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rychlik 41 | 372  
18 Oct 2008 /  #1
Bush held a ceremony recently to congratulate a bunch of Eastern European countries (Czech Republic, Latvia) in no longer needing visas to travel to the States. Poland wasn't included. After all the assistance we've given them and we get snubbed. This is pure discrimination. F**k America. They need more Mexicans.
18 Oct 2008 /  #2
I know it's getting beyond a joke, but this decision was made about six months ago I believe.
I just hope it changes when Barack Obama becomes president.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6,148  
18 Oct 2008 /  #3
So what ? Who wants to go to that mess ?
OP rychlik 41 | 372  
18 Oct 2008 /  #4
True... they seem to want to make it into a Mexico #2 but European friends they spit in the face of. I think Poles just want the freedom to travel to the most "prominent" country in the world. That's all.
Easy_Terran 3 | 312  
18 Oct 2008 /  #5
So what ? Who wants to go to that mess ?


I am, on the other hand, on my way out. That is when, or rather IF, I get a job in Polandia.
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #6
Can an admin delete this thread please?

This is blatant racism and should not be allowed one way like this or at all really.

This is about the third thread on this old topic the last days and they keep getting more aggressive and ignoring facts. This is NOT an anti Poland policy. Poland has to follow the same rules as anyone.

Every time this whining drivel is posted I will point out the facts...that Poland doesn't get free visa travel because too many stay illegally..more than the minimum. That is the only reason. It's not a conspiracy, it's not to snub Poland. Once the percentage of illegals is below the minimum Poland will be allowed visa free.
jonni 16 | 2,481  
18 Oct 2008 /  #7
that Poland doesn't get free visa travel because too many stay illegally..more than the minimum. That is the only reason. It's not a conspiracy, it's not to snub Poland. Once the percentage of illegals is below the minimum Poland will be allowed visa free.

This is true. The US has clearly defined laws about the visa waiver scheme. People go to the US for many reasons. One of them is that they want to be in a country where the rule of law is observed.
Easy_Terran 3 | 312  
18 Oct 2008 /  #8
One of them is that they want to be in a country where the rule of law is observed.

We could have observed this 'law' couple of times, two of 'em with quite a few fireworks, when the most retarded man in the world was 'elected' a president of that country.

F-ing joke.

Edit: typo.
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #9
So you are saying since sometimes laws are broken then it means we should just get rid of them?

You are Polish...tired of the US and trying to come back to's pretty clear you are biased.

The USA has many problems just like any other place but overall it is a good place with good people. Poland has no moral or quality of life's just your home and you will always have a special place for that in your heart.

I know it doesn't speak for all Poles...well I hope not anyway...but the one's who post here are VERY racist and egotistical generally.
sledz 23 | 2,248  
18 Oct 2008 /  #10
Every time this whining drivel is posted I will point out the facts...that Poland doesn't get free visa travel because too many stay illegally

Of course, but people here just dont or they refuse to understand this?
If people returned home when thier visa`s expired they wouldnt ruin it for everybody else that would like to come here.

This is about the third thread on this old topic

I seen this topic in about 10 different threads, just worded differently
same ol same ol, it goes on and on:).
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1,535  
18 Oct 2008 /  #11
Frankly...I Dont Care.

I have no intention to travel USA... However, I think the USA should lift visa for all the countries (accept some middle eastern and afghanistan...due to their security risk). It is everyone's right to visit USA, if they can afford to do so. They can lift it for 90 to 180 days for them.

Many people wish to see USA atleast once. And if we believe in will not burst USA if they lift the visa.


Is is true that you are now sledzbulla!?? :)
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #12
So since lots of people want to see the USA we should allow even more people in there who will stay illegally and put more of a burden on the US?

The visa thing is reasonable. It's people who think they deserve something and refuse to put the blame on their own countrymen who are ruining it for them that are not.

I know that if a huge number of Americans were coming to and living illegally in Poland, and they had to get a visa and complained about it, that you would think very differently than you do now. The hypocrisy is astounding.
18 Oct 2008 /  #13
where do you live gtd?
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #14
Warsaw...from the States though as I have mentioned.

I am not saying Poles shouldn't be allowed in the US or something stupid. Just saying everyone has to follow the rules and so many Poles think it is some personal insult.

I have had more than my fair share of trouble with immigration stuff here so I get that it is frustrating...but direct the anger where it the illegal Poles mucking it up for the honest ones.
18 Oct 2008 /  #15
but direct the anger where it the illegal Poles mucking it up for the honest ones.

fair point, but lately we are hearing that a lot of American citizens need to resort to leaving Poland for a day or so in order to renew their stay in Poland , so from that perspective they should understand that when it comes to immigration on personal level, things get really complicated and curb the quality of living for those who want to have a choice.
18 Oct 2008 /  #16
to the illegal Poles mucking it up for the honest ones.

very true
PolskaDoll 28 | 2,098  
18 Oct 2008 /  #17
to the illegal Poles mucking it up for the honest ones.

So how do you stop them? Requiring them to have a visa hasn't stopped the illegals so far...
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #18
It is an attempt and stops more than if there was no know that.

There obvioulsy is no perfect or even great solution at hand...but you can't drop the rules because some people are put off by them. It's better than nothing. This way they can TRY to filter out people more likely to stay.

I still say if the shoe was on the other foot this wouldn't even be discussed here.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
18 Oct 2008 /  #19
I still say if the shoe was on the other foot this wouldn't even be discussed here.

And yet it is being discussed here. Check michaelmansuns's posts.
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #20
No...I didn't mean that, I know what he means as I am on that side of things. I am saying the Poles wouldn't care in the least if Yanks were not allowed here (Poland) without visas. In fact when topics of Poland's inconsistent and unclear immigration policies come up those complaining about it get slammed and insulted. It is very one way here.

My point is the hypocrisy. I don't think most people complaining about this are interested in fairness...I think they just want 'theirs'. If another country was not allowed in without a visa I don't think anyone here would be upset at all or call it unfair. It is about their selfishness and refusal to admit who is responsible for them not being allowed in. I am pleased to see some posters here realize that.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
18 Oct 2008 /  #21
No...I didn't mean that I I know what he means as I am on that side of things. I am saying the Poles wouldn't care in the least if Yanks were not allowed here (Poland) without visas.

True. I am one of those Poles you mention here. However I also don't see a bunch of Americans conserned about Poles still needing visas to visit USA. I think it is natural.

I see where are you coming from though. Personally I understand both sides. American government that it sticks to the rules and Poles that feel that American government isn't "treating them fair" in comparison to other countries, like for example Latvia, who certainly didn't prove to be as faithful ally as Poland did.
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #22
This isn't about doing 'favors' for an ally. Latvia meets the threshold for illegals...Poland does is simple. I'd say giving Poland special treatment because they are an ally would be unfair. Nobody cares about fairness until it affects them.

I also have no illusions that Poland is a USA ally because they love American and our ways...they do it because they KNOW the USA is the most powerful nation 'for now' that fits roughly into their belief system and they know it has advantages to be the big boys's friend. (ie I can't see Poland aligning with Russia even if Russia was the biggest power)

Nations are only friends for what they can get from others so it doesn't hold water to say that Poland is being a "friend" and not getting enough favors in return.
sledz 23 | 2,248  
18 Oct 2008 /  #23
I have this friend who overstayed her visa by 4 years, and she could have renewed
it but didnt??
Anyways she had to go back to Poland because her Ma became sick and since she overstayed her visa they will not let her back in the country for 10 years.

I feel sorry for her because I like her and shes a nice girl, we talk on skype and gg
a few times a week, its only been a little over a year now since she left.
She wants to come back now.

Maybe if she didnt break the rules things would be different?
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #24
Not maybe...for sure. This is not an ambiguous issue. People generally don't care about the rules until they affect them directly. Had she followed the rules she would not have a problem now.

I don't like how hard it is to get things done here in Poland but I know if I don't follow the rules and stay illegally this can happen to me. Lot's of Poles go to the US with the intention of doing this...I know several myself.

If Americans in large numbers were doing this in Poland the Poles would be up in arms. Let's just be honest.

The guy who posted this topic is a Pole in Canada...angry the US is restrictive even though there is a reason...and he then says "@$#%@ the USA" and things like that. This attitude is ridiculous. It's not about Poland it is about selfish children not getting their way.

I don't understand how Polish people stand living in Poland if rules and bureaucracy bothers them this is much worse here than in the USA.
18 Oct 2008 /  #25
"@$#%@ the USA

You're going to hear that no matter what you do. Visa / No Visa, Iraq / No Iraq. It doesn't matter and it will always be Europeans leading the chorus.

At this juncture it's best to lift the visa requirement and encourage travel from any and all Europeans, because there's this nice little thing called sales tax that can really add up in the long run.

like for example Latvia, who certainly didn't prove to be as faithful ally as Poland did.

Yes you provided about 2,500 troops something like that? And now the American tax payer is about to foot half the cost of the missile shield the Poles suddenly became interested in. At a time when we have no business whatsoever doing this. It's not as if you've been snubbed all that much. Also, 10,000,000 people who share your blood live within our borders.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
18 Oct 2008 /  #26
If Americans in large numbers were doing this in Poland the Poles would be up in arms. Let's just be honest.

Of course. As I said, I understand your and sledz's point, but it doesn't change the fact that for a common man american government sends a clear message that the efforst Poland is making for the USA, like sending it's troops for american wars and risking it's reputation in Europe for doing so, are worth poop-all. I also think that USA has the right to choose what kind of people they wan't in their country, but it doesn't change the fact that through this they may loose some of the support from their allies that weren't granted the posibility to visit the country freely. It's just the way the cookie crumbles.
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #27
I also think that USA has the right to choose what kind of people they wan't in their country,

So am I hearing you correctly that you think Poland should be exempt from the same rules every other country in the world have to follow? Because of perceived favors?
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
18 Oct 2008 /  #28
Yes you provided about 2,500 troops something like that? And now the American tax payer is about to foot half the cost of the missile shield the Poles suddenly became interested in. At a time when we have no business whatsoever doing this. It's not as if you've been snubbed all that much. Also, 10,000,000 people who share your blood live within our borders.

You make it sound as if the USA wasn't interested in placing the shield on Polish soil and that only Poland is going to benefit from it. If I remember correctly it was your government that made the offer and not the other way around. And Polish support was much more significant than just only those 2500 soldiers.

Before you write anything more on the issue I would like to add that I really don't care about this visa waiver and don't have anything against USA. Pozdrawiam Polaków z USA. :)
gtd 3 | 639  
18 Oct 2008 /  #29
I just can't stand the notion that Poland is such a loyal and honorable friend of the USA that they deserve to be able to ignore the laws everyone else has to follow.

Poland uses the USA just as the USA uses Poland.

Funny how the missile shield was approved once Russia invaded I said nothing matters to anyone util they have something to gain or lose by it.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
18 Oct 2008 /  #30
So am I hearing you correctly that you think Poland should be exempt from the same rules every other country in the world have to follow? Because of perceived favors?

I think that USA should keep it's policy in regards to visas waiver for Poles bearing in mind that it will certainly affect it's image in Poland.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / POLES STILL NEED VISAS TO THE U.S.A!!Archived