10 May 2008
Language / Numbers in the Polish Language [39]
Cześć Ivonko. Please can you help me with higher Polish numbers? I think I'm right in saying that nouns following numbers 2, 3 and 4 are in either Nominative or Accusative case, and numbers 5 and over are in the Genitive case:
dwa samochody, trzy samochody, cztery samochody BUT pięć samochodów, sześć samochodów etc. My problem is with higher numbers ending in 2, 3, and 4 such as 22, 33, 44. My grammar book suggests that numbers ending in 2, 3, or 4 do NOT take Genitive case. (Intermediate Polish by Dana Bielec, ISBN = 041522439X - Unit 17, page 77, Ex.1 - answers page198). I have found Dana Bielec' books to be very good, very helpful. Could the answers possibly be printing errors? The following answers are given for:
25 books = dwadzieścia pięć książek - OK
66 flats = sześćdziesiąt sześć mieszkań - OK
57 houses = pięćdziesiąt siedem domów - OK
32 schools = trzydzieści dwie szkoły - ??? Why not 32 szkół ?
33 chairs = trzydzieści trzy krzesła - ??? Why not 33 krzeseł ?
I would expect something like:
Miasto ma dwie szkoły
Rejon ma trzydzieści dwie szkół
Mam dwa samochody
Ojciec ma pięć samochodów
Król ma dwadzieścia dwa samochodów (and NOT 22 samochody)
I apologise for being so long-winded but maybe you could clarify this matter for me?
Many thanks, czarnykot
Cześć Ivonko. Please can you help me with higher Polish numbers? I think I'm right in saying that nouns following numbers 2, 3 and 4 are in either Nominative or Accusative case, and numbers 5 and over are in the Genitive case:
dwa samochody, trzy samochody, cztery samochody BUT pięć samochodów, sześć samochodów etc. My problem is with higher numbers ending in 2, 3, and 4 such as 22, 33, 44. My grammar book suggests that numbers ending in 2, 3, or 4 do NOT take Genitive case. (Intermediate Polish by Dana Bielec, ISBN = 041522439X - Unit 17, page 77, Ex.1 - answers page198). I have found Dana Bielec' books to be very good, very helpful. Could the answers possibly be printing errors? The following answers are given for:
25 books = dwadzieścia pięć książek - OK
66 flats = sześćdziesiąt sześć mieszkań - OK
57 houses = pięćdziesiąt siedem domów - OK
32 schools = trzydzieści dwie szkoły - ??? Why not 32 szkół ?
33 chairs = trzydzieści trzy krzesła - ??? Why not 33 krzeseł ?
I would expect something like:
Miasto ma dwie szkoły
Rejon ma trzydzieści dwie szkół
Mam dwa samochody
Ojciec ma pięć samochodów
Król ma dwadzieścia dwa samochodów (and NOT 22 samochody)
I apologise for being so long-winded but maybe you could clarify this matter for me?
Many thanks, czarnykot