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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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17 Feb 2007
Love / Do you think that Poles are faithful [74]

Oh, I'll snap out of it....right now I just want to go lie down and nap for a while.......to much snow outside and quite a CHILL in here......gonna go curl up under the down for a while, lie by the fire, and sleep....:(
18 Feb 2007
Life / Polish people have low self-esteem? [80]

tryna trick me an sh*t...

He's not easily tricked either, aj....that's the reason he's still alive....amongst other reasons:)
18 Feb 2007
Genealogy / Poland- Stories from the Ancestors Homeland [20]

you know I only remember
some of it, cause I was enjoying the hair combing!!

Ya know, I really enjoy it when someone brushes my hair!:) [hint, hint to someone]
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

but being optimistic...is part of how Poland will change.....

100% agreed!

My point is that those people, for whatever reason, who are employed in menial jobs will have no impact when/if they come home.

If anything, Wroclaw, they can be the learning curve for their children-----so they don't repeat it if its a mistake.....nothing in life is a waste of time IMHO.
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

I like their cars....oh and there was a German Foreign Exchange student in my class many years ago....Guenther was his name....he was pretty cool.....yeah, I'd say I like Germany and Germans.
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

We just don't know

Very true Wroclaw, but there is always hope.....I said it in another thread....there's no place like home....and if they still have family in Poland, they may very well come back. I see proof of that in the ex pats on this forum.....many talk about wanting to go back to Poland. Don't give up.
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Thats what I expect.....

Especially if they start families of their own....if they have family they love, they'll want their kids to be a part of their lives.
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

political correct.

Well if your are talking about their political machine than I don't like them......but the Germans I have met and the products I have used have all been wonderful.
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Dont compare Italian and Polish markets. Ppl will not come back to 15% unemployment and 1000 zlotys a month.

Poland is still a very young democracy.....things don't change overnight.....give it time, things will change.
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans, remember that Politician view originate from peoples, Hitler was chosen by peoples, they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

Well that would be generalizing too much....every German I have met, I have liked, but they didn't discuss their political views with me....I guess I'm a little partial to the individual as opposed to the populace as a whole.....most people hate "Americans" based on our foreign policy, but they tend to like individuals, regardless of their political affiliations.
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

This is a terrible thread!

Don't get your feathers all ruffled Daffy.....it's better than personally attacking members of the forum....no harm is being done.....look at it as Babs doing Poll work (no pun intended, Babs):)
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Where is the influence from these early travellers ?

You have to take into account that it was probably much harder for them to leave, so they are making their sacrifice worth their while, so to speak....just a thought.
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

in order for someone to succeed.......some one must fail......

I look at the weight of the world the same way......when one bitc...er person loses 5 lbs, my hips seem to find it.......'scuse me gentlemen, just thinking out loud (on a computer).....carry on.....:)
19 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Ranj...you're just looking for the male sympathy vote here....lol

Nah, Frank....don't need any sympathy-----actually lost that 5 lbs and then some over the weekend......guess there's someone else out there a little heavier today.....of course, I'm sure I reclaim it after my vacation:)

But I don't believe you...for one sec...its just that Daffy et moi have bored you...true?

Frank, I could never get bored with you.....as for Daffy, I don't really know him but I do love cartoon characters!:)
19 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Definitely got rid of a lot of built up tension.....feels like it's starting to come back though.....wonder if I could score a massage later?:) :) :)

Morning, sunshine......or I guess I should say, good afternoon to you!:)
19 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish Thoughts on Britain and the British [273]

im not sure what you really mean about not caring about your appearance???

I assume she meant that she hoped they would be interested in her for her qualifications and not just what she looked like. She's a pretty girl and some employers might want to exploit that. It's an unfair and unfortunate hazard of being attractive; people don't always take you seriously....they look at the outer shell and judge and never bother to find out the important things such as qualifications.
19 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

this forum works to the Rumsfeld principle, unfortunately. You're piddling into the wind.

:)Oh Huegel......:)

but germany did not open jobs market for Poland, polish people have to go and get permission to work there,

Thats interesting to know....I wasn't aware......I assumed if a country was part of the EU its people could go freely to other countries of the union and work. Thanks for the info.:)
21 Feb 2007
Feedback / Regarding an announcement on cleaning the forums [18]

Again, off-topics are off topics and we don't strictly inforce the rules there so they won't be deleted...

I think maybe Matty is referring to threads that went off topic (not necessarily in the Off Topic Lounge) but still made for interesting reading.

My personal opinion is that you shouldn't have to bother deleting any posts....just start fresh from here on out and censor future posts that don't follow the thread.:)
21 Feb 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

I don't think anyone hates you, Mobile----some might not like what you are doing, but who cares what anyone else thinks. I think most of the people who have responded were just giving an honest opinion of their take on the situation----if it were your best friend in the same situation, what advice would you give her. Just don't want to see you get hurt. I hope everything works out the way you want, but understand it is not the norm in situations such as yours. Good luck.:) and I'm glad you came back:)
21 Feb 2007
Life / Need to send sms to 600 number in Poland [15]

I'm not sure

I was wondering is there any website anywhere (either in english or polish) that will allow me to send a text message to this number: 600 579 5xx

I don't know if it will allow this or not, but I know you can dial phones from your computer using MSN Messenger. Whether it supports the # you are trying to reach, I do not know. Good Luck.
22 Feb 2007
Australia / Famous Australians [97]

Anyone who even thinks of mentioning the name Russell Crowe, will be banned from any further participation in this thread.

I am sorry Huegel, but I have to inform you that you are being banned from the thread!:)

To remain on topic.....hmmmm......Daniel LaPaine is from Australia I believe. And of course, our own forum celebrity, Lef.:)
22 Feb 2007
Australia / Famous Australians [97]

OMG.....how could I forget, tennis player, PATRICK RAFTER (grrrrrrr)!:) :)
22 Feb 2007
Australia / Famous Australians [97]

Is Rachel Hunter---model and Rod Stewarts Ex, from Australia?
4 Mar 2007
Love / Illegal Polish girl wants me to marry her for citizenship [124]

Ahhhhh, I see. Do you know when he might surface from the deep?:)

well, if you see him, see if he has access to msn.....did I just highjack a thread? Better get back on track.....Don't marry her....you'd be throwing your life away......just redeemed myself:)
5 Mar 2007
Feedback / What rule have I offended with this translation request? [21]

The original title of your thread was "Translation Please". That was not specific enough because your thread needs to give some idea of what the content. Messages that did not follow the rules...just read the rules and it explains it....:)


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