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Younger foreign man dating older polish women ?

Marco78 1 | 15  
11 Feb 2009 /  #1
I am a 30 years old man from scandinavia.

I want to find a polish woman who is about 40 years old and already has her children (because I dont want children, I only want a woman, so if she is done withn that - already have children - its great)

is it possible for me, a 30 years old foreign man, to find a woman who is 35-45 years old, who will be ready to live with me or even fall in love with me?

please dont ask why I want this, they are only my taste! I think Polish women 35-45 are so hot! and as I said I dont want own children!

so please only try to answer my question, Polish people are specially welcome to post here!

is it Possible? what do you think?

/ Marco
11 Feb 2009 /  #2
Everything is possible when it comes to love and relationships. As long as you don't fancy my mum I'll wish you Good luck.
nikttaki 5 | 62  
11 Feb 2009 /  #3
register on a dating portal, it should make it easier to find your lassie!!!

good luck!
OP Marco78 1 | 15  
12 Feb 2009 /  #4
[quote=Wyspianska] As long as you don't fancy my mum I'll wish you Good luck.

haha thats exactly the problem! is it okay in polish culture that younger men dating 10 year older women? You said "dont my mom"..

For me, as a scandinavian I would only be happy if my mother is alone and then find a younger man!

in scandinavia its comman that the woman is 5-15 years older, and same vice versa..

after all an averege woman live 10 years longer than averege man, so if they are same age she is going to be alone for 10 years maybe, and if HE is 10 older then she is likely to be alone for 20 years! :(

but I dont wanted to discuss whats good and not good... I just wanted to ask if there are some Polish women about 40 years who would like a 30 years old man???

do you think so ? ?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
12 Feb 2009 /  #5
after all an averege woman live 10 years longer than averege man, so if they are same age she is going to be alone for 10 years maybe, and if HE is 10 older then she is likely to be alone for 20 years! :(

There is a problem with your mathimatics on this one.
- average woman live 10 years longer
- if they are same age she is going to be alone for 10 years
- if HE is 10 older then she is likely not to be alone!
- And here is the kicker if HE/YOU is ten years younger she is likely to be alone for 20 years!

I don't care, if you like older women, so what, non of my business.
It is probably better if you find an individual who you like and ask her on a date.
All these hypothetical situations do not help anyone.

Good luck.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
12 Feb 2009 /  #6
I know a 50 year old Polish woman who is dating a 27 year old. He is Polish too, but she has previously dated younger men of other nationalities. Not sure if this is an exception though and they do live in the UK, which I guess might be easier than in Poland.

You need to join some polish dating websites, just get someone else to write your profile for you so you dont sound too desperate.
foxtrot1213 2 | 43  
12 Feb 2009 /  #7
If you don't mind raising other's children then send her to me when you have her :D
OP Marco78 1 | 15  
12 Feb 2009 /  #8
" There is a problem with your mathimatics on this one.
- average woman live 10 years longer
- if they are same age she is going to be alone for 10 years
- if HE is 10 older then she is likely not to be alone!
- And here is the kicker if HE/YOU is ten years younger she is likely to be alone for 20 years! "

please read again what I wrote; I wrote I want to have a lady who already har her children, in other words she separated,, and when I marry her she was maybe alone only for 1-3 years! and since I am 10 years younger - she will not be alone at all when she is old, becos I will not die 10 years before her as most men at her age will... and if men lives to lets say 72 and women to 82 - then of course HE will die 20 years before her if he is also 10 years older..

but this was not my interest to discuss...

I only asked for advise if some Polish women would feel ready to marry a younger man
Calicoe 2 | 133  
12 Feb 2009 /  #9
This is actually a funny thread for me. I am a 45-year-old woman with Polish/Hungarian blood, but I always attract much younger men. This was starting to become a problem for me. I started to get tired of always attracting twenty-something males, and decided to just wait until I could find a good 30-something male, or 40-something who is in good shape - which is rare- and just wait. Tonight, this twenty-three year old male who has been eyeing me for awhile finally made the move. I resisted but then he said I was being ageist. He finally convinced me; oh well, here we go again ....
OP Marco78 1 | 15  
12 Feb 2009 /  #10
Calicoe -

I knew it! :) I am happy to hear about it!

Good luck for you both !

I still wait for answers from Polish people or from people living in Poland more recently
McCoy 27 | 1268  
12 Feb 2009 /  #11
I still wait for answers from Polish people or from people living in Poland more recently

is it possible for me, a 30 years old foreign man, to find a woman who is 35-45 years old, who will be ready to live with me or even fall in love with me?

Marco, love isn't mathematics. Everything is possible.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
12 Feb 2009 /  #12
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts.

I did not mean to offend you Marco78, I still do not understand your maths but as you said it is not the point of this discuss.

I don't think there is a big thing about age, when everyone involved is old enough.

Good luck
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
12 Feb 2009 /  #13
I still wait for answers from Polish people or from people living in Poland more recently

Really what are you waiting for? You've had some good ideas here so far both from Polish people and people living in Poland.

This woman you search will not come looking for you, you'll have to search for her. Perhaps join a dating site where you can be specific about what you seek...
mbiernat 3 | 107  
13 Feb 2009 /  #14
1) No one knows how long God will give anyone on this earth. So do not look at stats. Find your destiny no matter what age and enjoy everyday.

2) Take trips to Poland, real is always better than internet.
3) All depends who you are, but I think there is someone for everyone.
Softsong 5 | 492  
13 Feb 2009 /  #15
I have had a serious relationship with a younger Polish man for three years. I was 50 and he was 21. His parents were not happy about our age difference, but they came to love me and we all got a long just fine. It was a fantastic relationship for both of us. After being together for about a year and a half, he wanted to marry me, but I began to feel guilty since he did want to have children initially. I struggled and decided to see if I could become pregnant. Miraculously I did conceive and lost the baby in my third month. Just too darned old to be able to give him what I wished.

You would not put her through that struggle. You know already you do not wish to have children.

And, your situation is really not THAT much of an age-gap. It is a problem when the man or woman is so young that they have not experienced life yet. Once both are adults, love is ageless.

In fact there is a support site for YM/OW and OM/YW. It's called [agelesslove]. Most of the couples there did not deliberately seek each other out due to an age preference, but they just happened to meet someone that rocked their boat and there was a large age gap. They come looking for support since many times society, friends and family do not understand.

People do understand what they think is primarily a hot sexual combination. So many times I got the "you go girl" thing when for us, we both wished that we were closer in age because we loved each other, and wanted to make a life together.

There are some people like you that just know they have a preference for older or younger and seek it out. There are dating sites that cater to people looking for age-gap relationships. Even regular sites can be useful. Why not sign up for a Polish dating site and see the women in that age group. While they might be taken aback at first, if you treat them like you would any woman you are interested in, you may get a good response.

Or some might think it is just for fun on your part and have trouble accepting that you really want to find a mate in this age group. Since she will not be dependent upon parents due to being established in life, she can move forward IF she falls in love with you, and IF you show her your steadfastness.

I NEVER would have entered into a relationship with my ex-YM, but for 8 patient months he courted me till I realized that you only live once. I am ever so glad that we did get together, even though I believed forever was unfair for him. I perhaps should not have made that decision for him, but I did. Pushing him away was the most painful experience of my life. Now we are still friends and after seven years of no longer seeing each other in person, I visited him this fall. It was an awesome reunion.

I wish you good luck and experience knowing it can work. Especially if the gap is so small. My current boyfriend is 11 years younger than me. We both live in the USA and we are not aware of any gap.
Calicoe 2 | 133  
14 Feb 2009 /  #16
Thank you for your wonderful post, Softsong. You aimed it at Marco, but you actually helped and inspired me a lot. I have been feeling so guilty about my relationships with much younger men, but they always seek me out! I cannot get away from them. I like oder men also, but they are usually married, have very old attitudes, or literally look like they could be my father that it is very difficult.

I had a relationship with the love of my life when he was 18 and I was 30. We literally looked the same age at the time, and his family adored me. But, I knew after two years I had to let him go, because it would be profoundly unfair to hold on to him and deprive him of that youthful freedom. I know I did the right thing, and I also know that his relationship with me enhanced him as a man, and his future dealings with women. Good for him - but what about me? I had a broken heart for years. I am still not the same, even more than 10 years afterwards.

And now, I am in a situation where I am surrounded by much younger men. Most are in their twenties, and right now there are at least 4 that I know of who are attracted. I have already turned down two of them, because I always think back to the relationship that ripped my guts out, even while I was doing the right thing by letting him go. I also don't fancy becoming a sexual fethish or sexual experiment for twenty-something guys.

So, I am in a strange place. I feel too old emotionally for twenty-somethings, but too young or different for many men my age or older. My latest conclusion is that I think men in their thirties will be the best possible match for me. They are young enough for older women in that they have the younger attitude toward women, but old enough to be mature men. So, I am looking for my hot 30-something male ;) I'm sure he is out there somewhere.

In the meantime, I may have a little fun with the twenty-something boy-toys, sometimes ...
Softsong 5 | 492  
14 Feb 2009 /  #17
Thanks Calicoe! I feel happy if I was able to help you, and I hope Marco will also be encouraged. :-)
Eurola 4 | 1898  
14 Feb 2009 /  #18
Younger foreign man dating older polish women ?

Some people will do anything to be the citizen of EU, I guess... and then..there is love.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Feb 2009 /  #19
agree.. kinda weird that hes not wanting his own kids. would that upset plans?
Eurola 4 | 1898  
14 Feb 2009 /  #20
He gets the card, then he gets a younger woman and kids...I guess.
Good to see you Patty, keep on kicking ass. You do it well. :)
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Feb 2009 /  #21
see, and they wonder why we throw darts at them, so many men trying to
take advantage of women.. younger and older.

Thanks Eurola, good to see you too, I dont want to kick arse, even though
every now and then its required to keep some of the wild ones in line :) LOL

I might give this job up.. its been a while since I had time to come to PF and
actually hang out for a while. :)
14 Feb 2009 /  #22
see, and they wonder why we throw darts at them, so many men trying to
take advantage of women.. younger and older.

It takes two to tango, fortunately, Patty.

I might give this job up.. its been a while since I had time to come to PF and
actually hang out for a while. :)

Give ya $50 bucks for it.
Eurola 4 | 1898  
14 Feb 2009 /  #23
I know, I'm very busy too. Sometimes I peek in, but don't hang out.
I chime in when when something catches my eye, like this dating older polish women (read:marrying for a EU card) because that's what it really is.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Feb 2009 /  #24
Give ya $50 bucks for it.

u trying to buy me out??

know, I'm very busy too. Sometimes I peek in, but don't hang out.
I chime in when when something catches my eye, like this dating older polish women (read:marrying for a EU card) because that's what it really is.

yeah hes scandanavian. but really scavenger.. their should be a country set aside
for pigs like this.
Calicoe 2 | 133  
14 Feb 2009 /  #25
I know, I'm very busy too. Sometimes I peek in, but don't hang out.
I chime in when when something catches my eye, like this dating older polish women (read:marrying for a EU card) because that's what it really is.

Denmark and Sweden are part of the EU, as is fellow Nordic country Finland. Norway is not be has a high standard of living, and Iceland is not Scandanavian. Also, Polish women seem to take care of themselves just fine.

Don't you think you jumped the gun a bit?
OP Marco78 1 | 15  
14 Feb 2009 /  #26
Today, 05:23 #24

Give ya $50 bucks for it.

u trying to buy me out??

know, I'm very busy too. Sometimes I peek in, but don't hang out.
I chime in when when something catches my eye, like this dating older polish women (read:marrying for a EU card) because that's what it really is.

yeah hes scandanavian. but really scavenger.. their should be a country set aside
for pigs like this.

Today, 05:12 #21

He gets the card, then he gets a younger woman and kids...I guess.
Good to see you Patty, keep on kicking ass. You do it well. :)

see, and they wonder why we throw darts at them, so many men trying to
take advantage of women.. younger and older.


THis was very unpleasant to hear... if it was directed towards me. I am really no "scavenger" and I really not trying to use someone. I am looking for Love of my life. I would never seach for a woman which I plan to leave for younger, older, more beautiful, etc etc etc... and I dont need any card for anything! I am EU citizen!

its very easy for you to jugde others..

I guess you are an angel yourself, since its your mission to judge people for what they are looking for..

thankyou very much!
Softsong 5 | 492  
14 Feb 2009 /  #27
And THAT is exactly the type of prejudice that my ex-boyfriend and I had to hear ALL the time. Of course, at that time rather than someone attempting to get into the European Union, it was that he must be with me for a green card to stay in the USA.

Well, heck, he hated the idea of living in the USA and wanted to bring ME to POLAND.

Hardly anyone could accept that a cute, young guy could love an older lady for real. It had to be because she wanted wild sex with a toy boy, or he wanted a green card.

That does happen a lot, but not all the time. And that is why I that I can help others who face this type of stereotype. And can help people to see that they may be hurting an otherwise happy couple by their pre-judging everyone who falls in love with someone older or younger than themselves.
Calicoe 2 | 133  
14 Feb 2009 /  #28
Hardly anyone could accept that a cute, young guy could love an older lady for real. It had to be because she wanted wild sex with a toy boy, or he wanted a green card.

That does happen a lot, but not all the time. And that is why I that I can help others who face this type of stereotype. And can help people to see that they may be hurting an otherwise happy couple by their pre-judging everyone who falls in love with someone older or younger than themselves.

Absoltuely, and it is also incredibly condescending and belittling to the woman, as if there is something wrong with her or she needs protecting. There is nothing wrong with responsible relationships between adults, and there is definitely nothing wrong with wild or hot sex.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Younger foreign man dating older polish women ?Archived