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Joined: 17 Jun 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 May 2009
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4 Aug 2008
Work / Moving to Poland in 3 weeks to study! [30]

I will get a student loan arounde 1130 USD each month to live of.

I wish I could live on 1130 zlotys per month, not to mention dollars.
That's enough for food, accomodation (if you share an appartment or live in a campus), photocopies and alcohol.

Are people friendly to foreigners in Poland? Do many poles speak english?

I think they're quite friendly. Most students speak English.

What can you expect to use for a night out in a city like Poznan?

0,5 of vodka and a pack of cigarettes. Student life...
4 Aug 2008
Life / Cyganski Music [10]

Oh, that means that we can also talk about African, Australian or Tibetan influences in Polish music. It's enough to listen to Karpaty Magiczne discography.
4 Aug 2008
Language / Polish verbs are conjugated with a separate ending for all six persons: I, you, he, she, it, we, you [29]

Achilles, sorry to say that but your 'essay' contains a lot of errors:

Polish verbs are conjugated with a separate ending for all six persons: I, you, he, she, it, we, you and they.

Errr... there are only 3 persons in most languages...

You forgot that in present tense 3rd person singular has only one ending (the same for he she and it) but in past tense and future tense for perfective verbs 1. and 2. person singular have different endings for masculine and feminine gender and 3rd person has 3 gender endings (masc. fem. AND neuter) and in plural each person has two endings for each gender (virile and non-virile - męskoosobowy i niemęskoosobowy).

When the verb is in the future it is formed with auxiliary, which corresponds to the word: will.

Future forms of perfective verbs have no auxiliary. Imperfective verbs future forms are formed using the auxiliary but then, what corresponds to that auxiliary in English would be: will be -ing.

I will do - zrobię
I will be doing - będę robił/robiła/robić

There is no longer any Past Perfect in Polish (it disappeared in 1945), meaning that it is impossible just using a verb to say "I had eaten" or "I had lived".

Wrong. It is very rare and sounds old-fashioned but it's still in use (by old people or some academic freaks), so you can't say it disappeared.

It should also be noted that in the Present there is no distinction between "I do something" and "I am doing something".

Sometimes it depends on whether the verb is perfective or imperfective.
I go to the cinema - Chodzę do kina.
I'm going to the cinema - Idę do kina.
However, it is not possible most of the verb pairs, e.g. in case robić/zrobić (to do) because "zrobić" has no present form.

Even the state of being drunk has nothing to do with drinking in the past.

'Cause, you know, adjectives do not have an inherent concept of 'past' in them, usually. Yeah, in Polish 'He's drunk' is expressed by copula+Adj. 'On jest pijany'...

while the reflexive form is frequently used when speaking about self or others.

obejrzeć - to see/watch something
obejrzeć się - to look back
nosić - to wear
nosić się - to dress (in a certain way); e.g. nosić się elegancko - to dress elegant
Polish reflexives are more complicated...

The verbs fall into three conjugations, so there are three grammatical sets of rules to be learnt in order to decline verbs in their tenses.

A bit more (click on Classical tables of the Polish conjugation.)
3 Aug 2008
Language / Basic words to say to a Polish girl? [40]

charris0n, don't worry.
At this age children do not LEARN language but ACQUIRE it in a more natural way similar to that of acquiring their mother tongue. Therefore, they learn it fast and relatively effortlessly. I think you should help her by non-verbal communication rather than trying to speak Polish.

I've never met anyone who would like to sent his/her child to english school without any knowledge about this language. It may appear very difficult for you to start. Actually it's almost impossible to learn this child english without any basics.

If you knew some psycholinguistics basics, that wouldn't seem so scary. I even heard an opinion (from a specialist), that if you want your children to speak English better (especially in terms of pronunciation) and you're a foreigner, you should not speak English at home at all lest your children take up your foreigner errors and accent.
1 Aug 2008
Life / Polish Shelf Toilets [32]

That's one thing they might tell you to check (to see if you're digesting fats properly? IANAD) , but back in the day I was told to monitor consistency/texture and check for minute traces of blood. [...] And let's not even talk about taking poop samples to the lab ;)

You need either a shelf toilet or a potty for this. I think a self toilet is better... nobody forces you to look when not necessary.
1 Aug 2008
News / Superstitions about chimney sweepers and snake in Polish gardens [52]

I've heard the cold months are better, but I don't know how truthful that is.

It's probably true because in summer there are more people on the beaches who look for amber ;-)

bramkaz, thanks for the link. I just learnt about the bats reserve - that's so cool. I must go there one day.
1 Aug 2008
Life / Money - a taboo subject in Poland [25]

Most people are feeling the pressure of the cost of living these days - whether they admit it or not. There is no shame in not having a lot of money

If you explain it to young Polish kids who mock other kids for not having brand clothes, you're my idol.
Most people who lack money, don't admit it. When I worked in a clothes factory, my work-mates (poor manual workers' marriage, mind you) were discussing buying home cinema but they planned to go for one week's camping for holidays - because having expensive stuff to show your guests is more important than having good time. Knowing them a little, I'm sure that was their intention.
31 Jul 2008
Life / Polish Train Travel - Scary? [101]

The scariest thing on Polish trains are the toilets...

I travel by trains a lot and most often I am alone and I sleep. What's more, I am a young, slightly built female with no chance to protect myself against physical attack. And somehow, I'm still alive and have never got robbed ;-)

I usually either put my documents and money to my bag and use this bag as a pillow when I sleep - it's not possible put one's hand inside it or pull it from under my head without waking me up. Or I put my precious stuff into an inner hidden pockets of my combat trousers (if I wear them) - it's also very unlikely that someone would steal them. I lay down on the seat, fall asleep and set my alarm clock to wake me up before I arrive at my destination. The only problem I've ever had were loutish passengers I travelled with.

The other thing is that usually when I sleep on a train, I look in a way that most Poles find scary, so maybe that's why nobody has ever dared to rob me ;-)
31 Jul 2008
Language / nice things to say to a girl in polish [103]

fajna dupa (f-eye-na-doo-pa) < Need this.

Do you want to get a slap on your face or something?
It means: a nice piece of ass

Dziewuszka is a patronizing word for a little girl. Nothing a woman would like to be called.
31 Jul 2008
Life / Cyganski Music [10]

i am sure polish,russian,ukrainian also has some but not as much

Any examples, please?
31 Jul 2008
Life / Money - a taboo subject in Poland [25]

How much did you pay for that car?
How much rent do you pay?
What do you earn a month?

You can ask your close friend about it.

In case of complaining that something is expensive, I think that many people are ashamed of not being able to afford something. Many people buy brand clothes to seem richer than they are, many kids think calling their parents poor is the worst insult of all. If you complain about the price, it means that the price is a problem to you, therefore you've got no money.

It's silly, because most people in Poland do in fact earn very little, including well-educted ones.

It's funny, when I go to a shop and I say: "I'd like the cheapest mineral water that you have, please.", the seller usually looks at me as if I were an idiot or some kind of tramp.
29 Jul 2008
Travel / Manufaktura Center in Lodz [3]

I hate shopping centres but I must admit Manufaktura is quite OK. It has some kind of atmosphere and interersting architecture. It doesn't feel like a shopping centre, more like a square in some old city.

I go there only when I want to buy something or see a 3d film but when I'm already there, I'm not as disgusted as usually in such places. And as far as shopping is concerned - I think it's the best place for clothes in £ódź (at least it has such reputation), but if you want to buy books or records, it's hopeless. You can get only the easy available stuff.
22 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

Del boy - you can find it in any school book. Eg. from 1736 - 1763 no single bill was passed in Polish Sejm, because all the sessions were interrupted by liberum veto principle. Do you really think that's good for the state? That we cannot blame such political system for Poland's collapse? It's rather obvious it was a very important factor.

What's 'peasant mentality'? Being friendly to the 'different ones', respecting their culture and accepting their hospitality in return? Then, OK, I can have a peasant mentality. Not going to resign: I'll keep singing Jewish songs, having fun with it, visiting new places and meeting nice people. I like to see very old Jews laughing or crying at hearing songs from their childhood, or from the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, and I like them to come and thank me and the others I sing with for what we're doing. A handshake with a grateful ghetto survivor means more to me than all the xenophobic bullsh*t I hear about myself.
22 Jul 2008
Language / The sound of the Polish 'R' [33]

Learning, what's your native language? (If English, than which dialect).

Most foreigners think that Polish r is a trill, just like the Scottish one, but in fact it's a tap. I mean, you can say it like a Scottish 'r' but it would sound strangely emphasized.

It is just identical with the 't' in 'getting' with standard American pronunciation.
22 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

That’s shown your level of integration into polish society; speak polish, probably with polish surname but simple emulate being polish among other poles,

Yes, with Polish surname, speak Polish and I don't have to emulate being Polish or integrate into Polish society, because I am pure Polish (as far as I know). Just a bit better educated than usual because I have some notion of cultures of other nations.

no wonder why Jews had do its business in time when most Poles were busy in many uprisings from Russian or Prussian dependency in XIX c

That's what I'm talking about when mentioning Polish tradition of stupid conflicts. OK, so we had to fight Russian and Prussian and Austria. But was it because bad bad Russians and Teutons kept plotting to get our land? No, before Poland lost its independence, it was weakened by being governed by a bunch of idiots who got into quarrels during sejmiki szlacheckie instead of thinking of their COMMON interest. It were the Poles who weakened Poland and when we realised we should get together and do something about it - it was too late. So our neighbours only took advantage of the mess Polish nobility made. I've been witnessing similiar behaviour in modern Polish society: people concentrate on political conflicts, continue endless rows about the past, teczki a lot of other crap instead of concentrating on moving on with our economy. Czechs, for example, moved much further in economy than Poles, but we started from the same point.

But when I learn about Jewish history, I see they always keep together, not only in a crisis situation (yeah, Jews were NOT in a crisis throughout all their history, contrary to popular opinion)- that's the difference.

And that stuff about Jews supporting only each other and letting no goyim get into their busines... well, from my experience I can tell that if you are Jewish-friendly, Jews suddenly come out to be very goyim-friendly. I have seen many interesting places (e.g. a trip to Germany that I wouldn't have afforded), been to a lot of wonderful parties and events, eaten a lot of delicious food and even earned some money just because I'm a Jewish-friendly gentile. Without those nasty Jews, I wouldn't have it all. And I never had to pretend that I'm Jewish to get it. I just sang their songs.
20 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

Why don't Jews flock to Israel???

I mean that's what they always wanted, isn't it? Their holy land back...

WTF? Always wanted?
Man, read some stuff before you write about problematic and difficult issues. Zionism started in 19th century and has always been controversial among Jews. There are still many Jews who disagree with Zionism and do not accept the state of Israel.

What they always wanted is for the Messiah to come and get their land WITH Messiah, not by secular political actions.
Some Jews got an idea to create a Jewish state, and many Jews went there because they had nowhere to go (like Polish Jews in '68) or they could expect better life there (like Ethiopian Jews). But that doesn't mean that all the Jews in the world support Zionism and the State of Israel.

There still live more Jews in the US than in Israel, not to mention that many want to leave their hard fought for land again!

Maybe they want live more like the Jews lived in Europe before the war? It's much easier in the US than in Israel, you know...

Excuse me, maybe my impression is wrong but in short jewish history seems to be one of suffering, persecution, pogroms, death, banishment, isolation, expulsion, oppression and some more suffering...

Reading your post I get the impression you don't know too much of the Jewish history.

[quotw]Does nobody ever ask why?[/quote]
Why Jews were often persecuted? I can give you several simple reasons.

1. They were always different.

People usually persecute anyone who is different. Jews didn't have their own land, so wherever they went, they were in the minority.

2. They lived in communities that were isolated from the rest of the society.

The laws of Judaism forces Jews to keep together. If you want to observe the law, you have to live close to a ritual butcher, you have to live close to a mikvah, you can never expect when you need to ask a rabbi about something and if you are a guy, you need at least 9 other guys to pray with every week or every day if you're in mourning. That forced Jews to live together.

And when they lived together, they became isolated from the outside world and gentiles didn't know about them. So, each time someone needed a scapegoat for some reason, Jews were the easiest target. Someone made up a fairy tale about using Christian blood for matzos and people bought it because they didn't know a s.hit about Jews. If something bad happened, Jews were the easiest to blame.

3. They were successful, so they were a dangerous competition.

Keeping together and supporting each other is something deeply rooted in Jewish culture and religion. Instead of wasting time for stupid conflicts (like Poles, for example), they supported each other so, as a group, they were usually more effective. What is more, the emphasis on intellect in Jewish culture is much stronger than in Christian culture, so Jews in effect were more educated. In the Middle Ages, when only the highest classes in Christian society could write and read, the poorly educated Jews (mainly women), were the ones who could read only Yiddish, not Hebrew. The standard was different.

In effect, Jews as a group were smarter and better organized thanks to their culture - so they were envied and hated.

Of course some other reason can be found as well.
19 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

I would not jump to the idea it was because of their religion.

It is not sure but it's very probable. I've heard enough anti-Semitic talk from people of various age and background, including my own grandfather. I also got into conflicts by simply stating that I know a lot of Jews and even make some business with them. Also, there have been several cases when young men were beaten up in streets because of having long hair (and thus, betraying our race), so I think ethnic/religious motive is the most probable one if hair can be enough.

WoW! that's an opening?, they look bored stiff!

That's what Lodz community is like - getting more and more stiff and Orthodox. They can't have proper fun even at Purim. Anyway, I wonder who's gonna use that mikvah (bath)...
18 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

In fact, I don't know what the motives were. They were attacked by some hooligans in the street (separate cases). It could be coincidence but as well it could be based on racial prejudice - Polish skinheads are quite well-informed.
18 Jul 2008
Love / Getting Engaged to Polish girl, asking permission from her dad? [19]

Its probably a good idea to sit down with the dad and discuss her dowry, how much he is going to cough up for you to take her off his hands, before you go to the expense of buying a ring etc

LMAO. That killed me! ROTFL!!!

OK, not to make fun of Ajb, I give my opinion, i.e. a Polish girl's opinion:
If a Polish guy asked my father for permission to marry me, I'd feel rather offended. As an adult person, it is I and only I who decides about such things. Why would a grown-up women need to ask daddy for permission, even a symbolic one?

If a foreigner did it, I'd forgive him (you must make allowances for foreigners getting strange ideas about our culture...)

For me, the acceptable scenario is: a guy proposes to me, I accept and then, we officially inform our parents about our decision, together. A party, during which the parents of the young couple would meet, would be a very good idea. Of course, I'd rather my parents knew him before they learn we get married.

We have 21st century and nowadays women decide who they marry themselves. They are no longer a property that goes from a father to a husband.
18 Jul 2008
Food / Polish Milk, Just not the same [54]

I get fresh milk from a farmer when I'm at my grandma's działka. I just take a bottle, go to the cottage and the farmer pours me some fresh milk into my bottle. Then I boil it, wait for it to cool down and it's delicious.
18 Jul 2008
Life / Cyganski Music [10]

Some people are fascinated by Romani culture and there are some Romani music festivals in Poland, but I wouldn't say there are a lot of influences of Romani music on Polish music. Sometimes you can hear some gypsy-inspired folk songs or sung poetry, some stuff of a gypsy girls in love etc. but this appears in the form of a stylization. Even if Romani elements are incorporated into Polish music, they remain an alien element.
18 Jul 2008
Life / Antisemitism in Poland; is it safe for a Jew to live in Poland? [193]

I'd say there's a lot of anti-Semites in Polish society but Polish institutions are very afraid of being accused of anti-Semitism. So, e.g. if you want to organize something connected with Jewish culture and you ask local authorities for help, they will help you lest somebody says they discriminate Jews :)

OK, to be more serious:
Polish Jewish communities have been developing quite well for some time and receive a lot of support from Joint Distribution Commitee. Although so far they are all Orthodox (but somebody wants to set up a Reformed community), most of them seem very supportive to all Jews, regardless of their religious views. They even support non-Jewish people who have something to do with Jews (e.g. they promote Jewish culture). Also, Chabad has been very active for some time and they even founded a yeshiva in Warsaw. Anyway, I think it would be good to contact local Jewish community for support or advice.

Still, there are many anti-Semites in Poland. Last year I learnt about the cases of two Jews I know personally, being beaten up in my city. On the other hand, a few months ago I walked through the £ódź city centre accompanied by four Jewish girls and a rabbi with a beard, sidelocks, kippah, tzitzit etc, it was past 1 a.m., a lot of drunk people going home from parties and the rabbi, to my surprise, didn't even get verbally abused.

I think nobody would pay attention to your necklace, but if you wore a kippah, I'd recommend you to wear some other headgear over it in public. It really depends on who you come across: you may encounter anti-Semites but you may also have to deal with normal people. But you should be careful all the time.
18 Jul 2008
Life / Teens in Poland, their typical life, schooling, influences, etc. [32]

I think that the impression that Polish youth is turning to religion was caused by the mass panic after the death of Karol Wojtyła. But in fact, in was an ephemeral phenomenon. Most teens try to be as trendy and western as possible and being a pious, traditional Catholic is not exactly so cool.
13 Jul 2008
Life / Teens in Poland, their typical life, schooling, influences, etc. [32]

are you talking about this art ?

That's what I'm talking about. About a girl who got a sentence for showing some crap in a gallery.

In my opinion you show some examples from time when we had PiS gov. Now we have new gov. :)

Alright. An example from yesterday.

I just came back from a concert that did not take place. The reason for it was that a group of devotees didn't like it. The local parish priest made up a petition to the local authorities to cancel the concert and somebody called some electricians to ask them to cut off the electricity to the place where the concert was supposed be (Twierdza Kłodzka).

In effect, people came from all over Poland and from abroad, the bands arrived but... somebody CUT A CABLE (the loss is estimated for 2500 zł). The damage was repaired but the electricity went down again and the whole thing was cancelled.

And here's the proof that I haven't made this story up:

No, there's no problem. PiS government is gone, so everything came back to normal.

One little question: seeing that you speak at least two languages and are able to use Internet, I assume you belong to the more educated part of Polish society. So my question is: do you have to deal a lot with people such as manual workers, uneducated-unemployed, housewives after primary schools, farmers etc.?

I found the link to the English article about that concert: