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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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8 Jun 2007
History / Video of polish soldier history [39]

Polska sila if you would like a
discusion regarding the Polish contribution this Brit would be more than happy .What is your main interest,the heroic September campaign where the Polish army,fighting on two fronts destroyed more german armour and aircraft than the combined British and French forces a year later? Maybe going back further to the Enigma machine,or forward to the 4 million Polish citizens under arms around the world In the west,Middle East,Italy, former ZSSR or as part of the Armia Krajowa? Or just a general," Hey look world,we did this" !!:)

8 Jun 2007
Life / They say Polish people are fast-learners and can easily adjust... [11]

hej,lay off the Scots will you:) We seem to have done a good job of making a success abroad,Poland for the last 400 years:) I have a theory that if you can classify national "types" you could find that the Poles and the Scots and Irish seem to have a lot in commen,ie similar histories in many ways,centuries of oppresion and ocupation by at times more powerfull neighbours while actually providing most of the scientific, cultural artistic etc members of those so called unions and partitions. Our workers have a shared history of being found all over the world and making a generally good impresion where ever they are found,as oppossed to .......
8 Jun 2007
Genealogy / How to research Polish WW2 Uniforms [6]

Syrena You will find very little on the internet or indeed in print on the Polish navy in English.What I can tell you about the uniform of the Polish Navy is that apart from the National Eagle and Polish Navy(in Polish) or the Ships name written round the cap the uniforms were almost identical to those of the Royal Navy at that time,that goes for "other ranks" and Officers. Try also searching the web for the Polish ship Blyskawica(sp) or lightning.This ship escaped through the Baltic along with a handful of others to fight on and even take part I think in D Day. I think during the war it was based for some time on(well obviously not ON ) the Isle of White and I'm sure there is a memorial in the harbor area.

11 Aug 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

"Kulaks" were generally murdered in Soviet Russa/Ukraine etc ,not as stated above,led off to a nice alternative life somewhere else....
Puzzler, as someone with conections to Polish underground workers (1939-1989) I understand your bitterness re communisim but,come on,loose the silly rant....just how many children exactly did Che "mass murder"?Now uncle Joe, he was a mass murdering see you next tuesday,as too was old Felix D...but che,leave it out mate,besides it was only Kennedys(the instigator of the 2nd Vietnam war,1.5mil civilian deaths) that forced the anti faschist revolution in Cuba to turn to the USSr in the first place...

anyhoo,back on topic.
My mate tells me of the choice of icecream in 1980s Warsaw; Red flavour Green flavour or Grey flavour :)
11 Aug 2007
History / Jewish belongings [118]

No idea where it all comes from but when I was last at Kola market there were certainly a lot of those silver pointy sticks and candle holders,mind you lots of jerry stuff ,soldbuchs etc and ,er,wigs aswell....so I suppose 60 year old junk does surrface everywhere. In the parts of Warsaw I know people those old enough,ex AK fighters and others have nothing from their pre war/ powstanie warszawskie days ,only items dragged from the rubble that those "civiliesd" germans deemed worthless such as sheet music and Polish books . So even though I understand the motive(innocent) behind the specifically jewish question why diffirentiate between Poles who untill the invasions(or in the more zionist shtetls) would only once a week be different? As always it drags out the worst in some people,those bizzare "protocols of the elders of zion" quoters................and others with a slight rose tint on their respective histories.

First off, eric the knaves post is spot on,good to highlight zhegota et al
but other posts are rather simplistic/rose tinted. To say that there were no,zero Polish colaberators is fancifull to say the least.If this was the case why were a large proportion of the Home Armies k diw targets Polish nationals? Every country has turn coats and spivs ,Poland just happened to have far less+a more effective underground state to enforce Polish law.

And on that topic,can any anti poles name another country who's underground army actually attacked and liberated a Death Camp? no,didnt think so,look up Goose Farm.

As for the german guy trying to insinute some sort of parrallel with Nazi and Polish history,get over yourself. Europe is bored sick of "ze Germans" cod tears for crimes commited 60+ years ago,and so are you lot from what I hear. Isnt Germany now trying to declare the Allied bomber crews(53thousand brit/commenwealth dead helping to free europe) as war crimenals on a par with the SS. Good boze man,now that takes the biquies and no mistake No, To quote basil fawltey. You started it,you invaded Poland.

Oh,and now trying to get back land owned by f**king volksdeutsche during the occupation,thats just twisted........
17 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

so,joe,your that southern redneck type,ok, so if sex is only "permited" in your nice little fairy tale beliving bible thumping world,between 2 people who can have a child together ,what do you say to all those hetro sexual couples who may be infertile?(is that the sound of a scardey cats theory shattering?)

Grgz, you's so ****** and up tight youve just got to be a drag queen,come on,admit it,you like wearing silky panties dont you ?...........If your an example of whats left in your part of poland no wonder all the girls are moving here..........

18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

if you repress peoples urges thats when you end up with the real perverts.(thinly veiled snipe at all the kiddie fiddlers in americas catholic church)

Oh,and how impressive Joe,you can write Polish on a Polish forum woo bloomin hoo ya falla.(but cant understand enough english to see that Polish is not allowed in this section...)

"if the couple cannot have children, they can still share love, sex & enjoy it...Rozumiec?...Dziekuje!"
again,so why do the couple have to be boy /girl ? incase you hadnt noticed not many gay men walk around pregnent....
Magda,shall we cure you of your hetrosexuality,or me for that matter,Id love to see someone try and cure me of being straight :) if it cant work that way why would it work the other.

funny how from a sociaty that spends most of its time moaning about how repressed and put down theyve been through the centuries seems to come so much desire to repress others from within their own country,havnt you had enough of men with village people moustasches/long satin dresses telling you all what to think and do? Just goes to prove that chavs arnt soley an english phenomenon" we love the jews,we're so tollerent...but f**k the gays/gypsies/russians/blacks/koreans.........
18 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

bubawoo,can you say dichotamy,seems a bit gay to me :)

"Children are only possible with the normal relationship. "
So test tube babies etc are "abnormal" come on,that comes across so old fashioned as to be almost unbelivable. Who says sex outside marraige is not natural,seems one of the basic most natural things in the world to me,and any way,who's idea of "marrage "are we all supposed to sign up to,just as I wont listen to some ranting beardy arab telling me how I should live my life ,no man in a dress is going to lecture me on morals or what is right for sociaty,these same people claim that raped women should be forced to keep their unborn children and will not allow any form of protection during sex leading inocent women to catch aids from unfaithfull husbands all across the globe, how many more millions of children are going to be allowed to die in the name of a perverted version of Jesus teachings adopted by the pagen roman empire as a tool of represion and only slightly changed in its present form.

Come on people,have a little faith in yourselfs,a Pope didnt free you from communism,you did that yourself.
TE lawrence liked it up the bum and he freed the arab nations
Alexandor the Great was a bit twinkle toed and he did all right for himself
Ive worked with gay men and lesbian women since I was probably about 13 and I can assure you,Ive not caught any gayness from them,well maybe a slight flair for interior design,not :)

19 Aug 2007
Life / The Narrator voice on Television & Films in Poland [29]

That blooming dronning man,cripes,thought I was the only one to notice,is he still at it? Ruining perfectly good programes jeez,remember last time I was in Warsaw getting so frustrated,only having a limited Polish vocab myself I found it so frustrating half hearing law and order and half hearing some boring old man in a boring old man voice ............................ Please tell me they didnt do that to Allo Allo when it used to be on Polish TV....

19 Aug 2007
Law / I need to get my girlfriend back home from Poland - need legal advice [34]

Good luck fella, love should know no borders.
If you were in the UK i would suggest she converts to radical islam ,then incites hatred of all non belivers , then she'd be set up for life here.......(ok ok I know Poles can come and go here anyway,just a touch of sardonic "wit".)

19 Aug 2007
Life / what is the most common and the most beautiful name in Poland? [58]

"and at least half give themselves the english equivalent when talking to you "
How anoying is that, I spend half my time with Poles I meat over here saying
" No,whats your REAL name" then getting a sort of sympathetic "oh you will never be able to say this" sort of look then "oh,you can say Malgosia/zosia/slawomir/radoslaw etc etc"

ps,incidently,never met a Jan under 80,most of my mates in Warsaw seem to be Andrzej's or Tomek's....
20 Aug 2007
Life / The Narrator voice on Television & Films in Poland [29]

"And in cinemas we've always had subtitles (except for the cartoons maybe), so Poles were/are used to reading during a movie."

That reminds me of watching a movie (terminal) in Mokotow and getting a bit embaressed at laughing before everyone else had time to read the joke. :)

22 Aug 2007
Life / Kidnaping in Poland? [58]

dont know about kidnapping but Ive never had trouble as a foriegner,even in some pretty off beat districts in warsaw and podgorze near krakow. Mind you I did have someone try to pickpocket me 10 minutes after I first arrived in warsaw,catching his hand in my coat pocket and telling him,in english"p off,im a student not worth robbing" i was left alone.

Mind you,whats with Group 4 guys pointing Uzi's around near banks? Standing outside a bank in ochota one autumn in a peacoat and black wooly hat looking for all the world like a hollywood Bank robber then having those guys turn up pointing machine guns around made my life flash before me,and bloomin disapointed I was too....

"Check: Warsaw voice. It is mostly children."
Dont they also count fathers/mothers who may take their children after a seperation/divorce ? If this is the case it could help explain the high figures.
22 Aug 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

"Ummm he was talking about England, with blooming economy for 70 years."

Get real,for god sake,you guys had it tough,yes,no one doubts that,but try telling anyone who lived in Nortern England in the 1980s that we had a booming econamy and they will laugh in your face. You may have had communism and martial law but here in yorkshire and other industrial parts of the UK we had represion,poverty and mass unemployment.The sort of unemployment figures that would have made people envious of Polands current position.We also had the army beating up protesters,look up battle of Orgreeve .And the secret service infaltrating educational and industrial institutions,Poland didnt /doesnt have a monopaly on hard luck stories.

The resentment in my local area(not shared by me,but with motives understood by me) has more to do with only just having the area regenerated 20 years after the ***** maggie thatcher(god that pee's me off how much so many Poles I know think the sun shines out of her arse just coz she took on Gorby et al) devested the local econamy.For instance,closing down viable coal mines and importing cheap coal from silisea instead(to add insult to injury doncaster,once a great center of coal and enginering is now twinned with gleiwitze,where our coal comes from) ,some of our northern towns had unemployment running at nearer 40-50 percent even only a few years ago(mid 90s) and this wasnt "lazy people" this was no jobs available and no financial development programes and regeneration in place. Just as the effects were coming into play,ie buisness investment in the area's and things were starting to look up for people we were faced with a string of sudden mass imigration from the late 90s onwards,all this adding strain to weak local infrastructures like schools,housing and medical services, Poles are just the latest arrivals and with over 15 thousand in a small city of less than 90 thousand this is hard to take when jobs are scare and future's uncertain for people who are invested in the area through family ties/history etc.So when some display a locust like attitude of" coming here to get get get" whatever that be,education money etc and then leave it does stick in the throat somewhat.

22 Aug 2007
Life / Kidnaping in Poland? [58]

pray god no,but unfortunatly sick creatures like that are probably a world wide problem. I think maybe a larger problem is young girls from other new eu or former warsaw pact countries/soviet satalites being lured west and ending up as sex slaves,bloody awfull stuff but not i think a problem in Poland.
22 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]


Quoting: Lady in red
ways because of the Communism which was forced upon them.

I think in fact that they chose it rather than it being something forced upon them."
yeah,alright Michal,sort of forgeting 1945-47 there arnt you,and so sure all the members of the Armia Krajowa were just dying to sign up as good little stalinists......

"I see them outside and listen to what they say and a lot of what they say is very unpleasant-"
Sometimes yes,I hear the Polish equivelent of the F word a heck of a lot from young "chavs" but this can be funny,especially when elderly Polish ladies of the "'45" generation hit them with a brolly :)

"Yes, we did have an influx of educated phd type Polish immigrants in the early 1990's but these are very different from those of today coming in to the country."

Rubbish,just showing snobbery or the circles you move in there M',plenty of educated/inteligent people are still arriving. What makes me smile is that many Poles in my area are not only speaking or improving in English but also learning some of our other "local" languages such as Uhrdhu and Punjabi.........

ps,amethyst,I think we do have something like 2 million expats from the UK so.....atleast in most cases its villans going to the med to rub shoulders with dodgy russians lol
23 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Funny,In my experiance those "men" who shout the loudest about how unnatural gayness is and make all the fuss almost always turn out to be gay or bi themselves,something about protesting too much.

sofi, excuse me for saying this but your a top bird :) putting what I posted earlier into far more gracefull posts.
gayness and kiddie touching, good god man,did you bang your head in 1973 or something,where have you been, arnt most convicted (sick scumbag) peadophiles married men who sleep with their wife then abuse their own kids?

This thread is better than re runs of Alf Garnet
ps,as to teaching kids about sex in school,personally I dont want my kids taught anything about it in school as thats a parents responsibility to judge when your child is old enough to need to know or understand,so dont ram gay or straight lifestyles down kids throats,let them just be innocent for a few shor years.
23 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

free degrees in Britain, not had them for years ......and as far as I know oversea's students on the whole have to pay more so,I for one am not going to complain about foriegn students coming and "abusing " our uni's,well maybe Bill Clinton and his "i didnt inhale" years at Oxford.....
24 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Who on this earth has the moral authority to say what is right and wrong for individuals,as long as no harm is commited against others what is wrong with freedom. Those who are repulsed are normally so through fear ,what is there to be afraid of if "Greg" wants or should have been"Gina" or whether "Mark" and "John" live together or Mark and jane?

Nothing is contagious,you wont catch it you know, I worked for years in "theatrical" circles and have never once felt the urge to either go with another man or alter my plumbing.

btw,they dont "chop them off" they slit them open,take out the b***s then tuck whats left inside...........god they show some crap on british TV lol
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

When the germans were on the Run out of Warsaw, why did the red army sit on the other side of the Wisla river

Apart from the obvious fact that uncle joe couldnt care less about warsaws fate ;
After a major offensive across belorussia,ukraine and eastern Poland the RKKA (the "Red Army " is civil war/post war name) was exhausted with huge supply lines and coping with the problems of resupplying over land the germans had destroyed in their retreat. Also,The germans may have been " on the run " from Warsaw but the western banks of the vistula (apart from the magniuszew bridgehead) were firmly held by strong,fresh german forces.

No army attacks blindly into a major city as street fighting causes the highest casualty figures in modern warfare , nor can an army easily mount a crossing of a major river underfire without weeks of preperation, as demonstrated when elements of the Polish 1diw tried to reach Czerniakow and were slaughtered mid river(or indead the Polish airborne a few days later in Holland trying and failing to cross the rhine to come to the aid of british soldiers) and resupply was impposible.

while Varsovians fought for 63 days uprising!

Not all fought by a long shot,yes the heros af the Armia krajowa and other underground movements rose up to fight and were joined by many warsawians either fighting or helping to run the liberated parts of the city. But many people wanted nothing to do with the uprising and the death and destruction it brought for nearly 200thousand civilians with no choice in the matter.

(of which the Russian radio'd warsaw to start!)

this was actually Polish communist radio broadcasting from lublin and a bit disengenuas as plans for Operation Tempest had been made months before hand and the London gov' would have gone ahead with a rising regardless of any such broadcasts from people already not trusted by the AK et al

AND the red army did NOT allow the british to use its airfields to airdrop supplies to the AK!!

again,the RKKA would not have had any say in this ,Stavka might but records show this was a direct order from uncle joe himself. Plus the fact that in a tightly controlled airspace you dont want to risk provoking an international incident with "friendly fire" (as happened but later hushed up).

Anyhow,the RAF (british ,commenwealth and Polish aircrews) did fly heroic missions to Warsaw and the surrounding countryside from a base in Brindisi and managed to drop much needed supplies,unlike the ONE flight of USAAF planes which did more to re supply the germans than anything the OKH had done...


betrayal by roosevelt, churchill and stalin (in Tehran conf.)

Yes and serious historians (not patriotic tub thumpers) also recognise that many Poles "betrayed" Poland,the lublin "government"...Berling(not all his soldiers) etc

Britain had been fighting 2 days less than Poland,do you seriously expect that churchil would have led us to certain defeat against the USSR in an unwinnable fight? Come on,he was english not a romantic Pole or Scot on a fool hardy fight to the death for honor thing.....

Dont let anyone take away the heroics of the AK from this,just dont simplyfy history,it doesnt do their memory justice
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

99% of us comes to UK because of obvious reason...

its our 6 day summer isnt it,come on,admit it:)
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

fortunately for the rest of Europe they bled each other to near death....

unfortunatly it is never the regime's who do the bleeding just the everyday people dragged into both Dictatorships grubby wars of conquest.

The Russian bear is alive and well and only to happy to savage any country that treats it disrespectfully......in its own opinion actually.

I loved the photo in our press here in the UK of some ancient soviet era "bear" bomber
looking like a relic from WW2 beside our brand new typhoon fighters :) dont worry too much just yet about the russian bear,all putin has is a house of cards.impressive from the outside but weak on the inside,,,,

ps,I wonder how long before this thread just disapears as though dragged off to siberia never to be spoken of again outloud?
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Wyborowa Vodka - is it popular in the UK or Ireland? [6]

Randompal, you will be happy to know that most of the major brands of Polish beer and wodka are available here. Im a Brit and Ive been so happy to see familiar bottles and cans over here in the last couple of years. I dont know how many other non Poles drink Polish beer but I know that Polish wodka is far more popular than russian ***cough splutterbatteryacidcach*** wodka for anyone in the know . :)

Only problem is I cant find miodowe anywhere here........
all the best

also available in Wetherspoon pubs :D

well something needed done to bring a decent buzz to these cemetries lol
(beyond flying glasses/patrons/tables etc at weekends,,,)
24 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

just saying,how much of your life which youll never get back have you wasted replying to silly little one line throwaway comments made by someone who obviously craves the attention and appears to love nothing better than stirring up a hornets nest. Whether he truelly means what he says is irrelevent,I dont think any gay people will die of shock to discover there may be a Pole who has views shared by chavs worldwide all you are doing by replying to him is feeding his ego ,makeing him feel he has made an impact on someone, come on,the guys got nearly 4 thousand posts on here in less than a year,he obviously doesn get out much.....