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Video of polish soldier history

PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #1

jo robie tutaj reklame dla moj video

prosze o Rating i kommentarze !!!
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
3 Jun 2007 /  #2
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
3 Jun 2007 /  #3
Very nice video.
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
3 Jun 2007 /  #4
Pity it's the matter of past times...
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #5

My grandpa , the father of mother was silesian !
But the other are polish! I feel polish , because i know , i have polish blood and i look slavonic , too! :)

And here in the Forum are poles from the UK ???

Eurola 4 | 1898  
3 Jun 2007 /  #6
You did a pretty good job with the video, could use some more modern pictures at the end.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
3 Jun 2007 /  #7
My grandpa , the father of mother was silesian !
But the other are polish! I feel polish , because i know , i have polish blood and i look slavonic , too! :)


And here in the Forum are poles from the UK ???

People from many countries.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #8
When you are interesting in polish History here are very good videos

To all Poles the german show that poland is a poor country ! but never trust that !
poland have save europe , they have won against the ottoman empire ! poland was the only country that have beaten russia (2 times) , and in the second ww? yes it wasnt good for us at first ? but we have fight without modern weapons (german say 18 days ) but it was at the beginning 35 days only for poland , france belgium and netherlands 21 days!

but you see we have fight like heroes our woman have fight too , and when we have become modern weapons OUR FLAG WAS ON THE BRANDENBURGER GATE!!!

yes and now we owns our silesia , gdasnk and the other citys !
german say silesian was german , no it was only 150 years in medieval time !

Aha and against german we have won too , in the battle of grunwald ! look at wikipedia!

3 Jun 2007 /  #9
The only reason britain entered the 2nd world war was to protect poland from germany.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #10
Yes , thats right thank you to england and france , they have give good weapons!

The RAF pilots were most polish and czechs !
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
3 Jun 2007 /  #11
The only reason britain entered the 2nd world war was to protect poland from germany.

Then why didn't they do it ?
GREG_2 - | 11  
3 Jun 2007 /  #12
The only reason britain entered the 2nd world war was to protect poland from germany.

So well done :)
3 Jun 2007 /  #13
we did, we beat germany didnt we !
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #14
No not you!

it was Poland , Russia (sowjet), Britain , France , USA , Republik China , Australia , Canada,Czechoslowakei, Norway , Netherland , and a lot more !
3 Jun 2007 /  #15
The countries that beat germany was britain, america and russia.

poland, holland,chzek and france were occupied and very quickly defeated offering very little resistance

canada, norway and australias role in the conflict was minimal.

republic of china ??????????????????????????????????????

britain, america and russia stopped the nazis and saved the world fullstop.
GREG_2 - | 11  
3 Jun 2007 /  #16

Yeah... full stop indeed.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #17
My friend how many polish soldiers were in berlin? which 2 flags was on the reichstag , and which at the brandenburger gate?
3 Jun 2007 /  #18
some polish soldiers fought in berlin alongside the red army. so ?

I think poland should have a national day of thanks to britain once a year.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #19
so what ? our 250 . 000 soldiers in berlin , that have fight for the fatherland against nazis have nothing do? they have give there blood , there people die and wounded but only england russia and the us are heroes? give us please respect! like we give you!
3 Jun 2007 /  #20
What was the point in poland fighting. After world war 2 they were ruled by the russians.
and in the 21st century hundreds of thousands come to britain to escape poverty in poland.
doesnt seem like a country worth dying for.

those polish soldiers that dies in ww2 must have felt silly if they could look at their "country" now.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #21
Ok you are a English Nazi like the guys in youtube i have a nice vid for you. what you search in a polish forum? no matter 2012 the streets are with english blood like in 1999 , (when they come , after the fight i have never see a tommy)
3 Jun 2007 /  #22
I am not a nazi and I am not english. What was the oint in your vide to show ?
GREG_2 - | 11  
3 Jun 2007 /  #23
those polish soldiers that dies in ww2 must have felt silly if they could look at their "country" now.

O yeah, let this pathetic "human" insult us and ban me without a reason. I think I won't be wasting my time here anymore.
OP PolskaSila 2 | 40  
3 Jun 2007 /  #24
It hasnt a sense to write , you have your oppinion and i have my , the video shows polish soldiers history , in the fight in vienna , in warsaw (bolschewik war) and 2 ww !

it was made for polish , and not fot anti poles !

the hate come from britains not from us !
daffy 22 | 1153  
3 Jun 2007 /  #25
keep it civil people
4 Jun 2007 /  #26
teashoci, what is your point coming here trying to stir-up trouble? Do you know what this country has been through? I was born and raised in England and lived there for 38 years before I came to live in Poland, we in England have no idea what this country has been through and for you to say that quote, “I think Poland should have a national day of thanks to Britain once a year." is a joke!!! Do you know your history? Then if you don't I suggest you go back to school and start learning, maybe I can help you here I was the same as you thinking the UK was the greatest country in the world until I became a human being and started to travel in the world, my greatest lesson was seeing a whole family trying to live on a bag of rice in Somalia, for a week. So please, I appeal to the human being in you, if you come to a foreign forum at least try to respect and learn some of their history and don't be so gung-ho about England, after all we have to hold our head in shame for the things we have done in the past.
TheKruk 3 | 308  
4 Jun 2007 /  #27
I think poland should have a national day of thanks to britain once a year

Excellent idea the banner should read as follows
"Thanks Allied Nations for delivering us from the Nazi's to the warm gentle hands of Stalin"
ConstantineK 26 | 1298  
4 Jun 2007 /  #28
J.Matejko has a very interesting canvases, but he was too tendentious!!!! ;-)))
isthatu 3 | 1164  
8 Jun 2007 /  #29
Polska sila if you would like a
discusion regarding the Polish contribution this Brit would be more than happy .What is your main interest,the heroic September campaign where the Polish army,fighting on two fronts destroyed more german armour and aircraft than the combined British and French forces a year later? Maybe going back further to the Enigma machine,or forward to the 4 million Polish citizens under arms around the world In the west,Middle East,Italy, former ZSSR or as part of the Armia Krajowa? Or just a general," Hey look world,we did this" !!:)

MattB 2 | 16  
12 Jun 2007 /  #30
Teashoci, the main reason why England did not get whooped be the Nazis is because the Germans lost the battle of Britain. Why? Definitely not because the Brits sat down and drank tea. The best squadrons during the BOB were the Polish squadrons (acknowledged by British pilots and statistics) including 303 which downed the most enemy aircraft during the BOB.

What was the point in poland fighting. After world war 2 they were ruled by the russians

Guess why Poland was ruled by Russians, because the Brits and Americans did not dare stand up against Stalin and so they just gave Poland away, like it was theirs to give in the first place.

I agree the English helped us, but they did it half-heartedly and they probably wouldn't have done it if their own skin and reputation were not at stake.

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Video of polish soldier historyArchived