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Soldier in need of advice about using Polish in a new career path.

Vehemence  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2008 /  #1
Hello everyone.

My name is Kyle, I'm new here so hang with me if I'm breaking etiquette by posting here first.

I'm a 23 year old soldier in the U.S. Army, and my time in service is drawing to a end (January 09)

I've had about five years in the service to figure out what exactly I want to do with my life, and after five years of banging my head against the wall, I've decided that I want to major in Polish. I spent a bit of time in Poland when I was stationed in Germany, I've fought and trained beside Polish soldiers, I've even had a very brief relationship with a little blonde Polish girl...

..Somehow out of all of this I've decided somehow that I'm going to turn Polish into a career.

Not that it doesnt make sense, Poland is a key US ally, its economy is upward bound, its got a great deal of natural resources, a large immigrant community abroad, and its proximity to Russia is going to make it an interesting place in the years to come.

But I've run into a problem. A problem that has literally had me up all night for the past three or four nights (Its 4:33 a.m. now for example)..

..I dont know where the hell to start.

I'm from South Carolina, and no schools in S.C. carry Polish, and all of the out of state schools come with a big fat out of state tuition that I'm afraid my G.I. Bill just wont cover.

So I've turned my eyes to perhaps studying IN Poland.
Yet again I hit a wall, for either through my ineptitude at Googling or through lack of material, I've not been able to find any clear information on how to go about pulling it off or what the costs would be.

I had figured costs would not be as high as an American university, as most European colleges arent.

But I've not been able to find out.

So, I bring it to your table, the answer may very well be in one of the previous threads, as I said its quite late and I've only just stumbled across this place.

Any information you guys could provide would be very, very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time
I'll be around
mafketis  38 | 10868  
31 Dec 2008 /  #2
Here's a program in Polish studies (on Polish German border)

no costs mentioned, but there is contact info.


Warning: some Polish universities (counting on the idea that most foreign students are being sponsored by governments) add on ridiculous charges for foreigners, but these can often be negotiated/petitioned away (or at least reduced).

Arien  2 | 710  
31 Dec 2008 /  #3

learnpolish.net - Studying Polish in Kraków.

Just to give you an idea Kyle.

tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
31 Dec 2008 /  #4
I think the idea is good. But first, think of what you would do with a Polish major. Look what career opportunities you will have and in what business you would work in.

I would advise you to do some self study in Polish first. And then make a long trip to Poland to find out whether Polish is something you would like to do for a living, or if it's more a hobby.

I don't want to discourage you, but it would be a pity if you spend a lot of time and dough, finding out that Polish is not really something you would like to do for a living.

A good self study is Basic Polish. Although it contains some errors (see my previous posts on this forum).
OP Vehemence  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2008 /  #5
Thank's man, this is close to what I'm looking for.

Its 7:05am and I'm still up :)

I was looking at the tuition at this school, and its low..amazingly low by American standards..3000E per semester..

This would be..perfect actually. My GI Bill would cover than and then some, and with the new GI Bill being pushed through, they give money for food and housing as well, so my bases would be covered even for the dorm fees.

Now for another question, mostly because I'm too strung out on Red Bull to look for it in my hallucinatory state..

Which comes first..the visa or the application to the school?
And what should I expect from the Polish government in terms of processing time and acceptance?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
31 Dec 2008 /  #6
And what should I expect from the Polish government in terms of processing time and acceptance?

I don't know what questions appear on the application, but I would think that being in the military would add a few points to your good character.
loco polaco  3 | 352  
31 Dec 2008 /  #7
move to Bloomington Indiana and get residency of the state. then sign up at IU for the slavic studies and whala.. polish here it is. :D
OP Vehemence  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2008 /  #8
move to Bloomington Indiana and get residency of the state.

So I just move there and ask for residency?

I didnt think it was that easy.
Gretzky  - | 3  
31 Dec 2008 /  #9
Just google the Indiana residency requirements. However, I would not waste my money on learning Polish... I would rather spend the money on Medical School in Poland. It is ca. 70% cheaper than any MD program in the US. You can do in English and learn Polish while you are there. It is a win-win. If you do not like Poland later ... you can always take extra exams to practice in the US. Good luck!
OP Vehemence  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2008 /  #10
I would not waste my money on learning Polish

But..thats kind of what I want to do.

I've seen enough blood to fill 20 bodies, I dont really want to deal with that every day as a profession.

I was thinking of minoring in journalism, and writing in Poland, or perhaps teaching in Poland, I dont really know. I was once told:
"pick the education you desire, and let what comes after fall where is may.:

I want to learn Polish and and I want to work in Poland, of this I'm sure, everything else is kind of still in the air.
Yoshi  - | 60  
19 Jan 2009 /  #11
Study chemical engineering.

For example, UJ and AGH in Krakow provide excellent training in science and engineering. I work with graduates from those universities, and they're more than just brilliant.

Then, you know Polish, English and engineering. That'll make you very employable as there are many foreign manufacturers in Poland these days.

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