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If it was up to me, the US taxpayers wouldn't have to pay for the European defense. I see no reason for me to have to pay for your defense out of my pocket. As it stands for now I pay for it out of my taxes. And then to make it even worse I have to hear from you winning about it.
That's another big misconception that the US media and government managed to put into some, even smart, heads.
Without the US lending or giving away money and creating DEBT the US would go bankrupt overnight. It is only creation of debt that still allows the US to breathe. Notice the US is looking for any occasion to lend money or even give it away for free to keep the US dollar the global currency. Recently they gave 1B to Georgia to "rebuild their infrastructure." Not to mention a dozen of billions to "rebuild Iraq." And, of course, the US tax payers are paying for that.
Now you ask your senator what about YOUR country's infrastructure? Do they care and worry they spend OUR (American) money from our taxes to keep this sick and fraudulent global banking system alive? Either way, this system is due to crash in this century as it is impossible to keep it any longer.