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Posts by mbiernat  

Joined: 24 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 107 / In This Archive: 85

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10 Sep 2009
News / Polish public property to be destroyed by Italian company to set up a pub. [30]

It is an Italian 'construction company". I know Italian construction companies are really honest :) and no connected to the mafia. Never. No way.

In Boston the simply spent money and cleaned the river. In Krakow, they put up a drink bar and night club in the park and call it a cultural center.
9 Sep 2009
News / Polish public property to be destroyed by Italian company to set up a pub. [30]

An ancient green park area on the Vistula river in Krakow across from the Wawel, will be developed. This is public park land. And in its place will be SAO pub which they mask as a beach.


Why has the city government allowed the lowest form of development of priceless green area?
12 Aug 2009
Food / Where to buy Cheddar in Warsaw? [57]

Polish chedder is 15 pln a kg and it taste good. But in the US/UK chedder is like very common boring cheese like white bread just basic and boring. If you live in Poland why not go for the more exotic Polish cheeses?
3 Aug 2009
Love / Looking for Polish websites for singles [8]

also try more a clubbing site but it is really a dating site. They have tons of photos and profiles a little less traditional than the above, but I am not a clubbing guy and so its not my style. I think in Poland and are the biggest and they are free. Also there is a list of ones for dating for czech replublic here [poland-claritaslux/girls/prague-girls/] I think they are more for chat so not the age group you are looking for. I do not know if this helps. Poland check out but again its more for hipsters.
28 Jul 2009
News / Poland among the greatest enemies of Russia [112]

All this talk of Poland and Russia as enemies and where Ukraine will sway, (I am an American living in Poland with Polish and Ukrainian roots and travel to Russia) is a non point if Russia has a true free market.

Free movement of labor and capital will create peace and between these three countries. People will honor the past but move on from it. Look at Scotland and England or Ireland. Free capital and labor flow created partners out of enemies. This was the philosophy of Adam Smith.

14 Jul 2009
USA, Canada / Work ethics in Poland vs US [66]

You can not get rich working that hard in the States as people are. Its stupid to work that hard I think unless your family is starving.

Poles are very hard working its just that they generally live a more balanced life.
25 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

There is no downside to learning more than one language when you are young. None. Languages make your brain elastic, look at all the Nobel prize winners that are bilingual.

poland-claritaslux/blog/category/being-bilingual/ Mark
12 Jun 2009
USA, Canada / Dual Citizenship: American and Polish? [53]

I think you can get it if you apply no problem. Polish citizenship and US citizen can exist together as,long as you apply. poland-claritaslux/blog/dual-citizen/ The child is a Polish citizen by the Polish constitution already, just do the paperwork.
20 May 2009
Food / baby food in Poland - culture differences in feeding babies. [23]

I think you have to really look into that is good for the baby and what companies try to sell. I think 3 months is too early. In more natural settings like native Americans I think babies really start to eat food besides mother's milk when their teeth start to develop. It makes sense.
2 Mar 2009
Law / Investing: Company Shares in Poland [5]

There are many ADRs of companies in Europe listed on the US stock exchanges. You can buy most major world companies on the US or London exchange but for Polish companies - mostly funds. But check it would I have seen Russian, French, and everything else traded as an ADR. But more important than stocks is the market as a whole ->

Who cares about stocks if the trend is down.
1 Mar 2009
USA, Canada / Good job for Polish in USA [34]

Do not think small. Do not think waiter or something, think something that would make money. If you speak any english you can be president of a company just as good as someone else.
13 Feb 2009
Love / Younger foreign man dating older polish women ? [28]

1) No one knows how long God will give anyone on this earth. So do not look at stats. Find your destiny no matter what age and enjoy everyday.

2) Take trips to Poland, real is always better than internet.
3) All depends who you are, but I think there is someone for everyone.
26 Jan 2009
Language / BYKI for Polish [10]

LearnFast but its not out yet. It has mnemonics and learning by music etc.
25 Jan 2009
Life / Where to do laundry in Krakow? [24]

Use a sink or a basin. This is what I did for the first 1/2 year. There are also youth hostels in Krakow that have washing machines.

Using a basin is no bad as you can let it soak overnight and just rinse the next day.
18 Jan 2009
Life / Living In Poland For The Expat [67]

Ok lets compare. (I know Krakow) A tram pass in Boston 1 month is about 150 dollars. In Krakow 90 pln. I rent a flat for 1000 pln Thats 350 dollars. In the US or London you can not do that. But maybe 1000 dollars or GBP.

Tomatoes 1 lbs in the states is equal to 5.99 (reasonable quality) That means 3 dollars a kg. In the Poland I buy them 3.50 pln a KG. So its about the same if the PLN and dollar were the same. But they are not so its about 1/3 cheaper.

Moves 20 pln Poland or 20 dollars in Boston

Aha but salaries are paid in PLN not dollars. so it equals out.
17 Jan 2009
Life / Living In Poland For The Expat [67]

Its really what you make of it. It can be just like the States or Uk if you spend you weekends at the shopping mall. Or it can a very different experience if you spend your time with your family on an outing.

I think the people are nicer than the Uk for example. Maybe not on the surface but overall. In the States people are pretty friendly so I think Poles are about the same. Americans smile more but Polish are very nice when you get to know them.

Prices, cheap compared to the West.
15 Jan 2009
Law / Can a student who is married get a Polish Citizenship [26]

Nigerians. If this guy was really in love with a Polish girl he should just ask her about the law. She lives there and his boyfriend. But he is first finding out the law then finding the country that will give him a passport in the shortest time then get his friends 1000s to do the same. How do I know? I have a website and gets spammed by countless people everyday on this subject. maybe this this forum will also become over run with spammers this is just the start. Once they find a site you can get 100s a day.
15 Jan 2009
Law / Can a student who is married get a Polish Citizenship [26]

Many countries block Nigerians as they produce the highest amount of scams and spam in the world. If you know IT you know this. This guys is not about love but just about getting a passport to work in UK. Its illegal if this is the case.
1 Jan 2009
Life / Bad opinion about Polish people - rumour or the truth? [90]

I have lived in Poland for 5 years and I have a good opinion of Polish people. Educated, cultured and very low crime. Come on I am from the USA, where a person gets shot dead everyday of the week in many cities. Polish people are humble peaceful people and I have walked the streets all hours of the night with little fear, while in the US or London or Paris, you can not. Polish people are hard working and good people generally.
31 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / Why would someone leave Poland for the US? [120]

If you are a worker and want to work in a cube you will do better in the USA for now. But if you are a business owner better in Poland or a have imagination Poland is better. Many Americans and Brits are in Poland. Very interesting place.

But most Americans can not live/work in Poland. Do you not know this? You can only visit. And they do not just hand out visa at the boarder because you have a US passport. Also Americans like walmart and English too much to take a risk and try something new.

I am American and love America but its true, most Americans prefer to work in a cube instead of trying to do something different.
31 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / Why would someone leave Poland for the US? [120]

1) There are Palm trees in Wasaw - really!
2) The USA is a great place to make money, if you want to spend 20 years in a cube working nights and weekends.

If you want to start your own business Poland has lower start up costs because of the pln and labor. But if capital is not a problem people spend more in the usa, therefore, you can make more revenue (not always profit).

Over all USA is richer but I am An American living in Poland and I prefer Poland. But both are nice.
21 Dec 2008
News / What you think about the Polish President, Kaczynski? [53]

Its funny this question was asked and I did not see it earlier as I wrote a Post on the President of Poland: poland-claritaslux/blog/why-the-polish-president-is-a-great-man/

I think he is great. Many people do not like him, but the reality is he is a patriot and stood up for Poland, unlike the last president who gave key Polish industry to foreigners.
3 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / US auto bailout [49]

Bailout is stupid. If they bail out any company it will be the same old company. If they do not bail out it will mean they will fall....reorganizes and be better.

Bailout means reinforce the status quo. Give the people who 'have' - more and the people who 'have not' - no opportunity to buy assets at fire sale prices.
18 Nov 2008
Love / Married a Polish guy. Now what? [40]

urszula - I think the main thing is, you loved him at one point and now also, I think. Go back to what brought you together. Marriage is not about what you feel at the moment. Emotions are very hard to control and always change. In love there is always drama. The main thing try to calm him down and you down. And just be patient. Patient with him and yourself. Nothing happened. Just emotions.
27 Oct 2008
Love / Tips for organizing Polish-English wedding in Poland with US guests. [17]

My advice is this: Do not worry about language. I am American and had a wedding in Poland, the country I live and even though it was American and Polish language was not problem at all. Do not worry. Further, vodka is not required at weddings in my opinion if it is not your style. What town are you having it in? somewhere like Krakow or a small town? Either way I would not worry it only adds to wedding when it is international.
27 Oct 2008
Real Estate / Current state of the property market in Krakow [135]

Ok Even without comparisions to other countires- I still think the fall will be driven by 1800 pln average in netto income in Poland -yet- very high per square meter price - 4000 to 10000 per square meter. That alone will bring a small decline. Credit freeze will bring a fall back to a level of affordability.