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Night Travel Warsaw-Prague

srav 1 | -  
29 Oct 2008 /  #1
Dear Friends,

I need your suggestions/help.

I am planning to travel form Warsaw - Prague on 3 Nov night.

Being a student, looking for the cheapest "Budget travel" option.

(Please don't post/answer something like Walk..)

I looked for Eurolines Bus & it is about (931 czk)

For this Should i Book in advance or can i buy few hours before the departure ?


I heard that If I follow the following steps it can be still cheap (But RISKY ????? !!!!!!!).

But don't know how exactly it works ...i mean which type of train... etc etc,..( I don't speak either Czech or Polish..can manage a bit with English)


First, Buying a ticket in Train (?) from Warszawa to Zebrzydowice


Then a special train ticket in train (?) across the border from Zebrzydowice to Petrovice


Finally, Buying a ticket In train (?) until the Petrovice to Prague.

Can anyone tell me how much it costs ???

If I catch/take a direct train (sleeping/seat couch..something like that ...) how much it costs??

(I don't have any rail pass...)

Else is there any other cheap means of transport ?

If anyone can suggest/ help in this regard I would be Grateful & Thankful to you all...

Best wishes

Warm regards!

Sravani !
dcchris 8 | 432  
29 Oct 2008 /  #2
i believe the train system has a website. maybe somebody can give it to u
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
29 Oct 2008 /  #3
Find out all you need to know about trains here....

On my first trip to Poland, I left by taking the night train to Budapest. It was fine - not at all dodgy. Slept in a bunk with three grannies. All good fun.
rsm109 - | 16  
29 Oct 2008 /  #4
I've never taken the night train in Poland. However you can get the train times from here:
Lukasz K - | 103  
29 Oct 2008 /  #5
In Poland you can always buy tickets for a normal train (unless it is IC) but if the train is crowded it means that you will be standing.

hy you would like to buy the ticket in train? You can do it at the station. If at the station at which you are entering are opened ticket offices you pay more if you are buying ticket in train. So in Warsaw it will be good to buy the ticket at the station just before departure. In Zebrzydowice at night when office is closed you can buy ticket in train for the same price.

It is true that long-run international trains are more expensive than those inside country and it is cheaper to cross the border in local train.

But I don't think you will find something much cheaper than Eurolines bus (the prie of train will be similar). Check if you can use student discounts on trains and bus.



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