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Posts by Oscypek  

Joined: 11 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 May 2009
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Posts: Total: 107 / In This Archive: 60
From: US

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31 Oct 2007
Life / Why are Poles attracted to animals? [53]

why would you even think of these things?

I think we know why... and don't want to know any more about what else this freak may be thinking.
2 Nov 2007
News / Things you might not know about Poland [76]

Quoting: z_darius - The first Constitution in Europe was adopted in Poland on May, 3. 1791 in Warsaw. also the second in the world behind USA

Good point!
14 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / An Englishman's View on Polish flocking to the UK [53]

why is poland such a mess ?

Because Poland didn't get to benefit from Billions of US dollars in the form of the US Marshall plan like the UK did after WWII.
3 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / USA, the nation of immigrants [30]

Part of the culture there seems to be the turning of backs on all that has been left behind in the old world.

Not true... people pass down customs and traditions from their countries of origin for many generations. Maybe it's different in the UK.
21 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / Immigrants trigger Irish rethink [71]

Dude also thinks the majority of the Irish are ok with this. I never see or hear of many Irish complaining....about this anyway.

"Dude" is right about this...
21 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Health care, USA is messed up what about your country? [33]

I know elderly that cut pills in half to save money. That to me is sick

How about this regarding US health care? --

Voters' questions increase as N.H. primaries near

"I'm a health care voter," Sandra Burt, 65, declares before a roundtable with Illinois Sen. Obama starts at a Concord restaurant serendipitously called The Common Man. Laid off six months ago, she is struggling to pay for medicine that costs $2,900 a month for an auto-immune disorder.

During the roundtable, tears stream down Burt's cheeks as she describes her family's efforts to cope. "My husband has sold his truck, and he's cashed in his life insurance," she says. She asks Obama how high her prescription co-payments would be under his plan.
14 Jan 2008

As for me, I think I'm going to Dublin for a Joyce pilgrimage!

You'll have to visit the Lincoln Inn that was featured in one of Joyce's works. It's a very old pub that still exists. Joyce visited it often and married a woman that worked there.

"Lincoln's Inn re-opens its doors"
17 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Girlfriend obsessive and not trusting [59]

I was just woundering is this like the norm is polish girls very obsessive there boyfriend husband all time

It's known that Polish women like a LOT of attention. So, yes (to varying degrees).
5 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Experiences of Irish people who moved to Poland [27]

Hello,I am from Dublin and I live permanently in Poland near Krakow.

IrishJohn, having visited and spent time both countries I find your observations to be quite good. Excellent posts.
4 Mar 2008
USA, Canada / Pianist in Washington D.C. area? and a poem? [3]

but also wondered if anyone else had suggestions.

You may want to contact this fellow:

Marcin Zmudzki -

He runs this site:

His email address is:
20 Mar 2008
News / EU a beacon of light for the World to follow [85]

Ireland was considered the poorest state of Western Europe until 1973, when they joined the EU. This was mainly due to deValera's policy of putting the farmer's family as ideal for Irish society and refusing to modernize. It was thanks to the EU that they managed to catch up with the rest of Western Europe.

This is a far oversimplified analysis. Ireland did get a lot of money from the EU, however, which helped it build up to its current level of success.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / 90,000 Scottish Immigrants in Poland! [67]

Would it surprise you to know that in the 17thcentury, upwards of 40,000Scots (some figures state 60-90,000) immigrated to Poland?

This is not surprising. Many things like this happened in the past. Have a look at this from another thread:

"From 1670 to 1710, between 40,000 and 50,000 (French) Huguenots moved to England." At the time the population of England was 5,240,000. See this site for more information.

At this time it is thought that 400,000 Polish people have moved to the UK where the current population is about 60,587,000. See this site for confirmation:

It is also thought that one in every four English people have French Huguenot ancestry.

These sites have more information on this:
2 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

: I'll take an illegal pole over a Mexican't anyday!

yeah but think of the food mate. one one hand you have a plate of soggy, starch filled pierogies with a side order of grated cabbage and on the other you have a plate full of fresh and flavoursom ingredients, with a side order of jalapenos

Starch?! You must not have had a lot of mex food. There's tons of corn starch in it. And, plenty of fresh "flavoursom ingredients" in PL food...
2 May 2008
Life / How to deal with rude rich Polish people? [65]

The Polish race have never been very industrious and hard working

It seems like most people in the UK agree that Polish people work quite hard, so... I guess your post is wrong. Also, in previous posts, haven't you mention that your wife is Polish?
2 May 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Since participants here are mostly Americans, you were fed antirussian propaganda for generations. You are basking in conquering USSR and not realizing that it does not exist anymore.

Your post shows a great deal of ignorance. Have you ever been to the US?
2 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Are the Poles in England hated? [450]

I you believe that...

Why don't you go and take a typing or grammar class (I bet a lot of Poles speak better English than you)?

On second thought, just go have a few more pints of XXXX lager.
5 May 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Good question for well educated Americans is where the following quote comes from: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need(s)", most will answer American Constitution.

More people would know than you'd think - it's from the same folks who promoted the idea of a graduated income tax and public education--among other things.
9 Dec 2008
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

And what is an Irish 7 course meal? A six pack of beer and a boiled potato. What is a Canadian 7 course meal? A six pack and a doughnut. What is a redneck 7 course meal? There isn't one! Beer comes in a 6 pack not a seven pack.

How do the Scottish celebrate...? One fellow buys one beer and splits in to six parts to share with five of his friends.