there is many places in Poland where you can get onto wireless.. i don't know about other cities but for sure you can connect to wireless in Wrocław downtown and it's free
the victor is polish but i think the picture has been drawn by foreigner couse it's more like a caricature of krakow's folk costume. maybe it's british or american poster.
more about freedom.. 1. guard of freedom 2. we want freedom we fight for freedom we will save freedom LABOR UNION CONGRESS 3. NATO to destroy world 4. NATO freedom danger
This is basically another bit of pro-Polish propaganda, so if you read the Daily Mail, vote BNP or post comments about how British people hate Polish people, then you can **** off now.
i don't care what they say about're all right osioł.. dzisiaj walne jednego za Ciebie ;)
I should use in most Polish houses. Poles when they celebarete something drink a lot of vodka. There is group of people who dring a lot but in most of Polish houses there is no beer or wine in everyday life and yes durring weeding party or birthday some people drink huge amounts of vodka.