visit?

carlb  4 | 20  
2 Nov 2008 /  #1
Can anyone advise whether it is worth a visit? What does it have to offer and would a weekend allow enough time to explore the sights?

Also, which hotels offer best value?

Thanks in advance
cjjc  29 | 407  
2 Nov 2008 /  #2
Can anyone advise whether it is worth a visit?

I hope so!

Also, which hotels offer best value?


Bottom right.


Mr Boat can help you more than me......are you around Pan?

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Nov 2008 /  #3
Lodz: Biggest shopping centre in Europe. Should keep you busy if it rains.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
2 Nov 2008 /  #4
Not been, but from what I heard, it's had a very interesting history.

Re hotels - try Hotel Focus hotelfocus.com.pl I stayed in their place in Szczecin a few weeks ago and couldn't fault it. Free internet connection and water-coolers on the corridor - handy after a few pints of Bosman;).
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
2 Nov 2008 /  #5
My place is quite beautiful... visit and then you will learn yourself. We have a very good history... our streets and old buildings ... plus we have some good museams... shoppings malls... we have parks... Lodz have been the center of Polish movie makers... we have a very good history regarding business aswell.

But.... if you really want to enjoy you can do that here. I think you can find alot of information once you arrive.
2 Nov 2008 /  #6
Well £ódz isn't Polish pearl ;) but last time they have started to change something on better. It has been always laubour city some people called it Polish Manchester. You can find there very old factories and interesting architecture.

The Promised Land (Ziemia Obiecana) is a film made in 1975 by the Polish film director Andrzej Wajda, based on a novel by the writer Władysław Reymont.

Set in the industrial city of £ódź, The Promised Land tells the story of a Pole, a German, and a Jew struggling to build a factory in the raw world of 19th century capitalism

£ódź - Prząśniczka

OP carlb  4 | 20  
3 Nov 2008 /  #7
Cheers for the videos, i must say that £ódź looks like a really vibrant and interesting city. To be honest, travelling through £ódź by train has always given me the impression that it was rather grey and unfriendly. My mistake it seems

I never knew it had the longest commercial street and largest city park in Europe. That's a pretty decent accolade to have!

I look forward to visiting soon.
3 Nov 2008 /  #8
To be honest, travelling through £ódź by train has always given me the impression that it was rather grey and unfriendly.

Well £ódz isn't Polish pearl ;) but last time they have started to change something on better.

As I've said.
£ódz is city of contrasts but there are places worh visit.

A short walk through £ÓD- / Lodsch / Lodz by Pawel Jozwicki

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
3 Nov 2008 /  #9
You have to love to be able to see the beauty.
3 Nov 2008 /  #10
I'm able to see beauty and I like Piotrkowska street or some festivals but we both know that £ódz has "the dark side". I admit that progress in £ódz is noticable.
dcchris  8 | 432  
3 Nov 2008 /  #11
i went for a visit for the weekend and enjoyed. But I was with local people and sometimes that can make all the difference. But even if I was alone I think there are some things to see and enjoy
pawian  224 | 27151  
3 Nov 2008 /  #12
Not to offend anyone but £ódź is at the bottom of my cities-to-visit list. I am really sorry. :):):)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Nov 2008 /  #13
Not to offend anyone

I am not offended by someones personal choices. You can have molten lava in some part of Hawaii as your favourite... I would respect that aswell. :)
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
4 Nov 2008 /  #14
If you like football hooligans, cheap beer, students and urban decay then Lodz is but a few hours from Warsaw.

There are also some old buildings and cemeteries

4 Nov 2008 /  #15
If you like football hooligans, cheap beer, students and urban decay then Lodz is but a few hours from Warsaw.

mmm. . . sounds just like Bermondsey to me. Just 'saff' of the river mate.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
4 Nov 2008 /  #16
mmm. . . sounds just like Bermondsey to me

Lodz - the Bermondsey of Poland. Yes... that's good. Actually, does that make Bermondsey the Lodz of England?
cjjc  29 | 407  
4 Nov 2008 /  #17

Well I'm English and I have no idea where you are talking about!
4 Nov 2008 /  #18
does that make Bermondsey the Lodz of England?

Maybe, lets look at the similarities . . . bombed heavily during the war, rebuilt afterwards in the 'urban sink' estate style, long history of hooliganism and football violence, modern yuppie flats and nice new glass shopping centres.
rsm109  - | 16  
6 Nov 2008 /  #19
I've heard it compared to Manchester a few times, and the descriptions do make it seem like quite a similar place.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Nov 2008 /  #20
hellu hooligans in £odz, very honorable reputation among different hools. the main street has pretty good night life, some areas are to be avoided- you'll know if you're there.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
7 Nov 2008 /  #21
I was reading an article about Lodz in Discover Poland magazine:
discoverpl.com/discover_poland_8.pdf (page 50)
sausage  19 | 775  
7 Nov 2008 /  #22
Edit did a bit of detective work and this link works
Discover Poland Ezine
irishdeano  5 | 304  
7 Nov 2008 /  #23
hmmm i was there a few times...if your into shopping theres plenty of shops..quite good enough night life....
Switezianka  - | 463  
8 Nov 2008 /  #24
. . . bombed heavily during the war, rebuilt afterwards in the 'urban sink' estate style,

£ódź? Bombarded? Where?!

I think this city is most interesting on its 'dark side'. We've got great cemeteries, a lot of abandoned factories, post-industrial areas etc. In the Jewish cemetery (which is beautiful, anyway), you can even look at an old 'bed' that was used to wash the bodies before the burial. In the Old Cemetery, especially in the Protestant part, there's a lot of big, impressive graves and tombs (about 100 years old) and a great neo-Gothic chapel (it looks the best on a foggy night). In some small roads in the centre, you can admire interesting 19th century architecture but in most cases in a very bad condition. There are many hidden details which add some taste to this place: you enter a gateway to the yard of some old, derelict tenement house, and suddenly see some interesting sculpture on the wall, in the most unexpected place. Or you enter the annexe of such a house, look up, and on the ceiling, there is some wonderful, although crumbling, moulding.

Not long ago, an old drain pipe under the main square was opened for tourists and a museum was made there. It's a round tunnel with walls made of red brick, with some old photos and 19th cent. devices - a really cool place but not for the claustrophobic. And even that shopping centre is quite bearable because some of the original factory architecture was preserved.

For a conventional trip, £ódź is not the right place, but I can't say it's not interesting. All the 'touristic' spots, like Piotrkowska or Poznański Palace are boring, but off the track it's really got a charm.
Prince  15 | 590  
9 Nov 2008 /  #25
New sport arena is almost ready.



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